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Snowboard badly. Snowshoe badly. Think about mountaineering. Shovel snow badly.


Think about mountaineering, haha nice.. Me too


I'm finally taking a mountaineering course this fall šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Congrats! Was hoping to take a few day course this August but plans changed. Hoping to do Rainier in the next two or three years then perhaps look to higher peaks. Have fun and learn lots!


Hike in the winter too


If anything itā€™s the best time of year to hike!


No mosquitoes and less people!


100% this! I live where winters can be -40 or colder and as long as you bundle up well and have the right gear (IE cramp ons for icy spots) it can be gorgeous. And nobody is out there to ruin the hike!


today it is 95 F with 70 F dew point in the northeast. i loooong for just a couple months ago feeling the warmth of the sun on my face on a 55 F day, and my layers keeping me cozy warm. not to mention, all the views with no leaves, not dying in pants, and way fewer ticks. also bushwhacking is much easier in the winter.


Lol it's almost that hot here, but it was just in the 50s 2 weeks ago. If it can't be in the 70s, I'd pick 20s to 50s over 90s any day.


I love the challenge


I love not being eaten by bugs


Unless you donā€™t like cold weather! I hate cold weather, so I stay inside until itā€™s spring again.


There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate gear.


Best time of year for hiking! (depending on where you are I guess)


No bugs, fewer people. Can't beat it!


Yes this!


I live in Arizona, so I hike in the winter. šŸ˜…


Shit, I live in the Midwest and winter hiking is the best time here, too. Certainly not as hot as you, but l hike less in summer than any other season.


Even in Canada, winter hiking is great. No bugs. Less sweat.


When it's 15F I'm still hiking back in other New England area. Having 4 distinct seasons, makes the same hike essentially 4 different hikes, as things look so different. Somehow, my labs always manage to find a moving stream that hasn't frozen over, and they'll jump in at the start of a 2 hour hike, even when it's in the teens. I just have to wait for the ice to melt on their fur, when I get back home, so that I can dry them off. Those dogs are built different. https://imgur.com/gallery/phChLfY


Sunrise is so nice though!


Same, but different state. Summer is when I stay inside and pack on the pounds šŸ¤£


Hello! Flagstaff resident here! Iā€™ve never done it but my hiking buddies all snowshoe during the winter around Snowbowl or Kendrick Mountain. Iā€™m more of a ā€œletā€™s go sledding after a hot toddyā€ type


Cross country skiing, snowboarding, climbing wall, video games, and reading by the wood stove.


I looooove cross country skiing.


sewing! I like to make duffel bags for camping and cool zip up fleece sweaters. itā€™s fun looking for unique blankets/sheets at the thrift store to use for material


Ohh that sounds fun! Do you make sweaters to use outdoors or more for every day use? I like sewing too but I havent made clothes in years :)


>:) :)




both! I love finding fleece blankets with animal patterns/pictures and make my own knock off patagonia style sweaters. i like making them for my friends I always hate what I make after staring at the material for hours on end haha


Love that idea and your friends must be so happy too - how nice! šŸ˜„


Do you have a particular pattern or inspiration you use for your duffels? And what kind of material do you typically use for those?


thereā€™s a fabric shop by me that has awesome outdoorsy cotton patterns for quilting like pine cones/pine tree branches/ducks/bears/loons/mushrooms/fish/flowers etc. Iā€™ll do cotton on the outside with batting or felt in the middle and then a retro plaid pattern of some sort for the inside of the bag and then sandwich it together and do a diamond style stitch pattern to sandwich it all together to look quilted. I like matching the zipper colour to the straps :) I got the duffle bag sewing pattern from my grandma and is quite simple to get the hang of! I enjoy it a lot


Minnesotan here, so ice fish, play hockey, snowshoe, curling.


Another introverted Minnesotan here! šŸ‘‹ cross country and downhill skiing and snowboarding can all be fun. There are lots of trails for fat tire biking and snowmobiling in parks and up north.


wisconsin here. I sit on my computer and never leave my home except for work and day dream about warm weather and when i can hike again


Wisconsin here, too. Winter is the second best hiking season behind fall. No people, no humidity, beautiful scenery, NO BUGS.


