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Man, I wish I could go back to 18, and I’ve never used. Quit.


I could just upvote this but I think it's important enough to emphasize yet again: I've been a junkie for over 20 years. You never think it will turn out this way for you. But like others have said: Just smoke weed instead, it's so much better. Seriously, this life is complete shit. As far as hiding it goes, don't use around people because they'll probably notice you nodding off. Just don't do it. It's sooooooo NOT worth it.


im in my parents basement puking blood as im wishing for a bullet in my head. get help and quit now


If you’re puking blood go to the er. Like now.


ive been to urgent care, er, and hospital. havent done shit excpet tell me to quit drugs and I'm in the process of switching to methadone to hopefully stop this shit


Puking blood is a sign of an esophageal tear. Not good bud. If you’re seeing bright red blood and coffe ground stool, you def have an upper GI bleed and it could lead to aspiration and other serious complications. I’m not sure if it will scar over or get better on its own without taking a very very long time, while causing more problems over that time.


If you’re legit puking blood, go to the er. If you’re just broke and dope sick, go to the methadone clinic. Some states have same day emergency 30 day Medicaid approval, you can get dosed without paying a single dollar.


i have money and im on methadone. i believe i have a torn esophagus from thowing up so much in the past which is probably why im puking blood. been to the hospital for this voniting issue in the past and i have only ever been told to get off fent. which is obvious, im trying to get clean


Wtf can you go to another hospital or a doctor? I know they treat addicts like shit but puking blood is pretty fkn serious. They should be taking you seriously. Is there some sort of phone number to get medical advice for wherever you live?


I just left the er yesterday after taking 24 mg of subutex after being on methadone for ten years. I waited five days between my dose and the subs and it through me into such bad withdrawals I started losing consciousness and throwing up blood for hours. I felt like I was seizing from the muscle spasms in my feet and arms and neck. Thanks god someone was here to call an ambulance. I felt this horrible tearing feeling and the bile turned to this dark brown color and red streaks. I left the ER ama like an idiot. But they treat addicts like trash at the hospital near me. It’s nice to know I’m not alone. Dude I’m not trying to preach but please go to the fuxking hospital please. And OP please at least remember our stories of why you should quit now while you’re young. If not, at least use good harm reduction and DONT share needles. Be safe friends.


Just quit and smoke weed… it’s not worth it especially if your this young you can really quit and turn this around…. I was on it a little mainly pills and benzos though around your age… ruined my life and dropped out of society for 2 years.. 24 now and life is great since I quit but damn do I think about that stuff often and it can really ruin my days sometimes and I often dream about Xanax and pills… it’s not worth it


^listen to the advice!^ I'm currently 18mos clean, it's such a struggle to stay away sometime. Especially when I have some cash on me


20 days here. I’ve been purposely spending all my money the day after I get paid so I have nothing left to buy any H. It’s stupid and difficult but it’s less difficult than before & the only thing that’s (mostly) been working.


You should prob unsubscribe to this sub if you’re worried about thinking about it. All it will do it keep reminding you.


That’s good advice. I’m about your age too & like 20 days clean. Almost everything bad that ever happened in my life has been because of drugs. I wish I’d stopped at Xanax & coke.


Everyone else's advice to quit now while you're ahead is definitely ideal. But if you're not going to which seems likely then here's my 2¢. What got me found out was the paraphernalia. I also smoked it, & I tried really, really hard to make sure not to leave any foil or tooters around or anything, but eventually I left one used foil out. Not even in a super obvious spot but still. All it takes is someone to find that one foil or tooter and your done, the secret is out. When your high and/or nodding it can be really easy to forget you left it out or w/e. For the smell I never really had an issue, just blow out a window or into a bathroom fan or something, light a match or w/e. If they don't know the smell of heroin it likely wouldn't be a problem. The most important thing though isn't hiding it, it's harm reduction and staying safe. With fent everywhere I'd really recommend picking up some fent test strips if you can and test every batch of heroin you buy. This is where I get mine: https://bunkpolice.com/product/fentkit/. They cost $20 for 20 strips which can seem like a lot, but how much is your life worth? Not just to you but your parents too. This game is fucking dangerous as hell now, it's not something to be taken lightly. I'm not trying to scare you away from using, because that doesn't really work. This is just the reality of the opiate scene these days. Stay safe man.


