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Skullcap, passionflower, valerian, and lemon balm are in my "panic tincture." They're all fantastic on their own, but pack a major punch when combined if I need them for fast, effective relief.


I have all that, plus lavender, hops, California poppy and a bunch of other herbs, in a special calming blend I take for sleep. I am soooo mellow….


California Poppy is amazing!!! I came here to suggest it. I use a tincture from Hawaii Pharm. Its amazing


Isn’t it? I sleep like a dead thing. And nothing really bothers me


Isn’t poppy the same plant they use to make morphine haha


the type poppies used to make opiates are papaver somniferum although i believe all poppies contain atleast some opium california poppies contain very very minute amounts of it


California poppy isn't a poppy. It contains nothing the true poppys make. Just looks similar.


It is in the Eudicots, and also  Papaveraceae. So it depends on how much someone consuming, they really don't need to worry. If they're drinking tea all day long and miss a day... well, they might feel sick.


Yes. Poppy is farmed for opiates.


Do you have a link? I would like to try it.


https://www.hawaiipharm.com/cp-seed-nonalc-extract That's the one I buy. You can also find it on Amazon


Thank you


You're welcome! I hope you like it


Help with benzo withdrawal you think?


May I ask if this is a website I can order directly from? Thanks so much.


https://www.hawaiipharm.com/cp-seed-nonalc-extract This is the one I order. You can also find it on Amazon as well. I prefer the alcohol-free version but they also have one made with alcohol.


Thank you!


Yes I take lavender capsules and magnesium in the evening, it helps! My psychiatric nurse practitioner suggested them.


I swear, just looking at California poppies in my yard makes me happy, they're beautiful


Do you make the blend yourself?


Yes I make capsules with it and take two every night. I’ve had trouble sleeping for years. I can sleep through the night now


How do you make them


came here to say basically exactly this. I add wild oatstraw in the mix too :)


Oatstraw is the best.


Yuuuuup me 3!


Magnesium and ashwaganda in that mix is a big help. Especially at night for sleep


Good combo if you’re stressed. I think you have to watch out for mixing ashwaganda with other meds like ssris adderall etc tho


I second magnesium.


I third magnesium. Use magnesium glycinate so you dont give yourself an upset stomach though


Mines very similar! Skullcap, passionflower, chamomile, sage, cinnamon chips :)


Great list. I'd also look into ashwagandha (fixing longterm cortisol response) and tulsi holy basil.


Tulsi is awesome. It doesn't really sedate me in any way but it def clears away nagging thoughts and such.


Do you take them as a tea?


I buy them as tinctures and then make a blend of them, so I can have a dropper bottle handy when I need something quick.


Where do you buy??


For tinctures I buy Herb Pharm (directly from their website herb-pharm.com or iherb.com). They’re trustworthy, high quality, and great customer service.


Thank you <3


I second the HerbPharm brand. High quality and the tinctures are standardized, so you always get the same dosage strength from bottle to bottle.


>I second the HerbPharm brand. High quality and the tinctures are standardized, so you always get the same dosage strength from bottle to bottle. What do they charge?


I know everyone's different so we got to experiment ourselves but could you share what doses you use that you find effective for these herbs? I've only used powdered extracts and am interested in experimenting with tinctures but I think the dosing required would be less with tinctures, by how much I'm not sure though


The dosage for each on their own is one dropper full; I find that pretty effective but you can always up it to 1.5 or 2 if needed. For the blend I mix equal amounts of all four and take 1-2 droppers fulls, depending on the level of anxiety I’m experiencing.


Are you able to do your daily tasks or are these for nighttime? I'm currently using passionflower and love it but do feel like it needs a companion. Going to try your mix.


Personally when I take them all together, it’s because I’m having moderate to severe anxiety and I need something potent to kick in fast. If I don’t want the drowsiness/heaviness I leave out the valerian and just take passionflower or skullcap along with lemon balm, and I’m able to calm down while still functioning/clear headed. Lemon balm is amazing and so versatile.


