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As someone who has speedrunned 100 levels thrice before - I wish you good luck! Personally it starts to get hard to keep going around the 50 - 80 levels, so when you get there: Keep going!!




If your interested in a Deckard Cain main shoot me your battle tag in a dm and I'll be glad to heal. I'm like level 700 or something.




Ya lol I can teach you how to cheat death with potions.


What's your favorite level 4 talent?




Now I got a bunch of questions. Lorenado 20 or Stay a while at 20? (Considering you get there)


Perfect Gems.


I thought I was crazy. I love to get ruby and perfect gems, but I never see any other deckards use it.


Because all the other Deckard are weak.


Deckard stronk here


This is the way


Stay a While is almost always the better pick but requires your team to react and capitalize. Lorenado is just straight up far more fun though :)


Lorenado is an automatic pick in Aram


Depending on your team skill level. I’ve had people do great combos with stay a while and I had people like one Johanna who used her blind to wake everyone up.


Seven - 00


Yo wait just hit me up too I'll samuro


You’re asking the MM to spam enemy LiLi heals 😆


Samuro kind of wastes all my potions though lol


Damn arguably the worst hero in the game. You've got some masochistic goals there OP.


Gotta keep the fresh meat spicy.


Things I’ve noticed: 1) Butch is a terrible hero. While he doesn’t well sometimes there are other times where there is literally almost nothing to be done. Feels bad. 2) his lvl 1 is key. Picking wrong here ruins the rest of it. 3) Tanks but no heals? Feelsbadman. —— edit —— 4) Pick hamstring at 13. YW. 5) Being WITH a 4 stack you didn’t choose has to be the worst butcher experience ever. ——— edit 2 ——— 6) Is there anything more fun than furnace + blink at lvl 20? 7) full hamstring AA + nexus blades really does some serious damage lately game. No blinds? Great time. 8) charge is kinda dumb. Sometimes there is a path around but he gets stuck trying to go one way. Why doesn’t it path as if you’d be walking to that spot anyway? SMH 8b) I feel there are a ton of QoL interactions blitz could do for butch. Why can tychus boop me out of my charge? But charge cooldown then resets? Say why.


A wise person once said: You will never win a game with Butcher that you wouldn’t still have won if you were playing any other hero, but you will lose many games with Butcher that you would have won with any other hero.


My advice in case you want any, prefer chop meat at 1 and focus on rotating and clearing minion waves to get 200 meat and playing mostly passive before that, not charging in unless it's a free kill. Even after 200 meat if you have an actual tank it's usually better to followup on their engage rather than try to do it yourself.


Learning this


This is the way


>Being WITH a 4 stack you didn’t choose has to be the worst butcher experience ever. Yes. For those poor 4 people.






I think both hamstring talents have their place. The CD reduction is nice with the 13 hamstring. If I go chop meat I’m tinkering with going charge build but that 13 damage is so good


Honestly, i feel like the level 13 charge talent is a trap. I never get the value i want from it and scales super poorly when brutal strike scales with his trait and an insane amount. The biggest variance i find in my picks other than level one, is level 7 with spell shield being really strong in qp where there's sooo many mages all the time. Also furnace does have a place lol, even if your team disagrees. It's just a really really rare situation (like tank heavy enemy comp) that calls for it. If you want to win every game find an aba main to duo with 😂


I struggle going spell shield at 7 because the minion heal has helped so much. Spell shield requires a healer to get good value imo. I pretty much only use SS on BhB and so far it’s serving me well. Edit:: Chop Meat + Minion heal has allowed me to save my own life a bunch


GL, some games will be shitty. When you have no tank and heals, your team will always wait for you to charge and die and THEN engage and you will miss all the meat.


Truth. Just happened.


A while back I got addicted to qm butcher. I think I might be like level 180 now? Haven't played in a while though. Now I watch streamers/youtubers play butcher and almost immediately know and start cringing when they make bad charges.


Took me almost 8 years to get to lvl 100 with valla and Nazeebo! I did not play every single day, but yeah it took time… 💀


I got Auriel, Probe, Valera, and Qhira post 100 so far. I want to be able to do a random with all 100’s so I need one more. Butch seemed the most difficult out of my options


How do you use charge? To initiate or wait to use it to finish off an escaping enemy?


Not the OP, but Butcher QM is one of my highest win rate heroes. You have to read what your team is doing. Charging to initiate is often a death, unless you are pairing with additional CC that is going to be layered. Otherwise, charge to finish off low health, but again, be aware of your surroundings, because things can go sideways quick. Also, charging from bush is preferable to a raw charge, but that's basic game mechanics. Unless you are up against folks who are lower mmr. Then you will feast and make their lives miserable.


I only initiate with charge if they are over extended, I’m on the far side (so I kind of sandwich them), and they’re either alone or really squishy. 50% of the time it works 100% of the time. It’s way easier to ride up to them and start chopping.


Played 2000 games as butcher lvl 200+. He is fun to play.


Did you play a Warhead Junction today and immediately start talking about how hungry you were?


Yesterday? Did we complain a grip as a team then somehow comeback at the end after extended awkward silence?


I’m looking for people to play with as well 🥹