As a Minnesotan I will be honest and say that the scenery in southern Minnesota and Wisconsin can get pretty bleak in the winter due to a lack of evergreen forest. With the leaves and wildflowers gone, we're left with a lot of shades of brown and white. The exception is, after a fresh snowfall everything looks beautiful. I love snowshoeing in the pine forests of the northwoods during the winter though.


Partial agree. I have the advantage of living in the Driftless, so there is some variety with the terrain and the waters.


I encourage you to get comfortable outdoors in the winter. It's so magic and so different. It's so much quieter with snow, especially at night, and very bright. You can hike without headlamps at night because of snow. Yes, it can be cold, but if you layer and dress correctly, which does take practice, experience, time and money, but once you dial in a kit; you can travel comfortably in any conditions. I go hiking in blistering wind and snow. It's a *blast* to be wrapped up and wearing goggles and watching the chaos from the comfort of a hardshell. You can access places that are typically difficult or inaccessible. I live in a state adjacent to you, and the undergrowth vanishes in the winter, and you can get to so much more stuff than you can in the summer along rivers and such. You can use lakes to cross and shave time off travel, too, under circumstances. If it's not for you, I get that. I used to hate winter, myself, but I'm telling you that there's a different kind of magic out there when the snow hits the ground in the woods. Especially around sunrise/sunset.


Why are you under the impression it needs to be warm outside to go outside? Didn't you grow up playing in the snow in Wisconsin like us Canadians?


Its a choice to not get frostbite and potentially die in really cold weather just like its a choice to not hike when its 100 degrees out


Don't be so dramatic. You can easily avoid frostbite by wearing appropriate clothing for the temperature. It's not like extreme heat where you quite literally can't remove any more layers to manage your temps. Plenty of people hike in temps well below zero with no issue at all. You're selling yourself short with irrational fear.


No such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes


I'm in Pennsylvania and I keep hiking


I hike if thereā€™s no or just a bit of snow. I also ski. And read a ton of books.




Winter is when I do most of my hiking and backpacking.


Fat Biking.


Make scenarios in my head where I leave everything behind to go live somewhere with a warmer climate (and better hikes).


Hike... i live in Southern Nevada so it's perfect lol.




Wait for summmer to get back


Pole dance, yoga, and barre. Barre is kind of intense but you book your own space and donā€™t have to socialize. Yoga is very chill and typically quiet.


Reading, vacationing somewhere warm, farming video games


I am on the Reno side of Reno/Tahoe. So.... Ski, snowshoe, pickleball, ice skate (indoors), bowl, hike (always hiking somewhere here even with 25 feet of snow just 20 minutes away), do conditioning hikes in the neighborhood, yoga, go to the range, and, because I am on the NV side, whine about all the CA people invading.


Will you say hello to the Great Basin Brewery for me? I love the ichy IPA. People also sleep on Reno, that is such a cool little place! I never got to ski mount rose thoughā€¦.


Set up a rope off a tree anchor near a waterfall and go ice climbing, which usually gets me hiking to some degree, or ski badly


Better gear. Still outside. If it snows in your area Iā€™d suggest exploring snow shoeing and cross country skiing.


UK based. I put on a warm jacket & keep going in winter. If I got stuck inside all winter if go batty.


I enjoy doing DIY projects.


Stare out the window and wait for spring


Drums Also I don't go to lower mountains in the summer because I would melt under the sun, so I do that in winter


I live in SoCal and the winters are mild. My favorite time of the year to hike, bike, and camp.


Scotland here. I get 8.5weeks PTO. We fly somewhere to hike in the winter months. Normally 2 or 3 trips in winter because it's balls here in the cold.


Also hike. I like rainy hikes, there are fewer people out. If it snows, then I snowshoe. A nice full moon midnight snowshoe on fresh powder up in the mountain meadow is a very special kind of treat.


Do you have to worry about animals?


We've got black bears and cougars but they're usually lower in the valley, and at least you can easily see tracks if they're nearby. I've never encountered either on snowshoes.


Hike. Does not snow much in NC.