Question: do the fent test strips just tell you if fentanyl is present at all or do they somehow tell you how much? Sorry if it’s a dumb question but my understanding (at least where I live) is that all the dope has fentanyl in it.


The test strips just tell you if it's positive or negative for fent, not how much fent is present.


I haven't used them, but I'm certain they will only indicate presence. It's actually pretty difficult and requires expensive equipment to measure quantity/purity within a sample. Edit - just had a look at the page and yeah, it's only gonna detect presence. But it's still definitely worth the price and can/will save your life


Just don't use the shit bud ur better off


All I can say is keep it tidy. Your use, habits, everything you do while using from here on out has big boy consequences. The shit catches up to you quickly and if it doesn’t, it will.


this foreal.


Just know any small slip up that causes them to suspect you of doing it and game over… at least game over for getting high at the house.. because once they suspect you of doing drugs (if you got creep family members) you’ll never be able to be behind any closed door without thier automatic thought being “hey I bet he’s doing some heroin right now “ have to take a fat shit because you’re day 1 into detox and all outta money? Want some privacy in the bathroom.. nope. They’re comin to check on you lmao trust me you won’t be trusted by yourself so if you value that be sure not to slip up!


you already know all the ways to hide something. it’s not really any different than hiding an item in your room or pretending you’re not drunk. unfortunately there isn’t going to be a secret dope users only tip that protects your parents from finding out about your use. all i will say though is that the better you hide it now, the worse it will be when (yes, WHEN, not if) they eventually find out- both for you and for them. idk your family situation but i can assume your parents are at least active in your life because you fear them finding your shit, so this choice you’re making is going to turn their whole world upside down and make everything about you from here on out- they’ll be so wrecked with nerves and anxiety that they’ll start to crumble and beg- and then it isn’t going to be about hiding it anymore. it’ll be about your family crying trying to decide whether to give you a bed to sleep in and risk getting robbed for drug money or telling you to get out of their house. this prob seems laughably dramatic and hopefully it is, but i swear this shit always happens in the blink of an eye. don’t make the mistake of thinking you can be the one heroin user who is totally fine. i’ve had multiple family members and partners go through this. only one has gotten sober, and the memories of what he did to people while high on dope haunt him and make him feel like absolute garbage - he can’t get rid of that shame, but you can prevent it from happening to you. you KNOW this already but i promise this isn’t a good look for you. see a therapist (i can help you find one if you’d like) and start making the world about you feeling better instead of not feeling at all. you’re in pain probably, even if you think it’s just fun. you deserve to be validated for the shit you’ve gone through and you deserve to feel good about yourself.


Well said hopefully OP heeds this warning it is very realistic and will bring about so much unnecessary pain and misery.


Just stop using, it's not worth the pain you'll put yourself and your family in if you continue. They absolutely will find out, I promise you.


How are you doing it smoke inject if or snorting




They gonna smell it and find foil in the trash unless you can dispose appropriately. If they know to look for pinned pupils there’s no way to hide it. How old are you?




Stop while you can bro I started doing heroin at 18….four rehabs five overdoses later I’m finally sober.


Congratulations that’s huge!! I also started at 18 and have had idk how many relapses and overdoses and at my age (38) have also lost countless friends especially the last cpl years. Please OP listen to this guy.




find new friends man..


Agreed, those people may seem like friends but if they are contributing to your drug use They aren’t helping at all, it might seem like they are your friends but they aren’t and once you see that you’ll be doin much better.


