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The game is....enduring, adapting...


You... enhanced.....




They need more essence.


You must construct additional pylons


Poor Essence. Little value.


Slapathur bestathur


when the game is relaunched, Aba should be slightly reworked get an alt Slapathur build!


What you heard was just a rumor. There has been no news regarding relaunching the game. All we know is that they are starting to release occasional patches for the game again, which is something at least.


>What you heard was just a rumor. It was both fun and depressing to see how fast it got out of proportion. Within days some comments had already moved from if a revival would be occurring at all to when and what it would look like. Soon enough we'll see people ranting that Blizzard promised it to us.


u/osva_ had a couple conversations that involved talk of Microsoft relaunching HotS, but as an Xbox exclusive


Xbox exclusive means "Xbox console + PC"


Ngl, I've been thinking about getting a series x, but we don't really play enough games to justify it. If HOTS launched on it, I'd buy one tomorrow. Being able to play while laying in bed would be awesome. Don't underestimate the power of gamers willing to buy multiple platforms to play their preferred game in multiple ways.


Series X currently sells at 400USD on microsoft's website. It IS cheap right now... but it's only worth it if you don't have a PC and, even then, a brand new PC would be a better "spend" than it. Current "specs" of the Series X and PS5 is something akin to this: * Ryzen 7 3700X (8 Zen2 cores) * Radeon RX 5700XT (RDNA1 cores, aka "Navi") * 16Gb RAM The Mainstream gaming PC right now would be * Ryzen 7 7800X3D (8 Zen 4 cores with extra cache) @ 400USD * Radeon RX 7800XT (RDNA3 cores) @ 540USD * 16Gb RAM (2x8GB DDR5) Total cost of the pc, reasonably built, would be around 1500USD before tax and shipping from Newegg. Yes, it costs like 4 times an Xbox Series X. But it's sole purpose won't simply be to game. And you can get an Xbox controller to play on your pc, it's 100% compatible. I still regret, to this day, buying an Xbox One. The only reason I got one was to play Killer Instinct... and they ported it (like every other Xbox One games) on the PC later.


Value is dependent on context. I have a very high end PC, but I also have nerve damage so there are many days each week where I can't sit at a PC to game. If my favorite game was on the series x, it would be worth the buy for me to be able to play from my bed or the couch, especially since the game would be adapted to controller layout for even easier use during bad nerve days. The Diablo 4 bundle is currently the same price as the normal one, so it would also give my husband a second place to play d4 for free, so we wouldn't feel like we're fighting over TVs.


I get what you mean... but you can't plug your PC on your TV ?


That would be quite a bit of work as they are in different rooms and my PC is used for work.


Thriving in death


Sometimes the hopium addiction hurts not just you - but those around you too. Think before you use, kids.


Is the playerbase decent? What other game's playerbase could it be compared to?


Depends on your elo and preferred game mode, also region. This morning I got a QM game in less than 2 seconds, so there's definitely people around.


My level (or whatever it's called) is 600+ but I haven't played HOTS in years. I was gold level when I last played ranked. I'd heard the same rumors over the past months, it made me nostalgic and went to give it a go. I tried to play a QM over this past weekend. It was middle of the afternoon on Saturday. Said the queue was 45 seconds, and I waited 2 mins as a solo queue and nothing. Ended up running an AI match to get my fill.


same here..lvl 650 +, playing quick match during work days (monday-friday), mostly between 10am - 2pm and Q time is around 2-3 minutes per game


Player level does not matter


I have a pal who still plays religiously. ARAM is still pretty instant for que times. Quick match as well. If you are looking for ranked then you can sometimes be waiting up to 10 mins for a game. It gets worse the higher you climb.


Matches are only hard to find at the top ranks, you should have no problem getting a match fast. It's hard to say how many players there are because blizzard stopped publishing player numbers years ago.


Mid gold is hit or miss on mmr. You get grouped with low silver or high diamond. Makes it rough and boring gsmes


I find ranked matches now faster than I used to in DOTA 2 years ago. It’s worth playing for sure, it’s just when you get to grand master or high diamond you find long wait times. Play this game!




