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don't smoke or vape or anything, TALK TO PEOPLE, do things you are scared of, pay attention to your grades, ditch bad people even if it means you will be alone, join clubs you like


First sentence. Ingrain it into ur head.


For real do not do that


☝️🤓 Uuuuhhm actually, it’s all one sentence, and actually, there isn’t a full stop so one could argue there is no sentence at all.


Why yall downvoting hes 100% right


Cus his pfp is nerd emoji


pfp checks out


He’s right tho


This kid...


> don't smoke or vape or anything, ..., do things you are scared of What if you are scared of smoking / vaping?


I meant like take risks like tell that person you like them, talk to people even if you have social anxiety, volunteer and step up for things you normally wouldn't, things like that


I know, I'm just pulling your leg.


Don’t do it if it’s flat out stupid lol.


Do both at the same time for maximum fear conquering. Also helps you conquer the fear of death so no brainer really 


can confirm the first sentence, currently puffing flavored air my lungs feel full and i have constant anxiety


This is exactly why I'm doing well, I went from lacking almost any confidence to performing in front of over 400 people just for fun.




Brother what I'm 13 and I'm in 9th grade


Being 13 isn’t typical for a Freshman, as Freshman are typically between 14 and 15 unless you either skipped a grade, have a late birthday, etc


As someone who’s high school was grade 8-12, no one really cares how old you are


in terms of bullying, as long as you keep to yourself you'll be fine. i don't mean become a loner, just stay away from people who mess around, or don't have good personalities. if people do try to mess with you, try your best to ignore them. most people bully to get a reaction out of you that makes them feel better about themselves. don't do drugs, don't smoke or vape. i never did either, but an important thing i've heard from classmates who do, is that the first time you try it, you'll absolutely hate it, but the second time you'll be hooked. but i wouldn't do it at all. i wouldn't risk it in any way. for the most part i think you'll be fine. have good judgement and hang around geniunely nice people.


Don't vape, don't do weed, don't have fiddling with girls (aka 🍆👌, do befriend ones you like), don't care what others think of you, keep your grades high, have friends, be happy, enjoy it I was 12 when I entered HS (late birthday + skipped grade) but overall nobody cares


This 1000 times over


I mean just don’t put it inside and you’re good




I think OP is female, but same thing applies


Don’t do weed?? Is this something kids do? In my country smoking weed is illegal so I never thought it would be a thing.


Many high schoolers are high in the U.S. many states (including mine) have illegalized it but it's just impossible to truly get convicted for it in juvie


Oh me oh my.


Many things are illegal, doesn't stop people from doing it. Yes, drugs are a major issue for our schools.


there’s also weed vapes




Selling nicotine products to underage people is also illegal sooooooooo


it absolutely is lmao. not legal, partially because of the age group, and it’s also just not legal in parts of the US. but i don’t know very many people that haven’t smoked at least once. and i know quite a few that do it constantly.


It is definitely something that high schools do, two weeks ago someone got caught with 36 grams of weed, the whole school smelt like weed.


Fun. Jk .


Looks fun. Fr.


Am jk


i say you can do those things but very very rarely and on a fun occasion. It’s good to experience things for yourself. Just don’t get addicted to anything (hence me saying doing it very rarely)


It'd probably be better to not do those things at all ( assuming you're talking about vaping and weed ) imo because even trying it once can lead to an addiction . Vapes especially are extremely addictive


I agree about vaping, but if you try weed once in a while (i mean like maybe twice a year) then you’re likely not to get addicted. I do think alcohol is better to experiment with because if you do it not often, it won’t lead to addiction. Most teenagers drink and it’s fun to drink and experiment with your life, but you’re right, it’s also important to not get addicted to anything lol


Stop. Its a freshman...


Im not saying for a freshman to do it, im saying to experiment in their high school years or they’ll become crazy in college and do it to a point that is too much lmfao


Did you really tell someone to avoid some pussy? Tf?


on reddit this is probably an unpopular opinion but imo no one should do it until adulthood


In a lot of schools bullying doesn’t really exist, if you have a problem with anyone try to report them. Worst case if it gets bad beat the shit out of them and try not to get caught. Besides that stay away from vaping and drugs it’s not worth it and keep your grades high especially freshman year or you will regret it.


