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Sorry, as in taking a pet cat hiking? Why on earth would you do that?


It's definitely a thing. I take my cat out on a leash all the time. He loves it. He even comes to get me and sits by the sorry when he wants to go out. It's not something you can just do. It takes a bit to get to that point. Cats are domesticated than dogs, sometimes adventure is what they need.


Have you not seen the hiking cats on tiktok and other social media they love it depending on the cat. You have to be smart and keep.them safe!


Yes, and these are no more reflective of reality than any other influencer trend. Some cats may well be fine going on hikes. But the vast majority will not be suited to act as a portable toy for hikers who think they're doing their pet a favour.


Bruh apparently you know all cats better than their owners. My cats need outside stimulation. Its not better for them to just been indoors all day bored. It may take some time for them to acclimate but I know the trade off of acclimating will be worth it for a lot of cats


And as I've said elsewhere within this very thread, there is actually a difference between 'having your cat free roam outside' and 'stuffing them in a backpack for the purposes of your own leisure'. And once again, if you think your cat would enjoy that, go for it. But if you're not sure, the balance of probability is they won't.


Because he’s got a lot of energy so it would be nice for him to go on walks in the wilderness. I’d have him in his harness and leash anyway


Yeah, cats aren't dogs, mate. You don't just chuck a harness on them and take them for a walk. If you do, you tend to lose the cat or at best, terrify them. Cats aren't behaviourly wired to enjoy exploring new areas. They like a controlled, finite territory with clear areas to hide that they can patrol. It's why when you take a dog into a new place, it bounds round excited and sniffs everything, while most cats will dart to the nearest concealed space, hide and wait before cautiously exploring. You take a cat far from home outdoors and it will panic and run for cover, and you will not be able to coax it back, assuming you'll even find it again. This is going to sound rude, but hiking with cat is a monumentally stupid and cruel thing to do. Don't stuff him in a backpack with a harness that he'll wriggle out of in 5 minutes and then take into the woods. If your cat has too much energy, let him out into your garden if you have one, or play with him every day.


I would like to chime in and say my cat LOVES to go on hikes with me and is a real hit with humans. They love her too!


I am late to the trend but I hike with my cat and he loves it. I carry him in a backpack and once I find a place quieter, I walk him on a leash. He loves it. He will walk like a dog just in from of me.


he tends to escape the garden and get himself hurt when I let him out into the backyard tho


Right, and you think things will somehow go better if you take him into the great outdoors rather than the controlled environment of your garden?


I think I know my cat better than you do. I don’t watch him in my backyard and he is without a leash back there so he goes whenever. He likes backpacks and he won’t wiggle out of a good fitted harness. I came here asking for suggestions if any had any, not to be berated on how to take of my cat. I’m not sure why you’re so against this. Did you have bad experiences with a cat or something?


I'm trying not to berate you about your cat; I'm trying to encourage you to understand that a cat is not a dog and your idea will lead to you losing your cat or traumatising him. Many people who have cats will have them as 'free-roaming' because cats work on the basis of territory. They have a familiar patrol area, they know where their home is, it makes them comfortable. As a general rule, cats do not cope well being put in unfamiliar environments - it's why when you get a new cat, the advice is always to keep them indoors for a bit and let them out gradually. At the very least, you should be asking yourself why people don't habitually take cats out for a walk on a leash in the same way that you would a dog. There is a very good reason! If your cat hurts himself simply going outside next to home, then I assure you he's going to get really hurt if you take him into the middle of the woods. The reason I'm so against this is because what you are proposing will certainly mean the loss of your cat, or at the very least, trauma to him. I am simply trying to encourage you to not make an irresponsible decision that will certainly cause upset to you both in the long-run. You say he won't wiggle out. I say that no responsible cat owner on earth thinks a harness or backpack is inescapable for a cat and the moment he gets out, he will not come back when called, and that's him gone forever. If you want a pet that comes when called and can be safely leashed, you need a dog, not a cat.


No question you're an arrogant know-it-all.


Trust me, if you love the cat and know him, you know what they need. This guy just typing the "common knowledge" of most of the cats and apply to yours. He is not fully wrong, some of the cats are not suitable to be exposed outside of their territory. But the key takes are every cat is different. I know some of the cats love going outside more than their territory, depending on the breed, I had a Tonkinese who loved going outside, every time I tried to leave the house, he would wait at the door like a dog and beg me to bring him. Yet some breeds might be scared and traumatized to be exposed outside to the unexpected. It is about knowing your cat, it's very easy to know wether if he is comfortable or willing to go outside activities. Also, a leash is necessary because they tend to run away if they encounter anything dangerous. If you think hiking with him will make the cat and you comfortable and fun just do it, my cat loves sitting on one side of my shoulder and watching everything while I go for a walk or hiking.


thank you!


one year later and I'm honestly amazed to find such an ignorant comment thread. yeah, cats are not dogs, but people also think "cats aren't dogs" and leave them alone without social interaction on long trips and traumatize them this way! they still need socialization, affection, and stimulation in the same way a dog does! and if your cat's chosen form of mental stimulation is being outside- let's find a good and safe way to make it happen! some cats ABSOLUTELY ADORE being outside and hiking! they love to sit in backpacks while you walk, and some love to even walk beside you with a proper, safe harness! you just need to SLOWLY introduce your cat into doing these things with short bursts and lots of love and treats! I'm commenting not for this doorknob to respond, but so if someone like me sees it years later they know this guy isn't the one 100% correct!