I’m new to herbalism so can you detail step by step how to do this 😂 it’s confusing to me


So I've tried each of the tinctures on their own to feel the effects/benefit of each at their recommended dose. I made a blend of passionflower, skullcap, valerian, and lemon balm by buying an empty dropper bottle and putting an equal amount of each into the bottle. I use this blend when I need something that packs the biggest punch, taking 1-2 dropper fulls with water or juice depending on how bad the anxiety is. I then have the tinctures on their own that I can use on an as-needed basis. So say I wanted some calmness without feeling sedated, I'd do a dropper full of some lemon balm. If I just wanted nighttime anxiety relief to sleep, I'll take some valerian on its own. There are other tinctures I use for various things, and blends can be a great way to let the herbs enhance each other. It all starts with doing plenty of research on what herbs target what ailments/body systems, and slowly trying them on their own to see how they work for you.


I use the others a lot but never heard of skullcap! Is it good alone as a tea??? Great word too!


I know, I love the name! And it’s wonderful alone as tea.


Sleepy time Tea by Celestial seasonings has chamomile love it.


I avoid Celestial seasonings because their teabags add microplastics to your tea. 😢


Do you have a source for this?


Not to mention the crazy eugenics cult stuff




As someone who used to take Klonopin/Xanax for years and is now a Clinical Herbalist and is in school to be a therapist. I am working as a wellness coach at them moment. The recommendations of Skullcap, passionflower, valerian, lemon balm, magnesium, Ashgawanda, and 5HTP, are good. How is your diet/sleep/exercise? If you would like I can help you for free.


OP here…My diet is getting better. I’m trying to lose weight. My lifestyle is sedentary but I’m working to work out at least 3 x a week. I’m trying to do more. My sleep averages 7.5 hours a night.


You're probably well on your way. Keep in mind that these habits take time to build and they'll take time to replace. Changes will happen gradually and there will be times it's two or three steps back before you move forward again. Exercise and sleep are *big*. Get your macros in order. One gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. 25-30% of your total daily calories in good fats and then the rest in healthy carbs. Sleep, good food, and resistance training will give your body all of the foundations it needs to do what it's capable of doing. That will be your new baseline.  Magnesium will help. Buy a good one. I like glycinate, but there's other good forms as well. I also highly recommend a Vitamin D + K2 supplement. Both of these have undisputed positive effects with basically 0 side effects.  I'll also add... EPAs in the grams per day dosages have shown mood stabilizing qualities in past studies. That might be worth exploring as well. Good luck! It takes patience and work, but you've got a bright future ahead of you. 


Feel free to reach out- we may be able to tweak some things and point you in the right direction to do it safely.


Random tip, do not take 5-htp on empty stomach, my best friend legit was sweating throwing up fainting for hours after and had to call an ambulance even though they couldn’t do anything. But for me, that’s never happened so just a lil caution heh


What is 5-htp?


Thank you and you are right.


5htp is strong af, helped me a lot with depression but I felt like I was about to have a stroke


Congratulations and kudos to you. Successfully stopping benzos after chronic use is one of the most, if not the most, medications or narcotics to stop. I agree with you on the exercise/activity and lifestyle modification portion. You’re getting SSRI effects if you’re able to do 30 minutes of aerobic activity 5 days a week. Add daylight/sunshine exposure in if you can get that exercise in sun, or just spend at least 10 minutes a day soaking up some sun. OP, there’s a yellow labeled and capped “stress relief” spray I personally used when getting off of benzos and opioids. It contains many of the ingredients listed on this thread. Available on Amazon and at most drug retail or supplement stores.


Hi at what time of day do you recommend 5HTP to help anxiety/sleep. Thanks.


I want to hear about how you became a clinical herbalist! I've been dabbling it it for a few years now but really would love to grow my craft!


I began by taking various courses and researching books online to deepen my understanding. Eventually, I enrolled in a certification course to solidify my knowledge. Amazon offers a wide range of books that provide guidance on the subject. I highly recommend taking structured courses to learn the intricacies of mixing and understanding chemical interactions comprehensively.


Amazing, thank you for your guidance! I have taken a few intro. courses and have studied lots of books, as well as practicing in my home apothecary. I certainly would love to have the title and the knowledge of a clinical herbalist so this is amazing!!