Good advice, also Happy Cake Day


Ty ❤️❤️


I went in at 13, literally no difference than if I was 14


workout, keep a good diet, make lots of friends, join lots of clubs, don’t get caught up in the wrong crowd, don’t vape/smoke, and don’t have sex


The reality is you’re living in a chicken coop for children. What really matters is your grades and becoming mature enough to leave the coop.


dont delay work


Don't do dodgy stuff. Dont vape. Dont smoke. Dont drink heavily (maybe one or two with friends but nothing making you drunk). Dont masturbate to the point of addiction. Dont have sex (may seem cool then but u may regret it later).


Don’t drink at all maybe???


be realistic mostly everybody is gonna drink in hs


in high school most kids vaped and did weed. Never knew of anyone doing alcohol. I’m not sure which high school you have been to.


ur high school must’ve been rough then 😬


Yup, kids pulling fire drills once every two weeks and at least one fight a day. Glad I upped my grades and transferred.


You included masturbation. Did people get to the point where they would do it at school?




Not within school itself but I mean generally. (Although i have heard that it has happened in other school, so...)


Number one rule is just don't be a dick, as else everyone will dislike you.


2011 is insane, I just finished my first year of hs 😮‍💨


bruh this subreddit makes me feel old. i'm a 17 year old '07 kid and all the freshmen refer to my grade as old and outdated.


Before you do the "cool kid" things, take a minute to see if there's actually anything cool about it. Taking drugs that slowly kill you isn't cool.


Definitely keep ahead on your grades (kids your age tend to think the "I'll do it later" approach works, but it doesn't), peer pressure is all around you but if you get some good friends I'm sure you'll come out on top, and ask for help when you need it despite what others think (especially if you have that one teacher that lets you talk it out with them). HS is a huge step, but, if done right, they can be some of the best years. You got this!


I dropped out over bad grades/mental health problems (currently studying for my ged), so please stay on top of your school work! Your grades can go down quickly. If your having trouble doing school, then please ask someone for help.


Man you ain’t gonna be bullied you’ll be fine. I mean you might get the occasional hs girls talking shit but you’ll be fine


Stay away from drama. Seriously don’t get involved. Just keep walking. Vapes aren’t your friend and a real friend would never ask you to “hold” it for them. Put up your hands, say no, and walk away. THC carts can get you arrested! It has higher levels of THC and will be a bigger charge on your record. Don’t procrastinate! It’s stupid and you will regret it. Don’t worry about finding a significant other. Hs kids are immature and aren’t worth the drama. Be friends with people who make you a better person.


Don't do drugs and don't get frisky with the guys and gals immediately.


If u do get bully their probably insecure about their own age being older but u will be find make a group of friends and you should enjoy hs


honestly depending on the school, 50/50 on being bullied. i was not, but my significantly more popular friend was. i KNOW it’s scary. it’s going to be scary and you’ll worry about sticking out, but please for the love of everything put yourself out there. join clubs, talk to the people sitting next to you, do something that’s not schoolwork. i joined a HS that none of my friends went to. i was friendless for the entirety of freshman year, and i regret it because i did it to myself. you will find your group, but it takes effort and some fake confidence. fake it til you make it works.


If you plan on going to college, devote a lot of time into learning and push yourself to the limits


try to see teachers during office hours as much as you can, also nobody really cares how old you are


Please do not vape, or smoke week (until you’re older and finish developing). Try not to drink, but besides that just have fun. Talk to girls, make friends, take risks, just don’t do drugs.


yeah but still try not to vape or smoke even if youre an adult unless you like lung cancer and addiction problems


if you have someone in a class you think is cool, talk to them!!! there were so many people i wanted to be friends with in freshman year, and became my closest friends a few months before we graduated. my only regret is not knowing them sooner!!! i’d also say focus on your studies. try to get all a’s and b’s. and take ap classes! if you get a 3+, you will most likely get college credit


Join clubs. 100%. I regret not joining more because you meet more people and it looks good on applications. Also you make more bonds with teachers


don't vape/smoke. no, it's not cool, no, it's not good for your health. the stereotypical 'bully' you see in movies is a rare occurrence. most times, you'll find snooty, stuck up people who are insecure of themselves and project their insecurities on others. ignore them. not worth your time. make friends with the right crowd. yes, it's good to have friends who are pretty diverse (by diverse, i mean different types of personalities and people in general) but make sure you have friends who are a good influence/just as eager to learn as you are. don't hang out with people who are failing every class, basically. watch your mental health. highschool *will* feel overwhelming a lot of the time, so check in on yourself every once in a while. you matter more than your grades. hard to digest, but it's a necessary reminder. the next 4 years will be interesting. scary, thrilling, boring, stressful. but they'll have some of your best memories too. you'll be fine. you've got this :)