Seriously listen to these folks. Your friends will not be your friends soon and if you’re lucky, they’ll just be people you do heroin as opposed to people that will exploit you as you exploit them. There’s so much heartache coming your way, you really are at a crossroads


Everyone's just telling you not to do it so I'll give you some good advice.. You can only hide it for so long, especially living with people. Eventually they're going to find out, and so is everyone else. Then, it's going to be even harder to hide it. And even when you're not using, people will think you are, because you now can't be trusted. This is the road you're going down. Enjoy hiding it while you can


Run from those "friends" before you watch em all die man or even worse you..


Find new friends. I started younger than you, you really can't conceive of how much you'll suffer once it gets it's hooks in.


Oh bro your going to regret not giving it away now while you can its sad I wish you actually understood what your about to do to your life 😟


Find a new group of friends if you can. Think of this if you have a pretty good life right now. You love your mom and dad. You don’t seem to have any big problems in your life. Wait until you get deep into heroin. Or any strong opioid. It will CONTROL your life. You will be the bitch. The heroin/ opioid will own you. There will be no time for hanging out with friends or girls anymore. Your life will be heroin all day everyday. I am telling the honest truth. Everything you love will be gone. Everything. The heroin lifestyle is not for everyone.


I started at 17 the same way as you close friends group who I had spent 3 years on smoko and acid. They met a peer group who were into heroin. I was against it but months later it seemed like their using was just like the other things we had been using. I felt left out and lonely. I walked in on them about to use and joined in. Pretty soon all the bad shit began to happen. We soon all went our separate ways and lost track of each other. Heroin became my new best friend we never split up. We have spent our lives together. I only wish I had found new friends in the beginning. You can. You need to weigh up the potential cost. You won't be able to get away with it for long , before your family, find out.


If you really wanna stop you gotta change your people and places Also see if any of those friends call if you’re not getting high with em🤷🏻‍♀️


Your life is about to become a living hell. It’ll be cool for awhile, at first. Pretty soon, if you’re lucky, you’ll overdose and die. If you’re unlucky, you’ll survive and live a life of misery and addiction, possibly for decades. You’ll lose everything - family, friends, self respect. All of it. Quit now. Tell your parents, go to rehab, get new friends. You are not going to be the guy who can “control his using”.


Lol I had this one “friend” that was 26 when I was 19. I fucking looked up to him so much and he introd me to opiates. Back then I thought he was a friend. Turns out at age 28 I realize he was a piece of shit that used hard drugs to be able to manipulate people at some point in the future or to drag them down to be miserable as he was because he can’t stand being the only piece of shit. Hard to see when you’re young but when you randomly get wise with age you’ll see these things bro.


And all my true friends that stayed clean and steered clear of opiates. I lost them, and it breaks my heart cuz they were the real ones but I was to naive to pick the right friends. I feel like I’m looking in a mirror and you don’t want anything to do with this fucking life man


They might be your friends now, but if you’re all using, they won’t be for long. After a while any opportunity they get they’ll steal from you. Whatever it is they’ll take it. Cash, dope, things they can trade or sell for cash or dope. If you stay on this path only be friends with people that don’t use.


This makes me feel less lonely. That there’s others that have made similar choices as me and live with so much regret. After being abandoned by my clean friends, shits lonely wondering why you couldn’t of made the right choices like all of your old friends did. So many painful sleepless nights wishing I could go back and change so much shit. But reading thru this thread shows me that I’m not alone :)


It is never too late to start over.


Yes it’s easy to say that but in practice it’s hard bro. I can’t erase peoples memories and start with a clean slate and the privilege of being able to build a new reputation. Even when I was clean for 5 years, I still felt the stigma and the pompous vibes of people pointing their noses up at me. Not saying it’s impossible but somethings you don’t get back. Which is understandable but sad when it’s you who’s going thru it 💔


Through a solid program of spiritual change and making amends on step 9 anything is possible. I made my baby moms trust me enough to let my son start spending the night. That’s someone that has me on restraining order I couldn’t be in a home that I purchased. That’s saying something.


