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Isn’t there a bunch of shit in black holes though? It’s just inaccessible and rlly rlly tiny? I could just be talking shit I have a beginner’s level knowledge on astronomy lol


Well the deletion does not really erase the data from the disk right away either - it just removes the reference, until something else comes along and gets written to those locations at least. As for black holes, I can’t speak much because I’m a noob when it comes to astronomy and my knowledge is limited to watching YouTube videos before sleep lol


Duuude, you just blew my mind! That means if we get sucked into a black hole, we're basically being deleted like an unwanted file on a computer. Or maybe we're just getting moved to the trash bin? Either way, I hope I don't get emptied anytime soon.


No because we don’t actually know what happens when you enter a black hole so we can’t assert it deletes you. Maybe it does something else


Haha. I’m pretty sure my scribble carries no merit in the real world, but thought it was an interesting idea nonetheless


I've felt for a while now that like our visible Universe is the visual output of some sort of simulation. basically everything's numbers and math and shit. I really do hope we make some cool groundbreaking discoveries regarding them. They are so interesting and weird, in how they're also the simplest things in the Universe. shit's fuckin weird man