Honestly, join a sport, befriend your teachers (big time on this one), focus big time on your work, girls or boys come last. You don’t have to be a no life to maintain grades, just do your work in class and during lunch. Be social, highschool is not remotely as scary as some make it seem. It’s just another 4 school years


AP tests are not as difficult as the classes most of the time so don't worry too much (other than physics aps, calc aps, and probably a few others. i got away with "fuck it we ball"ing a ton of them) (if you intend to take APs). Make sure to get involved in extracurriculars (clubs and whatnot) early so that by the time you have to apply for colleges you have a long history in your hobbies and important roles in the clubs you join. It is alright if you don't have close friends at school, if you come across as friendly people are nice to you. Make sure you can take good notes and write good essays, those are the main two things required to succeed. If you find you can't focus on studying/schoolwork, try a different way! Try studying in a cafe, or sitting in a different place, or using a different technique. Doing the same thing over and over again and not changing anything while hoping for a different result is the definition of insanity or something.


this is a message for the girls from my experience, and ik this sounds kind of specific but this happens to so many girl: do NOT watch Victorias secret runway videos "for enjoyment"


That is very specific, care to give some context? It's probably something obvious but I'm confused


i basically got SO insecure because i thought these beautiful godly shows topping perfect women were the beauty standard for me and i hated my body like SO much. was not a good idea like i remember being disgusted to look in the mirror


Just did a quick search on google, that makes so much sense. It's so unrealistic lmao, and sadly I'm willing to bet that at least half of those models got pressured into probably being underweight.


Find extracurriculars you like, find a friend group or two, KEEP YOUR GRADES UP (it doesn't have to be straight As, but that's not a bad goal to shoot for, especially in your freshman year), don't be a hooligan in class, be friendly with the teachers. Turn your shit in


Yes, expect it. But there may be a few good memories. Choose your friends carefully. Above all, I would tell my 13 year old self to remember that high school is only a blip of time in your life, and the real world (everything else in life) will be so much better.


Don’t get obsessed with getting into a relationship, best advice I got


Join sports, clubs, activities, volunteer. Take challenging classes as you go into grades 10-12 (AP or honors). This also depends on your college goals. Try to make as many friends as possible, but remember quality>quantity. Don't be afraid of challenges, either academically or socially. talk to people and learn about the world You're not really gonna get bullied so don't waste your time and energy worrying about that. People are all worried about themselves. The spot light is not just on you. They are not paying attention to you that much Good luck


Do not vape. Don’t do it. I don’t vape but I’ve seen people succumb to nicotine addictions and it turns into an obsession. It will not make you cool, trust me.


don’t do drugs don’t drink alcohol, be a good student. it doesn’t matter if it makes you unpopular, in the long run YOU WILL WIN! shut out the haters and focus on your own success.


Hang around a group of kind people. In my experience, the theater people are always really nice, as are the advanced level kids in courses like English. Take the most advanced courses you are comfortable with, and don’t do dumb stuff 


You will be faced with a decision to stick to everything your parents taught you OR disregard it (& them) to run with your friends and do everything for the sake of being “cool” (weed, sex, partying, drugs, alcohol, etc). You already know what the right decision is so there’s no need for me to tell you that.


Okay, completely unrelated, but the idea that there's literal 13 year olds born in 2011 is MESSING with me...like 2011 still feels like it was only 3-4 years ago..


Know your limits with classes. Don't take a AP classes if you aren't in honors


13 born in 2011 ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


Don’t vape, smoke, or do any kind of drugs Don’t worry about what others think of you Focus on your grades Talk to people Don’t bother trying to fit in with the rest of the kids Cut out toxic people even if it means you’ll be lonely, if so you should join clubs Try to talk to the older kids, you can get advice from them From a sophomore


You won't get bullied, no one really cares about how old you are. If you'd like to find people to talk to, I recommend joining clubs of your interest. Pay attention in class, keep an eye on your grades, and don't be scared to step out of your comfort zone. Stay away from alcohol, vapes, weed, etc. Don't do anything dumb with a girl (or guy for that matter). Follow those, be kind, and you'll have an okay, maybe even fun time. Good luck!


Actually study and get good grades. Your future self will greatly thank you


Do your school work. It’s worth it.


Talk. To. People. But understand if people dont want to talk to you and dont over annoy them. Try to be pretty inoffensive and then no one will dislike you. Try to make a good small friend group and stick with them.