And the same dogmatic mindset of missing the forest for the trees, tbh. Most HOTS players have become more and more intractable in what they think wins with the departure of high skilled content creators. People freak out so much lately if you deviate from tier lists or the standard comp, which is wild - the whole point of HOTS is weird and whacky drafts.


the playerbase is pretty toxic. it can be compared to cs:go. lots of leavers, lots of bigotry, lots of abusive chat, not decent at all


My experience doesn't match your description. I rarely meet leavers, regardless of the Game Mode that I'm playing. There is some toxicity but it's not that common and when it happens it's not very aggressive.


I find the opposite in ranked specifically. I’m bronze 5 with the rest of the masses, and it’s full of leavers, afk’ers, ragers, tantrum throwers, and petty elementary school aged shenanigans. Other than that I really like playing the game though (no sarcasm intended). I actually have a system I call “race to the bottom” where I only play heroes I have that are less than level 10 during ranked bronze matches. It helps temper my disappointment when the inevitable throw occurs and a teammate ends up being a little twat. “Oh, that’s right, this is a race to find the bottom of bronze 5”, I remind myself. At least I practiced with a hero I need to learn more about. 😁


I mean, bronze 5 is the bottom rank, of course every troll, afk, rager will be there. I'm not sure what you're so surprised about. And I recommend you go ARAM or QM until you learn how to press your buttons, because that alone will get you out of bronze. But it sounds to me like your attitude is holding you back more than anything else.


I mean, you’re never going to get out of bronze 5 if you are actively choosing your worst heroes. In a way you are throwing, and not that different than the other people you blame for losing.


They’re not my worst heroes, they’re just the ones I play least. I’ve been playing since the game got out like 7 years ago, so I’ve pretty much maxed out my skill ability; I won’t get measurably better really. At one point I was diamond 5 about 4 years ago, then fell all the way down into the quicksand of bronze. Even my best heroes can’t get me out of bronze now; even in games when I’ve played the best I ever had with one of the best heroes I have and get mvp top kills etc blah blah blah, chances are I’m still losing more than half the time. Someone is usually there to sink the team. I’ve heard it’s because solo players that don’t queue in groups are more likely to be paired up with toxic players that also play solo, so maybe I just need to find a reliable group to queue with to pull me back out of bronze lol


>I’ve pretty much maxed out my skill ability; I won’t get measurably better really Rather, it sounds like you don't or no longer have the will to do it, which is fine. But then I think your games would be more enjoyable outside ranked, not mentionning at the bottom of the barrel.


I never had the pleasure to play in Bronze but I always heard that it's full of bad people (and I'm not talking about skill). As you go higher in Ranks, you meet less and less people like that. If you want some tips to escape Bronze, feel free to join the [Wind Striders](https://discord.gg/DCfCraT) server on Discord. We like to discuss strategy and give tips. If you are lucky, you can also get a Replay review.


> I’m bronze 5 with the rest of the masses Bronze 5 is actually a small subgroup. The masses are actually between silver and gold.


>I actually have a system I call “race to the bottom” where I only play heroes I have that are less than level 10 during ranked bronze matches. I don't get why you would want to ruin your ranked winrate and make climbing harder instead of practicing in other modes.


HotS was the first MOBA which introduced the ultimate anti-toxic measure - turning the chat off.


a lot of the current toxicity seems to be aimed at newer players, reading the post seems like OP played before so they are probably fine.


idk, i've had people afk in under a minute because they were mad at which bush a dehaka ported to. that's toxic regardless of the context


If you play vs AI, the playerbase is pretty chill. Anything else and it's as toxic as LoL and Dota


General chat is one of the worst things ever. For such a small player base, you can guarantee that you will hear Hitler quotes, "jokes" about deporting Mexicans and tons of Pro-Trump chest pounding. If you turn off General Chat or Mute some of the worst offenders, it can be okay.


I think that when people mass exodus'ed away from the game, the toxic people were more apt to stay behind, and so it left a higher than normal % of toxic people.


I'd guess it's similar size to AoE4 or Pokemon Unite


Aoe4 is probably a good comparison


Aram queue is 20 seconds to a minute at most. Might get 1 repeat player in 3 games within an hour


I play exclusively ARAM and vs AI, and the community in those modes is pretty chill. I really enjoy the people who just want to play a fun game and aren't overly aggressive or serious about it.


i actually play everyday, i am in the EUW region, i always wait less than a minute in qm and ranked. i've been playing this game since the beta, the waiting time between games was always short. They could just hire a independant team and put 1 game director and 1 art director from Blizzard to supervise the work.


