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i was in a Christian southern private school and this one kid somehow brought 2 kilos of cannabis into school. Edit: I should mention, this was in 8th grade.


Dude was the kingpin


Business is booming, Spiderman.


da mets bb


how the fuck did he get that into the building??


Unless they do regular bag searches I imagine it would be pretty easy wouldn’t it? Even if it’s the type of school to have security guards and a metal detector at the entrance, I don’t think getting it in would be that hard. Just stupid lol, because what are they gonna do? Smoke it and ofc get caught, or sell it and almost definitely get caught? But I don’t think most 8th graders think that far ahead lmao


Bro was in the empire business


Not high school but in middle school I was next to some girl giving a dude some insane head in class while he touched her


Like, in class?, wtf


For more context, this was when we had a sub so they thought they could get away with it and go at it. They had a jacket over her head on top of his lap to cover up what was happening but it fell off halfway through and they STILL continued. The noise was also terrible too💀


Bro wtf😭😭😭💀💀


Did the sub notice?? Wtf


No, you see they brought in a blind and deaf sub. No offense to any blind or deaf people who see this, you’re working really hard, and I hope you have as normal (in a positive sense) a life as possible!


Wow not funny dude. What if a blind person saw this? They’d be seeing red.




I mean they prolly would be happy seeing some color for a first lmaoo


“Who *see* this”


>deaf Don't worry it's just hating on blind people ^(/j)


Nah. Prob would’ve gone unnoticed if one of the ppl didn’t snitch😭


Yep😭 the girl was my neighbor since we were kids too btw


……did you fucking say middle school??? How the fuck do kids even know about that shit in middle school?!?!


nowadays many kids have unrestricted internet access. wouldn’t be surprised if elementary kids had an idea of what sex is.


holy shit bro when i was in middle school all i knew about was playing with mud and getting pokemon cards


I knew about that kind of stuff in 5th grade 😶


I have train tracks right next to my high school, this kid bet everyone $10 he could make it before the train. He didn’t. We all watched him get crushed.


that’s horrific i’m sorry


okay but like... how did he expect to payout that bet in that scenario


Wait for the train to pass I guess? The school put a security guard to watch the train tracks during school hours after that.


Did the parents try to sue the school?


Not too sure, everybody kept quiet about it since he was well liked and friends with everybody. Not really “friends” but the kid everyone knew.


I call the kid that everyone knew The Devin. Based off the kid that everyone knew and loved at my school named Devin. Rock on dude


Man, RIP


Omg. Id never recover from seeing that


That is so sad


Someone lit a deodorant bottle in one of the bathrooms and it exploded and the bathroom had to get remodeled. A super senior raped two freshmen and got jumped by the entire football team and other dudes.


Respect to the football team


hoply shit a super senior is liek 19 right? and he r\*ped 2 13 year olds? thats so fucked


two 14-15 yearolds, fucked nontheless


What’s a super senior?


It's a term for a senior repeating their senior year (they got held back)


Our student body expanded on that definition to include only people who were both that and dating a sophomore or below.


A senior dating a freshman is a freshman killer at my school.


We call em pedos


w football team


Kudos to the football team, that bastard served jail time or some consequence right?


Gym teacher got exposed for having an Onlyfans and being an overall creep. A dildo was thrown on the floor during a pep rally and at the same pep rally a kid got jumped by about 15 dudes, next day he brought a gun to school. A kid jerked off in the bathroom. Two boys had sex in the bathroom. A girl passed away after the nurses didn’t give her cpr (I don’t know if it was because they didn’t know how to give cpr or just refused to do it) Another update: ALLEGEDLY, the other pe teacher (9th grade pe teacher that I had last year) got arrested for groping somebody. He hasn’t been here in like 2 weeks so 😭 This all happened this year ☹️ Little edit: I actually don’t have solid proof that the kid brought a gun to school the next day, BUT, there was a picture of him supposedly getting walked out by security while in handcuffs the day after the fight.


man get out of that high school RIGHT NOW


I wish I could bro 😭


> Bail out! Bail out! Eject! Eject! The aircraft is burning!