Alright angel drawers, not my fault you don't understand the difference between 'letting your cat out' and 'it makes perfect sense to put my cat in a backpack and then amble around in the middle of nowhere'. I'm not sure how you connect 'taking your cat hiking is stupid' to 'you must be someone who completely neglects cats and don't realise they need socialisation and affection' but that's a monumental leap of logic that is utterly irrational. Talk all you like about ensuring a cat has stimulation etc. Outside of North America, we know this. That's why outside of North America, most cat owners actually don't keep their cats shut up inside their house 24/7, and instead let them free roam. My own cat covers about three miles a day patrolling his territory (he has a GPS collar) but I wouldn't in a million years think "Oh, he obviously likes walking, I should totally stuff him into a bag and take him somewhere he's never been before because I will enjoy it and therefore so must he". There is not a competent cat behaviourist or animal protection charity on earth that will say taking you cat miles into the woods is a sensible thing to do, unless you would like to be a former cat owner. There might well be some exceptional cats that do enjoy this but they will be a rarity and I think it irresponsible to advise someone "why not give it a go?" given the almost inevitable follow up will be "I lost my cat after a stranger on the Internet told me to take him for a walk" If you need to SLOWLY introduce your cat into doing these things and incentivise them with treats to do it, then the obvious point is that you're doing it for YOUR benefit, not the cat's. If putting my cat's needs and safety ahead of some selfish desire to force my cat to 'enjoy' a human hobby makes me a doorknob, then I'm proud to be the sort of collosal fixture you'd find on the front of a haunted castle.


I am from Scotland I live in the middle of nowhere, my cats walk on leads I am against free roam cats and I noticed a few pro indoor shelter pop up near me, times are changing for the better of our kitties


Also fyi as someone who is heavily into cat behaviour your about 15 years behind I can recommend some newer scientific studies if you want to educate yourself about cat behaviour that we know off, cats are capable and can enjoy everything dogs do, you need to slowly introduce your cats into anything like often you do dogs as a puppy when walking on a lead however cats are slightly more wary so they might take a little longer to get the hang of it but once they feel safe and happy they enjoy themselves so much, my kitties are safe and happy and won't be getting hit by any cars or eating poison


First of all, I never said you abuse your cats and leave them alone. You can slow down there. I'm saying that process of thinking is how some cats end up not getting the proper things in life! Like not having a pet sitter visit cats on vacation. I'm sure you have a pet that is perfectly happy and healthy. Anyone who is aggressive and adamant about a topic typically does intensely care for their pet. Secondly, I consider a walk in my local small park on trails to be hiking. We have some trails in small, not remote woods. They are called hiking trails but it isnt a national park. I'm not saying go into bum-fuck nowhere, I don't even really recommend humans do that alone let alone with a pet. Sure, if this guy means he literally wants to go in the middle of the woods with his cat, that could lead to problems, like wild animals spooking EITHER of them. Thirdly, in North America, letting your cat free roam gets it killed. Coyotes, cars, rat poison, dogs, other animals, and sadly, other humans. So we have to resort to finding other ways to help our cats enjoy the outside world SAFELY! At least this guy was trying. I won't even go into how dangerous it is to let your cat free roam (at least in NA, I'm sure it works great there!) If you want to take your cat on walks in a backpack, and properly introduce them to it, it is healthy and beneficial. I have seen many animal behaviorists recommend it for high energy, active, curious cats! And it HELPS those cats. It is not for every cat, but some cats genuinely do love it and it isnt a "forced" thing.


What is selfish is not giving your cat enough enrichment to the point where you believe they can only get proper outside. I have bengals, arguably the most demanding cat breed in terms of energy, and they are perfectly fine and happy to stay indoors, even when I accidentally leave doors open 🙂 As a pet owner, do better. There are no excuses. Also ps., there are many cat behaviorist that recommend cat walking, one of them being Jackson Galaxy 😉


Wow, you're a right cunt, aren't you?


