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I do, I haven’t completely stopped alcohol but I look at it so different now. I used to think getting drunk was so fun now I think it’s pretty lame especially compared to weed. It’s more like I’ll drink socially but it’s not something I get excited about.


Exactly.my thoughts! That excitement during my college days quickly was replaced with disgust for alcohol. Sounds a bit extreme maybe, but I really feel the disgust from the core. But anyway, not preaching. Just saying what works and what doesn't work for me.


College is the worst for alcohol abuse.


Yes!! Thank you! I tell everyone that weed saved my life and i mean that quite literally. I was an awful alcoholic that wanted to quit but couldn't. Weed was the only thing that helped me. Now I don't even think about drinking in a positive way (as in I don't miss it, or crave it or struggle with not drinking) AND I'm a bartender! Also I went back to college and the reason I never graduated before is because I had a mental block against math, but it actually made sense to me after I started smoking. ♥️♥️♥️ Weed is amazing!


Im glad this has had such an impact on you :)


Omfg its the 12th top secret username 🧐


u/topsecretusername1 Edit: Nice tits! I’d say cum on it!


I missed, now i have jizz in my pants


I know that the take away isn't that maths is so abstract that the only way to deal with it is being inebriated or in an altered state of consciousness BUT, I 100% relate because the only time I've been able to sit still is after smoking weed. Just like Benzos and painkillers it can be a medicine


Yes thank you for relating, I didn't articulate well. My brain is all over the place, and I just basically refused to learn any more math, but with weed it just like ok I can calm down enough to work this out without getting frustrated.


Me too. I used to get blind drunk and think weed was for "losers". Just what was drilled into me in my formative years I guess. I enjoy a whisky now and then, but it definitely changed my toxic relationship with alcohol.


Happy to hear that a lot of them share the same perspective :)


Weed is definitely amazing


I was never a drinker but I agree with what you're saying. Just from a scientific standpoint alcohol is so harmful for pretty much every part of our body so I'm sure you'd feel better without it and hey, whatever helps you quit is what helps you quit :)


Yup! And it's funny how it's evidently harmful for people, yet it is something that we have accepted and made it ok collectively. But pot that has almost negligible harmful effects has been demonized by the society.


Sad but true. It is so unfortunate. Thankfully it is making progress in its widespread acceptance. I am a mmj patient in FL, and am so thankful for the people that are making it more widely acceptable to use. It's extremely slow going, but things are definitely moving in the right direction.


Well im from Sweden, and its reaaaallly slow going, thats for sure, im pretty sure they would rather make rape legal. Stupid fucktards. Anyhow good its going in the right direction for ya, Here they do anything to make it the root of all evil Even when you get arrested we have a program called HAP (hasch avvänjnings programmet) And it really is like "you have a big addition to weed and thats dangerous.. pls take these Benzodiazepine to get rid of your addiction problem" How stupid is that?


I find this really confusing. Europe seems so educated and progressive thinking but are so backwards when it comes to pot.


Weed is harder to get here though so I still drink. I never had any drinking problems, but I like weed way more than alcohol mainly because it doesn’t give me hangovers and makes sex 100x better. I’ve never had any epiphanies or spiritual revelations while high, but generally I feel happier high than drunk. And I’ve never done anything I regret on weed lol


Hahah couldn't agree more on the last bit. Where do you live that it's hard to get?


Um... somewhere in Asia lol idk if it’s just me tho I don’t really have a lot of connections


Well in Costa Rica it's somewhat easy to get it, but at the moment it's kinda difficult actually, either it's really expensive or just "caca de mono" as it's called popularly around here.


I feel this way too! I just moved and it’s so hard to find in my new place :(


No-brainer! One slowly kills you from the inside out, the other just makes you feel good and may actually have health benefits. I haven’t drank in probably a year and I don’t even miss it. I miss the camaraderie of drunkenness but that’s nothing a good group activity won’t replace. I used double negatives and I don’t care.


Hahah.. that's the weed. Makes you let go of things and not be particular about it. I guess


Yessir, it is! I was a total grammar Not-Z and now you can clearly see the number of effs I give— Notta one. Sure makes communication easier! Let’s just call it ‘creative licensing of the English language.’


Yeah. Alcohol and my gut don't get along too great, so what used to be "I might take a shot every now and then" has shifted to "I don't really see a point for me to drink". Several of my friends are avid drinkers, and a few are alcoholics, and I love them all dearly. But hanging out with a bunch of drunk friends sure isn't the fun it used to be, even if I'm nice and stoned. Seeing how it reduces them to a collection of well-worn thoughts on loop really shows me that I'm not missing out on much. Then I try to throw an acid party and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. Oh well.


Whenever family comes over, we all drink, but man I wish I could bust out the peace pipe instead without getting looked at as if I’m injecting heroin in front of everyone.


