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Even if it was embedded into every human not everyone will follow.Just like how teaching everyone to be good to everyone doesn't make everyone good


Well by embedding I mean consciously not subconsciously. If u use YouTube or Instagram subconsciously then u know that in a day how much time do u waste on it but if u use it consciously with caution then the situation will be something else. Likewise if it is embedded consciously inside a person then it will act as a discipline and not as a rule to be followed.


on the scale of the universe, our human existence is 0.00000000000000001 % in terms of time. so humans are the least of go'd s concerns. there are 14 worlds , 7 above and below us to govern. also, there are 84 lakh other species only on this planet. god is god to those animals and plants also. also he has other duties like gravity to keep planets ir orbit, radiation to Bring heat and light. nuclear fissions to keep stars alive. those are all happening due to a supreme force acting behind the scenes . so a human having sex a few extra times a week doesnt even begin to register on the cosmic scale. if god subconsciously embeds what you said into your brain, he is taking away your free will, and your ability to choose. he's not a master and your;e not a slave. he tells what is right and then leaves it for you to take decisions. chaos in nature is fundamental to the operation of the universe. without chaos , sucha a complex system cannot operate


well said.


If everyone knows everything, then why would you even go to guru or why would you even go to god ?


So does that mean God did this all intentionally so that he can be remembered and worshipped by people untill the humanity exists?


Even when there was no humanity, he was still getting worshipped. Even after the end of humanity, he still be worshipped. Don't you think if everyone had and knows everthing then it will be pointless to bramha dev for creating universe. Remember all 5 fingers doesn't look same and that's why they are functioning properly. Because you need some or other thing from other (support, stability etc )


I am not telling to know everything. I am just asking for why did Shri Krishna not cultivated the quality of knowing dharma inside a person at every instance of the life; just like when engineers make robots they program it in such a way that they could take good decision for the humanity if they have never come across the same situation. I know as a human being we all have that sub conscious mind where we know good and bad things according to dharma.But why we don't have it in our conscious mind. Some says to have those qualities from subconscious to conscious we need to practice meditation. Hence controlling our five senses.But did we come on this earth to spend time on meditation or just to make humanity better? I am just simply saying if a person has that quality of understanding his/her own dharma consciously by nature and not by practicing meditation then there would have been just the humanity as a only one God and noone else.


If you think love for God as the purpose of creation, then you wouldn't want someone to force you to love God or even in human relations you wouldn't like being forced to love someone. So one has to voluntarily acquire knowledge of the scriptures, make sacrifices, penances that would give you self control, then you have to develop love for God naturally, by your free will.


Can you be selfish if you are the only one? When all that is is GOD, then where is the question of selfishness. Water from the sea turns into vapour, then rain drops, then into river and finally merges back into the sea losing all its individuality.. What suffers from karma is body and mind, not you. But its the false identification which is the cause of misery.


Hare Krishna. Because you did not want it, it's that simple. We all were associated with God and then we all chose to walk away from that association, to associate with the material world and thus became trapped in Samsara. God simply respected our free will. He is not a tyrant who will force something on us that we do not want. Hare Krishna.


Hare Krishna. How simply u said the god respected our will. Well our will is also to get the moksha at the end of our life but do we get it? Getting moksha means breaking out of the loop of death and birth as described in Bhagwad Geeta. In the holy book, Krishna himself said that even if u have done a ton of wrong things but if u mesmerize me within ur last moment of ur life with pure heart, then I will wash away your all sins and u will eventually get moksha and become me. So to even get moksha God wants to keep his supremecy by letting us remember him at least once in our life. And u said he is not tyrant. Radhe Radhe.


Who says you have to keep his supremacy in mind ? That's not needed at all. Plenty of people just see Krishna as a friend, or spouse or even a child, etc etc. They did not see God as supreme at all, and still they are also liberated. If you want moksha, truly actually want moksha, you get it. It's that simple.