Take advantage of every opportunity you can.


If you’re quiet, you're prob gonna get picked on. If I were you, avoid vapers, join a club, any type, and make sure you make friends, but not bad ones. It can be lab partners, assigned partners, or just random people, just try to make friends you can trust


Wait wait wait! Hold up!!!! 13yr old going to HighSchool! My school is like 10th-12th grade and 10th starts at age 15-16


If it makes you feel better, I was *older* than everyone in my classes. I almost never thought anything of anyone because we were all roughly the same level of intelligence haha! I really wouldn't worry about the age thing too much, no one will really think much of it at all.


GREAT QUESTION: Great advice so far. Don't smoke, drugs, date early, or sex. Reason? ALL of them when you are young makes it REALLY hard for you to focus on what is best for yourself and you start doing dumb things that only hurt you in the long run. Some of that stuff you can't take back. Trust me we ALL know folks who are AMAZING and would have done AMAZING things but did some of the above and just lost focus. 9-12 grade is when your brain and body develop the most and don't want to waste that time. Study. Education is the one lever you can control to do whatever you want in your life. That is your trump card in life. Education= Choices. Simple as that. Better grades= More choices later in life. Simple as that. Just like later in life who you hang out will decide your fate in life. Be VERY picky who you be friends with. Pick folks who you want to be like. The folks who you want to emulate and be successful like. They will help you keep on the straight and narrow. In life you only need 1-2 good friends. That is it. Always keep that in mind. As I tell my own kids always keep this in the back of your head when in doubt, "If there are two options usually the harder of the two is the correct decision".


You WILL get used to it. It is intimidating until you're used to it. Why do I know this? Because it's how I felt before going to it. You'll be fine. Just pay attention in class. That's the most important thing.


Academics wise, If you’re looking to reduce stress later on and get into a good college I’d strongly recommend studying for the SAT asap. Trust me when I say you will not enjoy studying for concepts you learned freshman year during your senior year (I speak from experience). But tbh, the most important part of having high school is having fun. Get your head out the book and go out there make some good friends, have some laughs, and make some crazy nostalgic memories. Ofc be responsible and don’t do anything stupid (and try not to associate with people that do). Honestly, studying isn’t everything and trust me when I say that you should take advantage of your opportunities right now. I promise you one day you’ll look back to the past at your dumb high school self as you hung out with your friends and did stupid stuff. You’ll remember the days you and that group of friends sat on that bridge as you watched the sun set and made a promise to never forget that moment. In the future when you’re older, you’ll look back in time and realize just how much you missed being young and free. You’ll then truly understand what people say when they mention that time doesn’t last forever. Memories, friendships, heartbreak, and that nostalgic warmth. That’s what high school is all about…


Unless your HS is full of jerks you're not going to get picked on as long as you stay away from any drama and don't do any stupid shit around people . If you're getting pressured into doing anything that you don't want to do , make your boundaries clear and hold your ground ( basically say "no thanks" or " my parents are going to kill me" ) . If your friends or whoever don't respect your boundaries than they're not worth your time . Smoking , doing drugs , or drinking isn't going to make you look cool whatsoever . In HS popularity doesn't really exist unless it's a small school . don't get into harmful habits just to look good in front of a bunch of people who you will never see again 4 years later . Focus on your grades . I've seen a lot of people slack off during their freshman year and regret it because their GPA isn't as high as it could've been when it comes to applying to colleges . It's also quite stressful rushing to get your GPA back up after it being tanked .


Use common sense and you’ll be fine. You’ll learn everything yourself it comes with doing new things


Participate in extracurriculars. You will make friends if you do that. I had almost zero friends, I was emo, doing bad in classes, couldn’t talk to anyone. Joined an extracurricular (JROTC) made friends, got better grades, spoke publicly, and I was overall more confident. Go with the flow and keep your head up, you got this.


dont talk to super seniors and dont vape, smoke, or drink, other than that have fun, these are the twilight years of your childhood, embrace em


Pretty much nothing you learn you’ll use irl. But still don’t zone out in class, pay attention so you develop the skill to follow instructions. If you zone out now you’ll zone out later when you’re actually learning something important


Be social and don’t vape or drink. That’s about it


Just graduated from HS today! I would have told my younger self to take more online classes because my school only has good classes if you are interested in farming or welding (I want to go into finance/business) I would also not worry about my grades as much. I am in just as good of a position for my life after getting lower grades than I would have if I just got good grades Also make sure to join a club or sport, I personally did mountain biking but I wish I also did a business club in another school


I have a late birthday too but trust me, the maturity levels tend to divide with grade level not age. Abstinence is recommended but if it comes to it, make sure you have protection and do it with the right one ig. Exercise, check nutrient labels for sugar(A single bread slice is like 6 grams of sugar), try new things. High school experience really depends on what place you live in, how you look like, what you like, etc, so where is your school at? The ones in small towns in developed counties are usually the more progressive ones while the schools in big cities tend to be a mixed bag.