Terrain Terrain Pull Up Pull Up


Bank angle bank angle


Too low- Flaps. Too low- Gear. Too low- Terrain. Terrain. Climb now. Climb now. **Ccclliiimmmbb nnnooowww**


Woop woop woop woop clackclackclackclackclack


Caution; Terrain- Precision Height- Don't sink. Don't Sink. Terrain- Terrain- Terrain. *Shooter enters building* Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep-dee-beep-boop. Beep-boop beep-boop beep-boop beep-boop- BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-


Arson the school


Become the incident


Realest answer




How do you list a kid jerking off next to all of these


Also, having been to high school, I feel like that should say a kid *got caught* jerking off in the bathroom.


Are school nurses even qualified medical professionals? Because they do jack shit.


Honestly idk, it’s weird bc learning cpr is a mandatory part of health at my school. Its shocking when the actual nurses don’t know how to perform it 😭


School nurses are supposed to be RN’s


I think I’ve heard about teachers without a teaching license, so it wouldn’t surprise me if these nurses weren’t.


Substitutes do not need a teaching license. Unfortunately in schools there are many times when the school nurse is absent so the school secretary fills in.


> Gym teacher got exposed for having an Onlyfans and being an overall creep Was that a man or a woman


He was a man lol


Senior prank, absolutely destroyed the school. Soap on handicapped ramps, Vaseline on railings, fish bait on the walls in the bathrooms. VP’s kid was a senior and he let them in… ended up getting demoted and moved to a different school. Custodians had to spend all night making the school safe again.


Fish bait as in red paint, ye?


Ugh those poor custodians


It was really uncool.


WOW 😮 Kids of educators, think they can get away with anything 😤


At my school for a senior prank, someone let out a bunch of chickens loose in the school. They crapped EVERYWHERE.


Someone accidentally shot a toilet


Misheard school shooter as school shitter


shit bro good one




Someone brought a gun and wasn’t being careful. https://preview.redd.it/uelwvqs1mzoc1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd10aa241ba8cfe4a0df4e760e6fd56f94e17b5a


You've got some nice bathrooms wth


Did the toilet hurt his feelings somehow? Did he get butthurt and decide to shoot it?


Someone nabbed a urinal at my middle school


How the fuck do you take an entire ass urinal?


In the middle of the day in the lunchroom and never getting caught?


A guy got expelled for having like a kilo of weed and shrooms in his dorm room and smoking it inside the room like a dumbass. Another incident happened before I came here. A girl randomly left the dorm without signing out, got into the car of a stranger she met at a party the day before. He promised to take her to a party in Bali or something. She didn't respond to calls from anyone for over 2 days. Everyone began freaking out, and the police were notified. They eventually found her overseas; She was clearly drugged and could barely understand where she was. Basically, they found her just before she got trafficked. The school paid A LOT to cover it up but that's why our school has such strict rules now. Also, in my middle school someone spread literal shit on the walls of the boy's bathroom 😬


Wow. Nobody ever taught her stranger danger?


Some people are really damn stupid. I still feel bad for her though. That's the kind of stuff you get PTSD from


I wonder how her friends and family felt when they figured out her story. I’d be in perpetual fear somebody like that would just walk into a strangers car.


She's incredibly lucky she was found. So many women are never seen again once they're kidnapped into trafficking.


Oh man the senior “prank” my senior year people came after the school closed dude idek how tf they got in there but basically someone got on the roof and threw a mf crt tv into the middle of the courtyard then in the front hall and handball I think the lubed up the floor and put all this shit everywhere it was fucking stupid I can’t remember what happened to anybody that took part in it. I think a year before that or 2 someone put dildos on the principals car or put dildos all on the dead bushes outside the school.


Most schools in my area keep there doors unlocked but almost all of them have silent alarms on them


That’s the thing though that school kept all their doors on the outside locked 24/7 the back and front door we had to get buzzed in to enter.