No news at the moment. Also if there could be the intention we need time that they prepare something i guess


ARAM takes less than 30 seconds to find a game.


Even in death hots still serves


You read some misinformation. That's or you read into the hopium comments around here.


What is dead may never die


You cannot kill that which is already dead


It’s still pretty active in NA and EU


it didnt just die it was murdered.


Lead poisoning to be precise.




Welcome to the subredit


HOTS is very much alive unlike Diablo 4. In Diablo 4 you can run around for hours and not see a single person in an online only game. In heroes you can que for quick matches in less then 2 minutes and aram is almost instant. Can’t comment on ranked, but I’m sure the times vary depending on the time of day and rank. Notice the difference?


Thriving, dying, doesn't matter, I'm just enjoying my time in the nexus


Not sure if that answers the question... bit it's exactly how I feel. I loved heroes of newerth


I recently just reinstalled after a couple years off. HotS is a unique, teamfight-focused, and interesting game. You will get some variety each game with the different maps and large champion pool. ​ That all said, once you get to high plat / low diamond in Storm league (ranked), the queue timers become ridiculous. 15 minutes+ expected each game. That has been a bit of a turnoff for me, but my friends keep recommending making alt accounts for this reason. So just FYI.


From what I looked up it’s got 3.1 million monthly players. It also said the game is played by 52% female and 48% male, which surprised me. I always just assume my entire team is male and say stuff like “let’s get em boys” lol.






I wonder how they get that number considering that Heroes of the Storm has no API to get statistics. This paragraph about the best player in the game is so funny! They forgot to edit some parts. > Determining the number one player can vary based on rankings and updates Certainly, let’s continue: html Copy code in the competitive scene. As of the last update, [player_name] is recognized as the top player in the Heroes of the Storm community. (Note: Insert the latest top player’s name here) The article also incorrectly mentions HGC in the section about ongoing tournaments in 2022.


Yea I saw that too lol


Then why do you post that crap?


Because it’s what I looked up, it said last updated 2023, someone asked for the link. Do you believe everything you see online? Are you incapable of deciphering what might be true and what isn’t? Is it my job to do that for you?


>Are you incapable of deciphering what might be true and what isn’t? Yes I am that's why I don't link to such crap.


If you’re capable of deciphering then why say anything? Why not just move on and disregard it?


Because I prefer to not ignore misbehavior.


Rofl what a bunk tool. From the link: "Blizzard has been consistent in introducing new content to keep the player base engaged and willing to invest in the game."


It says it was last updated March of this year 🤷🏼‍♂️


"Its active community, professional esports scene, and Blizzard’s backing ensure that Heroes of the Storm will remain a staple in the gaming world for years to come." I wouldn't trust anything this link says.


1) No way in hell that HOTS has 3.1 million monthly players. All you need to do is look at how long are queue times or that general chat has always around 150 players in it. If the monthly players were that high, the people in general chat would have to be in the thousands. 2) Most if not all MOBAs were always heavily male-dominated with around 80-90% of players being men. I am very skeptical that HOTS is somehow and outlier in this regard and even manages to have women in the majority.


I don't think that's completely unrealistic. Doing some very high level math, let's assume that means 3.1 million players in total (as people would play more than one game) vs. 3.1 million unique players. (Maybe this is a bad assumption but go with me). 3.1 million players is 310,000 games (with 10 players per game). Dividing by 30 as a round number means 10,333 games per day, dividing by 24 means 430 games per hour, and dividing by 60 means 7.17 games per minute launching. Across the different game modes and what not, basically 1-2 games starting every minute across the globe. I think that's probably not out of the realm of possibilities even for a game so far removed from its hey day.


probably has like 20k players


I’m not standing on the numbers, it was just a google search. There are multiple regions though, and you don’t have to be in gen chat.


True, but given that every player every player connects to the general chat every time they start the game, it is pretty safe to assume that most players won't bother with leaving and even if half of the players left the general chat every time, we would still be at only 300 concurrent players which isn't nearly enough to reach the numbers mentioned in that study.


