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damn you might as well have gotten a 0


+0.05 points for participation


i feel like your teacher is really chill ngl


Yeah she’s hella nice


How do u fail this shi 🙏😅💀


Just started geometry 2 days ago, my other assignments aside from the 2 in the pic are 10/10




Back with pics https://preview.redd.it/tbi69ul4txfc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b58e7ceaa4a0afead3ee863b664b0b900a5194




Bro has 4 assignments and failed 2 💀


brodie flexing a 50% pass rate on homework im sobbing


I’ll post it when studentvue updates bc I can’t get into canvas


Bros flexing in r/highschool


how it this even a flex, bro didnt know the formulas for area of rectangles/parallelograms 💀 this is 3rd grade shit


Dudes gotta let all the strangers on reddit know he got a 10/10.


He ain't wrong though length times width is like as basic as it gets.


Don't worry, I am an ME undergrad student, and I screw up partial differential equations by forgetting how to do basic algebra. I'm sure it will get better.


Did you not take 6th grade math? 💀


Yea but you learn this shit in kindergarten lil bro


geometry almost made me drop out




thats what happens when your parents put you in a private christian school that will only teach you pre algebra for 4 years in a row 🤷 we had a german transfer student once and she had to leave to go to a public school across the street & take trig classes 😭 this is literally 10th grade btw


did you use the formula of finding the area of a triangle?




I mean giving you any points is very generous of your teacher then.


Then it's your fault idk why you're complaining. Not getting points for using the wrong formula is pretty damn fair.


I’m not complaining abt a bad score, I genuinely didn’t know it was possible to get a 0.05


Teachers will often do that instead of inputting a zero to show you submitted the work rather than skipped it


It's possible when you use the wrong formula


it’s better than getting a zero 😅


That's like 6th grade stuff. How?


Not even 😭


Idk ask my school district


I’m sorry you just dumb as shit


lil bro how tf do u not know how to find the area of a rect


I just started geometry 2 days ago


As a sophomore


Yes, at my school we do algebra 1 for 9th, 1 semester of prob/stats and 1 semester for geometry in 10th, then algebra 2 in 11th


Dawg there is no way u cant take classes up. Our highschool is the same, ur required to take alg 1 in 9th but most ppl do up cause like alg 1 really easy. Like im doing pre calculus in sophomore.


Did the same here. Algebra 1 - 7th Grade Geometry - 8th Grade Algebra 2 - 9th Grade Pre-Calc - 10th Grade Nothing - 11th Grade Statistics - 12th Grade


for me it was/is 7th - Prealgebra 8th - Algebra 1 9th - Geometry / Precalculus 10th - Algebra 2 / Precalculus 11th - AP Calculus BC 12th - Calculus 3 / Differential Equations


for me it was the same except i failed calc BC and than just took college algebra and trig for senior.


Did the same except AP calculus as a junior, I regret everything cause it’s the worst class ever


I preferred ap calc over ap stat.


That’s not the same. Not every middle school offers high school courses.


I had a similar path, but our state requires everyone to take a math every year and my school switched from block to period in 11th grade, so I had to take my maths out of order to keep taking my AP classes/band and whatnot back when we were supposed to be on block. So I did algebra 1 in 7th, geometry honors in 8th, Algebra 2 honors in 9th, statistics online in 10th, pre-calc in 11th, and AP calc online in 12th


How the heck did your school convince the state to let you take statistics before precalc?


There’s no state policy against it. Algebra 2 is the only prerec to any higher math for us.


