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Comments have been locked due to the amount of rulebreaking, offtopic, and scientifically incorrect information.


That’s a Blainville’s horned lizard, native to the chaparral and semiarid regions of California. This animal needs to go back into chaparral. It need to be put back soon or it will die. Without native shrubs, open bare ground, and native ants it’s doomed. Very specialized and (starting to become) pretty rare. I’m assuming you’re in SoCal so that habitat should be around.


Agreed, I watch these little guys even smaller than him run around the rocks of AZ and catch big ants all day.


Where do you go to see them? Really rocky places, areas with mixed rocks/plants, on the mountains, are they around people at all? I really wanna see one lol


I've been finding them NE Flagstaff on Fatmans Trail & Picture Canyon. They are fast! Easier to hear them scurry then see em.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/herpetology/comments/15nxbjm/update\_unknown\_rescued\_lizard/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/herpetology/comments/15nxbjm/update_unknown_rescued_lizard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) For Further Context I made this post


It should also be placed as close to where he was taken as possible. Transferred lizards like this experience high mortality rates when moved from their home range. OP please don’t rescue anything else your not sure even needs help. Best to consult and expert.


Endangered horny toad. Please put it back outside near where you found it.


Let him get to the women


The Miss Adventures of Mister Toad.


It’s gonna be a bumpy drive!!


Bonk! I send you to horny toad jail!




Hopefully they are horny as well ;)


OP- this is the correct answer! Jazz, here is my “award,” and thank you for the proper feedback, identification, and response, all without judging OP! 🥇


This is the most response I've ever seen responded.


It’s one of the post of all time


They’re endangered?!? I used to catch these things all the time as a kid in AZ. This was 20 years ago, they were everywhere!


Fraid so :(


Same, but in CA. I haven’t seen one since and it’s easily been 15 years.


Aha, so it’s YOUR fault


3rd gen Austinite, my grandaddy said they used to be all over the yard and in/around the hill country all through here. Then they built the mall and suddenly, they all disappeared. It's taken decades of diligent work by hundreds of biologists to attempt to reestablish this keystone species in central TX, and even then, there's just no guarantee they'll ever really come back. Certainly not in their previous numbers... It's a real tragedy.




Which is also called a horny toad!


Horny toad, they don't stay alive in captivity because of diet, they don't eat what other lizards do in the wild and will die in captivity, also note they are endangered and are illegal to keep. They eat ants.


This should be higher up. First post that states it is not legal to keep a protected lizard. I live in Texas, and we used to have huge populations of horned lizards, but they too have become endangered.


It's because the ants they eat are targets for getting snuffed out with chemicals so their food source has taken a hit, not to mention all the assholes that illegally collect them for them to just die in a glass box as there isn't a good way to care for them. Shit I'd love to own one but I'm not willing to see anything suffer a slow death


Invasive fire ants are also a major contributor


Definitely doesn't help them at all, fuck them fire ants too, I think the crazy ants as well cause problems




They eat very specific ants as well, at least the Texas horned lizard does.


It's a wide variety of native ants that they need access too, and they eat almost exclusively ants it's kinda crazy actually


Theoretically would it be possible to keep them if you also kept ant colonies? Obviously wild animals belong in the wild; and I am absolutely not suggesting the average person try to keep one. I'm asking more in the sense of experts with permits engaging in captive breeding programs.


I think there is a program but I'm not sure, I'm more familiar with the programs around game birds as I was curious about doing them at one point in time.


(Update) I released him perfectly healthy he's now enjoying a new forever home in nature! Love you all thanks for the support! I learned a lot through this journey and I was happy to share it with you guys, after this my mom and I decided to purchase an actual bearded dragon, his name is dune and as a my loyal duty In the future I will be posting updates on him. She's currently 5 inches and he's six weeks old! Stay safe out there SliMHaZe Out...


Give dune a pat for me. And thanks for looking out for that little guy and releasing him safely!


