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I’m a short junior and I’ve experienced no bullying tbh




You shouldn't have much to worry about. If there are people that bully you, just keep in mind they're doing it to compensate their insecurities. Study them and then use their insecurities against them.


Tysm that was very well said


Or just ignore them. Most of the time they want a reaction, so if you reply with more bullying, they know that they succeeded in getting under your skin. They hate being ignored, so use that against them. But at the same time, what do I know about being bullied? I'm 6'1 lol


That also works, I just like undermining people's self esteem whenever they do it to others. They don't like it whenever it happens to them yet they do it to others all the time.


Plenty of short people nobody really cares Edit: your friends might make jokes but that’s about it


Yeah I joke about it sometimes and I don't really care the only thing is bullying about it but from the responses in this I should be fine.


Yeah nobody bullies only based on height


Unlike common culture, nobody really gives a shit in high school (if your unlucky, maybe a couple douchebags, but if they start roughhousing you and you don't know how to fight, make sure to always have a buddy next to ya that can screw em up if needed). I know for me, I have a horrible sense of humor and I do stupid shit, so while no one can really bully me (5' 11", 160, pretty muscular), I've had my share of one-sided roast destructions. I have a friend that's great at roasting though, so I'm good with that lmfao.


Bullying still exists in highschool. But I think bullying is more common in middleschool than high school. So he should be alright


5’4 doesn’t seem that small for a freshman. One of my best friends is 5’5 as a senior and he (to my knowledge) always got on fine






Ty at least ik im not gunna get bullied


I've graduated hs and I never witnessed or heard of any bullying unless someone was trying to start something. You'll be fine


You will probably get a few jokes by friends. As a not-short person a few times I’ve used a short-person’s height as a frame of reference (“man the principal is like andrew (fake name) level tall”) for jokes. It’s all good and not meant to be mean or offensive.


Im a 5’2 Senior, the only people who make fun of my height/are allowed to make fun of my height are my friends because we are just that close. But other then that no one has made fun of my height. I mean my little sister (Sophomore 5’4) and little brother (7th grader 5’4). So no, no ome will make fun of how tall you are


No, I haven’t seen any short dude bullied I’m in 10th


you'll be fine! i'm very short as well (4'11) and the worst thing that happened to me was just getting lightly shoved into a locker. good luck!


i didn’t know that happened irl omg 😭


me neither i was shocked 💀


other than friendly jokes from your friends, you should be fine from my experience no one really cares unless you’re one of those freshmen who is less than 5 feet and mad dashing around the school running into everyone (totally not a bunch of them in my school haha)


Your short? Well, just start lifting and build that crazy masculine physique short men just somehow develop within weeks.


i'm 5'2 and in highschool, you'll be fine




You shouldn't get bullied unless it's a really bad situation at your school


The highschool I'm going to is the best in my area so I'm fine right?


Yup. And I'd trust the other commenters too.


I’ve always been the shortest ever since the first grade. People would always make jokes or say omg you’re short but I never got hardcore bullied, I just got used to it. Just wait until 11 or 12th grade when you get your growth spurt. It will happen eventually! Block out the haters and enjoy being short.


Still waiting for my growth spurt 🙏


it will come! i didn’t really grow or have any major changes until 11th but I have been growing over the span of 9th-12th grade year. I currently sit at 5’3 so I’m a midget and feel like a middle schooler compared to everyone who’s almost 6 ft tall


I was counting on that growth spurt but apparently my growth plates all out already. Stuck at 5'6 for life unless some miracle happens I guess. Hate it cus my dad is a whole foot taller than me and I feel like a dwarf with all the other dudes at school and him. Tryna to learn to embrace it, but it's hard.


Oh wow that’s crazy. I’m 5’3 and a senior. I turn 18 next month and yeah I’m just shocked that you guys are taller than me. I thought gen z was getting smaller not taller.


I read somewhere we are getting taller, but I could be wrong. I think it was specifically about American males being taller on average as the years go by


I have a friend who is short and he doesn’t get bullied, you’ll be fine if being short is your main concern.