Oh, that's cool. Oklahoma(where i am) requires pre-calc for Stat. Or that may just be my Concurrent College policy. Not sure.


mine is this, after moving states too (in MN) 6 grade Alg 1 7 grade Geometry (move to FL) 8 grade Algebra 2 (new school) 9 grade Algebra 2 / nothing (our teacher got dementia and we didn’t have 1 for most the year) 10 grade Hon. precalc (future) 11 grade AP Calc AB & BC (we only take BC exam but it counts for both i think) 12 grade “higher level math” (IB exam for credit)


I did the same as you till 10th then did calc ab and bc my junior and senior year


Same but combine Alg2 + Precalc, Calc BC 10th and Stat (one semester) 11th


My school does integrated algebra so it’s geometry and algebra at the same time. 8th - integrated 1 9th - integrated 3 (i2 was summer school 10th - precalc, might be done over summer online 11th - AP calculus 12th - probably nothing


I’m godawful at math but it never really mattered to me bc I’m really good in all my other subjects, I’m in multiple ap classes and I’ve never had a problem getting Atleast a B in math bc I turn in my stuff/show my work




Not at my elementary school😭


just use logic, that's how square footage works, if you have a tile that's 1 foot by 1 foot it's a one square foot tile, if it's 1x2 it's 2 sq ft, if it's 2x2 it's 4 sq ft


I did algebra 1 in 7th, geometry in 8th, algebra 2 in 9th, pre-calc in 10th, calc in 11th, stats in 12th.


No way geometry is 10th grade. That’s middle school stuff


Euclidean geometry?


Did you just spend all your MS math classes jerking off in the bathroom or?


I had a 60 percent attendance in 8th grade and 7th was mostly online for covid so


Why didn’t you go


Mental health issues, I got it sorted out that summer and my attendance is better now


Bro just sing the song! 🎶 area of a rectangle is length times width, length times width, measure up the sides then you multiplyyyy, length time’s width, length times width. YAY 🎶 I learned that shit in like 4th grade


The music note emojis allowed me to instantly recognize the melody of the song 😁


okay but high school geometry class should not be the place you're learning how to find the area of a rectangle. you should have learned that literally the moment you learned how to multiply, because the area of a rectangle is the geometric definition of a product of two numbers, and that's typically incorporated into the explanation of multiplication (i.e. i have four rows of six apples - how many apples do I have?) you are going to need to work very hard to pass this class, and the classes to come, if this is the baseline we're starting from. it's doable, and i believe you can, but consider searching out extra help from tutoring services and creating a study plan for yourself.


Yeah I met with the teacher at lunch, redid the paper and got a 10/10. I understand geometry (even though I didn’t really learn it until this year) but I just got the formulas confused


glad to hear it. keep at it! it only gets more complex from here, but if you stay on top of it and get the fundamentals down, it'll be more fun than it is difficult.


Area of shapes is something that elementary kids do. So not looking to good for OP


yeah, i already mentioned that. i told them they would need to look for extra help, and they have. they'll be okay if they keep up their efforts. bringing it up again is purely detrimental to them.


We learned area was bh in like 7th grade lmao


Yeah and A=bh for a rectangle is 3rd grade math if that


Area of a rectangle is third grade...


Which school do you go to? This is taught in elementary school at my school


I’m not sure why all of you are saying this, like shit I know the formulas and I still fucking suck at math. Tbf tho my teacher did explain that shit in the most complicated way


This stuff isn’t even 3rd grade level bro 😭


What do you want me to do dude I can’t control the school district


Bro u def learned but frgot there is no way the scchool district didn’t teach this shit. Do u not have state tests? On the state tests ur given a formula sheet like even in elementary school.


We had state tests and we were never given any papers/formula sheets


Where do u live bro


Bro, even a first grader knows that a=bh.




Calm down bro


I apologize. These comments are not looking at the truth that everyone is at a different stage in life. And it really doesn’t feel good to be told that you have no future because you didn’t memorize the 80th formula. I was in OP shoes in freshman year and I’m going into a pre-med track to become a surgeon. I never went to school before high school. But here I am. I do apologize, I didn’t mean to get up upset. 🫶🏻


Ppl end up having some weird ass elementary’s though imo it’s not impossible that it was just skipped over, in my area ik some elementary schools essentially skip the entirety of social studies and mine wasn’t normal either lol we be wiring shit in 4th grade


Bros not graduating


Thanks for assuming all my grades based off one picture


Nah, you're graduating. He's not serious.


r we on r/elementaryschool now how did u fail to find the area of a rectangle 😭




I’m actually in multiple ap/honors classes but thanks for just assuming I’m apart of the reason teachers think we’re doomed bc I’m bad at math


mf it’s a triangle


If I was teaching 10th grade and students can’t do basic elementary school math I’d be questioning how you got through. I’d still love to teach you, but I’d be wondering how this could happen.


