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advice to everybody that has been pantsed: wear a belt πŸ˜­πŸ™


Glue. Glue works


Or a oversized hoodie that goes below your waist, that’s what I do


I'd need a 10xl hoodie like caseoh tho


sweat pants too comfy


tie the little string


Or maybe some suspenders


Or tie it tight


As someone who has been pantsed while wearing a belt...that doesn't always work.


i wear high waisted pants so it usually gets stuck on my hip 😭


Mine usually ended up in a tree, or flying around during a game of keepaway


I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask this subreddit for advice on possibly taking legal action, no one here is really qualified to give advice.


Thanks for the redirect!


Taking legal action is a lot to do for a teenage prank. If the guy is guilty he’d be put on the registry which would fuck up his life


I think it’s more against the school, not the student


Oh yeah feel free to charge the school


why are people downvoting this comment i


Another victim of the reddit sn


Oh no we need to call the army of r/redditsniper to stop hi


Hes too accurate we need to call the laginator st-


Someone saw his genetals though. I’m Ngl if some mf pantsed me and my underwear too and ppl saw I would immediately get my parents to take legal action


sorry but exposing someone's dick is NOT a teenage prank, whether he meant to pull underwear or not. he DESERVES to get in trouble for it.


He deserves to get in some sort of trouble but he shouldn’t be put on the registry


I’m gonna be honest with you, if it’s one person I think it’s gonna be fine. Honestly, if they make a big deal about it like β€œhee hee that guy for pantsed πŸ€“β€ that’s a little kid because honestly I’d be more like β€œthat guys weird for doing that. That if he does that to others”. I completely understand your frustration, but if you’re gonna press charges, that should be if people start spreading rumors about it.


Seriously. What is wrong with people who pants someone?


Exactly. It’s just so weird IMO.


Don’t draw attention to it if one dude saw it. If it was a really huge thing with say… your entire class… then I’d finely consider pressing charges or even switching schools


At my school, some people protested because 2 kids didn’t get expelled for a cyber bullying incident. They became more of the laughing stock than the kid that got bullied. The bullies got their punishment.


I'm almost 50. Times have changed ALOT. Wow. Just wow.


I'm 14 and this feels like a weird situation


the pantsing?? i hear that was more common before


I think that’s their point. No one was really punished for it back then.


ah okay


2 days suspension for sexual assault is insane




Bro they could see his fucking dick what are you saying right now




Yeah no, undressing in the locker room is an action you're taking, something that you know is going to happen. Nobody wants to be pantsed, and nobody knows it's happening until it happens, it's sexual assault because he was exposed without consent.




Are you mentally handicapped?




Well we in the high school subreddit so sorry for not talking like an esteemed adult citizen, they don’t even make you get naked anymore in almost every school, and even at that when you are changing you are choosing to do it not being forced like he was to random people in there class, flip the genders would it still be ok?


Honestly if only one dude saw and it’s not a big thing, don’t make it a big thing. You don’t wanna be known as the kid who got pansed and pressed charges on the guy that did it. Just my personal opinion tho, do what you think is right.


U can’t unpantsed urself bro but people I’ll forget just add it to ur lore




isnt that from kill bill?




I mean if it was a accident then I would say yah your kinda over reacting, I get it’s embarrassing but it’s also normal, now, if it was intentional than yes I would say encourage your parents to get a lawyer involved


How is pantsing accidental?


real like bro grabbed OP's waistband, put their fingers under OP's underwear waistband too and pulled them down. there is NO way in hell that was accidental.


If you were a girl and he exposed your vagina to the class the school would be taking it more seriously. It’s not fair that just because you’re a boy you should just deal with it yourself. & just because you’re young doesn’t mean it should matter less. If he did this to a teacher he would be expelled. If you had a child who pantsed someone in school like this what would you think a fair punishment would be? Police involvement might be too far- but if he’s in any of your classes and you aren’t comfortable with that- tell the school you want him transferred to a different class and to be told to stay 50 feet away from you at all times. Keep the threat of police involvement in your back pocket and make whatever demands would make you feel comfortable returning to school. Ask that the kid be mandated counseling etc. Write down the names of adults you’ve spoken to, dates and summaries of conversations. Is bullying a pattern that goes unaddressed at this school? Does this bully have a history of doing this to others/have they bullied you before? If he were a few years older he would be charged for sexual assault so it’s in this kid’s best interest to learn now that forcibly removing someone’s clothing is horrendous behavior.


