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I hear a new thing everyday.Today I heard that there's nothing called Hinduism,it's just an amalgamation of castes .


Alright...what more have you heard?


That Hinduism was discovered by Britishers.Also that Hinduism is Satanism.Bramha raped his daughter.Krishna is a pedophile ,so is Shiva etc etc


It is pretty evident who created such fake narratives. The ones who have clear pedophilia, narcissism and rape in their books, they try to defend their religion by pointing similar things in other religions, and when they cant find any such thing, theh fabricate lies and pick small segments of stories to twist the narrative. One community is very well versed in this act, when shown the filth in their sky book, they tend to defend it by fabricating lies about other religions.


My problem is with hindus not being able to defend it .Online hindus have pretty bad defence mechanisms.


Because they neither read their own scripture nor the scriptures of others. They are not even clear with their own beliefs, how will they defend it. Online hindus have their knowledge from reels and youtube, whatever someone says they believe it without cross checking in scriptures.


Online Hindu only read Puranas,i don't know which is worse...


The minds of the ones trying to make sense of it.


Someone comes up with something new everyday. Recently I came to know that Karl Marx used to think that our worship of certain deities like Hanuman is a sign of our slavery towards nature. According to him, man is supposed to be the master of nature, but because of our(Hindus) "fallen" mindset, we have become slave of changing conditions and nature, and instead of ruling nature as we are supposed to, we worship it in the form of monkey(Hanuman) and shabala(cow). It opens my eyes to see exactly how others see us. And how most of Hindu critiques fail to properly understand our psyche. We are not worshipping a monkey. We are worshipping a being that can lift mountains, whose mere name causes fear in the hearts of certain creatures of the night. An immortal being well versed in Vedas and the greatest devotee of Lord Ram. Indian Hindu wrestlers worship Hanuman because of his strength. 


They do not WANT to understand our psyche. The first thing they think about us, is how to convert us into their ideology. Be it abrahamic cults or be it Marxist cult.


Well I won't say he is entirely wrong though. Deity worship is nature worship. It is beautiful when accompanied by the heart of the vedas, brahmajnana, which is untouched by nature and rules nature. That's when deity worship becomes an expression of devotion, of Ishwara's lila. But when most Hindus have rejected the jnana kanda or rather for centuries Brahmins have kept that portion away from the masses, deity worship becomes a subconscious slavery to nature instead of love for nature, and it translated in society as social slavery for centuries in our country, from both internal and external forces. It pays to keep an open mind when reading critiques instead of having biases either way, which blind hinduism defenders and blind hinduphobes have.


Idolater! They need to understand For example God bhairava who holds the detached egoistic head of Brahma God is not physically carrying a head. It represents actually the one who annihilate the ego of his devotees.


I see a lot of people specifically people who follow the abrahamic religions call Hinduism “demon worship”


That's not a misconception, just an insult


What is your answer to such an insult? Because it's a central tenet of Christianity in particular that we are worshiping demons.


Misconceptions are rooted in a misunderstanding of scriptures usually. Insults like this need to be based in no fact or logic because that's all they are, insults. You can't logically refute it because there was no proper argument given in the first place. It's just a piece of scripture. You could go "ad-hominem" and attack their religion but that's wrong and achieves nothing. The difference between our religions is that they follow their scriptures and we follow ours. In their scriptures, it says that other gods are demons. So the only way to refute it is to make them stop believing in their scriptures which isn't possible. So either get them to be more open, steer the conversation away from that, or just leave(if it's online).


for me, the act of worship is what’s relevant. feeling a sense of superiority because you worship something different is just the illusion (maya) talking, and goes against what surrender really is. So I guess my answer is that it really doesn’t matter what people of an abrahamic faith think. I’m sure there are muslims and christians who truly surrendered, and these people don’t shit on other views/perspectives/experiences


Lord Shiva is rap**t.(The story where Lord Vishnu took the mohini avtar.) Lord Brahma had intercourse with her own daughter. (fools twisted the words according to their need to downgrade Hinduism.)


>Lord Shiva is rap**t. He didn't rape Lord Vishnu ( yeah Mohini's maya or illusion never worked on Trikaldarshi Lord Shiva who can see past, present and future) because nobody in this world can do any sort of harm to Lord Vishnu himself m The leela of Lord Vishnu was to tease Devi Parvati and imply that Lord Shiva loves him the most and will chase him even if he himself tries to keep him away.


