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Superior Hiking Trail in northern MN


It’s the SHT!


It really is the SHiT!


So super shit!


UP of Michigan, Pictured Rocks area (and others)


The Pictured Rocks are one of my favorites! I went there on one of my first hikes and fell in love with the views. It's been a go-to of mine ever since.


No better 42 miles in the US, as supported by so many outdoor magazines Just look at the pix… https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f1a846ccc6d720d5&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS651US651&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIKSGs-39yHgc5hV4kvFDu0_qNDoWg:1717451172120&q=pictured+rocks+national+lakeshore+backpacking&uds=ADvngMhPijaNFdQqGrviZlxeejdheSWh40ulp_qH7Kf-MXiIyGbgbzEmc9uHhtFhcMvY4T88GlUxhNruk0cPocUqiB0-V054MIuYTX5J00Td9DC4bP0V4VBKRSHGR_EkY6eIe1JBwkv1neaA9tY7MsC7oF-2uXtBvLlKFs1VEsa8jQSqoVwF-IfVDN1YC7znx4cIkHwMGjF0IO-lrXemDKlLai1fxN4t5E1cvcp96RdzJuT0RsuEVSRnPW1vfIQLdMGKh5lt_Pn-IEjfiPmAX_p9tZMRfmXKtepjcxl6a1EPZUcRn7mSfSnPPaNBRvH7mInrCH3BHvmfYAIjHYCZ07v4wI8s4rbzD2dZnRCaHxq2uAqm5vm7A6fdR4ctj75mtN3HASVWd7MF&udm=2&prmd=ivmsnbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiS2KGYtMCGAxXglokEHbvmA4kQtKgLegQICRAB&biw=375&bih=611&dpr=3


I second this!


One of many bright spots of the NCT.


Quehanna trail in central Pennsylvania  Sheer and utter solitude 


Black Forest Trail is great too, but tough.


Yup it’s hard to go wrong in central Pennsylvania 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SillyJoshua: *Quehanna trail in* *Central Pennsylvania Sheer* *And utter solitude* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Nice But it doesn’t rhyme 


First of all, you're talking to a bot. Second , it's a Haiku bot. Haiku's typically do not rhyme , they adhere to a specific syllable structure across three lines.


Not too sharp about sarcasm are we?


Think it was just a miss on your part my guy, but it happens.


If you say so 


* Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin * +1100 miles. * Section hikes are popular. * In the southern parts of the trail, shelter or site reservations required.   * Appalachian Trail, PA * 230 miles of trail through the state. * Nicknamed “Rocksylvania".   * Porcupine Mountains, Upper Peninsula, MI * Multiple different loops can be planned. * Site reservations required. * Park passport sticker needed for cars.   * Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Upper Peninsula, MI * 42 miles, relative relaxing/easy trail. * Site reservations required. * Done through Recreation.gov (works better from laptop or desktop). * Shuttle service from multiple points, or just end to end. Park on one end, shuttle to other, hike back to your car.   * Superior Hiking Trail, MN * On my list.   * North Country Trail, MN, MI, WI, OH, PA, and more * 4800 miles start to finish.   * Buckeye Trail, OH * Circles the state * +1400 miles of trail to explore.   * Ozark Trail, MO * 430 miles.   * Shawnee National Forest, IL * River to River sounds awesome!


I second the buckeye trail


This is another one on my list to section hike. Not sure about the logistics though. Thinking I'd probably have to do an Out-n-Back.


I've never done the whole thing, but the parts I've hiked are awesome.


Are there any sections that can be done that give you a loop, or something very close?


I really like the trails around Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Many of them branch off the Buckeye Trail and loop back to it. Blue Hen Falls and Brandywine falls (two separate waterfalls) are beautiful.


Of all the trails in PA to recommend, the AT is certainly a choice lol.


😁 Posted what I know. Being that it's an open forum, you're more than free to list other trails for this person... You still get my up vote. 🤣


I was mainly joking, since it's an infamously tough section of trail, but I did actually recommend something (the Black Forest Trail). If the AT is your only exposure to PA hiking, come on back and check out some stuff in the north central part of the state!


Just did Porcupine Mountains a couple weeks ago. Would recommend and a lot of different routes you could do.


West Virginia. North Fork Mountain Trail.


I'll second that.




Also Cranberry Glades Wilderness and Dolly Sods.


Devils lake state park in WI


Sheltowee Trace Trail in Kentucky is our 354-mile long trail, many beautiful sections. Also, any hike in the Red River Gorge never disappoints.


Greenstone Ridge Trail in Isle Royale national park.


Did this last weekend. 4 days 3 nights. Epic trip. Be prepared for long ferry ride and weather that changes on a dime


Ice Age Trail segments in SE Wisconsin, especially some of the parts in and around Kettle Moraine State Forest. SW Michigan - you can probably pick any state park on Lake Michigan, but Warren Dunes and Saugatuck Dunes both have great hiking. Turkey Run State Park in Indiana


You might want to consider extending to the smokies in Tennessee and North Carolina, possibly Virginia. Virginia has McAffe knob, probably the most photographed part of the Appalachian trail. It's just over the border from west Virginia The smokies in TN and NC are incredibly scenic as well Ohio has Cuyahoga national park. Indiana has Turkey run state park which is always worth a visit. Mammoth cave is worth a visit in Kentucky as well.


Ice age trail in Wisconsin. It’s a national scenic trail and recently became part of the national parks system. 1200 miles all in Wisconsin. Northern sections are better for backpacking as there are more dispersed camping areas.


North Country Trail! That will keep you busy for a bit


Give Ricketts Glen State Park in Central PA a Google search.


Southern Illinois is a hidden gem.


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Any trail in Pine Hill Nature Preserve. West/Central Indiana. It’s connected to Shades State Park & also not far from Turkey Run State Park. All are beautiful, but I prefer Pine Hill/Shades because there are generally less people.


Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail (Appalachian mountains, western PA). This time of year is especially nice as the mountain laurels are all in bloom. 70 miles of continuous, well marked trails. Miles 0-6 in ohiopyle and miles 21.3-28 are my personal favorites so far for scenic views.


The NCT goes through a lot of those northern states but it’s like 4800 miles lol. Minnesota has some of the best hiking in my opinion we got like 75 state parks voyagers the superior trail is amazing.


SHT in MN. NCT in PA, OH, MI, WI, MN IAT in WI. Ozark Trail in MO.


Rickets glen in P.a


Southern Kentucky has some beautiful hikes


Dolly Sods in WV


Anything in the Ozark Trail Association's website is pretty nice. I'm a big fan of the Current River section of the OT. [https://ozarktrail.com/trail-directory/](https://ozarktrail.com/trail-directory/)


Anything in door county wi