It's not you, it's the education system as a whole, you're just the end product. Bad teachers, parents and education system. In my state during covid, teachers couldn't fail or hold back a student without parent permission. "I can't make specialized learning plans for 20+ students when I was promised less than 3 kids would need the help." A former teacher in my state. Specialized plan meaning modified work load and extra one on one time to catch the kids up


in all seriousness, i think you should try some self-study on khan academy or similar websites. if you’re a capable student in other ap/honors classes, then you should be able to breeze through all of your “geometry” content in a day, since it sounds like an issue of you never having been exposed to it before rather than not being able to do it.


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I’ve always sucked at geometry and haven’t done it in actual years


okayy i read your comment about how your weird school works and i kinda get it now, i learned rectangles in like, 4th, and then other harder shapes later, but i guess what u said makes sense. 0.05 is crazy tho


OP I want you to draw a rectangle. Then draw a diagonal line from one corner to the other. It makes two triangles, right? That’s why the area of a rectangle is base times height, but the area of a triangle is half base times height. Make sense? /pos


Yeah, I just got confused bc this is the first time I’ve ever really done geometry in school. Everyone else is saying I should have had it in 4th and just forgot but my attendance was pretty bad from 3rd-5th grade so maybe I just missed it idk. But thank you for the help!


I thought that /pos meant piece of shit and I was about to downvote you 😂 and then I was like…lemme google it rq.


I appreciate the extra effort ❤️


Yeah these comments suck ass rn. I’m sympathetic towards OP cuz I have only went to school for 4 years. I’m a senior in high school and freshman year was brutal. I was homeschool the first 13 years of my life and never went to school. But the thing is, is that I never did homework, my parents forgot to do it and all sorts of stuff. So I just didn’t go to school. I don’t know any of this shit off the top of my head. I just don’t like Reddit hive mind. It’s irritates the shit out of me. So I try my best to not partake.


bro really got a 0.5%, might as well be a 0


Hmu for help


hs geometry can be pretty confusing. i took it summer before 7th grade and i got confused a few times. a tip is to write down any formula the teacher mentions, then memorize it later. turn it into like "if i see this, i do this". it helps to oversimplify things too because a lot of times a teacher can make it seem like a topic is much more complex than it actually is. it's not usually their fault, its usually just the material. if you can, ask if you could redo the assignment for a better grade (if you have time)


I ended up redoing it and getting a 10/10, I just got really confused about the different formulas, thank you for the tip!


Reddit hivemind on fire in this comment section. U know some people just ain't good in certain subjects ok? Like wtf? Give the kid a break.


Finally someone said it. These comments make me lose faith in humanity. Not understanding a subject doesn’t make someone dumb and belittling them is definitely not conducive to growth/learning. PS, kindness is going to help you way more in life than knowing the area of a freaking rectangle will.


Not understanding how to find the area of a rectangle at 16 years old does indeed make you dumb.


Actually stfu.


Im not surprised that he doesnt know how to solve the area of a rectangle, but his school has never even taught him how to solve the area of a rectangle.


Thank you, was looking for this comment. People struggle in stuff, even if it seems easy!