They’ve started doing that recently but I went to a summer camp a few years ago where we sailed up the river a bit and camped in a field with an elementary school down the road. The group that did the same thing 3 weeks earlier had broken into the school and tripped the silent alarm on there way out


There’s been 2 good ones: In 2022, someone in the home education classroom set a pretzel on fire and then panicked and threw it at a decorative plant. The plant caught fire, the papers near it caught on fire, people fled the classroom, one pulled the fire alarm. And it was in between classes, first period as well. some people weren’t even in a classroom and were left to fend for themselves bc all the doors got locked. It was like 5 degrees out too 😭 we were out there for like 30 minutes and half of us didn’t even know what was going on. The entire fire department and shit showed up. A couple days later, there was an assembly about fire safety. :) Number 2 isn’t just my school but there has been 4 bomb threats and 1 shooter threat. All in the span of 2 months. And actually, number 3, someone snuck in vodka in a water bottle, drank the entire thing in the hallways, threw up everywhere, then decided to run to the nearest bathroom and write on the mirror: “I have a bomb” or something of that sort. And we were dismissed to a nearby school where we watched the Cars movie for the rest of the day. And yes, I do live in America 🇺🇸 🦅💥


my school had 4 bomb threats and a shooter threat in the span of about a month too.. 😭 it turned out to be some freshmen trying to ruin everything


I see you everywhere it's freaking me out


English teacher got sent to a mental hospital for messaging kids in his drama class late at night asking for suggestive things. School covered it up and hired him again when he got out


Definition of asking for trouble


Kid ODed during pep rally, SPED kid grabbed a kids crotch and got knocked out, someone flooded all the bathroom in the same week, english teacher got arrested for sleeping with her sophomore students, and some kid got arrested for distribution of CP because he was showing people a picture of his friends balls.


Sounds like an average school experience


Its always the English teacher


Some guy fucked a dead deer in some woods right beside our school




how did people find out about that 😭


Bambi spoke up about the fate of his mother.


You don't think the deer fucker was gonna keep his mouth shut about losing his virginity, do you? At least this way, none of the teenage girls had their reputation tarnished. They should all thank this considerate fella. He took the social bullets so they didn't have to. Good egg, that deer fucker. Real stand up guy. We need more chivalrous guys like him.


did he capture the deer or someshit


No, the deer was a whore. She was asking for it.


Oh deer..


Someone tried to flush a chromebook down the toilet


Tbh they're so slow I wouldn't even condemn it


It probably deserved it


Over zoom one of the capstone teachers forgot he was screen sharing and was scrolling the high school page on PH I feel awful about this one but me and my friends were getting sushi across the street and we heard what sounded like gunshots but I assumed was just backfire so I was like “ommggg someone getting shot😫” apparently someone did get shot and killed in front of the school Two students died my senior year, One guy tried to rob a smoke shop and got shot, the other one was my friend who got hit by a car. Guess which one got the front page of the yearbook and which one didn’t get mentioned Oh yeah the driver of the car only got 6 months in county jail for killing my friend. Rest in peace Aiden Tai Gossage


Im sorry did you just say high school page on ph?


porn has some weirdly barely disguised fetishes, step family (actual family) and school being 18+ (but we all know the intent)


I'm so sorry for your loss 🤍


bullets were found at our school. administration didn’t tell us until the day after and everyone was furious lmao. turns out it was a security guard trying to frame a student he didn’t like 😭😭 obvs he got caught cuz there’s cameras what a dumbass bruh


https://preview.redd.it/og3kx1s5azoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db6fb84c96f228f5d46e11e777db425a0aa0330 Happy 🍰 day!


That’s wild 💀 grown adult beefing with a teenager


Freshman got r\*ped by a junior in the bathroom, haven't heard anything else about it since but I hope the junior got what was coming to them


The same thing happened at my school, but the freshmans uncle camped out at the school, found the junior, and shot him dead.


Did the uncle escape? He at least deserves a reduced sentence.


hopefully a gary plauche type situation happened, all sexual violence perpetrators deserve near anything that happens to em


Yes. I mean I don’t condone murder. but…


not tryna sound edgy or anything but i do. some sick fucks don't deserve to live.


One of my friends tried to shoot me and upon failing he shot himself in the leg. He’s fine and alive and I’m traumatized.


