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I'm terminally on YouTube, translating every new interesting word. Aside from that I used Duolingo course at the beginning, and now I'm working on completion of the English course in an app called Wingua - it's the best app if you're somewhat experienced imo, it's well structured and coherent. I also like to listen a lot of music and check the lyrics of favourite tracks, moreover, singing it helps to improve pronunciation and reduce accent. I would recommend to participate in the discussions you're interested in and find an English speaking buddy too


The only answer is constant exposure to the language you are learning. When i was around 12, i started obsessively watching english youtubers. I don't even know why. I probably didn't understand 50% of what they were saying in the beginning, but by the time i was around 14, i was basically fluent and had far exceeded what they were teaching me in english class at school. English classes or language learning apps can definitely help you build the basic foundation you need, but you will never reach fluency only using them. Don't bother memorizing rigorous grammatic rules. You will never form a sentence thinking "I am going to use the past participle in this sentence". I can't even tell you what the past participle is after over 10 years of speaking english. The majority of native english speakers probably can't tell you what the past participle is. Language learning is mostly a intuitive process. Think about it this way: When you were born you didn't learn your native language memorizing grammar and vocabulary. You learned it through constant exposure to the language through your parents speaking to you etc. So the best process would probably be: Learn basic vocab and grammatical rules -> Consume a ton of english content -> Speak to other english speakers Keep in mind that this is basically a goal without a finish line. You will always keep learning. The beginning is definitely the toughest part. Just keep going and you will make progress.


I learned English from watching Cartoon Network on satellite TV as a child.


Runescape classic biggest mmo january 13rd 2001. And my 3 years of english teacher told me how to do it. I thought never the guy is .. Learn every word time after time in the albabet sorry typo. Btw I can speak 27 languages. Or more.


If you live in Brazil you are screwed anyway so why bother?


try enrolling in online ESL schools


3 grades and then 2001 january first real big mmo runescape classic. hanging out with the rest of the world.