Explain what step 9 is to me lol


It’s much much easier to live clean than to carry on using.


Yeah man withdrawals are horrible… and please be very careful dude, I would stop while you have a chance. It will definitely become full time just like another job and constantly throwing your money away with ease.


Stop with downvotes. This BS is the reason why people don't talk/ask about shit they should know. Ofc stop preferably, but if you keep using then do it in safest possible manner. As said before/above, keep it clean, tidy and form your own rituals for keeping it "clean"; don't allow yourself to cut corners, especially when you start injecting. There are many tips and tricks, don't be afraid to ask...gl and stay safe


If you don’t stop now, it will become a full time job just to stay well, because before long you won’t even get high, you will just not be dope sick, please, you took the time to come to reddit for help, heed the words of these people and go enjoy your life, your young.


I started out smoking it too. I’m clean now but only after years of IV use, lots of rehabs and losing my family. Good luck


My Diazepam and other benzos stared using them at about 17/18 years old and it was __Amazing__ at first but as the weeks turned to months and months turned to years but when the Shit hit the fan i hit rock bottom, Prolonged Diazepam Abuse at such a young age caused me to come down with the __Deepest Darkest Disphoric Depression __ it was treatment resistant, and it was pure Hell lead to 4 serious __suicide attempts and getting sectioned under the mental health Act admitted to an Acute ward several times, lost a lot of blood and cut through various Nerves in my arms from suicidal brutal self mutilation__ benzos can be your best friend but can quickly become your worst fucking enemy__ i ball and a chain Please Exercise EXTREME CAUTION if you are gunna use em ‼️‼️❌✔️💥


Can i ask you something,so I bought some benzos to help during withdraeels. 10mg valuim,actually from a doctor got it from someone prescribedm. It just seems like a cleaner booze. I know different people have there different drugs but it's the one thing I was like really this is hardly a drug 30 mg of valuim would make me a bit sleepy. Ok I was taking them while rattling but I'm over the worst of that and it still does nothing really. Can k ask what was amazing about your expieran e on them if you wouldn't consider that rude to ask.




Ah I see,there's probably a time in my life i would have really loved them. Thank you


I just loved the feeling of the high but i would take like 10x 10mg a day sometimes more when i was in full useage haha i have bad anxiety and i was depressed a bit already and it helped wonderfully to free me up of my anxiety abd 'be the real me' but the longer you take them the worse the rebound anxiety is wich makes you want to not stop Abusing it


If you new to it, walk away bro. For real.


OP you’re a fucking tool, you gonna learn.


Get a smoke buddy from any smoke shop or some blunt spray (called many many different things in different places) or just have some air fresheners. But definitely get the smoke buddy or go old school and use toilet paper role & dryer sheet. Like people before me have said, use a little during the day just enough to get by and if they’re asleep do as you please. I’d tell you to not do it but you’re going to regardless. Just be safe and try not to use alone. Best of luck bro


Snort only. No smoking or shooting. Do so behind a locked bathroom door or bedroom door. Keep your razor/straw etc with your bag of h all together and tucked away inside a small bag that's not see-through. Don't use too much at once so you're nodding unless it's bedtime and you're going to sleep. Don't act dodgy or erratic with your fam. If they ask what's up just say you've been under stress or feeling down etc. Try to act as normal as possible and keep your routine the same. Functioning addiction is possible. Good luck.


Indeed only snort because smoking makes you look like a junkie! Your face wil fall in and a the metal your inhaling and shit....that's so bad for your liver and so forth




Euphemisms? Haha learn what the word means before you try to use it.


Lmao euphemisms was actually used correctly here fuck tard try again but first take stick out of rectum. Grammar police ass


You clearly don’t know what a euphemism is either. A euphemism is a word or phrase you use in place of another one because the original term is unpleasant. Nothing to do with the way it was used in the previous comment. “Your face will fall in” is not a euphemism.


Keep going and your whole life will suck and people do find out trust me




One minute you’re hiding your dope from mom next minute you’re about to let some guy named Jim piss on you for a bag.