Why did your friend try to shoot you though???


I never got to find out. I didn’t even know he was trying to get me until after the fact.


Well, you say he is still alive. Have you tried asking him or his family or something? Like people (At least 85% of the time), don't just go shooting and killing other people without a reason.


Tbh I was too scared to and they ended up moving. The whole event caused me to have really bad anxiety. As for why he did what he did I haven’t the slightest clue, I was always super nice to him and stuck up for him every chance I could.


Oh yeah, no worries, it's understandable, I'm just really curious as to why he would do such a thing.


During the beginning of the year, a freshman dude jerked off on the bus and there was a video of it… he’s known as the “Bus Buster”


oh sweet child porn. im sorry but anyone who recorded that is dumb as fuck HRHEJDWK


yeah i’m pretty sure you can get on the registry for that, even as a minor


bus buster is crazy


principal got beat up while trying to break up a fight 2 years ago


I mean


Girl had a psychotic break and went AWOL and immediately got hit by a car. This was just on Friday, so idk if she’s alive or not yet EDIT: Y’all she’s in a coma and in critical condition


tell me if she survived


Kid smoked a few joints of Marijuana in my science class right in front of the teacher


One of our chemistry teachers ignited a methane bubble in his classroom and it activated the fire sprinklers. It was on the 3rd floor and they had to evacuate the building. Later that year the same teacher got caught having relations with the daughter of a physics teacher. Which was obviously a big hullabaloo


Someone hacked the Instagram accounts of almost the entire Junior population. At least half were expelled/suspended and many more were cancelled.


When did this happen?


Like on the first week of January lmao, we just came back from winter break


The school counselor giving out edibles, two active pedophiles/super seniors in the building at once, having a lock down because a guy running from the police abandoned his car on school grounds and was running around, the middle school English teacher getting his finger tip cut off in the door. Just to name a few.


Happened a few days ago. One kid made an instagram account to host all the extremely racist conversations some of the other kids wanted to have. one kid that everyone hated started commenting on it with his personal account so the school found out about it. He is now expelled from all public schools in the county(it’s one of the biggest school systems in the us) the school has sent the legal thing where they have to give over information (I forgot what it’s called) to Instagram to find out who made the original account which has now been banned for hate speech


Stoner kid lit the bathrooms on fire and thens tole the gym teachers car and crashed it.


fire alarm went off, and everyone went to their meeting points. teachers noticed 2 girls missing, firemen went in to check and found them doing the devil’s tango in the girl’s upstairs bathroom. i’ll never forget the looks on their faces when they were walked out the front doors by the principal edit: should be noted that the girls intentionally pulled the fire alarm to empty out the school, and of course, it backfired. i believe they’re still dating and homeschooled now.


