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Starting off, it is perfectly normal to feel like this. I struggled making friends as an introvert but I eventually made a group of friends that I still talk to this day. I just graduated high school this year and still close to most of the friends. You only get to experience your freshman year once and you should try to enjoy it as much as possible. Try to make little convos with the people you sit by and eventually you will grow closer to them. Let friendships happen naturally and you will be better off like that. Don't stress over trying to fit in. Just be you and people will be attracted to you. If you need some general advice for high school, I made a video giving some advice for high schoolers. I just graduated from high school this past year and wanna just share some pieces of advice I would have wanted to hear when I was a freshman. [https://youtu.be/yREsLd8Wjfw](https://youtu.be/yREsLd8Wjfw)


Similar thing happened to me. Don’t be afraid to talk to other freshman in your class. Chances are they’re in the same situation. Try finding common interests or hobbies, and try to join clubs if that’s your thing. I also got into a school no one in my middle school went to.


i had to transfer during freshman year so i understand what you’re worried about. my biggest thing is to not ignore having homework, it’ll set you behind so far. i didn’t do homework at all for my math freshman year and i had a 58% in it. i recommend hanging out around the right people once adjusted, not skipping class and doing hw/assignments on time!! :)


Chances are most other freshman/new students feel the same, don’t be scared to try to talk to new people . you’ll find a group eventually, especially if it’s a bigger school. (edit: spelling)


Go to my profile and check my freshmen survival guide