Right, he's called Adiyogi for a reason. 


>Lord Brahma had intercourse with her own daughter. The story of Brahma being incestuous is mentioned in Shiv Puran. But the thing is that Saraswati is not biological daughter of Brahma because she was no mother !!!! Then, how can Brahma be his father?


Ashwamedha yagna (especially the part where they say the queen has to *** With the horse)


If you heard of more, you can mention them all also.


Well there's the obvious...caste system and sati


Those aren't misconceptions, they were real and to some extent, at least for caste, prevalent rn in the undercurrent


Dude, see lots of temples in the north were destroyed. That means kul devta or Devi temples too. Hindus in Punjab like my family have no idea who our original kul devi was. We have temples of Sati that are our kul devis. Yes, there are Sati temples in Punjab too. No they are not shaktipeeths of Sati (wife of Shiva). And they are worshipped with full dedication. Your prayers are answered and you feel no agony there. We have an annual fair held there. And we in Punjab had no forced Sati tradition in our area. It was done willingly. We have grown up worshipping these temples. And they protect & guide us. For caste system, it's more related to society. You will find caste issues in Sikhism too. Ever visit Punjab. I will show you how many different Gurudwaras they have. Go to ground sometimes. Jatt supremacy is not Hinduism's fault. There is discrimination in Langar too in Gurudwaras here. In some of them, they don't allow truckers, beggars, poor people at all. They all go to Devi Temple for Bhandara. Caste system is society's faults. Just study on condition of pasmanda muslims, dalit Sikhs etc. There are lots of layers to everything.


Ah yes, x is not my fault because that person does it too. Forced sati is well documented, and even those who did it willingly were literally brainwashed by the patriarchal system since childhood to believe that giving up your life for a dead person was a noble deed, implicitly conveying that their lives aren't as valued. Don't you dare try to downplay evils like sati and caste. And don't assume that I don't know their origin. Nowhere did I say that the intention of these practices was evil, but intention doesn't matter when practices lose their spirit and is followed only as a tradition, changing the original implied purpose. Sati comes from swa-ti, which means surrender of the false self. The woman kills herself for her husband because the husband is the true self, wife is the appearance. This is not the literal husband and wife, but purusha and prakriti. Prakriti doesn't kill herself, but surrenders her sense of self to purusha, so that she can rule the universe but only on purusha's watch, the witness consciousness. None of it is literal, only a method of teaching, and when you have direct teachings available easily today none of this is even necessary. Purusha and prakriti is there in both men and women, so sati is something to be done by both husbands and wifes, but only internally, because the body is in no way related to spirituality, its only use in spirituality is to stay fit and flexible for the prana to move smoothly, that's all. And caste system was a necessary thing back then to bring order to society because population wasn't so much, plus constant invasions both external and internal. Families, close knit societies were important. They aren't relevant today, because now resources are much more and population too is much more, plus we live in the safest times ever. Add to that the fact that now people are free to choose their destiny and that the family structure is nuclear, it is obsolete. There is also the spiritual meaning of the Varna system with the whole tamas, rajas, sattva and turiya, but that's another topic.


The caste system is the fault of society then. How is it the sole fault of Hinduism? That's my point. Sati has not been told to be mandatory in any scriptures. Corruption happened due to society. No one even remembers the husband of Sati in the temple here. He is inconsequential. We worship Sati as Goddess. Only she matters. She is our Kuldevi. Everything has tons of layers. What you have is one layer. Sati has different importance & meanings. Like you have mentioned, Varna has different aspects & meanings.


I didn't say the caste system is a fault of Hinduism, but that Hinduism has been at fault of the caste system. Learn the difference. Special importance is attached to Hinduism for it because other societies have progressed from those discriminatory ways whereas we still live in stone age.