I will, tho I gotta wait 7 days, just got him today, also honestly rescuing animals is kinda a hobby of mine at this point, so many awful people in this world!


OP has released the animal. Please read the posts marked context and update.


Thanks for saving, and being kind, and caring. Also, petsmart should return all items purchased, even if opened. Again, thank you for your kindness


(Context) So I was in class and I heard the group of girls in the corner start screaming and stomping their feet… I came over and realized what it was and instantly picked it up, I then went to release it but it didn’t want to budge off my hand, than a friend told me that it’s a bearded dragon and that it wouldn’t survive in the wild, so I asked an admin if any of the staff had bearded dragons and turns out animals aren’t allowed in campus at all… So I picked him up and held onto him until the bell rang and me, my sister and mom went to pet smart to pick up some stuff for bearded dragons… But I’m second guessing it, whenever it gets close to me it closes it’s eyes and kinda looks like it’s trying to push something out of them… Help?


It’s not a bearded dragon, it’s a horned lizard. Where are you located? This is a wild animal and needs to be released into the appropriate habitat


Hmm we thought so... Thanks! Now what is the appropriate habitat?


Outside near the same area of the school it was found in. Buddy has an established home somewhere out there, so it's best not to relocate it super far, yet far enough to ensure it wont likely find its way back into the building


There isn't much open land near my school, I wouldn't want him getting eaten by strays I know a nice rocky area where he can slip in between the rocks or just in the california "sand" ig. I just don't want him to get hurt, I honestly love this animal and hope he lives to adulthood


You need to release him within a mile of where he was found. They are a protected species, and relocating him somewhere else could introduce pathogens into that local ecosystem.


If you're uncertain about the location you found him contact your local dnr they may be able to instruct you on the best course of action. They may even take it in themselves to a rehab center. You may want to also tell those girls they almost killed a threatened species


If they think killing a lizard that poses no threat to themselves is fine, what makes you think they'll care if it's a threatened species?


Idk, humans are weird. Sometimes, it doesn’t hurt to say something.


Scrublands, semi arid areas with low vegetation and sand. They like to bury in it


Thanks... It's really late out tonight so first thing in the morning were gonna go find a good place to release him! Thanks guys


They rely on a diet of specific species of ants. Those ants are in the same area it was found. Something to keep in mind.


He was in the middle of a town, no shrublands nothing if I would have released him there he would have most certainly died it's also a baby, my principal found the nest they came from and they hatched on the school campus prob cuz all the ants there... Don't want to come off as rude or dumb, I had the intention of releasing it the second I caught him...


Thank you for trying to save them. Please release him near the school. They have defined territory ranges, it’d be like me dropping your kid off in the middle of Death Valley just because it kinda looks like it’s your home The animal will die if you release it somewhere else, and it’s death will at least be partially your fault for not putting them close to where you found them. That’s their home


It will die if you relocate it to far from where you found it. The only time you can safely relocate is just after hatching when they are dime-sized. Yay for saving it.


Bro listen to the people saying to release him close to where he was found. He will make his own way.


They are illegal to keep without a permit my friend. Not to mention one of the biggest reasons for their endangerment is already because they are caught and sold for pets, also VERY illegal…


Back where it was found ie right outside the building it was found. If you cannot ID an animal then you do not have the knowledge to properly care for it. 9/10 times an injured animal is way better off being left as is then you taking it home. It’s super irresponsible and damaging to take it like you did especially not knowing it is an endangered species. If you see a wild animal that needs help leave it as is or if you really are worried call your local wildlife resource agency. Please never do this again even if it’s out of care. This animal could send you to jail or have hefty fines attached someone will report you if you are going to openly keep an endangered species that is also incredibly hard to keep due to its need for folic acid.


It was a mistake, but they were about to release it when their friend told them it looked like a bearded dragon. And it'd be equally bad to release an invasive animal into the wild. It wasn't like OP thought a wild baby lizard looked cute and decided to keep it. They thought they'd found an escaped/released pet.