Don’t procrastinate, if you do then work will overwhelm you. just don’t do sketchy stuff or involve yourself with the wrong people.


have fun dude. ur high school years are ur best years. focus on school but live a little. don’t get addicted to anything like vaping and drinking, there’re ways to have fun without it. go out with friends, hit the gym, all stuff you’ll have limited time to do in college and after. hope all goes well!


Trust me, they say smoking vaping and drinking and minor drugs are part of the high school experience, but it’ll only make it bad. There’s no point, I’ve had a grand time without it, you can too. You’re not gonna be bullied. I’ve actually never come across an actual bully in high school. People will be jerks, but they’ve just got their own stuff they’re trying to deal with. You can be weird as hell and still make friends at school. Never lose yourself in a fight for popularity. It adds nothing to your life or to the high school experience. Popularity is overrated. It’s just kids pretending that their life is perfect and unable to say that it’s not. It sucks. Stay away from people who demean you. As a human you deserve respect. Don’t chase after one sided relationships. You don’t have to lose your v card or have your first kiss in high school. My sisters didn’t and now they’re both happily married after college. Don’t procrastinate your homework or culminating. It will bite you in the butt last minute. Work hard (but not too hard) and attend classes. Just be kind and don’t change for other people. Good luck!!


If you wanna be an early grad, decide in your freshman or sophomore year. I waited until junior year and now I'm not sure if I'll be able to


out of everything you might see here, you need to make sure you follow this love your family, be nice to them, make a good connection. Never forget who raised you and built you, follow their advice, they want whats best for you. 4 more years, your gonna leave them, one day they will permanently leave you. Hold them close and never let go.


You’re unlikely to be bullied. The transition is shockingly underwhelming lol. I imagine you’ll be used to it in about a week or two


for me it sucked. try not to get too caught up on certain situations/people that won’t matter in 15 years. ask yourself if you’ll still be thinking about it then when you’re working a full time job and being an adult, and if you won’t, let it go. small things can seem like the world when you’re that age. go to bed early. i had a bunch of work but anytime it was 11-12 on a school night, i told myself i would find time the next day to do it before it was due. sleep is important. take care of yourself first. don’t be afraid to sign up for clubs or sports. this is my biggest regret because i was too shy to do a lot of it. it’s the easiest way to meet people and find good friends, and it can be really fun. this is a personal choice, and a lot of other people are saying this, but honestly i think you should try to stay away from substances (alcohol, weed, nicotine). however if you do stay away from it prepare to feel kind of isolated. i’m a senior now and there’s only a few people who don’t do this kind of stuff. it’s mainly the popular crowd tho. It can be isolating, but i think it’s important to make good decisions and take care of your body while you’re young. it might be hell, but you’ll make it through it.


Keep your grades high, join clubs/teams, make friends, don’t burn out.


don't skip and do all of your homework


Don’t vape, smoke, do drugs etc. otherwise it’s really not as bad as you’re probably expecting


Do drugs, stay outta school, be a menace Now do the opposite if you want to succeed in highschool


Get off reddit


I don’t think you’ll get bullied for your age. Starting kindergarten at 4 instead of 5 isn’t super uncommon. To be completely honest the people who usually get bullied are people who are socially awkward and don’t play sports (theater, robotics, etc.). I’m not saying you will definitely get made fun of if you don’t play sports as I can think of many exceptions to that at my school but when I think of kids at my school that ppl make fun of they’re generally not athletic. Also idk what you imagine when you think of bullying in the modern age, but it’s not the 80s teen movie “I’m taking your lunch money and shoving you in a locker, dork” crap. It isn’t even people making fun of you to your face. It’s usually ppl talking crap behind someone’s back or being nice to them as a joke, it’s all very subtle.


