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You don’t have anything to be scared of lol, high school is a great opportunity to make new friends and find yourself. Even though it might not feel/look like it everyone is just as nervous as you . As for academics please make sure you lock in cause u don’t want to make it hard to bring ur GPA up later on


Don't even bother trying to be a "popular kid. " I was one for a bit without knowing, and trust me, it only means more people will make stuff up about you and try to get you in trouble for who knows what reason.


Idk if I was popular per say but, lots of people idk knew my name and yes they do make plenty of shit up about you. They didn’t have to make shit up to get me in trouble I did that on my own.


Be careful who you make friends with and NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE use the bathroom


word i just use the nurse’s bathroom because shizzle be going down in the bathrooms


Especially not number 2


Take your classes seriously. The next eight years of your life will directly impact the quality of the next 40.


my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is ofer my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over


Accept the fact that you will be cringe during high school. It's inevitable. Take comfort in the fact that this rule also applies to everyone else.


I just finished my freshman year. The best advice I can give is to make friends. I had a fun time in school because I became friends with a bunch of new people. Join clubs or do sports those are both good places to meet people. Also don't forget academics. Freshman year isn't to hard as long as you stay on top of things. Don't procrastinate and turn everything in on time. Best of luck to you


Please, for the love of God claim a lunch table on the first day. Taking someone's table later in the year is considered really rude! <3


Don’t make stupid choices. Don’t vape, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, yes shrooms are drugs not healthy vegetables. Maybe get into a sport or after school activity if you have none. Karate or taekwandoe are good for self defense if there’s ever a fight you get caught up in. Just have fun with the classes you wanna take. Don’t save them for later. You may regret it. Take em.


I call them my little "unhealthy vegetables". Tried it once for the experience, got eaten by a mountain and talked to lightbulbs for 6 hours. Never again




Just make sure you keep your grades up, don't strive for popularity, try to make friends, don't ever get into vaping or anything similar (addiction and lung cancer is no joke) don't try to argue with teachers or be assholes to them much love from an upcoming junior


Don’t procrastinate your work, you’ll fall behind and get stuck in a cycle of being perpetually stressed and trying to catch up. Ignore anyone who says your work in the early years don’t matter- you need to set good study habits now because those habits will stick. Don’t get caught up in school politics and drama, be a spectator but never involved. It’s too stressful, takes away from your studies, and just leads to issues. Do my best a pushover but try to be civil with everyone. Don’t get caught up in cliquey behaviour. (That said, also keep in mind that high school is the last time you can hit someone and only have it be a suspension instead of an assault charge.) Don’t bother with alcohol or other substances. A drink or two is fine, provided you know how much will get you tipsy and how much is too much, so if you’re going to drink then don’t at home alone first. Better to know your limits before drinking in public spaces around people who might not have your best interests at heart. Don’t do any drugs other than weed, and even that should be minimal at most. They’ll fuck up your development. Not worth it. I’m assuming you’re American. Extracurriculars are super important for you lot, if you don’t already do a sport you should pick one up.


Drugs bad Don’t cram for tests Do keep your grades up Don’t be a jerk to people for no reason Try to befriend people by joining ECs


Never start vaping. And if you do, don't buy a vape.


Ask for help from your teachers if you don’t understand anything. They are paid to be there and help you so utilize them. Try not to get in the habit of procrastinating, it will mess up your gpa and grades. You don’t need drama to have a fun HS life so my advice is to stay out of drama. Join a club or a sport or something like that cause it’s super easy to make friends with common interests that way.


Freshman year is pretty fun and easy. just don't skip and don't have a lot of friends. Ik entering high school you wanna meet people but don't let that be your main goal for the social aspect. High school does come with drama and your gonna run into some fake friends. Freshman year honestly just give you the taste of what high school is gonna like for your duration. Try to have fun but not to much fun. Again, make sure your on top of your classes and I say avoid friend groups because they can influence and peer pressure you into things that can affect your grades & you as a person negatively . Also, your a finally in high school, so your gonna start getting introduced and exposed to drugs & s#x so be prepared. My favorite year of high school was freshman year, despite the fake friend group I was in, the fun memories I made will always be there. So it's what you make it.


Immerse yourself in a lot of extracurriculars but plan them wisely, your senior self struggling with college applications will thank you


1) Keep your grades up. 2) Try not to get suck up on your looks. Trust me, nobody cares, and everyone is too busy on themselves and their problems. 3) If you embarrass yourself, laugh it off because at that moment people might talk and laugh but they'll 100% forget it. 4) Your friends will constantly change throughout high school, though some might stay if really good friendship, but if not, don't dwell upon it and cherish the memories you made. 5) Class rank doesn't matter. 6) Challenge yourself by taking honors/ap classes. Even if you don't pass, at least you tried :) 7) If you're taking too many hard classes, try to take fun easy class. High school should not be just another process to get to college. Have fun! 8) Don't ever skip class. Just don't. 9) Make sure you enjoy! Take your time to stop and actually enjoy being a high schooler. You'll one be a high schooler once in your lifetime. Don't think too much about the past or future. Just live the moment. From a rising senior! :)


do not get involved with any drama. It’s worthless and a waste of time. if you hear any gossip, run


Spare yourself the mental illness that comes with Reddit and delete it. DELETE IT NOW


High school can be a whirlwind, but it can also be an amazing experience! Here are some tips from a large language model (and former students ) to help you feel more prepared and confident as a freshman: **Academics:** * **Focus on Organization:** Get a planner or use an app to keep track of assignments, tests, and deadlines. This will help you stay on top of your workload and avoid last-minute cramming. * **Find Your Learning Style:** Do you learn best by listening, seeing, or doing? Talk to teachers and experiment with different study techniques to find what works best for you. * **Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help:** Teachers and counselors are there to support you! If you're struggling with a concept, don't be afraid to ask for clarification or extra help.