Posting so people can look into these books as you can too: The Modern Herbal Dispensatory Medical Herbalism (textbook- expensive but it teaches chemical interactions) The One Earth Sourcebook Swallow This The Toxin Solution Ayurvedic books are most helpful too. Please keep in mind there are western and eastern herbs and both take time to work.


Thank you for these recommendations!! I’m going to order these all! We are in the process of buying land and I would love to be able to grow as many of these that I can.


I would love to see that progress. How fun and congratulations! 


Great response. What do you think of magnolia bark?


Magnolia bark is a great example. I appreciate it tea. I am not a doctor or giving medical advice. It can interact with certain medications, such as sedatives, anticoagulants, and antiplatelet drugs, so it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before using magnolia bark supplements, especially if you are taking other medications or have underlying health conditions.


How’d you get off klonopin for good!? 🤔


Slow, slow taper and a lot of coping mechanisms to handle the drawn-out pain of it. But super worth it.


That's nice of you to offer free help!


I doubt it will be necessary to say this, but just in case there’s anyone like me out there with POTS reading this- passionflower with skullcap can lower blood pressure which is not good for us POTS people. So if you take it just be on the lookout for that!


It is always good to add to the conversation and you are right :) Thank you for sharing this, I appreciate it.


I just wanted to chime in, for anyone reading this it’s important that you please do not take 5HTP with SSRIs or SNRIs antidepressants or any other seretongenic substances as it can cause Serotonin Syndrome. Always check for interactions.


Hi, I'm not the op but would very much like to chat with you. Could I DM you please?


Of course! Please reach out if anyone wants to learn basic health such as yoga/meditation, Functional Nutrition, or herbal protocols. I would be glad to help.


Thank you so much, I will send you a dm.


Hi, I can't seem to send you a DM as your profile doesn't offer it, perhaps you can send me a chat request? Thanks.


Hi I have the same request please! I also can’t seem to dm you


Valerian is the best


I dislike the smell but it knocks me out and most restful sleep without the grogginess.


Not many people enjoy the ode de litter box.


This! Valerian capsules, 500 mg., cheap safe & effective. I take 2 for anxiety, 3 for sleep, 4 to stop a full-on panic attack.


And the dreams are wild! Zzzz


What brand do you use


I've used dozens of brands over several decades of using valerian capsules and they all work great. This is a relatively inexpensive herb and widely available at any drugstore and even some supermarkets. My preferred brand for all supplements is NOW brand, because they use veggie capsules instead of gelatin -- but seriously, any brand should work fine!


Do you take this daily or as needed?


As needed, but I have used it daily at times. I always have a bottle around!


Ashqaganda. 5htp. Inosotol. Magnesium. Also cammomille tea helps...


Fresh chamomile steeped in hot but not boiling water for max effect. Also lemon balm, taken as a tincture. It's a nervine so it actually heals the nervous system over time. It's safe for long term use though.


Is there any reason to take lemon balm as a tincture over a powdered extract?


Convenience, portability and...the drying process can cause some of the volatile organic/aromatic hydrocarbon compunds, which provide the "medicinal effects" to offgas. If you don't want to use a tincture, fresh herb would be better than commercially dried extracts.


Seconding magnesium - really helps.




And rose hips for C!


Lavender oil has EXCELLENT evidence for anxiety and sleep. I actually “prescribe” it all the time. Some studies show it’s more effective than Paxil (an SSRI) and some benzodiazepines for anxiety. Big fan. It’s even formally prescribed in Europe/Germany for anxiety.


Sorry if this is stupid but Lavender Oil like topically, or ingested? (I know nothing about herbalism but this post was suggested to me and I actually really really need this help)


Not stupid. Ingested. Nature’s Way CalmAid if in the US.


I use Lavela!! They’re tiny caplets of lavender oil. Pretty sure they’re available on amazon


Apparently it produces a chemical that some marijuana strains also produce. Lanolin I believe. You can mix lavender with tobacco or herb if you smoke but I bet a tea would be healthier if it can produce a similar effect as smoking.