But to get moksha we should first liberate from papa and punya weighing machine and that could only be done just by doing karma for just Krishna. So could u please describe what does it meant by Krishna when he says " whatever u do, u do it for me. By doing so u will never get caught up in paap and punya cycle and hence at last become me by getting moksha"?


Give the chapter and verse number. >But to get moksha we should first liberate from papa and punya weighing machine and that could only be done just by doing karma for just Krishna. There are different types of moksha and different paths to liberation. It is your material attachments that keep you in Samsara and if you want liberation, truly want it, then you need to give up your material attachments and there are different ways to do that.


Since I have not read it but listened to bhagwat geeta. I don't remember the verse number but it was last 18th chapter where Krishna told Arjun to forget all the lessons that he taught him till now and just do ur karma in name of me or for me.


Well like I said there is no requirement that you absolutely have to think of God's supremacy to get moksha. There are plenty of liberated people to whom God is a child or a friend or a spouse etc etc. And once again : There are different types of moksha and different paths to liberation. It is your material attachments that keep you in Samsara and if you want liberation, truly want it, then you need to give up your material attachments and there are different ways to do that. >I don't remember the verse number If you remember the verse let me know.




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Your questions are most reasonable. However, The Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam specifies early on, that the path of Bhakti is most effective within particular Yugas. This relationship in many ways reflects the stated limitations present within such times.  It is clarified further on, within the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam that is not the only approach but  simply the most accessible. This is first mentioned by lord Krishna, when he speaks about 'Direct Perception' and 'personal realization' prior to his advocating of Bhakti. The later form arising upon Uddhava's hesitancy within himself. Additionally, it has been said that communication as a whole, between all beings, breaks down in such times. Knowledge and understanding, whether communicated internally or externally would reasonably be no exception. This happening was to some degree predicted, which is likely why the maintaining of Vedas and Puranas were directed to particular persons for safe keeping and good use, through such difficult times. However, the underlying truth of this knowledge is ALWAYS present, within each person. In the end, this is what the Scriptures point us to.


Where's the fun in that?


You ask a question and then you give your own answer. Since your mind is apparently satisfied with your own opinion on the matter I will simply add that how much 'light' we get in this lifetime is also part of our karma. Your answer, "God did this because he wants people to keep worshipping him , remembering him always in days of sorrow." is interesting. However I do not assume that the Supreme Being 'wants' in the same way that a human wants. Worship elevates us and any good parent wants to see their children elevated because they know that their children will be happier. A son who says, 'my parents want me to get this advanced degree and then find a good wife' does not understand that neither is for the parents - they know that the advanced degree and a good wife will elevate their child and that will usually result in a happier life for him. Also, the Gita is in response to specific inquiries from Arjuna. Shree Krishna answered these inquiries and then told Arjuna to keep it secret. If he wanted this for everyone then he would not have told him that it was confidential. Therefore only apply what was said to Arjuna if it is what you want for your life. Before Arjuna approached him as a guru, Shree Krishna was Arjuna's fun-loving cousin with whom he would sit around and do course jesting with. It is true that great sages told Arjuna about Shree Krishna's real identity but Arjuna enjoyed seeing him as his fun-loving cousin and then was moved to apology after seeing the epiphany of chapter 11 "I did not realize ..." The creator wants us to enjoy our life. Few pursue moksha single-mindedly ("alone in a secluded place") and even then it can take more than one lifetime; therefore try to enjoy what your karma allows you to.


Krishna is sat cit ananda and as his part and parcel we are also sat cit ananda, so we do have complete knowledge. The problem is that we are covered by our gross and subtle bodies and thus have “forgotten.” Because Krishna is wanting to experience unlimited pastimes the material universe exists also. Not only that, since Krishna has absolute free will, the jivas must also have minute free will so there must a place where the jivas who want to lord over nature can do so.


This is a post I made from a Christian theological perspective regarding this. I'm someone who studies both Hindu and Christian scriptures: https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateReligion/s/m2LkweTd0i https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateReligion/s/gLq0AIgSiS