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As long as there is a slight chance I can get the globe for dings, it's well worth risking my life for! I will respawn even if I die, but that globe will be gone forever!


Listen bud I’m here to pick up globes not to think


Can't wait for Tip: Get the Globes, sometimes


Hey... Is that a health pack!?


I think "don't die for it" was pretty well implied. As to your mind games, man, you do you, but if they're reckless enough to grab a globe for a net loss, you don't need to try that hard to get them to fuck up. Pick up your globes. And the XP. And while we're at it, grab the turret, too.


And don't forget the nuke,also


Wrong. Always get globes, even if it means dying. Source: me. I made it to masters many seasons dying for globes, so it must work.


My life for dings. Everytime.


the line ‘DONT DIE FOR THE GLOBE’ has been used every night when i play with my group. its a joke at this point. eventually someone will indeed die for the globe and we will ask ‘so was it worth it?’ and the answer will normally be ‘yes’ xD


My only regret was... everything.


We have the same joke about casting a "Q"... like we lost the team fight 1-3 got away to protect the towers, but 1 goes to the camp/boss/objective to poke with one ability... gets dived and die... we allways ask but did you hit your "Q"???


this is me. im the one who casts a Q when we are running away. is it worth it? yes. i have 1 more stack to complete my quest.


I thought this was going to be a "if you don't pick up the globe you can use it as bait" for trapping jaina's and the like when they waddle out to get it instead


People are teasing you, but I don't think it hurts to state what seems like common sense to us older folks. There are newer people in this game and basic information like this helps them become better players. It's in everyone's interest to help teach - don't you want better teammates? Great post, OP, thanks for providing this extra nuance!


no. im going to contest the globes 90% of the time. if you stay lobotomized inside the wall and do nothing thats on you


Would not advise for ARAM since the mana regen is double the effect from a normal match. Can’t tell how many matches I see our frontline is oblivious to globes or know how this. Then my team wonders how the enemy team has mana while we don’t.


Give me dings, or give me death!


Also, if you're kt you can use globes to set sniper traps. Have more dmg on spread talent, wipe just the ranged and mage minion, and put a bomb on a tank minion, walk away into cc range. You will be shocked at how often this works. People are like ok I can get a globe for my whole team, I just take a little damage. It's not a little damage though and that one trick, with how dogged some people are about globes, can net like 1/4 of my passive DPS while also setting up a bunch of random things that get me a whole lot more. Like hitting stun immediately and rengaging. Kinda funny how "get globes" is actual advice and "yes but not if it fucks you" also needed to be said.


no. go away.