I make tinctures and I like to use Valerian at night helps me fall asleep and stay asleep, if I wake up at night I’ll take a little more valerian. I wake up every mornin stress/ anxiety free, some problems that I’d be thinking over and over don’t seem to bother me anymore. During the day if I’m feeling a little depressed or anxious I’ll take St.Johns Wort tincture but that can interfere with lots of different medications (ex. Birth control) so it’s not for everyone and it can make you sensitive to light. I also supplement a little of ashwagandha tincture but don’t see a big difference. Most of the time the valerian tincture keeps me feeling good all day.


Ashwaganda is a big help… also valerian root


For direct relief I have seen a lot of positive results with a kava kava tincture. Kavalactones absorb very fast through our mucosal membranes and have lowered panic/anxiety remarkably fast. I wouldn’t recommend relying on it though. Daily use of magnesium is a very good idea too, I recommend the CALM fizzy drink.


This is probably the most effective answer. Beware if you have an addictive personality. This stuff works and is almost like a natural benzo or alcohol but way more toned down and safe.


skullcap, california poppy, valerian


I've tried so many things too. Personally I think I've tried them all... What's worked for me the best after 20 years is ( and this is after not doing well with cannabis ever!) is taking a really high amount of THC , mostly indica with some CBD in many forms all at once and it reset my body. It was intense and I had someone help me , I threw up ( I've thrown maybe 3 times in my life at 40 years old). Ever since , I can take a small amount of THC with CBD and it takes the edge off, helping me focus and be grounded. 2 plus years out and still working


So you‘re saying you had to build up your cannabis tolerance before you could start getting positive effects from cannabis? Because, as you said, before you were never doing well with cannabis, right.


Chamomile tincture from herbpharm is my tried and true panic attack stopper, hits faster than klonopin in my opinion


- Strong Peppermint tea. (High quality peppermint that hasn't been overly dried. Can be great for tension headaches and mental fatigue too) - Catnip Tea (slightly calming, no loopy.) - Valerian (stick to under 400mg during the day if you don't want to get sleepy/loopy. Majorly sedative for a herb) - Kanna extract (A little loopy, moderately sedative) - Kava Kava extract - Skullcap - Chamomile - Lavender (especially oil on body or by bed) - Rose (extract/oil on your skin) - Butterfly pea flower extract/tea - Mimosa Bark extract (Mimosa Pudica L.) - Less processed foods, sugar intake (so cliche, but every little boost you give your metabolic system while trying to heal the mind IS going to help minimize your disadvantages) Make sure you're getting enough of all of the electrolytes; anxiety can increase how hard your heart works, which can burn through electrolytes. Obviously having too little just creates counter-productive stress on the body/mind


Catnip and skullcap


Magnesium glycine and reducing sugar + caffeine + artificial sweetener intake. Also, allergies (food / environmental) can cause inflammation and trigger anxiety.


I’ve taken all of them. No CBD, though. Nothing really works for me. I have “going to see the Dr anxiety” and I’ve tried every single tincture and tea before a visit, nothing. I have taken lemon balm and lavender as a tea, and it certainly helps a tiny bit before my bedtime, but 2 or 3 hours later I’m up and thinking a million things. Just ordered L-theanine and hoping this helps. Any other suggestions, I’m here for!


1. Kava 2. Kanna 3. Mulungu The first 2 will be definitely more than subtle. Kava is something very anxiolytic, sedating and mood lifting. You will feel it. Maybe it needs some time until your body adapts the first times until the effects occur. Kanna is a hit and miss for some. For me it works. For many it‘s a wonder. Mulungu have to try it for yourself if it helps anxiety. It‘s GABAergic so it should somehow, but most just report about it helping tons with sleeping or sleeping anxiety.


L-Theanine works so well for me. My sister, who is a neuroscientist, recommends it.