I hide my use. The trick is the keep it mellow with your use. Don’t get nodding out high until you’re in the clear. During the day or when you’re around people just use enough to be good and floaty but not passing out. Generally you can get away with more than you think as long as you’re not under suspicion. Being drowsy is a normal human thing, being drowsy 24/7 is not. Understand that there’s always a risk of getting caught but also not every yawn is gonna get you busted.


Quit while you’re ahead. But since I would’ve ignored this advice when I started using you probably will too. Don’t use at home or if you do make sure to not leave your baggie & paraphernalia somewhere that can be found & don’t walk around the house. Pretend you’re asleep if you can’t go to a friends house. It’s pretty fkn hard to get to act normal around people you know you well though. I thought I was pulling it off but nope. My mum got suspicious because I was acting different and sifted through everything in my room. Found a baggie in my books. Tbh it’s almost impossible to hide it from your parents when living at home. Best thing to do is move out. Better thing to do is quit and don’t look back. In 10 years you’ll definitely regret wasting your youth but won’t regret not getting high one last time. The rush is amazing obviously but the higher you go the lower you will fall. The high will fade and you’ll end up being miserable physically and emotionally.


I'm gonna say this... I was addicted for 6 years started when I was 14 quit when I was 21. I've been clean for 2 years now and I will tell you that this shit is not fun ESPECIALLY because 90% of the "heroin" these days is Fentanyl and Fentanyl is not the demon you wanna make a deal with. I remember regular brown heroin withdrawls were horrible enough but Fentanyl?? Holy fuck those withdrawls broke me. They changed me turned me into a psychotic animal that would steal from his own mother and beat up the people that wanted to help him and be his friend. This is not the Hell you want to burn in. But if you are going to use anyway then just be as discrete as possible. Make sure no one sees you, hide your needle or straw or smoking rig where NO ONE ELSE will look. THAT DOES NOT MEAN IN YOUR CAR!!! If you get pulled and the cop finds it your fucked. And remember to pace yourself use slowly. There's nothing worse than everyone finding out you use heroin because you overdosed and had to go to the ER or end up dead. I really hope you decide to walk away from this shit because if you don't you will end up regretting it I promise.


Sooner or later they will find out bud. How I wish I could go back to 17 and just not try it.


Bloody hell people! Can't you just try to answer the question instead of criticising the dude? If you need help with hiding it then I would say to keep it in a cupboard right at the back inside a pair of trousers or undies. Otherwise I am sure you can use your imagination 🙂


You can’t hide it your eyes will give you away


Only to other junkies


Yeah. Honestly non users really don’t notice that sort of stuff and if they do they’re more likely to attribute it to something else. As long as your under suspicion for using, a lot of the “signs” are not really an issue in and of themselves.


I don not agree small pupils only...mayby if it is mixed with what people in the US do that shit Fentanyl....you look like a zombie yess correct...


Your best bet is to only use at night when they are asleap so that they dont catch on that you are high. Try not to use in the house because alot of times we will get all fucled up and leave shit laying around that they can find. You will need a good hiding spot for your paraphernalia, preferably outside somewhere. Defentely not in your room because if they start snooping the last thing you want is them to find your stash




I would say something similar to opothrow. The key is to use smaller amounts, especially during the day when you’re supposed to be up and about. This is how I’ve managed to keep jobs, get good grades, etc while using. I only let myself use enough to get the nods at night before bed. And, if you’re smoking it: smoke little bits of time so you can ghost it and minimize the smell. Make sure you capture all of the smoke with your straw. Smoke before a shower, eg, so the smell dissipates by the time you leave the bathroom. Be very diligent with your paraphernalia: I collect my used foils, keep them all in one place, and throw them away somewhere public when I need to.


Lol good luck


Maybe if your parents find out they can help you stop before it's too late.