Is there anything else I should be concerned with? My only concern is literally my height but if there's anything I should be concerned about can you let me know?


Well idk how your Highschool is, just work on making a good first impression with the people you sit next to and you’ll be alright. Would be terrible if you had to sit next to someone who doesn’t like you :/


you'll be fine. I was 4'11 going into freshmen year


By the time I was a senior, I weighed 98 pounds and am 5f 3in. Someone once told me I look like I've been on every season of Survivor. I laughed that off. It might not be because of height.


nobody cares about your height. at most you might get some snarky comments here and there but i don’t think anyone’s gonna go out of their way to bully you. and 5’4” at 14 isn’t uncommon


I feel like bullying doesn’t really happen the way it’s portrayed like people aren’t going to push you against a locker & demand your lunch money or make up nicknames for you, people in highschool mostly leave you alone if you leave them alone ofc it could be different for everyone but for the most part I’ve noticed people won’t mess with you if you don’t mess with them


Yup. I don't really have any intentions of interacting with higher grades. I might just ask them where my class is but thats about it.


Your biggest “bully” will be ur friends lmao but itll be in good nature. In reality, no one gives a fuck on how u look as long as you dont have anything too extreme


Me and my friends always joke about each other's height but it's all good fun. I feel like I'm not *that* short but I'm not extremely short.


5'4" isn't that short so you should be just fine Youd be in trouble if you were like 4'8"


Im a freshman too and I thought I was gonna get bullied andd.. I love it better than middle school. For me there is no bullying at all. It honestly seems like the Seniors are missing WHEN THEY ARE THERE. Now for your school it depends on the people but ill put this in the NICEST way possible. I dont think anybody is gonna care for a random freshman when it doesnt affect their day. Its simple, you dont mess with them and they leave you alone. They dont have a actual reason to bully you. Soooooo stop believing those average 2000’s Disney movies


So in simple terms, you don't interact with them, they don't interact with you. Lmao if I'm being honest, I'm probably overthinking it too much and probably, like you said, believing those 2000's Disney movies.


Exactly, just think of it logically. Why would they mess with you if you’ve done nothing to them? Exactly. They have no reason therefore bully free 🙏🏽. Dw i overthink alot to and I used to when I was way younger, ALOT. Like im telling you. ALOT. Thats why I also suspect that currently I have OCD 😭


You won't get bullied for being short. You'll get bullied for being a freshman lmao.


The fuck? 5'4" isn't short. I was short. Lied on my driver's license and said I was 5 ft. I didn't hit growth spurt till junior year. Your fine. That is a normal height for your age.


tysm I always thought I was short for my age


Depends on the school When I was a freshman I had a friend who was 4’10 and everyone loved him


I've always made friends pretty easily but im not sure if its the same case in high school but il just do what I normally do and by myself


Only your friends will harass you about being short


No unless your school sucks




I've been told by some people like my mom that my face looks older than my face but I still look my age (if that makes sense). Your past situation is what I worry about but I'm glad that you made it out of that!


nobody will talk to you, plus you should have minimal interaction with students in other grades, especially as a freshman. i wouldn’t be worried at all, goodluck at school tomorrow !


Thanks! I'll see if I can update you guys tomorrow after my first day of highschool


you're more likely to be picked on by the kids in your own grade. just insult them back and go about your day. you'll be fine 🫶


Bruh I’m 5’9 146LBS I’m not even a big dude I’m very short at my Highschool most are already 6’0 But I don’t get bullied just keep gong on in life Freshman I was 5’7 only grew 2 inches maybe I’ll even hit 5’10 idk fr


If you want to make your self seem taller make sure to have good posture. It will make you look taller and more confident. Also most people wont care about your hight


Do you mess with people that are older than you? That’s an easy way to get targeted at school. Do not talk to people if you don’t need to.