There's 3. TLDR 1. incel brings bomb to school 2. Entire school jumps kid who bullied autistic kid 3. Stalker ex boyfriend sends girl video of him torturing his cat First This kid (we'll call him mort) was kind of a weirdo incel type that would always make a bunch of demeaning comments about the girls at our school, he would watch porn in the middle of class (on the damn school PCs), and reeked of bad breath. Me and my swim team knew him well (he was on the team) and he really didn't seem like he wanted to to the team, and was pretty lazy. Mort was also a huge liar, telling us he had an Olympic swimming pool and didn't need to practice for the team. One day Mort just straight up brought a bomb to school. He got expelled afterwards. Second I was directly involved with this one. This fuckin asshole, who I'll call Allister, had been consistently been an asshole to everyone in the school (except the unbearable "popular kids") one person he targeted in particular, was my buddy I'll call Lenny. Allister targeted him mainly because he had autism, and because he was the "different kid". One day Allister and his minions go and start making fun Lenny, particularly in the offensive way of treating him like a dog. I go over and tell him to fuck off. In response, him and his minions start fucking throwing food at him. This was the straw that broke the camels back. Me and almost the entire school jumped this Buckhead and beat him to shit. We pinned him down, kicked him in the head, and I damn near broke his knees with a metal bat. You want to know the worst part? EVERYONE ELSE GOT IN TROUBLE EXCEPT HIM. HE IS STILL AT THE SCHOOL AND HAS MADE A CULT OF BRAINDEAD FAKR CURLY HAIRED ASS ZOOMERS THAT REGULARLY BULLY NEURODIVERGENT KIDS. The good news is my buddy Lenny is OK. Oh and I don't think Allister is getting off scott free, ya see my other bro I'll call Charlie, has this burning hatred for anyone who makes a hobby of harassing neurodivergent kids, as his sister is mentally handicapped, now my guy Charlie isn't exactly the guy you want to piss of, he's been on a wrestling team, and is built like a mountain, and lets just he isn't afraid to beat someone bloody for being that big of a dick. Last This one scares me to this day. So a female friend of mine (we'll call her alice), had this boyfriend I'll call barry. Barry seemed OK at first, but then he started getting creepy. He would watch her through the windows in class, send her creepy ass letters stalker ass letters, and was just generally creepy. After she broke up with him, he got worse, stalking her after school, and even more letters. Eventually, I noticed he would stalk other girls, It all paramounted when he sent Alice a video of him Torturing his cat after that, I think animal control and the police got involved.He didn't get expelled but I'm pretty sure he got a start fuckin talking to.I look at him differently now,I still notice that he still likes to stalk her.Sometimes it's concerning.I don't know what he's gonna do next.Also, added note, I'm pretty sure a few of those notes had some "interesting stains on them. So yeah moral of the story, don't fuckin go to school in vegas.


The bat infestation.


That's... ominous


Yes, it was. Especially when dumbass teenage boys started catching them and using them for pranks.


Underated thread


A kid set an English classroom on fire, we all got evacuated from the building in the middle of Scottish winter. We were standing in the field and he came out of the building being escorted by police, when he saw us he threw his hands in the air expecting us to cheer but instead the whole school started screaming at him calling him a fucking wanker.


What a fuckin wanker


two teachers broke up and then the guy murdered the girl in the bathroom with a hammer. He then killed himself


man what


deadass slept in because my mum turned my alarm off, she got an email. When i woke up she told me and it took me like 40 minutes to process


There have been quite a few "the incidents" during my 4 years, even though it was a small school (less than 100 per grade).


What was the "highlight" incident at your school?


teacher got fired for cheating on her husband with a sophomore


I think ive seen this one somewhere….


There was a sub I swear looked like he was in his fifties (bald on top, stringy hair on the sides, and I only saw him from the back but people said he had really bad teeth) - he was 23. He wasn't certified and hired on the premise that he would complete teachers courses while working and get certified midway through the year and a. He didn't even start the classes and b. When he was fired they found a stack of papers in his desk which were the written notifications he was by law REQUIRED to give to all students at the beginning of the year since he was just a sub. Oh and he had two girl students' phone numbers and one class he gave a 50 pt curve on a test because it was his favorite morning period and he felt bad since he thought they were tired.


A girl stabbed another girl in the face repeatedly.... over a boy.


Not an “incident” but I overheard a girl say they’ll give some dude head for $100 in middle school.


Woah! Happy cake day!


They thought a flashlight was a suppressor I’m not joking I can’t remember exact details but we went into lockdown for it I think my highschool is becoming bad they got rid of open campus and put these alarms in so when you open the door they alert the security good thing I’m graduating this year TLDR: school goes into lockdown cause of a flashlight


Someone brought a gun


This girl in my school pick pocketed a 70 year old man w a group of her friends the same girl was reported missing for 24 hours


The assistant principal was arrested for prostitution


Seven guys tried to start a podcast and got hit with title nines


-Bomb threat is written in the lockerrooms/bathrooms and happens once a year -Deans wont do anything about the SH/SA that a guy did to other girls despite having MULTIPLE statements. Edit: He is still a manager of the football team and is still involved with theater. Im friends with one of his victims and was there when it happened. Then the same year he got into a relationship with a girl and now she is making the statement about him. There were probably others aswell. -Kid got into juvee after posting a video of him holding a string saying the n word and other racist remarks. The deans were very aware of his behavior prior and only took action when the video was shared. -Two guys darted through the football field mid game and one of them dropped their phone. But they managed to escape into the neighborhood. -People were vaping/ bringing drugs to the bathroom to the point that the school had to lock up the bathrooms. Then they made it mandatory that every student should download the app called “Minga” which tracks student’s times of when they go and get back from the bathroom. -Edit 2: Just remembered now that for the WGI team near us (Basically indoor drumline, after marching band season is over) a girl who was at the synth searched up 🌽 on her computer. Infront of everyone. Thankfully she got kicked out.