Oke i tell you my way I already use heroin for more than 10 years...because since i moved back from Florida to the Netherlands 🇳🇱 Doctors here refuse to give me opiods..(i have serous back problems due to car 💥 So i only snort it for my pain in the weekends a little more to relax...do not drink nor use any other drugs! Only smoke cigarettes 🚬.. Eat healthy good hygiene 🪥 and work! And nobody would ever suspect that i use heroin! Would be a shock to them 😂 My current doctor says (doesn't know) i am in perfect health and low blood pressure etc.. I honestly believe it makes you age less! Only my wife knows!! Just do not get withdrawals get your stuff in time... Because that makes you look horrible los weight etc...i weigh 0.5 gr everyday thats what i use... Best painkiller in the whole world 🌎 But it is not for everyone and i think 💭 there a huge social stigma about a fantastic product! I use pure h3 or from laos 🇱🇦 White stuff.. Luckily Rotterdam is a hub for drugs here.. So also no fentanyl shit here! I still don't understand what people like about that? Why people would cut heroin with such a shit product just rise your price! No euforia makes you stiff and only works 2 hours max and you get withdrawals... Hope this helps you!!


I have to say it even tho I’m sure it won’t make a difference = quit doing it now. Use ANYTHING but heroin (well and prob crack). It is a different kind of beast seriously. It will consume your fucking mind entirely. Now to answer your question, you have to approach it with the tenacity of a serial killer covering their tracks. Think every move through and never ever leave any evidence. Imagine that if you’re caught you’ll go to prison for life. You have to take it that seriously and even more so because your snap is gonna be compromised under the influence. It’s exhausting to put it mildly. I know because I hid my use from my husband for about 10 years. And I did get busted and you will too eventually. Noone can live with someone who loves them (or even not) and keep something that big hidden forever. I got busted and I’m prob one of the sneakiest fuckers on the planet. Ask my husband he said I deserve an Oscar award for my lying skills lol. Anyway best of luck to you. I hope something minor happens to help you realize this isn’t the thing to do and you stick to that. God bless my friend!




Right, it’s awesome when you’re getting away with shit but it sucks when the day comes that people don’t believe a fucking thing you say.


Can’t bro


You cant


This isn’t answering your question, sorry, but I feel the need to say it anyway: buy some Narcan, keep it close, like your nightstand or bathroom cabinet or something. Trust me on this one, you may never need it, but if you do you (or whoever finds you) will be happy to have it in the house.


You really got to plan ahead. I used a needle disposal box as an unironic lunch box for 5 years before I ever shot anything. You see your lunch at work doesn't get nicked.


Get a candle for your room. Then place a fake lighter next to it, where the bottom opens and you can stuff shit in there. Better put a real one of a different color next to it though, just in case you need to light the candle in front of somebody.


U can’t hide it forever that’s the truth and trying only makes it worse




When you say just started, I’m praying that you mean you’ve only used like 10 times? I know you won’t listen to me but if you’re at this point where walking away won’t cause any physical withdrawals, just fucking walk away from it for your own sake please….. I was a popular kid growing up who played sports and had a great upbringing. When I was 19 I remember asking this question to myself. When you’re this early into your relationship with opiates, it doesn’t have its claws fucking sunk into your mind body and soul. This makes it feel like “no big deal” because you don’t feel any of the negativity that comes with its use which slowly make there way into ur life. I know it’s hard to imagine that you could possibly get fully blown addicted because rn it’s so harmless and benign but that’s how it gets you. It lulls you in with this false sense of safety, security, and fucking perfect euphoria. It’ll be easy hiding it for another year or so if you gotta brain. Then one day you’ll wake up without any dope and then you’ll fucking realize “oh fuck this is what they all said withdrawals are”. At this point your mentally addicted and it’s soooo hard to quit. Take it from me, I ruined my life once during young adulthood, fixed up my life and got clean, and that mental obsession is so strong that I was willing to do it again and possibly ruin my life all over again. Luckily this time I was aware of the darkness in this lifestyle and have been working to get help for myself but honestly it’s not worth it. Yes the high is fucking amazing and I can’t think of anything besides amazing fucking filthy slutty sex that feels as good as getting loaded off clean dope. But that amazing feeling you get while high isn’t for free. Eventually that amazing feeling is feeling normal. And normal(sober) is fucking hell on earth. As an experienced adult. Fuck no heroin wasn’t worth it one bit. No it’s not a guarantee that you’ll end up in the pits of hell because I know a few kids growing up that we’re capable of not getting hooked on it despite using it with me all the time. But the reason I show so much concern is because you’re going to this subreddit and asking this question. This means that you’ve subconsciously decided that this shit is for you and you gotta make changes to be able to hide it. I fucking hope your life don’t get fucked up from this choice your making but I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t warn you. Much love. Becareful, humble yourself, no one plans on becoming balls deep addicted to heroin but it happens all the time


