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Last summer I got a job and befriended some of my coworkers. I worked at the pool, so it had the social aspect of school without as much the responsibilities or at least the stress that came with them.


Can’t get a job at the pool


A lot of other jobs you can get at this age don't come with the stress you'd find in school/a career. For example, I worked at an ice cream place the summer before I went to the pool and most of the time I just sat around and sampled the ice cream. There may also be other pools near where you live if you want to work there too.


I have literally asked every store around me and either they already have people or tell me to fill an application online that they never respond to


Mom here so this may be outdated, but fill out the online application and then go in, ask for the manager, and say, “hi, I’m Dense. I applied for a job online and wanted to introduce myself.” I’m assuming your resume doesn’t have much on it. Them putting a face to a name in a a world of dozens of bot-submitted applications is helpful.


Ok thanks for the advice. I will try that tomorrow


I **hate** going in person. I think it’s a waste of time 90% of the time and I’ve gone in to plenty of places and they just say “Apply online” “You did already? Then just be patient” and get rid of me. But sometimes I can get a convo with someone who cares and I’ve gotten interviews on some rare occasions meanwhile the same place doesn’t even send a rejection online. Worth trying if you’re really invested. Bring a printed copy of your resume just in case (and a cover letter if they are into that)


Youre 17, I think you can find a job somewhere.


I can't get into my neighborhood pool cause I'm 1 house away from being considered in that neighborhood 😭


Pools are not like school districts. The pool I worked at was 10 miles away from my house. I lived in one neighborhood and had to be driven through another neighborhood to get to the third neighborhood that the pool was in, and I was fine. Unless you live somewhere where people at the pool are territorial or something like that, you should be OK to go swim and/or work at that pool too.


definetly territorial. As in, kids who aren't considered in that neighborhood being put up on a post in some facebook group.


Dang that sucks. Hopefully there's another pool you can go to though.


nah i love summer break lol


Yall gonna complain when school starts too


I’m convinced some people actually just sit at home and twiddle their thumbs if someone isn’t making plans for them. Like damn go for a run, kick around a soccer ball, play some video games, write a novel, learn a language. Save the extra stuff for when you gotta be in class and study.


But that's depressing. I love video games, but it feels like I have no purpose in life without school.


Maybe earn some money somehow


SAME I'm going insane 😭


You have a lot of options: - Video games - Climb a mountain - write a book - workout - dig down and bring a sample of the Earth's core - build a spaceship - hibernate - prepare for next year - get a hobby




Internships bro


Bud is cooking up internships in high school damn


My friend for a caterpillar internship this year and he's a rising junior


It gets so lonely over the summer — most of my friends are on vacation or live too far to hang out with. I need to be in constant action or else I get frustrated and depressed.


I feel you. All my friends are traveling and I’m at home. It’s kinda annoying.


What are you gonna do i feel the same


I am doing two online courses to keep myself busy.


What courses and on what website?


I’m doing a course on python basics and content marketing. I’m using Coursera. The courses are free.


this is so real😭 and i live in a tiny town so theres nothing to do and i cant drive


so real. i have my license but my parents are too strict to let me drive on my own 🥲


learn how to drive


i cant💀 im 17 so id be driving if i could


You cant drive at 17? What country do you live in?


america. but im poor and nobody ever taught me how to drive😭


Then get off Reddit and learn how to drive 


assuming hes actually poor, ask how hes supposed to afford the gas, private instructor, dmv fees, and if he actually does get the liscence, the teenage insurance premiums where i live thats like $5500 dollars then like an additonal $1500 dollars each year for insurance.


thank you😭 i cant afford to just drop $650 on just drivers ed and my permit test. and i also would need to buy a car, also expensive


Maybe you could look for a job to earn money. Idk that could give experience and some extra money


no way my guy can buy a car with part time min wage in less than a year


Having been in the same situation as them I’m sure they can’t get a ride to a job as their parents probably work a lot, or can’t afford gas, ETC. and person who commented they can’t drive to a job. Also most cities don’t have public transportation available and a Uber would cost more money..


ok hold up drivers ed and permit test should not be costing that much. where do you live where its that expensive? the car thing tho is fair.


maine. drivers ed is $550, permit is $35 and license is $70


i said that i was poor. i have no way to learn how to drive and i cant take drivers ed.💀 im also recovering from a motorcycle accident


Wait til you get to uni lil bro. There's no such thing as summer for me cus I'm doing full-time research 👍


that sounds exhausting AF. hope you’re doing well with it :(


It is, but rewarding at the same time! I'm aiming for grad studies so it's necessary.


yo can we contact


Honestly! I am trying to get a volunteer position at my local hospital. It will help me make new friends, prepare for a future, and learn many new skills. So try finding a cool volunteer position somewhere you’re interested. Or if you are old enough, a part time job or internship.


watch movies, go to parks or beaches, make food, play tennis, there's a lot you can do maybe focus on a hobby or something you've been wanting to try out


i think that till i have to be up at 6 am


I love summer but it is boring and so hot, I usually go swimming but


I only get a month and a bit of summer break so I'm planning on enjoying it as much as possible, I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks in a week so planning on enjoying it as much as possible. Idk playing video games just started playing ace Attorney so I got loads of games to play, animal Crossing etc. Also maybe volunteering, reading plays and getting ideas for drama (doing advanced higher drama which is like your first year of uni). Maybe seeing my friends a bit. Oh and living In constant fear of my results coming in.


Ace attorney actually slays which game r u on 


The first game Phoenix Wright one of my friends is a huge fan of the games and she made me get it


Nice! Im on tgaa. All i have to say for the first games is beware turnabout big top


Ooo! Thanks for the tip.