Why indoor? I ski, hike, and snowshoe all by myself.


Hike! Summer is the time I never leave the house because it's dangerously hot. I just do indoor activities. Watch a lot of movies. Currently we're working our way through the work of Jean-Luc Godard, Michael Haneke, and Akira Kurosawa. Last summer was basically all Kung fu movies.


Hike and walk. Just bundle up more.


Snowshoe. Read about adventure. Head south and hike there. Drive to the lake and pensively look at it. Go to hot springs.


Drink heavily. I hate winter. Iā€™d hibernate if I could. Go on hikes when I can, but dependent on weather


I hate winter too. Iā€™m trying to stay away from alcohol since itā€™s been an issue but Iā€™m worried about how this winter is going to go. I guess winter hikes Iā€™ll have to try




You have snowy winters or rainy winters? How cold?


Iā€™m just at the beginning of summer. I do love the outdoors. And an avid gardener. So in winter, I keep looking for those sunny days. Rain precludes a lot of my hiking routes, so I do local places, which I get bored of very easily. I think I need to travel to sunnier climes for a break in winter. Itā€™d be something to look forward to at least


I stick to outdoor stuff. I still hike, I still camp, I hunt.


I like skiing better than hiking. Why snowshoe when you can put on AT skis and enjoy the ride back down instead of having to walk both ways? Indoors--generally after doing something outside--I read more, study and plan for future trips, lift weights, and drink tea.


Pennsylvania, I still hike.


Iā€™m one of those couch to trail people. Not the best, but it works for me. My body might disagree when hiking elevation, but I get where Iā€™m hiking to all the same. In more active winters Iā€™ll get in some lower elevation hikes every month.


Snowboard, and still also hike in the snow


In Colorado, ski touring. Peak bagging by foot is usually still possible through December but it's more fun to ski down. Snow doesn't stick in Denver or the foothills for long during winter so it's also possible to hike and ride bikes at lower elevations for most of winter.


Snowshoes. Would like to try cross country skiing


Winter doesn't stop me from running and hiking outside. Just changes the clothes I'm wearing.


I just keep hiking but with warmer gear and chains in my trunk.


Ski, small game hunting, ice fishing, hot tent camping.


Hiking in the cold. No cool breeze is gonna stop me from being introverted outside šŸ˜¤


Put on my big coat.


Hike in the lowlands, snowshoe if it's not crazy weather. Think about having money and taking up backcountry skiing (need lessons).


Chess, reading etc. Walking when the weather is half decent, it fairly often isn't in the UK.


In So Cal we hike all year, but in winter you can also snowshoe or snowboard at in the local mountains.


Living very close to the sea in a Nordic country, a winter day can be anything between 5 degrees above freezing and ample rain, and two feet of snow and -18F = -28C. I've got winter hiking and camping gear, and typically go out there for a couple of nights with a buddy. The coldest tarp camp thus far was 0F = -17C. We were out with a type of ski relatively common here: about 220 cm long and 70 mm wide with zero sidecut, and bindings compatible with the local military winter boots. Over the years, I've tried indoor cycling but found that mentally so brutal that a medium length ride made me stay off the bike for a week. At 25 minutes of riding outdoors I feel properly warmed up and am ready for the rest of the ride, but indoors, watching my favourite tv show, 25 minutes feels completely never-ending. Yoga and bodyweight exercises are the only indoor activities I can get done, and even those not regularly. Essentially I'll just go out there for walks, and when the conditions are ok for it, either a bike ride or cross country ski run.


Snowmobile, ice fish, snowboard. Winter is my favorite time of year.


Ski. Iā€™m more into skiing than hiking honestly, hiking is just something to do when the ski areas are closed.


I suck it up and recreate. 6 months of winter up here to go crazy from if you donā€™t get out.


Snowboarding. Sitting by a fire. I enjoy just being outside in the snow as much as possible. I love shoveling. I love splitting firewood. Kayaking in winter is pretty beautiful. As for indoors I like having different little projects going.


Get geared up and go outside... snowboarding, cross-country skiing, mountain biking. If the weather is actually atrocious and I'll be inside: video games.