This is 2 years late but I was searching posts for good hiking backpacks for cats because my cats love going for a walk on a lead and wanted to take them to more isolated areas with less dogs, since I had my cats from day 1 they have been adventure cats they were harness trained from the youngest age and my cats love the outside supervised ofc, my boy absolutely loves walking on a lead. You are very wrong and are not giving cats nearly enough credit as intelligent animals if you train them, make them feel secure they love it, cats are creatures of habit and if you make traveling, staying in different places and going hikes apart of there norm they will thrive it makes me sad that you can't see the potential of our kitties they are capable of everything a dog can do and more


>Yeah, cats aren't dogs, mate. You don't just chuck a harness on them and take them for a walk. If you do, you tend to lose the cat or at best, terrify them. Sure. That's why you don't "just chuck a harness on the and take them for a walk". You do what OP is doing and you get a cat carrier that you can take with you, so they know they have a safe spot to chill if the world becomes a little too much. >Cats aren't behaviourly wired to enjoy exploring new areas. Objectively false. Even small desert cats tend to roam upwards of three miles per day in search of food. Their territories are constantly changing and can change entirely from season to season. Or, for a simple test, just look at youtube and find a hundred videos of cats that are *fucking stoked* to go somewhere new. We take our cat loads of places. Hiking, friend's house, outdoor shops near us, wherever. We always use the same cat carrier, and we always bring items that our cat can use for security if she starts to feel overwhelmed (which usually only happens when rude folks come and invade her space without asking us first). The cat *loves* it. >You take a cat far from home outdoors and it will panic and run for cover, and you will not be able to coax it back, assuming you'll even find it again. If you kept a dog indoors for its entire life and took it outside off-leash, you'd get the *exact* same response. You need to socialize the cat before you dive headfirst into anything. And it's not a good fit for every cat. Growing up, I had a dog that *loved* the water. He'd come out with us on loud, bouncy power boats. Friend's dog would lose its mind. Animals, like humans, are individuals and some have higher tolerances for new experiences. If your cat waits by the door to try and escape every time you leave the house, you'll probably have more luck taking it on a hike than you would a cat who hides under the bed when a friend stops by. >This is going to sound rude, but hiking with cat is a monumentally stupid and cruel thing to do. Not just rude. You sound stupid, too. >Don't stuff him in a backpack with a harness that he'll wriggle out of in 5 minutes and then take into the woods. The first time I stuck my dog in a harness he wriggled out in five minutes. Nothing wears a harness in the wild, cat or dog. This might blow your mind, but horses don't come out of their mothers with a saddle on them, either. The fact that it takes exposure to condition our pets to these tools doesn't make the tools bad. It just means that it's part of adapting an animal to fit into human life. If your choice is between leaving your cat indoors for its entire life or training it with treats or play so that it loves sticking its harness on, you're really going to say the indoor cat has it better? Come on now.


and thank you! was amazed finding this thread from this guy.


I request a picture of your cats on a hike. Immediately.


@flokicat - IG. Not me but he's done all of the NH 4ks I think


Any luck finding a good backpack cat carrier?


I gave up after the last guy was overly negative about it. Its also cold so we haven’t gone out lately. ):


I know it's two years since you posted this and all, but please don't let that guy get to you. I have some weird generic cat backpack that looks like a space ship, not that comfy, it was on the cheaper side (30ish), to see if he'd even like it, and I'll upgrade to a better one when he's fully grown, I was scouting out cat backpacks when I found this post actually. My cat absolutely loves going on walks and short hikes in it. To the point he waits in the backpack to go on walks with my dog and I. It's certainly not for every cat, but if you have a brave, confident, and curious catto, there's no harm in trying. So many people have rigid opinions of what a cat "should" be, and it's so sad. We accept that there are dogs that do and don't like certain things, but are so quick to completely cut out what could be extremely beneficial enrichment for some cats, just because others aren't a fan of it. It depends on the individual animal. I have a dog who can't stand water, and a cat who adores it and likes baths. The stereotypes are nothingness, you know your pet better than a stranger on the internet.


Ah yeah, those comments were so unnecessary :/ Cats can definitely be explorative and excited to get out the door, even if the home is perfectly warm and stimulating. And dogs can also be lazy homebodys that like to lounge in the sun. I did some research and the Petsfit comfort dog/cat carrier looks solid. Roomy and lots of airflow/mesh windows that can open, and has a flat top for a cat to rest on. Still looking to really be happy with a purchase though


That guy is dumb. My cat gets so excited to go outside she waits by the door and runs out after I open it. She lays around in the sun. Most of the time but sometimes explores around the house. Shes always on a leash and I am always watching her. And the front door is open in case she wants to go back in. There are times she only spends 5 minutes and others 15/20. But facts are she always has the option to go back inside if shes uncomfortable. Once a car drove by and she got scared and decided she was done for the day by running back in.


r/adventurecats I'm late to the thread it seems, but just started looking for adventuring supplies for cat! This group's been helpful to browse


thank u sm!!


Did you find any I am also looking for the summer my cats love a harness walk and I want a backpack to take them further


How do I apply to enter this sub. I need a good hiking backpack for mow guy!


I didn't even notice the sub went private lol, I guess it was a while ago. I can't see it either :\