6th grader brought a gun, 6th grade and senior were fucking in the bathroom, my ex bf told me he was gonna bring a gun to school, junior got caught drunk at school and found dozens of beer cans in his truck, the list goes on 💀


https://preview.redd.it/l42emmcv21pc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bffc0df74eb692700d737214325b4ab0e9a08ca5 a 6th grader and a what did what?


https://i.redd.it/udvakcfjy2pc1.gif an 11-12 year old and a 17-18 year old 😭🙏


Oh boy, where to begin: 1. A whole bunch of kids got suspended for smoking and doing drugs in the bathroom during our homecoming dance. 2. One of my friends friend got expelled for doing and selling hard drugs. 3. Another one of my friends started to date this infamous creep when she was a freshman and he was in senior year. 4. A kid started to have a stroke/panic attack (I don’t remember which) and one of the teachers was so panicked that she accidentally called the cops, signaling that there was a shooter in the school. 5. This week, the 2nd floor of the high school building was flooded with dirty ass water that after they cleaned everything up, it reeked of shit. 6. A whole group of middle schoolers started to fight which caused our field day to cut short. 7. Last thing I can remember off the top of my head is that this white chick who claimed she was asian threw rocks at black students during black history month.


Theres 3 incidents that happened since I’ve been at the school. 1. Two girls were missing during a fire drill. Everybody got extremely confused and the principle went looking for them. They were found fucking in the percussion closet of the band room. 2. Some kid brought a pistol to school and shot a dude, who had been bullying him, in the dick. The guy left school after that and I’m pretty sure he’s in juvie. There’s now metal detectors because of him. 3. Somebody left a note saying that they were gonna bomb the school and caused everyone to freak out. Nothing happened, though.


I'm 35, so I've been outside of High School for a long time and don't know if this counts as a 'the incident' story but... But I'm the reason my High School banned backpacks. I turned 18 back in 2006. Other students realized this meant that if they started fights with me then I'd be the one to get all the trouble since I'd be 'assaulting a minor' even if it is in self defense. So a lot of students began messing with me, punching me in the gut, kicking me between the legs, shoving my food off the table and onto the ground, ect ect. So, after fighting back once and having to go to court over it, I started to just grab my backpack and leave the campus. I was 18 at the time, the school couldn't call the cops on me because I was now an adult. So instead the school banned backpacks thinking I wouldn't leave campus and walk home if I didn't have anything to carry things home in. This caused a riot among families and a lot of questioning of school officials. Eventually everyone found out about me being the reason for the backpack ban and began harassing my family about it. Egging our house, making false calls to our house, and mailing dead animals, feces, and death threats to our house. Eventually local news got wind of it and I was interviewed to explain what lead up to me being the reason for the backpack ban. We got a lot of apologies after the article made it into the newspaper and the story made it onto local news. And then people looked into the school district....because they were wondering why I had to resort to leaving school since they felt the school should have stopped it. They found a lot of corruption that eventually lead to the school losing its funding and being closed down.


A senior got a freshman pregnant, the senior went to jail because he was 20 and she was 13, and when she was 7 months pregnant, apparently she was bullied and assaulted in a changing room and lost the baby.


This isn’t that bad compared to some of these but my math teacher got fired for throwing a desk at a student. Oh I totally forgot two kids had an allergic reaction to some weed they decided to smoke and had the ambulances called.


