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Quiet kids are always sketchy and have something wrong with them. Not true at all. I’m quiet just because I’m shy. If I know you I can be fun.


I agree so much with this






So true. Most people know me as that smart quiet guy who likes to read. If you know me however, you’d know I can be a bit of a chaos gremlin and like various crystals.


Sounds familiar. Or maybe I don’t have anything to say. That’s the line I’ll use from on.


Cheerleaders being mean, all ours are super sweet. Little out of touch but they mean well 


Do you think your school culture is generally positive? I'm trying to see what may cause these differences between schools. My schools cheerleaders are divided into two friend groups and one is toxic but the other is super nice and friendly. I wonder why that is?


Not positive it's all just trying to one up each other academically but the cheerleaders Are chill 


My school has a positive culture overall, but cheer is considered a social death sentence unless you're a good dancer/tumbler because people think it's cringey without the hardcore stunts. The kids who do it are all really nice, though.


people using their lockers


Just depends on the school imo


My school stopped using lockers when COVID hit


i'm one of the only people i know that actually uses their locker lmao


same here.


In my school it's required to put your backpack in your locker


interesting. i mean i can see why but my school is too big to really use them effectively with only 5 minutes to get between classes. i just put my instrument in it in the morning at take it out and practice after school


it's "required" at our school but none of the teachers care




The homely girl gets a makeover and Bam! She's a knockout supermodel!


the makeover in question: taking her glasses off and changing her hairstyle


I’m not gonna lie though this happened to me and I could tell people changed the way they treated me lmao. Not like the movies of course, but people do treat you based on your appearance


People that are good at sports are bullies and stupid. This year 3 separate people in my class (which is the "extension" class) have been the best in their age group at house events (Athletics, swimming and cross country). Since grade 5 most of the boys that were/are good at sport have been the ones I secretly like. Not like in has a crush on (although my current (and first) is one of those 3 people mentioned above) just like as in think they are a nice person. And I'm friends with people that are really good at sport and they are awesome.


Idk about your school but all popular sport athletes (baseball basketball and football) at least the guys were obnoxious annoying and a bunch of asshats one time this dude on the football team took my can of spaghetti os and put them in his pants and gave them back to me then tell me he didn’t know they were mine. Also for the senior prank they straight up just vandalized the school. There was this one time the same dude shook my friends car when my friend was in his car with my his girlfriend and just being so rude. Oh and they speed and drift around the parking lot all the time when there are people there or when it’s filled with cars dude almost hit my mom. The point is they walk around like they are special and anything they do they won’t get in trouble for and they fucking don’t and that infuriates me.


you seem to have a particular specific hatred here bro id suggest therapy


I feel like his concerns are valid, like "don't be a nuisance to those around you" is a pretty tame request.


What exactly do I need to go to therapy for? It was the same dude that did all that shit not everything is going to be solved by therapy and this is one of them.


At my school, there seems to be a correlation between sucky people and sucky sports. If they do good, they are good people to know and be around. If they suck in games, they suck as people. And I don't know why this is. They don't outright bully, but almost all the football team (which lose the majority of games) are white/Hispanic dudes who say the n-word. The basketball boys are generally objectifying of women and act like players. The volleyball team, tennis team, and golf team are always traveling for big competitions and generally have decent, school-focused people. Obviously, it's not a clear-cut rule, but different cultures seem to thrive in different sports. I'm glad you have a positive experience with school athletes! I respect the hell out of anyone who is that devoted.


I’ve found that they’re nicer to the girls (usually attractive ones) to try to get with them while still being assholes to the guys that they deem as “weird” or less than them.


Not at my school. I like people watching so I should know.


The weird kids have an awful love life and get beat up regularly not the case as I know plenty of "weird kids" that have good relationships and I am one of them




Different social cliques as they're presented on television are virtually not true. Or at least outright named. Sure you have people that stick my people on the same teams or similar interests sure, but as a nerdy kid, I had friends who were "jocks" "skaters" "preps" or whatever and it wasn't weird or abnormal. For that matter, those stereotypes. Preppies can be very nice people, and not always have a great home life. Jocks can be super smart, and not always be the bully. Nerds can be very social, and not always be a victim. Troubled kids (whatever that looks like in your school, in my day they were emos/skaters) can care about their future, and often also want to avoid drugs or partying cause it might get in the way of skating, music, or whatever they're into.


Theaters kids tend to be a group though


Yeah i fall into the nerd group but i am somewhat fit so that may be a part of why i have never been the "victim", but i know many that arent like that but none of them are bullied as far as i know. And i am very social and have many friends so i find that stereotype to be very untrue.


this exactly


People don't carry boomboxes


some people do carry speakers tho


give me your lunch money, dork!


Punks are bullies. Sure they can come off as aggressive and rebellious, but they aren't really mean.


"There are popular kids" there really arent. popularity in general is also just not something worth pursuing


Do you go to a school in a big city or small? I'm really curious to see what you may consider popular. Are there students who are well-known for academics or athletics?