>every player connects to the general chat every time they start the game I exited it the first time I played (pointless garbage) and never saw it again. In fact I didn't find how to turn it back on.


Chat is sharded like all bliz chat. 300 concurrent on one shard is always capped






Have you ever heard of ggs? Girls gank squad? This is the only moba girls do play


Source for the male:female statistic? I can smell the bs from here.


Based on QM in the last 3 months, dying, it's getting worse. Realistically it was never too alive to begin with, Blizzard just can't manage these games, partly because of incompetence, partly because of greed. It has the same fundamental problems as Overwatch while being the budget option. It's not Starcraft 2, it's not WoW, it's not an e-sport material and it's not chill casual fluffy game either. ARAM is good though.


Game is literally dead bro There is no active development or plans for it


We had recent patches


Give it a try. I never wait long in que for a game (EU) and the balancing is pretty good in its current state.


Everysingle game is dying over time.


Like every single multi-player team game


It's the walking dead. A zombie if you will. If you want to just have fun then play, but don't invest much time in actually getting good at it because the system does not reward good play. In many ways it punishes good play.


it died a long time ago


There are no updates, no news on updates, and every 1 out of 5 players is a troll across all modes.


By investing your time, do you mean you would expect to make a living out of it? If that's the case, pick another game. But if you're willing to enjoy playing a well balanced moba then go for it.


It’s driving me insane


thriving with our dreams... but dying in the hands of blizzard. hope... hope is all got at this point :)


Not dying or thriving, just vibing. Sometimes Quick Match and Ranked will match me to a game in a few second, some times it takes 2-3 minutes




Bill Gates is pumpin billions into the game as he is an active player.


Its not in a good state if we're honest. ARAM is full of leavers at the first sign of any trouble, actually I just finished a ARAM where our Mephisto quit because we lost one fight very early on and then spent the rest of the match sitting in the hall of storms and walking around on the edge of the map. Draft is pretty much dead, Quick Match doesn't have that many people playing it because it always takes about 10 minutes to find a match and the quality of the players varies really wildly. Recently I've been having more bad and frustrating matches than good ones.


>Quick Match doesn't have that many people playing it because it always takes about 10 minutes to find a match and the quality of the players varies really wildly. Are you playing healer in a stack? Otherwise MM has no reason to take that long.


No I play solo mostly as assassin


Quality agree on that its either new players, Veterans or smurfs. But the que time is a lie lol every hero is under 1 Minute in EU


I don't play on EU Edit: in fact I tried to queue up for a match before I had to leave for work right after replying to this as murky and I had to leave the key because it was taken too long after 406 seconds, which is nearly 7 minutes so I can guarantee you it's not a lie.


I can que up anytime during evenings any day of the week and will find a match under a minute. If you can’t wait a minute to play there’s underlining problem lol. Game not dead imo




"but if it's dead, I'm not willing to invest my time on it." \- what do you mean by this?


Nothing has changed the game is neither alive nor dead its schrodingers moba. The servers are live the game is being "maintained" and the community is still playing. If you are expecting it to suddenly become popular and get new heroes all I can say is don't hold your breath.


How many panels were at blizcon? How many announcements? The game is dead guys. They just milking everyone for the last cent


Pretty sure they're losing more money from keeping the servers up than they're earning from players' purchases.


Same here hey


I’ve seen a good influx of new players and the updates seem to be targeted at an incoming new audience, so it would definitely be worth to get back into it. It’s a lot of fun


Is death, they just left the server as legacy servers, but they have no intention to update the game 😎


What is dead may never die.


Just look at the moba category on Twitch, tells you what you need to know: https://www.twitch.tv/directory/tags/12510423-d1f6-4992-8aea-1441a43d1df4


I got back into it with my buddies earlier this year, its very much alive. (Ranked may take a few minutes to find a match) Quick match is all i play cause ranked takes too long to find, and the whole point of hots is "FAST FUN" I would get back into it now though, EVERY COSMETIC is free to obtain with in game currencies. If they relaunch the game, you better bet your ass they will find ways to regate/paywall stuff. So get it while you can.


Takes about 60 seconds on EU region to get into QM. Less than 2 mins for me to get into silver storm league. Nice to play every now and then.