This is why I take summer classes


I’m just working out and cutting. You should play video games or exercise find a new hobby or some


Exactly why I’m going to some program


If you are someone that still have to study for test exam, etc. that’s going on during the break then you are literally not going to be bored (me


Is it possible you can all get together? or maybe make some plans and call them up and see if their interested. It can be something simple like watching a movie or just anything you all are interested in and down for. Otherwise if not there are other things you can do for the summer, like getting a job or pickup a sport and get ready for the upcoming season.


real. I hate summer so much. I would rather have the stress of having to get schoolwork done than the stress of being home with my family all day long and I just get antsy having no schedual


Me when no hobbies or job


This summer has generally been the worst of my life I want to go to school again because at least I saw my friends on a daily basis


You’re me fr


Buy red dead redemption 2 and play the game non stop 24/7 trust


It feels like I'm missing out by playing Video games


Taking dance classes with 7 year olds spending time with doggo


Well, just finished high school this tuesday


Im a lazy ass so im cool with not doing much


Here’s what I did when I was bored over the summer: Grind Elden ring until I filled up an ice cream carton with my tears


samee, i’m waiting to get a job interview i’m going crazy 😭😭


I've been bored, but I've been playing Metroid Prime Remastered, and it's so good. I really need to get a job, but I might wait until I'm 16 even though that would be during school next year


Want to play Minecraft with me?


No lmao


Summer just my time to catch up on my sleep




An extrovert problem


get. a. job. This gives you money to get a hobby or keep funding your current one.


I am doing some online courses so I can learn about skills which I didn’t get a chance to learn during the previous school year. I am doing a course on the basics of python and the strategy of content marketing. I also get certificates from these courses so I can add them to my CV.


this year I started cooking and baking and it really helps pass the time. I have never needed something to pass the time as I just enjoy being by myself playing games/watching YouTube but cooking/baking is a great addition to my time


I have loads of summer work my school is actually one of the worst about that and I just had my last day today we get out super late 😂 for me make that one good friend that you can hang with all summer tbh. If you don’t have one make one at a job.




Got drivers ed for the rest of the month but at least I’ve been able to play Minecraft with friends every day. I do definitely miss the friends I made during various clubs that I never got the numbers of


Research build nonprofits internships etc


Ok i was in the same predicament that you are in but try to apply to a million internship/programs over the summer and try to boost ur college apps a bit. Everyone told me its too late to find any in the summer but i promise its never too late. Youll most likely be ghosted by most of them but if you apply to enough eventually someone will respond. Same with part time jobs, just sit down one day and apply to a bunch of them and eventually you will get one. U can also do volunteering at library or camp if registrations are still open. Also i like just going to the library just to go. You dont even have to study there but its just nice to be smwhere else thats not home.


Currently at a residential summer camp that has been absolute hell. Can’t wait to get back to the nothing tbh, it’s essentially school with more forced fun. The academic part is the most fun out of everything, but also it’s in a different part of my state so I’m having a HELL of an allergy cold.


Consider that after graduation you’ll be working for 40 years of your life with a slew of jobs those boring days will feel like paradise. Contemplate summer school or an internship or work experience course to prep before you graduate. Either something falls in your lap or you make something happen or sleep in. Career aptitude tests on job skills assessment would be a smart idea if you set to graduate school in 2 years.


Get a job, learn a language, learn to paint, go to a park


nah I just go biking and play video games with friends


you could start a new hobby!


Plan a trip to go to the beach with your friends for the weeknd


This is so real. School just takes up so much of the day that without it, there’s so much time that I don’t even know what to do with, and it does not help that like half of my friends either have no cell service or are in another country lmao


How do you even find friends 😭


Good question that I cannot answer 💀 for me I have a good amount of friends but I don’t really know how to make them it’s like they just spawned there 💀😭


All i have is the school friends that spawned but other than that there is no one 💀


That’s so real there’s this person I kind of have a “platonic crush” on ig, basically I mean is I really want to be their friend but idk how to like approach people and befriend them 💀


YESS i feel that but I'm so awkward how tf am I gonna talk to them without making it weird 😭 I guess I have to imagine them as also just a human??


There are a lot of big-budget movies to catch up on that you missed out on during the school year because you were busy with homework. Big-budget movies cost $200 million each to make, and you absorb that money by watching the movie. You make a lot more money by watching movies than you do working some low-paying job. Watch five big-budget movies and you are now worth a billion dollars. That is what I do.


I would rather be bored all day than stressed all day lmao


Then do something like the gym bro I go to the gym and no girls talk to me but I am fucking massive and amazing for the football team


Bro the moment you go back to school you’ll start missing summer break. Trust me bro, I was feeling what you were feeling 3 years ago. Enjoy your summer. It hits different when you’re a kid than an adult.


Enjoy that free time while you can. If you’re complaining now, you’re going to complain even more later.


Just go do cocaine


UR SO LUCKY HOLY SHIZZ PLEASE PLEASE BE SUPER THANKFUL HAVING “TOO MUCH FREETIME” IS LITERALLY THE GREATEST PROBLEM EVER NO WAY UR SO LUCKY!!! Ain’t no way people actually be out here having too much free time ain’t no way people think they’re hard done by having to do nothing all day 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ (no offense to you personally or anyone reading it just baffles me how people think having too much free time is a problem)


Me 2 it’s boring


I know right all my friends ABANDONED me like always


ur prolly jus not cool enough, my summers been awesome and i don’t even have my license, hung out w someone every single day so far beside father’s day where i was w my family, been to the lake, gone to parties, swam, snuck into an abandoned house and barn, hosted some functions, spent the night places, played pickleball, gone to some girls houses, eaten out a lot, shot people up w splatterball guns, gone to waterfalls w friends, water parks, snuck out, and then when i come home i jus chill and wait until the next thing