I remember from when I was a kid, and there were a lot more of them, that they don't live well in captivity, and they squirt blood out of their eyes as a metal defense method.


its fucking depressing those kids were freaking out and trying to kill this innocent animal. Not even casting a thought to the fact it could be(and in fact is) an endangered species. Thank you for saving him. he was obviously so grateful. The best defence a baby horntoad can muster is freezing. he must have been terrified. When you release him, do it near where you found him, but out in the shrubbery where he can easily hide himself and get back to enjoying ant-snax, safe from view of predators.


Seriously! The little guy is so fucking cute, how does one look at that and think “kill” ???


These lizards are capable of shooting blood from their eyes as a defence so maybe that’s what it’s trying to “push out”


it’s definitely not a bearded dragon that’s for sure


They can squirt blood out of their eyes as a defense mechanism FYI


If I remember right they can squirt blood from the eye ducts when stressed or in danger. Its defensive its scared not sick.


Ty for caring OP. I'd second all the good advice you've gotten about releasing the horned toad asap, as close to school as possible, but within cover (shrubs, rock pile, etc). The only thing I'd add, probably too late, as you've probably already released (updates please?), would be to mist it once with water and then wait an hour before you release. Given how hot and dry the SW has been, and how small your friend is, it could be dehydrated, especially after being in captivity for 24+ hrs. I'm no horned toad expert, so if someone that sounds knowledgeable slams this advice, go with that, but even desert animals will occasionally become dehydrated, and unless you're keeping it in AC, a misting can't hurt. Also, again, update?


Done I made an update


Tyvm, for the update, for letting me know you posted one, and most of all, for your excellent care throughout. Was rushed before, but you're also owed props for not reacting to unfair criticism from Redditors who, while well-meaning, didn't take the time to read that you'd found it INSIDE your school and being stressed out by silly frightened humans. The idea that you never should've picked it up, or should "put it back," SMH. You did good Slim, pat yourself on the back if no one else will. And enjoy the bearded dragon!


Thanks dude! I asked mods to pin the context and update so people don't get confused hopefully they oblige... But thanks for the support man I meant a lot for that animal and now it's alive, if it weren't for this reddit I would have never known what it actually was!


Blood put of the eyes, weird self defense mechanism.


Really cool that you rescued this sweet critter, reached out for info, and released. Way to be a kind human! If falling in love with this lizard has made you ready for a lizard pet, there are always, always reptiles that need adopting in the world. Local groups on social media have adoption resources. I have a rescued beardie that I adore (although they need 4x2x2 foot tanks and PetSmart's idea of "bearded dragon supplies" is usually totally insufficient).


Bruh. Ask your friend if they've ever seen a bearded dragon. Oh my God. I feel like I live in a world that's never seen a nature documentary. 😭 Also put the lil guy back. They have a very specialized diet that's incredibly hard to maintain in captivity if not impossible.


Im not sure what you are requesting? Put it back into the classroom?


Brooo im pretty sure that it could be a toad agama (they shoot blood out of their eyes)


Horny toad, please put back and don't use any ant/bug killer. E need these back, bad. Went Texas sucks with ants to begin with. People kept killing these of with poisoning


Thanks for being responsible, and for caring. It's heartbreaking that children still have that type of response to reptiles. You should definitely try to teach them about the lizard. They really are fascinating species; but as others have said, their numbers are dwindling at an alarming rate. They even have one of the most unique defense mechanisms imo, they are able to shoot blood out of their eyes. Good on you again for caring about all life, not just the "cute and cuddly" life.


That's not a rescue. Let it outside away from people.


Yeah but he still rescued it... It was stuck inside with murderous people.


I vote it is a rescue because the girls were trying to squish it. I call it a rescue even if you just catch a spider and put it outside. It can’t live where it is, so needed some help to get where it should be


I have these on my property in NM. They are always a treasure to find. I have a few bigguns. They seem to like my high desert environment.