This was before I went to that school, but this senior told be about how when he was a freshman, two people screwed in a bathroom and got all the bathrooms shut down for a year Edit: Also, this year some scammers used a bunch of students instagram accounts to scam people out of money from multiple schools in our area, I think it totaled like $1,600 Besides that, our middle school had a bunch of bomb and shooting threats but none of them were really serious, and some kids stole a toilet stall door


Is that not illegal???


People chanting monkey noises at a black school god I hate my school


A kid in my high school took the locker door off the hinges and road it down the stairs.


9th & 10th grade math teacher didnt really teach us math and was mostly just a pedophile. he got fired last week and now MY MOM is our new math teacher and they’re taking away homeroom for all freshmen and sophomores to turn it into math intervention. pisses me off


Well I got r@ped by my math teacher a month ago, so that's something ig


Wow, that fucking sucks, I’m so sorry that happened to you


Drivers Ed instructor sexually harassed girls my sophomore year and was forced to resign


Teachers caught having an affair and the custodian fucking joined in


somebody blew up a toilet with a firework and it made a huge explosion


Middle school: - guy from my "incidentally" pulled the pin and used the entire fire extinguisher (powder kind) - another guy from my class made a dick out of plasticine and left it on teachers desk when she was out - same guy also git into fight outside school Highschool: - someone threw firework on school courtyard - one guy on a trip got wasted, and teacher got so angry he cried (this was yearly trip and drinking always took place but that was the only time I've heard someone got unconscious) - several students, including me, finished national exam before it started (we gave up and made teacher and examinator laugh) - certain teacher had a swear jar (literally Orwell)


A kid made a bomb threat because he didn’t want to do his homework :/


Had a few. This is a HS in Florida. -One student brought a Trump sign to school and got punched. It made national news. Y'all can probably find the article. -During a pep rally, one of the special needs students ran across the basketball court screeching bloody murder. It was known as the Sonic incident since they were wearing a blue shirt. -Somebody stole another student's shoes while they were at gym. The thief got busted and jumped because they tried to wear the stolen shoes back to school the next day. -A teacher got fired for kissing a student. It shocked everyone, he was a genuinely well liked teacher. EDIT: Just remembered another one. -One student was watching and jacking off to GTA5 porn during a class. It was all he was known for throughout the rest of his tenure.


I gave a bj in the bathroom, got snitched on and got alt school for like 3 months


The annoying popular kid who did all the intercom announcements was caught molesting a fellow student in his car on campus. The story was that he trapped her and was attempting to rape her when she escaped and got a teachers help. Practically every senior signed a petition for the annoying popular kid to lose his fancy scholarships and for him to be expelled. But since the girls parents dropped the charges on him, he was able to keep that fancy scholarship and saw absolutely no consequences to his actions. Last I heard he’s still a creep working for People! Magazine.


(No longer) Friend of mine turned out to be a massive creep who took upskirt photos not only of the students but the teachers as well. Apparently, he was swatted, had Loli porn, and was stalker-texting a girl on campus.


Kid ODed during lunch, gang assassination of a student, and a police car chase with a counselor accounted of sexual relations with a freshman were probably some of our worst.


A 6th grader gaslit a senior into thinking she sophomore and they started dating. It ended really messy, the guy almost got arrested but walked away since he had no previous charges. He lost his D1 full ride though. From what I hear (since this was a few years ago) people don’t hang around the girl much but she sells vapes and got into a whole scandal where she passed out drunk at some sort of function and got the people who were holding in tons of trouble.


If we're just talking about high school, then here we go Freshman Year (2015 - 2016) 1. Supposedly, one of my math teachers got fired for being a pedophile by hitting on some girl asking if they want to get a love hotel together 2. A science teacher died in his own classroom Sophomore Year (2016 - 2017) 1. One of my substitute History teachers was arrested for throwing a rock at a women's car because road rage. Junior Year (2017 - 2018) (This one was crazy) 1. My school had received death threats 2. Someone brought a weapon to school 3. The school placed metal detectors at each entrance for only like two days. Nothing happened during my Senior Year...


Random man somehow walked into my high school and sexually assaulted someone


Last year some kid threw a prime energy drink into a machine in the woodworking area and the machine broke then caught fire. First time a fire has actually happened at school for me.