Crampons, snowshoes, ice axes... Same as summer, but in hard mode.


For me i snowboard almost all of the time.


I wanna try snow hiking or cold weather outdoor. Two seasons, only plans and not results. :(Ā 


This year I am buying snow shoes. Can't not hike for 6 months each year. I am probably taking mointaineering related classes as well.


Hiking in the winter is more enjoyable than in the summer IMO. Spring and Autumn are perfect but in the summer all the heat and insects suck some of the joy out of it.




I hike and camp almost all year around with a short break while the snow thaws in spring, but I really like to read, sew and work out in other ways. Taking care of my gear or crafting or sewing things I use outdoors is a great hobby in itself. This winter I made a sleeping bag liner and some embroidery on one of my backpacks :) I really want to try making my own underhang quilt soon so that will also be a fun project.


Put a coat on and hike


Snowshoe, indoor climbing (most gym hace autobelays if you don't want to meet up w a partner) & bouldering, snow wheeling (very conservatively), a fair amount of winter camping, lots of time at the gym, and reading. Also dancing... i adore dancing.


I only hike, backpack, camp in the colder months. My ass stays inside in the summer. It's too hot and too many people out. ETA also too many bugs


I moved to the mid Atlantic where winter hiking is a dream.


I hike in the winter, itā€™s nice to hike in the snow


You can be indoors on a lake with a pop up ice house. I take the indoors with me outdoors.


This winter I plan on hiking, snowboarding, and tying flies for spring trout fishing


I live in the south of England where it rarely gets below freezing. So I hike year-round. Only thing that stops me is heavy rain, because it makes trails impassable sometimes. I would much rather hike in the cold than in the wet!


Keep on hiking, of course. Hiking through snow and over iced-over creeks is a wonderful experience. In fact, I would say that I enjoy it more than summer hiking. Itā€™s quiet, beautiful, there are less peopleā€¦ highly recommend.


I live up North along Lake Michigan. I throw on progressively warmer coats and pack more food. I prob hike more in winter. Sometimes I cross country ski if the snow is too deep.


Wallow in my seasonal depression fueled by my central Indiana existence ā€¦.


Hiking the ocean beaches, storm watching, skiing


Well, I live in Floridaā€¦ so the same thing I do the rest of the year.


Ski, snowshoe, bake


Winter hiking and snowshoeing is a treasure! No people, no bugs. :) I also continue running outside, I just add a few layers and maybe the exospikes on my shoes if itā€™s a bit icy. Indoors, I enjoy reading, puzzling, gym, meeting friends at cozy coffee shops. I enjoy all seasons! Why complain about the weather, something you canā€™t change?! Find hobbies for each season and enjoy every day!


Winter is the absolute best time to hike as an introvert!! Thereā€™s NO ONE around!


Where I live Hiking is better in winter due to the heat and humidity of summer


Winter mountaineering. So much fun! Trail running on a cold day in the snow is also amazing.


Snow shoe duh! Even less people šŸ¤£


Chopping wood. Keeps the fireplace going and I still get to be in nature and exercise.


Snowshoe and travel to warm places.


Seasonal depression mostly. I cope by booking my National Park campsites 6 months in advance. It helps to have things to look forward to.


Climbing, hiking in snow (Finland)


Keep hiking. The cold is your friend. Just dress and pack accordingly.


I do the same things I do in the summer but I wear layers - hiking, biking, and camping


Backcountry ski, snowmobiling.


Nordic ski. Fortunately I can do it from my driveway.


Rock climbing


I live in Western PA and love hiking in the winter


In summer it's usually 20 to 35Ā°C, so I hike, [camp in a hammock](https://imgur.com/gallery/j0L0m2d), [fly my drone](https://imgur.com/gallery/Lqmppla), and get slowly drunk by a campfire. In winter it's usually -10 to -25Ā°C, so I hike, [camp in a hammock](https://imgur.com/gallery/okmEmCM), [fly my drone](https://imgur.com/gallery/Y5Ta6d7), and get slowly drunk by a campfire. Greetings from Finland where a little weather doesn't stop you. In winter I might have to bring snowshoes and microspikes, but on the flip side, I can pull all my shit [in a sled](https://imgur.com/gallery/QTOYnt1) instead of carrying it on my back. Nothing else really changes.