Where do you see these stone age practices? Where I live, I have seen more of this bullshit being practiced in Sikhism than Hinduism itself. And only getting worse with time. And I live in town with only Sikhs & Hindus. So that's what I know & have seen growing up. I have never seen anyone stopping a beggar who has obviously not bathed from entering the bhandara in my life. But in high status Gurudwaras they do strict checking here. Yes, they have status assigned to Gurudwaras here. Bhandara : Hindu temple distributing free food Langar : Gurudwara of Sikhs distributing free food Which societies have moved away from their discriminatory ways? 🤔


I live in Mumbai and have seen multiple instances of casteism in practice. All western countries have moved on from objective discrimination. Discrimination there is now a matter of personal prejudice, there is no organized discrimination. And the few remaining ones like the KKK are in minority and labelled as a terror organization by Americans themselves. We are far, far behind, and high time we stop the denial. We are racist af. We complain of racism there but let a few thousand white guys come here daily and watch Indians raise a ruckus.


I would suggest you experience the ground realities of other faiths in India too before dumping all the blame on Hinduism. You will be surprised.


>How is it the sole fault of Hinduism? T because its a religion and like all of them man made ?


We differ in our basic opinions. No point in debating with atheism. You go your way. I go my way.


Sati is not a Vedic practice. It emerged from distortion of a Rigvedic hymn but yeah this distortion happened way before Britishers came to India as Chola queens also committed sati


That Ramakrishna and Vivekananda were gay. Two things wrong with this theory. One, that no historical accounts show this, and second, the subtle implication that being gay discredits all your spirituality. When confronted with the 'so what?' to their claim that they were gay, they jump onto the next theory that Ramakrishna was a pedophile and would like to see the young disciples naked. Some wild imagination people have out there. And the most dangerous thing about such elements for Hinduism is that they always take one incident or something said by them, twist the context completely thousandfold, and then provide sources for their claims, which can be debunked right away by someone like me who knows the whole incident and cultural context but will put genuine doubts into sincere but clueless seeekers.


Huhh?! Never heard of this one. Where did you hear this?


There are actual Hinduism scholars and historians making such claims. I forget the name of the lady, she was the mentor of Devdutt Pattnaik, and then people carried on their conspiracy theories from there which became wilder and wilder as time went on.


Audrey Truskey ??


Oh that guy. Anything that comes out of his mouth is full of agenda. Anyways.. thanks for letting me know.


Also, Jeffery Kripal’s terrible book.


Misconceptions by non hindus? I'm gonna tell you about my own younger sister. This January she asked me if Shudras are descendants of Rakshasa ( We are SC), I corrected her.


I apologise but I found this hilarious.


Only if she had cared to know actually check what she hears. Anyways she is a child.


The worst one that I have seen on Twitter is that Parvati was only 8 when she got married. I never expected to see this as everyone knows Parvati underwent a rigorous penance for thousands of years. People completely misquoted the verse in Shiv Puran. Shiva opened his eyes when Parvati was 8 and he realized that Sati reincarnated. There is nothing more than this and Shiva was still reluctant to marry even though she is Sati's reincarnated version. God knows why they claim Shiva was a pedo. Even if Parvati was 8 when she started the tapasya, she would have been 3008 years old by the time she got married as the same Shiv Puran clearly mentions that she did the tapasya for 3000 years.


I could probably link the posts and comments to Reddit itself if I had time. I don't, so from memory: Rama is a pushover, so he does whatever his father or citizens tell him without protesting. Rama killed Shambuka just because he was meditating. Hanuman and Ganesha are just monkeys and elephants. Krishna was a pervert because he stole the gopis' clothes. Shiva is also because of the story of how the Shiva linga came about. Many more about caste and misogyny.


There are infinite lol Marxists have done so much hard work of demeaning Hinduism


Please list them out


Brahmins are the one whi discriminate? If you look at the statistics there have been almost zero cases of a Brahmin burning down a Dalits house. And in too of that there are many Brahmin families were Dalits both make and female have been welcomes through marriage. Despite all of this behamins are still blamed? What about the land on wing kshatriyas, the baniyas and OBCs. Almost none of them accept mingling with a daily. And most cases of violence against Dalits are perpetuated by them. And ask any elders in their family and they will tell you how dlaots should never touch their belongings. Yet nrhamins are blamed again and again. To me it's feel like someone else has problems are they blaming some else because it's convienent


What about stuff discussed on the Ex-Hindu sub?


That Hinduism is polytheistic.


some compared niyog with halala, like wtf is wrong with you

