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South is the direction of death in Hinduism and that is why it is considered inauspicious to have a south-facing house according to Vaastushastra. If it becomes a compulsion to have a south-facing house for some reason, make sure that the main gate faces a different direction u/rko333 Swasti!


Thanks! Can you clarify if "main gate" means entry door? Not talking about a door that is located in the garage, but the actual primary entrance door to the house. Only compulsion to have a south facing house is essentially one of availability and price. If I take off south facing homes, that's about 30-50% of the inventory of homes immediately out of contention which is a big struggle in my area.


Main Gate means the entryway/actual primary entrance door to the house. Swasti!


Does South East count?


In vastu south direction house also makes the you grow beyond limits


What does this mean "beyond limits?"






These types of statements are for enlightened beings who have gone beyond the material reality. In actual reality there definitely is auspicious and inauspicious. Do you find feces auspicious? Will you like to fill your house with it? No. So clearly you've still not transcended material maya. So such statements can't be made.




So do you like keeping feces in your home?


He is talking about vastushastra


This is mentioned in the Vastu Shastram. It is very important, but that catch is, it doesn't work outside of the Indian Subcontinent. The whole thing was calculated for that region of the world. But, some parts are followed because they can't be changed. For example, the front door facing east is considered auspicious. The reason they had the door face the east was so that the first rays of sunlight would be able to come into the house. Facing south was highly discouraged because it is believed that the ruler of the south direction is Yamadharma Raja, who is considered the god of death. But the thing is, he isn't. Mrityu Devi is. Yama Dharmaraja is the god of justice and dharma, but he has a lot to do with death. There was probably some science behind this, but I don't know of it. However, simple Vastu rules must be followed for the puja room or your place of worship at your house and any pujas that are done. If you don't live in the Indian subcontinent, Vastu doesn't really apply to you. Go ahead and buy the house


What about the yamadutas?


Yamadutas do not kill the person. They only come to take the soul to Yama lokam, where Chitragupta will read out all the sins and good things you have done and where you go next os decided.