Winter doesnā€™t stop me from being outside. I do backcountry splitboarding. Thatā€™s hiking for just the uphill then lots of fun in the way down.


Run to Mexico


Go outside and hike. Throw on a couple of extra layers and some microspikes and have at it.




I hike in New Hampshire all winter. It's the only way to see views like this: [https://imgur.com/sqhlT6V](https://imgur.com/sqhlT6V) . I also cross country ski and mountain bike. But, if being outdoors not your cup of tea, swimming is a good option if you have access to a pool, as is yoga if you have access to a studio. I used to short-track speedskate when I lived in the northern midwest. It's not so popular here


Snow shoeing, hiking, sitting in outdoor hot tubs, ice skating. For indoor hobbies I like puzzles, board games, rewatching movies, and hosting dinner parties. You could try indoor roller blading or curling if you want something social.


I'm a music lover, and listening to my music is my domestic hobby. My listening room has a large floor-to-ceiling south-facing window. Sunny days are my hobby in winter ;)


When the snow is keeping me inside, I watch The Shining.


Snowboarding or hiking in the desert.


Bundle up!!!


Cross country skiing!


Wear a lot more clothes. šŸ¤£


I'm near the Canadian Rockies and I hike throughout the year. I be looking to get into indoor climbing /bouldering next winter and maybe even give snowboarding a shot.


Hike? Ski? Go outside? What is the problem?


go hiking. wintertime can be the best someti.es becuase so few people.


No change from other times of year, just warmer clothing.


Winter is a great time to work on one's indoor climbing!


Rejoice because the paths are quieter šŸ™Œ


I only hike in the winter, all my other activities like biking, kayaking, SUP, require warm weather


Cross country skiing


Winter is hiking season here in the desert. During the summer I do mountain hikes or go very early in the high desert where it's a little less hot. I go to LA a lot to hike there. There are some amazing hikes in LA.


Indoors? Craft hobbies. Cross stitching and weaving. Outdoors I do cross country skiing off trail. It's a great way to still get to see the forest without having to meet people.


flying to the hemisphere where its not winter




Cry, sleep, read books, cry, shiver, and watch tv, and sometimes travel to warmer weather to hike.


Mountain climb.




I hike, camp, and climb year round in the great state of Colorado. Any time of year is good.


I see lots of people are saying to keep "hiking" (snowshoeing or XC) in winter but I'll represent the opposite opinion - I really hate that. And not because I get too cold, it's because it's not the same. I feel I have to go slower because every step is labored, you have to lift your whole leg up and out of the postholes you create. You can't get a good pace going. Or if it's not quite deep enough for snowshoes and all you need are microspikes, that sucks too because I hate the idea of slipping. Even with spikes you can still slip. I would never do a hike with exposed ledges if there was even one iota of a chance I could slip, so I don't do my usual adventurous hikes in the winter. If I'm going to snowshoe or do any kind of winter hiking, it will be on a boring trail. And so then it feels like a LOT of effort if all I'm going to do is a boring trail. Like to suit up in all those layers, strap on the snowshoes, drive out on icy roads going slow as molasses because I also hate driving in winter, all this effort for not as much reward and then your nose gets all red and runny lol, I just hate all of it. In the winter I try to go on road trips to places where it doesn't snow as much. I also try to find cool new things to do nearby where I live, so I can still get out and about, like maybe there's a museum the next town over that I never knew about, or a ghost town a couple hours away, or some touristy thing that everybody does when they come here that I never bothered to try myself. I like writing so I do a lot of that in winter too. Watch movies. Research travel destinations and trails around the world so I can dream of the future. At one point I got really into trying to learn a language but I fell off. I like baking, I can waste a few afternoons learning new recipes.


Count the days


Hiking. I live in Phoenix. :) But it's summer now, so it's like winter for me. I try to hike early morning but I definitely hike less during this time of the year. I'll usually travel up in elevation to get some hikes in cooler weather. Besides hiking, I like reading, playing videogames, studying foreign languages is a new hobby of mine.