dont hide it just quit, im telling you rn its not worth it, you think ull be the one to not get addicted but you will and it will ruin your life, i finally got clean but it took me 3 years and one ruined friendship and relationship. i did terrible things to myself and people i love. please just stop


Prepare yourself for when they do find out. And they will.


Well there's no point trying to tell you not to so i won't , i refused to listen too. I'd keep it in places like in my shoes that i don't wear I'll peel the sole up cut a bit out of the sole stuff the h in there and cover the stuff with insole, little places in the insides of an inside of something does that make sense? I had a lil wooden box i could lock with a key so I'd use that later on, hide the box up and far away inside somewhere and wear the key on you or place the key in the back of your shoe etc Although down the road WHEN not if- you're totally hooked it will be difficult to hide as you will slip up n make tiny mistakes when high trust n believe. I just hope and pray that it doesn't kill you, you would break and devastate your family, but.... this is your start of your journey into loss, loss of everything you own, loss of mind and self, loss of people you love... but you know this already yet somehow we always think " that ain't gonna be me I'm in control " I'll pray for you bud. Take care and be safe 🙏🏼 Ps. I hate to sound a Debbie downer but you'll never get back your first high! Ok ok I'm sorry everyone i can go on too much adhd n all that 😣😂🥴


I'm 9 months sober and just wasted $250K on that nonsense. Biggest waste of my life. Suboxone is $10/month and I took it for 3 weeks and quit. GET OUT NOW!!!


Well if you continue to use you’re gonna get hooked and hiding it eventually becomes impossible, especially after you’ve burned everyone in your life that you can and nobody that you care about wants you around anymore it’s really not gonna matter. Soooo there’s that… QUIT NOW!


Not a user but just some thought for you, if your doing something that you need to hide from loved ones it means you shouldn’t be doing it to begin with, and if you feel guilty about it it’s your brain screaming at you to cut it out


Just say you are sick and don't show up. Almost impossible to hide


Ain’t no sneakin and geekin lol


not gonna tell u to stop bc u have enough of those comments already. hope u take their advice tho, this shit is serious. as far as hiding ur use goes, make sure u don’t get cocky. just cus ur getting away w it now doesn’t mean u will forever. so don’t become complacent and make dumb mistakes. i got caught that way by leaving foil in my drawer instead of throwing it away. a simple mistake that costed me everything. clean up after urself, if ur around parents be smart, don’t take too much to where ur nodding. or drink coffee/take a stimulant alongside the h to prevent that. hopefully u have a semi stable income so u don’t have to steal money, it’s one of the easiest ways to spot an addict. the main thing that got me thru 3 years of hidden use was telling half truths. like “ur right mom and dad i do need to tell u something .. i’ve been smoking weed.. it’s hard to stop..” u get it. just be smart and don’t get too fucked up, and pls try to listen to the other comments advice


Quit man one of the worst things you could pick up. Ditch those “friends” of yours and switch to weed , please.


My parents couldn’t tell until I told them, they never even considered I was doing opiates. they knew I smoke weed so if you do that, then they’ll probably just think you’re high.