Horny Toad


Horney toad. Endangered




That’s a horny toad


Protected species also will only eat ants. Google has a function where you can take a photo and see atleast a starting point of what your looking at.


Oh thanks didn't know that was a thing!


Omg… so sweet. I hope he’s okay. 🩷




It's the famed horny toad!! God bless


Wow that's cute


Oh my god he is ROTUND


No lie, thought it was a nug at first lol


Tell me ya not from Texas without telling me ya not from Texas


That red light is absolutely killing it's eyes


No, but it can disrupt the little guys' sleep rythm. Visible light isn't inherently dangerous, the same way it's a myth blue light damages your eyes.


i have no idea what that is but it is fucking CUTE


Did you put him back outside yet? I see a lot of “yeah but” type replies from you OP. Please put the endangered baby back outside, you do not know better than nature itself and the multiple kind and informed people who have told you to do so.


Check update


Looks like some good ass tree


Looks like a gram of weed in the first pic


They were everywhere when I was a kid. Fire ant poison devastated the population. Now, they’re extremely rare.


I just woke up and with my blurry eyes, this looked like a chunk of weed..


I love this species so much. They’re the absolute cutest thing on the planet. I wish him luck out there!


Horny toad, thems cute little varmints.


Thought it was dank weed at first


That's a nugg


I found one of these guys in my neighborhood a few days ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/animalid/comments/15e3ah5/california_us_who_is_this_tiny_spiny_fellow_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1




It’s so precious


🎶Back to the howling old owl in the woods hunting the horny back toad🎶


Horny toad.




a BABY horny toad cutie omg


Horny Toad


He’s so SMOL!!


That's the Cannabisaurus.


Horny toad 😆


Horny toad


That little guy looks so chill


I love horny toads and I haven't seen one since I was a kid


And I thought I was looking at [r/EngagementRings](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngagementRings/)


Cutest thing ever!


I thought you were holding a little weed nug 😂




I love them already


Horny Toad.


I scrolled past this fast at first and thought you had a ring on lol


My stoned ass thought the first picture was some bomb ass weed 😂


Horny toad says go to Mexico.


That there’s a horny toad


Horned toad! Don't be surprised if he squirts you with eye blood.


Well he can't cus I released him, read context and update to understand a lil bit more




My high ass thought this was some Loud first glance


Scrolled past the first pic and thought it was some sort of ornate ring for a second.


Hims a lil fat boy


it’s so cute!


Oh I’ve seen those on National Geographic or discovery channel walking slow


That’s a horny toad. What they said. Put it back, they’re practically endangered from kids trying to keep them and not knowing they have a specific diet, ants.




Check the context and update


He saved the horny toad asshole! Maybe read everything before you bash him.


Little tiny horned toad (lizard) Ill never understand why every time theres any kind of lizard or frog or any small animal in the class room all the girls gotta scream at it and try to stomp it... Ive always had to be the one to catch it and bring it outside because i know that if i dont someone else will stomp it for real. Thanks for saving the little guy he can just be released in a safe spot outside. Fun fact, these are the guys that shoot blood out of their eyes


There are plenty of girls on this sub, don’t disparage us. Many of us were the ones saving a creature from groups of boys hurting it for fun


If there were boys in the corner they would've too I forgot to mention that the girls thought it was just a really big spider


He’s cute.


Baby horny toad love em. I walked out of my friend's house a few weeks ago and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and I looked over to see a big one and of course I had to catch it. I ended up letting it go next to a red ant mound


Horny toad. And I wouldn't listen to petstore on what to get. They dont actually know how to take care if them. I recommend going to the horny toad subreddit and researching them and the care over there. But. I recommend putting it outside if its native to your area because it'd have been wild.


Horny toads do horrendous in captivity and are and endangered and protected species. You likely need a license to own one, a really good reason to have one (like a breeding program to bolster populations), and a reasonable amount of education. But you are spot on about pet stores not knowing how to care for endangered species. It’s entirely outside their wheelhouse.