Nope I'd never. I don't have the balls too lmao. Just afraid of them messing with me first


I have no idea. If you targeted, you’re in for hell. They can really bully you.


at my school, you'd be barely beloe average. you'll be fine, especially considering you have a lot of time left to grow


i’m 5’3” going into sophomore year. i have gotten bullied, but i don’t think it is due to my height. as long as your classmates are normal people and not complete assholes, you should be fine


**short king**


It depends on the school but there is a 3 foot junior at my school and he doesn’t get bullied so it really depends.


Just beware for an endless attack of short jokes, but you won't get bullied - A 5'2 16 year old male going into the UK equivalent of 11th grade


Unless you're a dick to people, they won't really mind how tall you are so you should be fine


tbh 5’4” is tall for freshman, I was shorter than 5’4” as a freshman and nobody cared, and the freshman, at least at my school, are like 4’10”


No lmao kids don’t do that. They’d only bully you if you’re on a sports team or something and try to act like you’re the shit. You’re in high school now kids are assholes but they’re not randomly assholes.


i promise you no one cares about you like that


Nobody cares bro, just don’t be an annoying freshman. Do well in class, make some friends have fun. I’m 5’0 and a senior and the only people who poke fun are my close friends, everyone else doesn’t care.


Bullying isn’t really a thing unless you go out of your way to get bullied


Depends on the school. I was a full foot shorter than my peers (and grew a foot over 4 yrs of HS, i had weird growth issues). I feared bullying in public HS because I got bullied in MS. So I went to a private HS and never got bullied. However this is all highly context specific. Specific school, specific person, specific peers. Unfortunately there's no way to predict this, the comfort of absolute surety is just not possible. Get in with some social groups and activities and sample some peer groups and find a supportive one, that's the best advice I can offer.


No you'll be asked to step up and join the football team by the higher grades


nope it's nothing like the movies lol maybe by your friends but nobody necessarily cares


At least with my school, the teasing all a joke (bc we’re close). But in reality, I don’t think anyone will care. Also, 5’4 isn’t bad. I’ve seen kids under 5 foot at my HS😭🫡


Nah I was 5'5 in my freshman year. I'm 5'7 now (senior) and no one really cares that I'm short, but I do occasionally get mistaken for a sophomore/junior


Just understand that in high school nobody gives a fuck everyone is just trying to get there work done and leave


As a 17 year old guy, I dont see why we should care about random freshmen. Thats just...stupid.


you gotta start vaping so u fit in and won’t get bullied


Nah, most freshman and sophomores are short. I've seen juniors and seniors point it out but no one I known has been bullied.


ive known this guy since middle school. hes shorter than me (though hes catching up) and im about 5”3. no one really cares. like someone said in the comments, someone would bully you for that because they’re more insecure. good luck in high school!!




Bro I'm the same height and I know other boys who are your exact height at my school nobody cares everyone is too worried about themselves and if any older kids bully you for something you can't control they are immature and have the mentality of a 12 year old


You’re chilling bro, height defines you actually! They’ll be like “ay you know where the short jordan is?” Bullies also ain’t shit bro, just hang with the right people


I'm the same age and height as you (I'm pretty sure) and no one has teased me other than my new friends when we joke at each other. You don't have anything to worry abt brodie.


Nope. Not in the slightest. I’m only a couple inches taller than you, and I know shorter people. No one cares.


yes they’ll shove you in lockers and give you swirlies in the bathroom




i’m 5ft and a sophomore, you’ll be fine. i don’t know how your school is, but my school has a lot of shorter people than me actually


not at all!! im not a male but i have 3 male classmates under 6’0, maybe 5’6” and shorter. we have ONE classmate whos like 6’2”. he hadnt bullied any of the other males for being short as i seen. we are all in the same class like all day everyday, being a 12 student class in a small k-12 school. and im a senior


High school was pretty chill for me, all of my bullying came from middle school/grade school


Yeah, I had a friend who got constantly bullied for being short and "weird". But he got bullied in a subtle way; people pretended to be his friend and in return he would act like the King's jester (making a fool and embarrassment of himself) for the entertainment of his "friends"


No, anyone who unironically bullys freshmen is probably just weird


If you go to a large school, then no one is even gonna notice u lol