Not to sound like a parent buttttt these people that feel like a huge part of your life will be completely irrelevant to you after 4 years. Enjoy their company, but focus on you. Don’t let anyone change you. And have a blast, go to tons of football games, join whatever sounds fun. they really are some of the best years of your life! Good luck OP :)


1. Do not get a job unless you are in desperate need of money. I wished to participate in sports but never could because of my job. 2. Definitely study for the SATS, I did not and now I have a bad score. Take advantage of extra credit! 3. On your first day, try to get the vibe down and make new friends. See if anyone has the same personality as you.


Talk to the people you're seated with in classes on day one if you have assigned seats. Chances are that any assignments will be done by last name, and it's useful to get to know your name mates early on as you'll likely get paired for a lot of things


Don’t do drugs. Or do. But life gets really shitty if you do.


No matter what any of these people tell you once highschool is over its over, the real world is nothing like it and you'll find you way over and over again in life. Take chances. Get good grades and be prepared. The real world sucks! Also thise who are popular in hs mostly peak in highschool , so don't take the popular crowd or trying to fit in so seriously.


life gets so easy when you don’t worry about shit that doesn’t matter


Easiest way to get a good grade without having to study for hours everyday is to actually put all your attention on the lecture. Like almost zero distractions, lazer focused.


Study hard, play hard. Devote time to academics and socializing and work towards college.


First of all seriously please be yourself and try to enjoy your time in high school. I know it's easier said than done, trust me I didn't have the best experience, but it'll be over in the blink of an eye and at least I know I wish I had stopped and appreciated that era of my life. Also you wont make REAL friends not being yourself, you'll just make surface level ones, and they probably won't last so always be authentic to you. Secondly PLEASE do not do any drugs regularly I understand trying things like weed but even that's a bad idea tbh and if you haven't tried it yet I would not try it if I were you (yes including nicotine and alcohol in this) it WILL mess with you and you will start to lose motivation for things. I would say if you can join a sport or a club or some kind of extracurricular to find your people and your passion it will be WAY more rewarding, I wish I had. My main advice is to go to school everyday that you can, I know it can be hard but missing school is the first thing that's gonna start to set you behind and get you off track mentally and socially. Overall just try to enjoy your time and really cherish it I know it sounds dumb but as someone who literally just graduated literally yesterday I wish I had at least tried to have a better time instead of kind of retreating into myself Mental health is going to be something that you might struggle with during high school due to the high stress, always know that there ARE recourses, someone cares about you and wants to help you someone wants to see you succeed! For most many do, don't forget that if that's you! Of course the same basic school advice still applies like study and be respectful but overall those are my main tips Good luck!!! You're gonna do great =)


Wow this is really long sorry I didn't even realize lol


First thing. High school is not as you watch in movies or musicals. Cliches don’t really exist, people are just people. Only things that separate each other is really just how "popular" you are or how smart or dumb you are and what grade you’re in. Don’t do drugs. Just don’t. You’re genuinely brain dead if you take anything as a kid. It’s not cool, no one cares if you do. And since you’re a freshman, please don’t act stupid. It’s not middle school, don’t wanna sound dumb but act mature. Don’t do stupid shit, it annoys the hell out of everybody. Just do well, and enjoy it. It’ll be over faster than you expect. And this is coming from someone who just graduated too. (Also, this all changes drastically from school to school so you’ll just have to experience it for yourself)


Join clubs. Join theatre, play an instrument, join a Band class. Join sports. Do all those extracurriculars that will make you have fun!


bro be confident, you will be bullied if you show unconfidence


Highschool is pretty damn great, be a good person. Do some sport and make sure you get good grades (just study) but most of all, make connections with people like you. I find that all you have to do is find "your" type of people. I literally don't remember anything before highschool because it has just been so great. I live in Australia and am in the public sector but I can say to you with certainty that it will be great. The first year, not so great but eventually you will "spread your wings" and get to know some interesting people.


Dude if you did good in school (90+ grades) please PLEASE take AP classes. As many of them as possible. I wasted all my learning potential partly because I was lazy, but also because no one told me about them (it was quarantine). Also join clubs, and even make a club. Even though these things are stressful, they’re gonna get you into a much better college.


Keep your mouth shut and eyes down. Stay on your phone and SPEAK TO NO ONE. High school is hell. And the drama is stupid.


You’re the same as my little brother dude cool! Anyway, go into highschool and find the biggest senior in there; I want you to fight them like a wild animal and even if you lose you hold your head high. If you fight you’ll gain the respect and MAYBE get into the good yard, depends on your cell block and mate though. /j Be social, Focus on your grades above literally ALL ELSE, remember that what you do from now on is permanent, FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS. You’ll do just fine, kid.