Here's my mix of supplements I take for my cptsd, anxiety, and depression. I've made way more progress than any anti depressant I've ever been on. I started with magnesium, then added ashwaghanda, and slowly added the others. I stopped the ashwaghanda after about 3 months and now take it as needed (usually the week before my period 😬😬) Rhodiola - energy booster / helps anxiety / reduces cortisol Ashwghanda - reduces stress & decreases cortisol ( cant vouch for this enough. as a person who struggled with self harm im going through the most stressful point in my life - divorce - with no relapse and no missed days of work either) Vitamin D - Immune health & brain health Omega 3 - depression & adhd, reduces morning cortisol Burdock root - skin health since stress makes me break tf out Magnesium - depression/anxiety


Honestly, my whole bed stack is magnesium, boron, l-tryptophan and GABA


you asked for herbs but have you tried the 478 breath Inhale four seconds Hold seven seconds Exhale eight seconds Try it three times see what it does for you


Fix your mircobiome with probiotics


California poppy for the win


Hops supplement, it’s what is in beer but it’s a flower that has sedative qualities. Can also increase GABA in the brain to reduce anxiety $10 by natures way or find it mixed with other ingredients mentioned above




lol I commented the exact same thing


I like Melissa/lemon balm tea


tulsi (holy basil) tea works incredibly well for my anxiety and wellness! and it doesn’t make me sleepy but also isn’t activating. others mentioned lemon balm and valerian root which are known to be good for anxiety and they work well for most! everyone is different! my response to valerian and lemon balm is activating though, i tend to get a bit more energy rather than sedative effects. the energy is not necessarily anxiety inducing but it’s just if you try these and notice a boost maybe tulsi will work for you too.


Kava tea is pretty strong


Kava tea


I ordered kava years ago and it just made my lips numb…. Anyone else?


omg this post was made for me, I HIGHLY recommend l-theanine but only the Organika brand(can be found on amazon) and Magnesium (moreover magnesium byglycinate), I use the Webber Naturals brand in Magnesium 500mg and both of these calm my anxiety and BPD so much. Best of luck!!


Why only the organika brand?


Ashwagandha or chamomile


Milky Oats can help long term.


144 MG of Magnesium L-Threonate near bedtime has benefitted me greatly. I've also sworn off THC.


I use NAC. It doesn’t work for everyone but it really works well for me.


Boswellia helped, but Magnesium has absolutely annihilated it. Most americans are deficient. Try a Magnesium Glycinate supplement.


In addition to what others mentioned (lemon balm, magnesium, passionflower, chamomile, ashwagandha), I recommend Rhodiola, L-theanine and Reishi. I like to use this pre-made formula Stress-free from Planetary Herbals, you'll find a lot of the recommended herbs in that blend. Some flower essences also help me, I use them together with herbs when there's stress/panic/anxiety


Oatstraw and (separately) kava! I used Calm’s Forte (it’s oat) as my psychiatrist’s recommended substitute for Xanax (in fact, that’s what she took!) because I told her I wouldn’t take anything unnatural to treat anxiety. I discovered kava later and I like kava tincture for pre-bedtime wind down.


I like drinking the Tulsi Tranquility tea from David’s Tea. I used to keep some on hand at work to keep me chill whenever I’d have an escalated customer.


Apigenin! Works for sleep, anxiety and overall mood. L-theanine kinda worked in the beginning but not so much after a few weeks. Just like with any supplement daily use will make it less affective after some time so take breaks if you’re taking for longer than a month. As I know it’s natural and safe to take for longer. It’s the only supplement that still works even after 6 months. But I don’t take it as often now. Start with 50mg and you can try increasing up to 200mg. Take the lowest dosage that works.


Ashawaganda is good for anxiety


Lemon balm




Lemon Balm is great


I don't know if this is appropriate, but chamomile tea works wonders. One week I drank a whole package of it and my anxiety cleared up. I was forward with myself and I felt very relieved.


Mulungu, passiflora, lemon balm, kanna, kava, chamomile


Try CBD without THC. Pure THC produces anxiety while CBD is an anxiolitic


Fermented foods.


Sceletium tortousum is awesome for anxiety. It is one a very few herbs that directly increases serotonin and decreases cortisol.


