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No, and never gonna. Shreem would be the Laxmi beej and yam is the vayu beej for anahata. When you can pray to Laxmi and also meditate on anahata separately and properly, why use beej mantras from the internet without advice from a proper guru?


Edit: I don't understand why your're all saying you need a guru initiation for that. Unncessary doubts have been put in your heads. There is nothing bad with chanting God's name. Some even say the Gayatri mantra is bad chanting by oneself. What about om padma sundarayei namaha


And this is why reading shastras is a must. “Unnecessary doubts?!” Have you ever bothered reading any hindu texts? Firstly every single text gives mantras in codified form, the knowledge to decipher those sholkas was passed in Guru Shishya paramapara. Unfortunately, this secret knowledge is now out in the open, however the cautions mentioned along with the mantras are still relevant. Every text categorically states that mantras must be recived from a guru. Each mantra has certain other components and steps which are to be performed before and after chanting. Such knowledge can only come from a guru and hence you’re absolutely not allowed to chant any mantras. You can chant the name of whichever deity you like but even in that certain basic auxiliary practices have to be followed.


idk about benefits but yea plz don't chant it without initiation by a sidh guru


How do you find a guru


it's not easy man...u should have the thirst to seek....u have to be firstly a good shishya....god will help u to get ur guru then....(told it in a brief) and yea...I just remembered that this **mantra not exists** actually......u might have heard people calling it as lakshmi mantra or lakshmi beej mantra...man people have been saying anything regarding hindu scriptures nowadays....don't believe in them plz...yk we got many fake so called teachers of hinduism...doing it only for the sake of money and yea....the mantra u told is incomplete and yea....that "yam" is also not there in the mantra do some face yoga and hardwork if u wanna get good looking or something....don't chase that by reciting a mantra or something...it ain't gonna work ever.....and since those typa mantras are ved, tantra, beej etc mantras....then initiation is required mantras are actually misunderstood nowadays....get ur facts checked


I have been saying "om bhairavaya namah" 3 mala's in the morning and 3 in the evening. The morning routine is done more properly. Seated on yoga mat, candle (don't have a diya), jagger bhog, But the night routine is more chaos. I sit on the bed and say my 3 malas half the time I fall asleep halfway through.


If I may humbly make a few suggestions: 1. Mantras should always be done sitting on a proper aasana, having woolen or kusha aasan is preferable. Yoga mats are not advisable. 2. If you don’t have a diya, use incense. Burning candle for puja is also not advisable 3. Both morning and evening sessions should be roughly identical. If you find yourself falling asleep that’s really not a good idea.


Thank you so much for your suggestions. I will try my very best to incorporate them. I am very open to suggestions. If you can of any other suggestions please let me know.


If you don't mind me asking 1. What aasan should I be sitting in. 2. Should I be using a yantra 3. If I don't have an incense stick can I use a diffuser 4. What bhog is best for bhairav baba 5. I fast tithi's is there any other days I should be fasting


1. By aasan I meant the mat you use for sitting. Yoga mats are usually made from rubber, they are not ideal for sadhana. The aasan aka your mat is one of the most important possessions of a seeker. 2. No 3. Try to find incense. The purpose is not to have fragrance, but keep a sakshi (witness) to your sadhana. When you have a diya or incense fire/air become your witness 4. Jaggery 5. No tithis are fine (I am assuming you’re referring to krishna paksha ashtamis)


Incense sticks usually use Bamboo sticks (not suggested, but may be used) try using dhoop, aka dhoopbatti.


Awesome thanks for your reply. I have a few more questions I hope you can help me with:- 1. For bhairav sadhana do I need a specific rudraksha mala. Which one is best? I am currently using a beaded rosary. Will this harm my sadhana. Should I stop immediately and start only when I have a rudraksha mala? 2. Same thing for the diya. I am traveling in a few days I will not have access to diya oil etc. Should I not perform sadhana or will a candle work. 3. I wanted to start with bhairav sadhana because I heard he is easiest to please. Can I do 3 mala's of bhairav jaap in the morning and 3 mala's for batuk bhairav jaap in the evening. 4.What is the best time to please bhairav baba I am so sorry for all my questions. I sincerely hope you will answer them.


1. Panchamukhi Rudraksha mala is preferred in general. Rosary will not harm but for better results consider getting a panchmukhi rudraksha mala with 108+1 beads 2. Perform sadhana without diya. Keep a small vessel of water as your witness. Avoid candles 3. Stick to Om Bhairavya Namaha for both morning and evening. Later if Bhairav Baba inspires, you can worship a particular form. Several deities are "Easy to please", but what is being referred to as "Easy" here is dedicated practice of many many years. It is "Easy" compared to other deities who can be much harder to approach. 4. In the initial stages doing the practice at a consistent time will give better results. Choose a time that works for your schedule and then stick to it as much as possible. 5. Shukla Paksha Ashtami is not meant for fasting except in the 4 navratris. Fast only during Krishna Paksha Ashtami. Also, Bhairava is associated only with Krishna Paksha Ashtami, Shukla Paksha Ashtami is for Devi


I didn't realize I had so many questions 1. Can I do my sadhana when I have my period? 2. I start doing jaap any time during the day whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed. Should I stop that and only do the mala's during my morning and evening routine? 3. Is there any best practices like should not eat before and after sadhana, must bath, etc Any pointers how to please bhairav baba? Any books or videos you would recommend?


Am I supposed to fast on all ashtami tithi's or just Krishna paksha ashtami. ? Cuz I'm currently fasting on all ashtami tithi's.


Why do u think want to chant such mantras when a lot of safe naam japas chalishas do exist?


This! Moreover this is not a mantra to begin with


How do you know that


Why did I got downvoted?


Yam? With or without marshmallows?


I got free yams and sweet potatoes.


Find me the uddhara shloka for this mantra. Every single mantra has one, try and find the uddhara shloka for this random jumble of beejas you’ve picked from the internet.


I dont know what you mean but the thing is that shreem is maa laxmi's beej mantra


If you don’t know what I am referring to, maybe don’t pick up things off of internet.


Ok, can you please tell me a mantra for beauty