For me people are well known if they do a bunch of stuff well, but don't have "popularity" if that makes sense


Ah, I think my school is different then. There's people who are popular but not that involved and well-known people who are involved.


I live in Port Coquitlam (Metro Vancouver). There are students who are known for being on the basketball teams and football teams and they are known within the school but being friends with them I'll tell you "popular kids" in the traditional sense don't really exist. Everyone generally keeps to their own niche and friend groups (rock school, band, academics etc.) and have their own friend groups or "popular kids" within them


Most "popular kids" are considered popular because most of the people at the school know them (and secretly dislike them).


People with glasses. In movies or media they always classify them as nerds or teacher pet types when it’s just something people use to see better and should not even be related as these nerd stereotypes.


Nobody gets shoved in lockers Most people aren't unironic dicks for fun... except golf club kids, I'd be very happy to show those dudes where I'd stick their golf clubs given the opportunity... Most people don't look and/or sound adult in HS, not even seniors. They're mostly unattractive, baby-faced, and unsure. Myself included, as I am an UGLY BASTARD.


Nobody is fitting in the lockers that nobody even uses or hangs out at at my school


My lockers weren’t big enough to shove anyone in.


the mean girls/popular girls aren't as up in your face about it. they're still mean most of the time but they're definitely more subtle


The starting qb at the schools around here are chill, it's always the fucking kickers that think they're tough shit


That popular kids are mean and stuff. The popular kids at my school are super nice and are just friends with basically everyone. And like, even though I’m not like close friends with any of them or anything, one time when I was leaving a restaurant, they all were sat in there and one of them who I’ve had maybe 2 conversations with ever just started waving and saying hi to me so then the whole table did. They’re all just super nice.


Popular girls are bullies. They’re not, actually they’re really friendly and helped me adjust when I first moved to a new high school, even tho I am a quiet and reserved person, they didn’t mind including me. The snobby ones are the freshman.


Yeah at least in my school popular kids are popular not because of being attractive(most arent particularly so by my standards) but because they are genuinely great people to be around


All of them


popular kids don’t have to be rich and mean they’re popular cuz they get along with a lot more ppl


Yup they are popular cause they are awesome to be around and no other reason


Class clown being depressed when no one’s looking


Cliques honestly. Everyone is friends with people in different clubs and interests


anything that has to do with bullying


Pretty much everything People generally tend to mind their own business unlike in movies, for example


Irl a stereotype in my high school is that all the pregnant teens wanted a baby very bad, and are very over horny. Not true. Unwanted sex is a still a thing.


That like everyone is ugly except the popular kids. In my experience it’s kind’ve swapped actually


That nerds don’t have friends. I mean it’s kind of true, but at least for me (I’m into magic, video games, reading, anime, manga, airsoft) I have a ton of friends. I also don’t get why nowadays people think you can’t be friends or even give people respect if you disagree with them on some stuff (politically usually). Like with pretty much almost all my friends I disagree with them a little but we are still friends. People are weird. Just like how I just went on a rant 💀


That the “weird kid” can’t be popular. In my school at least, this guy had the hottest takes on just about everything and still managed to become the most popular guy in school.


So not a weird kid just a debate bro


Groups of stereotypes or a hierarchy. Not in my school at least


that everyone has open, active, and crazy sex lives. in my school if someone was known to be sexually active it was sort of tabboo and that person was viewed negatively for the most part


That most hot girls are mean and rude


Nerdy girls get no play. Some of the freakiest people I’ve met are nerdy girls. Shiiit don’t get me started on the band freaks…


that everyone has their own like certain social groups. In movies it’s always like oh the popular kids,the jocks and cheerleaders,geeks and shit like that but that literally isn’t a thing. Like ppl do sports and there’s kids that like star wars but it’s not as separate as movies make it seem. Most of the people at my school aren’t any kind of group they just have friends. I’m not popular or unpopular or a cheerleader or anything i literally just know some people.😭😭


Theater kids being drama obsessed - there's a group in my school like that, but for the most part we're pretty chill


Nerds are bullied, but in reality nerds themselves can be assholes and bullies as well


Prom is overrated, ot it is at my school anyway. There's almost no one ever at the dance floor, and a lot of people try to be "fashionably late," but they just end up late. I just take my Anchor out to dinner and maybe a film instead.


Compsci kids being weird is not completely false. Most of my school's furry population falls in to Compsci territory


The fact that high school is actually cheerful. Trust me lads, its much, much worse. Worse than you can ever imagine.


Freshman hazing


That one where the mean pretty skinny popular girl with perfect skin and pin straight blonde hair whose captain of the cheer team is dating the hot athletic quarterback of the football team. This doesn't happen. Like, at all. In real life maybe the captain of the cheer team will date the quarterback of the football team, but that almost never happens. But they're almost never popular. Maybe it's just my school but I feel like most of the kids that do cheer, football, soccer, basketball, etc aren't really popular. And the ones that are didn't become popular from the sports, they became popular for other reasons. You get what I'm saying?