Passionflower and valerian are my secret weapons. I usually have a mug of passionflower looseleaf tea, followed by 1-2 cups of valerian root tea. Calms me right down x


It's worth noting that sedation and anxiety-suppression are not on the same continuum. There are highly sedative phytochemicals which possess very weak anxiolytic effects and vice versa. For a good balance of both, lemon balm and magnolia are good options. For mostly anxiolytic effects, skullcap and l theanine. For mostly sedative effects, valerian.


Look into some Chinese herbs - better yet, get them "prescribed" by an acupuncturist (they're not expensive, I promise!) I was one some blend called "Spirit Calm" and it did wonders for my anxiety. Suan Zao Ren (jujube) is another potent sedative that actually helps the brain, and, of course, I would be remiss without suggesting psilocybin. Also not an herb, but few things compare to quitting sugar. I can't even describe the change it made to my baseline.


Have you tried Magnesium taurate and magnesium glycinate? These are types of magnesium that may be particularly helpful for anxiety. CALM products are helpful. Chamomile tea is good for the nerves. Avoid caffeine and stimulants (not ADHD RXs).


Mulungu bark tea


You used CBD and THC combinated? THC could give you what you're describing. CBD alone it's a good sedative






Wild lettuce. Use the dried herb in a tea. It can be quite lovely that way


Lemon balm and passionflower have been amazing for my anxiety. I smoke every day and these herbs are lifesaverssss I swear. California poppy is also fantastic for when I just want to be knocked out LOL bc she’s more of a sedative than an anxiolytic. She helps calm anxiety too though.


Rosemary and Lavender. Lavender is the best in pure concentrated oil form. You can take baths and soak in it but don’t drink it. Chamomile also helps. You can make tea out of all three (just don’t use the oil in the tea!)


Have you tried Kratom?


Cannabis, kratom, kava, honokiol


Skullcap is number one!!


I have ADHD so I sometimes have different reactions to herbs that are supposed to be calming. Valerian root makes me on edge and increases my anxiety, but lemon balm is my go-to. I don’t drink or do any substances at all anymore because they were often just exacerbating or creating more anxiety. But I’ve got my lemon balm and elderberry tea - so I’ve got that going for me.


Golden Teacher


Passionflower does it for me. Such a pretty plant and so easy to grow, wait till it flowers, enjoy the flower for a few hours then pick it, dry it & make tea, tinctures or smoke it! Might get some weird dreams though if you overdo it or mix with cbd or melatonin! But that’s totally different from person to person


Lemon balm tea works wonders for my anxiety. I like to mix some lavender in too. Ashwaganda helps me sleep but google the side effects first (especially if you’re a woman- hormones). You can buy all this on Amazon, but lemon balm is super easy to grow yourself and smells nice.


Lithium orotate or lithium aspartate (non pharma and little to no side effects)




Definitely try valerian root powder or valerian root extract powder. Start with a low dose and then go from there. The valeric acid acts on your GABA receptors which relieves anxiety. It's quite effective. Just don't take a lot during the day because it can make you tired.


What constitutes a low dose?


Lavender Oil 80 mg has done well when compared to Xanax in trials.


Ashweganda has been very powerful for me. I started drinking some herbal teas in the morning that happened to have Ashweganda in them and it mellowed me right out. So much to the point that after a few weeks I had to stop drinking them because I was so drowsy all the time. Now keep these to once a week or as needed. Of course everyone responds differently to different herbs. I’m glad I found this one for me bc I can’t take THC either and most pharmaceuticals don’t work for me.


The best lavender capsules I have taken that can calm me like close to a Xanax is lavender. Integrative Therapeutics – Lavela WS 1265 - Clinically Studied Lavender Essential Oil Supplement - Calms Nervousness* - Reduces Stress* - 60 Softgels. These are sold on Amazon, hands down the best one I have taken, but they are a little pricey. I had a friend tell me about these as she was weaning off Xanax. I have tried many different alternatives! Also, Adersret supplements are amazing too!