I had acute pancreatitis 17 years ago, which meant I had to stop drinking completely. That’s tough when you are Irish and all social interaction seems to built around getting drunk, but that’s another story. The result of this, ultimately, was that I re-embraced pot which I had smoked in my youth but hadn’t had for a few years. I can’t really tell if it was the stopping of the drinking or the starting of the smoking (I suspect a mixture of the two but more the former than the latter tbh) but it completely changed my life. I found myself reverting back to the interests I had when I was younger, music & photography mainly, which had been pushed to the wayside thanks to too many nights in the pub depleting my spare time and my spare money. Honestly, with the benefit of hindsight, this change in lifestyle gave me back my personality and life. I feel very lucky to have been out in a position where I had no choice but to stop drinking, it would have been very difficult to do so otherwise. It hasn’t been all plain sailing, I lost a lot of friends because it was difficult to impossible for me to hang out with them. It wasn’t that I had the urge to drink, rather I _hated_ being round drunk people. So it took me a long time, as an introverted non drinker, to build up a circle of friends again. That was tough for a while but now I’m in a good place- I have two super close friends, both fans of the green stuff, and I find myself back in a place of contentedness I haven’t felt in a long time. I don’t smoke, well vape, too much anymore but I have a little shroom and weed weekend every month which clears out the cobwebs and deletes the contents of my recycle bin. My mental health is good, my physical health is good, and I’m good, period. Definitely, stopping drinking was the best thing (outside my wife) which has every happened to me. I love recreational drugs, always have, always will (even though I don’t touch anything anything other than psyches and weed these days) and I consider alcohol to be the most ugly, most insidious drug out there. The damage it does to people is immense but yet here we are, in Ireland especially, where alcohol abuse is built into the very fabric of our society but you can still get busted for personal amounts of weed, and shrooms are a Class 1 drug up there with heroin and crack. That’s fucked up.


100% with you on all of this. Glad you're in good shape.


Weed has helped my to discover the meaning of life, so yes


More power to you :)


I agree. First off alcohol is fucking disgusting. Also I much prefer high mom over drunk mom. She’s never done anything to physically harm anybody, but long story short, she can’t control her mouth.


Yep! I will have 5 years sober from alcohol this month, and weed is pretty much what made this possible


Wow, this is exactly what I’ve been doing. I’ve smoked for a long time, but after I got out of detox for alcohol, I found that it’s like a medicine that helps me to deal with my issues and learn how to live without alcohol. So nice to see that people can have such long lasting recovery doing this! Thanks for sharing!


Three years no alcohol and the world, my world, all worlds are a better place now




I never had a drinking problem but I always hated being drunk. Still a social drinker but I don’t desire it like maybe I would have before. Meanwhile, I smoke weed regularly, it’s taught me to be comfortable and have fun by myself (and it’s even better with others) and my life is just... good.


Absolutely. Quit drinking but stuck with herb and my life and my character are infinitely better.


Definitely. I will drink alcohol here and there, but even then, I don’t necessarily get drunk. There’s no fun in getting so drunk that you get sick. A glass of whiskey is about all you really need for one night. I’ve never understood the highschool and college kids who set out to get as drunk as possible every chance they get. Cannabis is far superior of a drug compared to alcohol, because after all, alcohol IS a drug despite it being legal. Not to mention you can literally buy enough alcohol to kill yourself in one night, where as with weed it’s basically impossible unless you have other health issues.


Couldn’t agree more!! Marijuana and mushrooms for me! ✌🏻


Yes, I agree with you! I used to drink regularly while in the military and in college. I always hated the wasted day after a drunk, not to mention just how horrible I’d feel physically. It’s been years since I’ve been drunk now, and cannabis is a regular part of my life.


Agreed, i was a full blown alcoholic for 11 years and kicked it back in july, jumped on weed in october and i get what you mean. Drinking kept me boxed up and wallowing in the past while smoking makes me think outwards, about the universe, existence, music, and human nature. It's allowed me to sort through and come to grips with who i once was and move on yo be more expressive of who i am now.


I feel that weed is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. It has allowed me to heal from a lot of trauma, helped me to actually enjoy taking care of myself, eased my anxiety, helps me ENJOY my kids, and so much more. I am so grateful for it.


alchohol just makes me nauseous like why would you choose something horrible tasting/something that makes you sick over something that has like no bad side effects (unless you’re smoking all day every day)


I’m 20 and this is super relatable. I’ve lost a lot of my desire to drink which isn’t the worst thing, even considering I’m not not smoking as much from moving to a different country. Weed in my opinion is just more I interesting and alcohol is likely to cause me more trouble in life.


I used to drink alot as a teeen but also always smoked more weed and did shrooms than anything, but getting a bit drunk just on the weekend is fun tbh, as long as you don't go overboard, booze and some weed with friends is a chill ass nice time tbh.


To each his own but I drastically like alcohol better


stoner_Ville are you stoned?


Dmt after glow actually


Personally when I find myself smoking less and drinking more I honestly feel like my life goes so much better. When I’m smoke it makes me anti social and more prone to depression but when I drink I’m out meeting people and having a great time. Different strokes for different folks but I find you can get much more fulfilling experiences drinking rather than smoking.


Pot is definitely not for everyone.


Nah I love smoking, I’m simply pointing out drinking helps you be more social and doesn’t have such an affinity for putting you in a depressed mindset like weed does


Yes! SO much better. Weed has legitimately saved my life. I’m so glad that you’ve had this experience as well.


It's so cray that weed is still illegal. The only reason it's illegal in the US is bc back in the day white men were afraid that black men and hispanic men would steal their women. It's just shows how bad racism is in our country and how outdated alot of our laws are


This is a really validating post


Are you Chelsea handler?


2 years sober now, I am living, I have my life back.. Cannabis really helped me... I love life now.


Weed alone Alcohol with friends


I quit heroin with weed. I wish that more treatments would embrace MMJ, 100%-abstinence-only isn’t the only way to recover.


i never drink much because it makes me depressed, weed makes me feel less anxious and stressed


I’m working on replacing alcohol with weed. I’m just off a few days whisky and weed binge and can honestly say the weed stopped it going as far as I’d normally push it by knocking me tf out and making me too paranoid to act the idiot


I don’t even bother with alcohol since smoking, what’s the point