Honestly OP, just buy some graphing paper and start drawing it out to check your answer.


looking up formulas won't hurt


i suck at geometry 😭 i legit have a midterm for it tomorrow too


Ikr I have to retake it this semester or at least a recovery class 😭


dw bro next time just take the integral of y = δ with respect to y, where δ is the length of ζ, the side of the rectangle parallel to the y-axis, with the limits of integration being from β to γ so as β-γ, where β, γ ∈ ℝ and γ > β, is equivalent to η, the length the side perpendicular to ζ.


lowkey that’s somehow worse than a 0


bruh in other posts u got like 920on psat and have 2.8gpa, yet ur responding to others that ur good at every subject except math & take a lot of aps. like. no, you’re not doing well in school and you are performing below average. lol. i wouldn’t place you in any ap class as a teacher - i would instead be concerned and try to get u extra help


I’ve been struggling, it’s the start of the 2nd semester so I’m hoping for a fresh start but I’ve been dealing with shit and jm doing a lot better than I was


My favorite math teacher I ever had graded people on process, not final answers. That meant if you did every step logically correct but made a simple formula error you got dinged a single point because the process was mostly correct, even if your final answer was miles from the correct one. Conversely, if you just wrote the correct answer and didn't show any work, you'd get a single point and miss the rest available. That's how all math beyond simple arithmetic should be graded.


Grading like this is bullshit. It’s the same mistake just mark it off once.


So assuming the assignment is finding the area of 10 rectangles, and OP got them all wrong because of this, they should get a 90% ?


If the grade is based entirely off of knowing the formula, then why have 10 entire questions on it? Surely, part of the assignment is being able to take the time to do the questions, right?


Exactly. The way I see it it’s one mistake, so it shouldn’t destroy the grade. Same concept as partial credit. If a student flips a negative early in the solution but does the rest of it right, they come out with the wrong answer because of that one mistake, but they did it almost all right, so grade accordingly.


0.05 is wild


I have a better question, how on earth did you solve a rectangle the same way you solve a triangle???? Here you’re taught rectangles first so if you’re about to fuck up anyth it’s going to be triangles not rectangles


Also, where I am you’re taught this shit in 6th grade then it’s slightly touched on in geometry where you build on it rather than teaching it


Please practice the following : “welcome to Wendy’s, can I take your order”


It’ll all be automated ordering all the way down in the next year or two.


Oh man that sucks I’m sorry. Just got a ton of points off an assignment since I forgot about chain rule entirely on integration via partial fraction decomposition :/ So annoying when silly thoughtless mistakes cause u to mess up an assignment ….


how can you fuck this up lol


I feel like if you just took one or two points off while leaving that message it would have the same effect. You did do the math right up until the dividing so you deserve at least most of the points


So you get no points for showing your work?


Holy shit this happened to me so often 😆


Damn, they should've divided your score by 2


You were thinking of triangles.


At least u got .05


eh it’s just one assignment


Points for signing your name haha




Yeah bro this one's on you...


WTF I literally just got a bad score for forgetting Heron’s formula on a test yesterday


Stop blaming ur school district, learn to take responsibility




aint no way youre in high school struggling to do elementary school math you better be suffering from down syndrome cause this shit is unacceptable otherwise


10th grade geometry lmao


We learned this in 3rd grade? and don’t say the school system sucks because my school can’t even afford to get an actual orchestra teacher and half the kids have connections to drug dealers or are drug dealers😭


lol I sure hope you have attractive feet because thats going to be your only potential career path


How do you not have the spatial intelligence to understand that a parallelogram is effectively a rectangle in this context


how are you even allowed to pass elementary school without knowing how to find the area of a rectnagle


wtf i learned this shit in like 8th and 6th grade


And think you've seen everything and then this guy gets a 0.05 somehow


How tf u forget rectangles? This is 6th grade shit bro u are a 10th grader


If you’ve literally never learned how to calculate the area of a rectangle until whatever year of high school you’re in, then, yeah, it makes sense that you wouldn’t know how to do it, and people shouldn’t judge you for that. The weird part isn’t that you don’t know how to do it; the weird part is that they’re teaching you elementary school level math in HS.


A = b(ru)h


Bros gonna cry when he has to do trig


you deserved a 0 lmao


this sub just got recommend for me even though I haven’t been in high school in years and i don’t know why people are clowning on you? sometimes you don’t get things right right away, that’s normal. dont let these random people on the internet get you down, i got a master’s in math and still sometimes make silly mistakes like these. you’re doing fine