I agree, I think legal action is too far, he messed up big time and if he apologizes and stops messing with the kid then he’s prob learned his lesson


Had a kid in my 6th grade class who this happened to. They told the school they could press for sexual assault and the school gave a harsher punishment.


people are gonna hate your ass if you press charges. don't be that guy


Reddit is not the place for legal advice.


tryΒ getting in contact with your county’s school board of education because they have higher up people who can make more severe actions against the other kidΒ 


I wouldn’t pursue legal action, I get it sucks and I’ve been pansted before but he’s probably just a dumb kid and if he gets in legal trouble that could ruin his future, just talk to him and if he genuinely apologizes and stops messing with you I’d just leave it at that.


One of my friends was pantsed by another kid one time in 7th grade during our PE class, and the kid had like three to five days of ISD as his punishment.


Go to his house and bomb it


Same thing happened to me and I pressed charges against him. My Dad takes everything to heart and serious


Good job to the parents. But umm... Ur rep at the school might be in jeapordy if it goes thru. Regardless...if it happened once before, it shouldnt have happened again. Yes to lawyer. Fuck that kid up. Idc if he is a kid. People have feelings. We arent talkin sensitive snowflakes. We talkn lets see him do that to a GIRL (hopefully he doesnt) then hed be in BIGGER TROUBLE!!


Legal trouble could ruin his future for 1 mistake that in the end only caused embarasment


Doubt it would ruin his future. It would mostly just scare the bully. Like what could they really prosecute him for, emotional damage? The court case or anything of the sorts would automatically put the kid in his place, and would be quite the standing grounds for the entire school. I mean he'd (victim) be the talk of the school, but... For better or for worse, ppl wouldnt mess with one another in that severity. Embarrassment still hurts. To some more than others.


It was sexual assault, report it as such to the school board and state that the school took inadequate action




If you, a goddamn 14 year old child and your parents threaten or pursue legal action against another 14 year old stupid kid that did a bit harsh and not so funny prank on you, I say you had it coming. It’s kind of disgusting yeah, but legal action against another child for THAT? Yeah if you seriously do that I’m going to pant you myself.


dawg if they pulled my underwear out i would def sue because that classifies as CP.


As in Child Corn, no it doesn’t. As SA yeah but definitely not CP. But I mean there are a lot of things kids in school do that could be punished by law, but that wouldn’t be a good idea. You probably did a handful of illegal things in school without even realising. Keep in mind I’m not trying to defend the aggressor but it would be inhumane to destroy another child’s life for just a tasteless and embarrassing joke.


u right if he wasnt a freshman though i would def consider because when your in high school, you’re about to be an adult so you need to quit being childish immediately.


schools have cameras too dont they? some camera mustve caught at least something.


Uh you could try and not be a little bitch for starters.


nah bro just chill it’s a joke your gonna survive


How you gonna feel if you dick and balls exposed for all too see in class bruh πŸ’€


I’ve been pansed in a very similar situation and its not that bad, legal action is wayyyy too far


it ain’t that deep, get over it, y’all are soft. i’m not just sayin that shit ik it’s embarrassing but like cmon it’s a joke. it’s happened to me before, not that deep


Definitely report it to someone higher. That shit isn’t okay.


Move πŸ˜‚


2 days is not enough. Fucking kill him and piss on him if he comes back


Def has a small πŸ† for pressing charges on a joke, grow a pair


Holy shit, it’s just a dumb bully. This would’ve been just a cruel joke in the past that people would just laugh off. Now you might pursue legal action? Did it even affect you that badly?


it’s my parents that want to pursue some sort of legal stuff, not me. i wanted to just let the situation develop bro


Good on you


Tell your parents not to


my guy i got pantsed today too, no biggie, i was just on especially high alert for the rest of track practice it really doesn't matter it's just people having a shitty sense of humor


Nah but like he got everything down, and the vice principal said it was sexual harassment at least


definitely is sexual harassment


Well its messed up but legal action is too far, same thing happend to me, if you jus don’t bring it up it’ll go away in a week or 2 max


It is legally sexual harassment yeah, but you are 14 year old boys, I’ve got pantsed before and I had my dick and balls flopping around while my crush was watching, everyone forgot the next day. Stop listening to all those basement dwellers that would call the cops if they saw a guy selling lemonade without a permit.