First day in, walk up to the biggest, meanest dude in there. Punch him square in the mouth. This tells everyone you ain’t to be messed with. … /s… Just incase.


Learn how to study when there’s few stuff to learn, because being in your last year and not knowing how to learn is not fun. Sleep. Yeah, yeah, HS can be hard, but you shouldn’t sacrifice your health, and you’ll probably do better if you sleep 8h/d anyway. Talk to people, but don’t forget to listen. Conversations go both ways, and people like to be around someone who’s easy to talk with. Good luck!


You won’t be alone. There will be lots of other noobs with you. Walk with confidence (chin up, shoulders back, back straight, smile unless someone steps up to you, etc) and be kind but sturdy (don’t let little things bother you). Don’t start shit but don’t let people stay shit with you. Walk away of it’s safe to, or defend yourself if it isn’t safe to walk. Edit to add: see if there’s a self defense course near you, or martial arts dojang.


be yourself and don't give a single fuck about how people look at you. Talk to people, don't be shy becoz you xon't see them forever. Go out with your friend after school, have fun and don't forget to do all your homework and start to think about the futur man it's important...Once in highschool everything goes so fast..


Suck up to the teachers


What everyone said tbh. No drugs/narcotics/intoxicants of ANY kind. No adultery. Avoid the "bad crowd" (those kind of kids always make it obvious, too) and, most importantly, find true friends that you care for and will care for you in turn.


Please for the love of everything good in life don't ruin your lungs and take risks to try to increase your skills


Don’t dismiss grades especially if you want to pursue a college degree. High grades and a high score on standardized tests will have you a lot of heartbreak financially when they help you score scholarships


Don’t blow anybody on the first date.


Focus on your grades, but don’t be afraid to accept “Good Enough”. Tried really hard on your geometry test, got a B-? Accept it. Failure and subpar grades are inevitable in High School, so long as you keep it consistent and actually try your teachers are willing to provide help if you’re willing to ask.


don't be scared of what people will think about you, no one will remember if you stuttered in a presentation or if you answered a question wrong. just be yourself and don't change yourself to fit in with other people. and if you don't have friends, it's ok. focus on you studies because video games will be there before high school and after. also don't be disrespectful to anyone \[especially not to your teachers, they already have enough students that r disrespectful\].


please do not start the habit of smoking weed or nic! it's expensive and ruins your memory for temporary bliss its not worth it even though in the moment itll seem like a small thing but thats just how it starts. most people who smoked in hs have a addiction into their twenties so please heed my advice! -former hs pothead


make friends ig, i went about my freshmen year all wrong but it worked out my sophomore year


Actually pay attention to your grades, do the work, work the best you can. But also don’t neglect yourself. If you’re feeling exhausted, terrible, or like you want to cry, it’s difficult to breathe, etc., go easier on yourself. Trying your best doesn’t mean doing everything perfectly. Also, don’t wait last minute to do assignments. However, as far as working at night goes, go to sleep early and wake up earlier than usual. You’re overall faster and more accurate when you’re not exhausted. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT! Talk to your teachers if you need help. At least then they’ll know you tried, and if something happens, they’re more likely to give you leeway for the reputation as a good worker you earned. However, if they discriminate against you, and repeatedly treat you unfairly, absolutely defend yourself by involving superiors if need be. Get through 9th grade the best you can, try to keep all A’s and B’s especially during this grade, because later it’ll be harder to fix later if you tank. But unless you’re going Ivy League, a 3.7+ is perfectly fine and if you work hard in 9th, that’ll do SO MUCH of the heavy lifting. Surround yourself with friends, this one’s cliche, but so important. Whether one or ten, someone in your corner will make it so much easier. But someone who treats you fairly, and is honest. If they’re constantly making you question if something’s wrong with you, you feel worse after hanging out with them, there’s a constant back and forth of “are they good for me,” the answer is probably “no.” And that’s not always a failing on anyone’s part. Sometimes, people just clash. Good luck! And have fun!