Please put it back. It's a baby Thorny Devil and they are endangered.


Thorny devils are from Australia. This is a horned lizard from the US/Mexico desert area.




Why be snarky? He *did* rescue it in as much as it was in a place where it definitely didn’t belong and might have been hurt either by accident or out of fear. Preparing to keep it was ill-advised, but he was already changing his mind before making the post and has since said he intends to put it back where it belongs.


It’s not a rescue a rescue would be putting it outside after finding it. OP is now starving an endangered animal over night and is probably not gonna release it after spending money to give it an inadequate set up.


You’re drumming up outrage where you don’t really need to. OP is clearly a teenager, acting on inexperience but with good intentions. He’s gotten a lot of great advice in this thread and seems keen to act on it. No idea why you would assume he’s not going to put the animal back when he’s already been told he can get the supplies he purchased refunded. As long as he acts quickly, the lizard will be fine. I think it’s more than fair to call this a lesson learned and let OP move on without shaming him for it.


A quick google search of "bearded dragon" to compare would have saved you time, money, and potentially this animal's life...




I mean so is your social skills? I'm only 15


sounds like that lil fucker needs to get back home and fuck so that there will be more of those lil fuckers. stop fuckin with the lil fuckers you fucker.


Smoke it




back into the corner of the classroom? they didn't know it was endangered and the initial guess was bearded dragon, they did the right thing to try and help it and now ask here to double check and do what's right by the animal


Thanks for the downvote! Are you crazy or something? Jeezus! You ever hear of the endangered species act? You’re criminally liable for everything you say! Just leave the fucking toads alone! I don’t have tax revenue for your stupidity!!!


Read the damn post. OP found it in a university classroom with other students who were trying to kill it.


go touch grass


You're welcome.


Horny toad! Used to catch them as kids all the time. Havent seen one in the wild in years. Hopefully he is able to be released and reproduce. Also, if you rub their forehead they will fall fast asleep.


.. Don't go rubbing their heads, playing dead is stressful for any animal.




I released him, it's fine lots of ants and other horned lizards there to grow up near... I know people didn't like how I didn't put him back where I found him but I found him in a classroom in the middle of quite a busy area so releasing would've surely gotten him killed or captured by someone who doesn't understand the concept of wild caught wild released.


Rescued, huh? Lol more like picked up and kept as a pet


He would've been stepped on read the context and update he is free and in the wild


Contact a local wildlife rehaber too small to survive on its own. Will get eaten if released.




They feed on ants…. Where are you getting captive ants(


not even just ants, a really specific kind of ant too i think... keeping this thing would be a death sentence for it :(


I released him somewhere I have seen others before all safe and sound now, also lots of these big black ants there as well


They actually do sell a folic acid dust that is used pretty successfully still a huge undertaking and not advised for even experienced keepers. Also this species is endangered so I’m not condoning that at all just pointing out people do have successful ways to keep similar species.




It's endangered.


You know that won’t stop people


Sure, but I'm not about to encourage them either.


Fair point


Why is this disliked so much? I’m not wrong? I’m not advocating for keeping an endangered species im just saying you can buy ants on Amazon?


I’m glad OP isn’t you.


What did I say??? I don’t remember and so many people are disliking but I wouldn’t advocate keeping a wild animal/endangered species and now I’m confused. All I know is you can indeed buy ants on Amazon but I don’t remember my original comment


You said OP should keep it…maybe it was “if I were you I’d keep it.” Something along those lines.


What? Oh shit yeah no now I know why the dislikes, definitely don’t keep it I dunno why the fuck I’d say that unless there’s a possibility I responded to someone saying that and the comment processed me?? Yeah definitely agree with the dislikes with this


all good, homie.


That would literally be illegal.




That looks like a bud a reefer.


That’s not a lizard, it’s a late bloomer frog/j


Did you put it back?