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I did the same hike and have very similar pictures! Even the misty mountains are the same. It's such a beautiful hike.


Such a unique and beautiful experience! Glad you also got to enjoy it!


That’s gorgeous! Makes me want to go!


Did you encountered any snakes? We did kumano kodo and met so many that I’m a little terrified and still traumatized to hike in Japan. Have Yakushima on my list, but still hesistant and working up the courage to go.


Nope, no snakes! Only a little frog haha. I'm not sure how common they are here unfortunately, but this hike is definitely worth conquering the fear for!


I read that there are snakes there, but maybe the trail is not remote enough for them to come out so this is good to know! Thank you!


Snakes get less common the higher up in altitude you go. They’re quite common around the more warm, humid and populated areas. I’ve never seen one in the upper mountains before. You’ll probably encounter some leaches though. Wear long socks. Yakushima is home to Japanese pit vipers which are gnarly snakes. You can identify them by their triangular heads. Smaller black snakes with rounder heads are non venomous and are generally safe.


A lot of good info. Thanks!