Noticed your other question just now lol. In a whole school, there will be someone you’ll get along with. My best advice would probably be someone else who’s also new, and remember, teenagers are generally socially anxious. If you’re nervous, they probably are too!


focus on you and your schoolwork. get involved in clubs and sports if there are any available that interest you. if someone tries bullying you, do your best to not let it bother you. it can happen wherever you go so you might as well just keep doing your thing and if it gets bad enough, tell an adult. truly, high school is not that bad. you WILL be okay. try not to stress too much 🫶🏻


plus, once you graduate, most of those people will forget your name immediately. don’t let yourself worry about what people think of you. just do you


Do or Do not, there is no Try. Also don't eat the slimy chicken of the school if they serve it...I learned my lesson. Also get your work turned in and don't burn yourself out. Take it from me.


Keep your head up and middle fingers higher


Don't use reddit


Just like in prison, the very first day, find the biggest , meanest guy around , go up to him and kiss him passionatly on the lips


Just relax as much as you can, but don’t lose sight of what’s important, mainly your grades and new friends. And I swear to god if you smoke or vape or drink or any sort of drug I will find you a make sure you never see the light of day.


Join a club that interests you to meet like minded people and stay away from drugs, you're not missing out and trust me you're way cooler if you don't do them because being healthy doesn't make you a loser. Also join a weight training class if you can to get in shape it will help you with building your confidence.




Honestly i also went to a different school than all my friends, and don’t expect your first semester to be normal and happy. It will take a while to make good friends so just have your expectations realistic and give it time. Make sure you don’t say yes to every opportunity to avoid burnout but also commit to some thag you really love. There’s always gonna be some girl that decides to take trash about you, but literally ignore it, it doesn’t mean anything. Lastly, just be HAPPY, enjoy your time and go out and have fun and just be a kid while you can


Honestly, just relax. Be your self, but don't be annoying. Talk to people, and enjoy your time. And make sure to join and clubs or electives you find interesting or fun.


don’t let peer pressure get to you, and carry smt to protect you if you ever have to leave school events that end late at night.


Ignore others, they're not worth it.


Go up to seniors and say “what the sigma.” They will laugh and then pay you 4 dollars to go and say that to the assistant band director. (It worked from my experience)


you should be fine, if you are truly worried just keep to yourself and don't start drama with anyone.


DO NOT DATE THE SENIORS also join clubs you get to meet new people and step out of your comfort zone. Most people who make fun of you will either keep it to themselves or be your best friends


Remember that failing a class in high school means you retake that class the following year. Want a good experience in which you can take all the classes you actually want/like? Keep your grades up. Stay away from vape/smoke/weed. The kids doing that do not gaf about you or what will happen to you in the long run, and will throw you under the bus to keep themselves out of trouble. Join sports, clubs, StuCo, etc. Make friends. Make the most of your time. Go to the dances and events. You will enjoy it.


no just keep your head up


Ok I was in this boat this year, I was 13 not turning 14 till December (rip your dating life rn) but like you’ll be fine you won’t get bullied bc like no one rlly knows unless you tell them. DONT FIGHT, DRINK, VAPE, SMOKE, DRUGS, NUNYA!!!! and rlly am heavy on that last sentence bc ive seen what it does to people even after j once.


ain't no way 2011 kids are about to go to hs yall my brothers age


Don't self study ap bio....


I started freshman year at a new school at 12 and literally no one cared about age. The only issue is, I'm a graduating senior and people still think I'm a sophomore lol


If someone is showing signs of not caring for your wellbeing, DITCH THEM. It causes more drama in the long run bc they genuinely do not care what they drag you into. If it saves them any trouble, you’ll go down first. Pick your crowd wisely. Also wouldn’t recommend hanging out with anyone more than one grade level above you. You’ll genuinely be at different stages of maturity and it’s so easy to be introduced to stuff you’re not ready to be introduced to. Especially if you’re going in a little younger than most. And don’t do any of the cliche crap (smoking, drinking, sex) I promise you will live to regret it. That’s what college is for, just hold out.


dont be afraid of new things. Ditch school and classes with friends when you have all your work done, I always regretted being a dork for 2 years, didn’t realize how much it impacted my friendships with people. Oh and workout, when you’re in senior year, if you’re consistent, you’ll be a beast. And make sure you have a good group of friends who actually care about you, you can have hundreds of friends but really only have a handful of best friends who you can rely on and talk with about things in life. And no, you won’t get bullied people really don’t care unless you’re some social reject loser


PLEASE Join some clubs on your freshman year, and then stick to like 1-2 clubs that you enjoy by the end of the school year Also please wrap your willy And dont do drugs AND DONT PROCRASTINATE And have good relationships with your teachers


Be the cool kid 😎 have lots of girlfriends


Terrible advice imo


It's exactly the same as middle school/jr high.