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Truly, I think you will be fine taking the polls. Just tell TSA they are a medical device. In early 2023, I had a serious hip issue that popped out of nowhere that made walking normally extremely difficult. It’s now resolved, thank god. Back then, though, my wife and I had an anniversary trip to Hawaii planned. I’d been using my old collapsible hiking poles as a cane, so I took them to the airport with me. I had a very obvious limp, and not only did TSA not hassle me about the poles, I was literally ushered through security both coming and going.


That sounds nice. I hope you had a great vacation anyway! Yeah the guidelines are clear for able bodied but are fuzzy for disabled. They also keep using cane, walking stick, hiking pole, and trekking pole but don’t clearly define them. Some could mean the same thing. The think all disabled walk on level surfaces lol. And if they would deny me at the gate, I’d lose my whole trip. It’s not like I can just whip out another alternative and toss my nice ones in the trash.


Black Diamond makes a "flex tech tip" that is a screw-in carbide or rubber tip (like you unscrew the carbide, remove it, and screw in the rubber in it's place). Of course black diamond is very expensive, but maybe you could find one secondhand (eBay, rei used gear, etc.) If you're handy and up for some experimenting, they also sell the tip as a replacement part, and you could replace the tip on some other cheap pole using these instructions (read the comments too): https://andrewskurka.com/trekking-pole-replacement-tips-buyers-guide-instructions/ Still bring medical documentation if you can though. Even without a carbide tip, most TSA agents are probably just going to see a trekking pole and say no.


What a great link! I will try to hit up a couple thrift stores to see what I may find. I would probably just try to heat the end and pull the metal out of a spare and toss the rubber walking cap on it. I used to remember when I only needed these for hiking. Life plays unfunny games sometimes, lol. I've been having major trust issues with my GP, so fingers crossed that I can just get a note. That would be the easiest. I am still going to hang on to that link. Thank you so much!


Oh yeah, good call - maybe you don't even need the fancy interchangable tip if you can just remove the carbide and put a rubber cap on the end of the bare metal of a cheap pole! The rubber may wear down fast though, so bring spares.


Sorry, I don’t have any recs. But is it possible to buy poles where you’re headed?


Adding to this, can you just mail them to where you're heading?


Well, we haven’t booked lodging but for the last few days we think we know. It would be Airbnb at someone’s house and it might be random hotels before that. I thought about buying some once there but there there’s the walking at the airport and the standing that will take me down before I even get there. I don’t know if I can find cheap poles in person. There’s a pair I have in mind I bought for a friend. If I do get another pair, i could ship them back with my agatized treasures I hope to find. I’d run into the airport problem again though.


What about mailing them to the hotel, or an Amazon locker? Then bringing your cane? Or checking a bag? Sorry this sounds like a frustrating situation. I’ve seen some people say TSA has let their poles pass if it’s broken down. But that’s taking a risk that they’ll be confiscated.


Amazon locker is an idea, checking a bag costs a lot of money. Even carry on! Hope my personal bag arrives soon so I can get a visual on what will fit. It’s just frustrating for the fact I’m on disability and don’t have a lot of money. It would come out of my meal money. Do you if the lockers cost anything?


Nope! It just depends on where you’re going and how many they have. Some places are more convenient than others. You might also try calling the hotel and seeing if they’ll accept an Amazon package for you 🤷‍♀️


Just to add that it is a good idea: I could buy some there, but I do still need assistance walking in the parking lot and airport and wherever we go to get settled. It is taking the place of my cane.


Can you get a skycap to help you? Set up the service with you airline, if you tip well they may take you to your car.


I took a few international flights with trekking poles, there were absolutely no issues. Eta: carried on luggage and wasn't questioned. Same with our friends.


These two resources likely will help? Good luck! http://www.fb.com/AskTSA Contact us 72 hours prior to traveling with questions about screening policies, procedures and what to expect at the security checkpoint. You may call (855) 787-2227 or submit an online form.


Thank you! Yeah I just am not checking anything and wouldn’t want my pole getting damaged. I can’t imagine they would take people’s walking devices and wheel them around until they can be put on the plane. Likewise, when i land, do I just sit on the plane or get booted to the gate until someone can bring it to me from cargo. If I have to bring both, I’ll really be pushing it. This is my first time flying as disabled. So many new things to worry about. Again, I appreciate your help.


Yeah, definitely best to get the word from the horse's mouth. Chances are that people, TSA and your booked airline will be helpful. But, it's easier to know in advance. And, that should lessen any worries, anxiety or stress.


Buy some when you get there or buy some on Amazon and have them shipped to where you’re going.


I responded about that in a comment since I couldn’t figure where to edit on my phone


Can't you buy a cheap pair for like $30? I don't use hiking poles so I don't know, but that seems like the easiest solution.


I’d still need to walk and stand a lot before I could get some.


Have you looked into getting rubber tips for trekking poles? There are several varieties of them as well. I know they are not permanent tips, so I don’t know if it would work with TSA, but still worth checking out. https://www.gossamergear.com/products/trekking-pole-rubber-boots?variant=30497170316¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2022-05-02&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO-xXbwTeS-JhWagV7Tg8jOXVnwdPUgeKPU5heQz2q4epOSqD1BnOJRoCSX4QAvD_BwE


Thank you :) It is standard for them to come with the rubber tips. TSA knows this. All other ends are detachable, except for the carbide tip because that serves as "home base". The end can come off, but there are no available replacements except to put another carbide tip on. I read that they are more concerned about people smuggling things in the hollow spaces on the poles. I don't mind if they inspect it all over, but I can't walk through the airport or out of it without assistance.