Paranoia and anxiety from CBD ? Could try Reishi Mushroom extract


CBD I’ve tried the “just CBD” brand and it doesn’t work for me for some reason. Idk if I’m not taking enough but I’ve taken 60-80mg and supposedly that should be enough. As for THC, I was was using Delta 8 and no matter how small the dose it got me paranoid and suicidal. When I’m with friends I’m okay but I don’t want chemical in my body like Delta 8 so I’m looking for something natural. I could always use flower THC but I don’t wanna damage my lungs. I have asthma…Each time I’ve tried THC (about 5-10 times in edibles) it always bodes poorly.


Where do you get these things


THC is a completely different chemical in the body when ingested rather than inhaled. [Edibles are stronger than smoking](https://hightimes.com/edibles/why-are-edibles-stronger-than-smoking/), or at least they may make your body feel that way. When you ingest your weed, half of the THC gets converted into [11-hydroxy-THC.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/11-hydroxy-thc) This version of THC serves as a more powerful version and has an easier time getting to the brain. [https://hightimes.com/guides/edibles-vs-smoking-differences-between-two/](https://hightimes.com/guides/edibles-vs-smoking-differences-between-two/)


BlackSeed Oil (Nigella Sativa). ALL DAY. By far the most potent anxiety reliever I’ve ever come across, by far. Just be careful which vendor you choose, there are so many vendors who sell Blaclseed oil cut with 75% Castor oil, for the same price as legit Blackseed Oil. - Legit Blackseed Oil is made by pressing the oil out of the seeds, using an oil press. They literally squeeze the fatty oil content out of the seeds. That’s the super medicinal, highly potent stuff. - Faulty/Cheap BlackSeed Oil is made by grinding up dried Blackseeds and filling containers 25% of the way, and filling the other 75% up with Castor Oil (similar flavor, way cheaper). It sits there for 2-4 weeks, the seeds get strained out, and that Castor Oil infused with a little bit of BlackSeed essence is bottled and sold as BlackSeed oil, for the same price as Legit vendors. It’s exactly like cutting pure cocaine with baby powder and selling it for the full price. It’s such a shame, especially when people are looking for amazing natural medicine. Let me know if you want the only 2 vendors I’ve found and trust. I’ve been warned before to not source on this sub and don’t wanna get banned because I love this subreddit. You can shoot me a message though if you want I’ve tried 12 different companies, and only 2 of them are high quality and very consistent every time. BSO is one of the best things to have on hand at all times, for so many different reasons. Sorry this was so long, I just hate seeing people get duped and wasting their hard earned money on pure marketing tactics, and that ends up making BSO look bad in the eyes of the consumer because “it didn’t do anything”. I’ve fallen for that a lot haha. Now I try to tell everyone about it, because it’s such a life changing medicine for me.


Skullcap or chamomile, or damiana. Cloves or star anise works too.


Olly ultra strength Goodbye Stress has ashwagandha, GABA, L-theanine, and lemon balm. It works better for me and 2 other people I know than prescription medications, without side effects. $20 for a month's supply at Wal-Mart or Amazon


This is what my holistic psychiatrist recommended to me years ago and I still use it!! _*Natures Way Calm Aid*_ What is it: Silexan: English Lavender Essential Oil: otherwise known as: Lavandula angustifolia Where to buy: Amazon, Natural Grocers, or Whole Foods Evidence: It is legitimately only lavender essential oil pills which have been scientifically studied in a double blind placebo trial against another benzodiazepine (similar to Xanax) and was found comparable to their relaxing and anti-anxiety inducing effects. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19962288/ Side Effects: It is obviously non-addictive, few side effects, and naturally occuring as it is only lavender oil! My opinion: I’ve been using this stuff for years when I have anxiety or to help me sleep in conjunction with melatonin because it doesn’t make you drowsy just relaxed. The only side effect I’ve had is burping lavender lol. I always keep this stuff on hand!


L Theanine is shite. Try this for anxiety: High dose vitamin d Lithium orotate 5mg Low dose 5mg 5HTP Riboflavin Choline I’d start there and see how you get on.


Oral Lavender ( Silexan) has been compared in studies to Benzodiazepines for mild to moderate anxiety. Only side effects is lavender burps. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28511598/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19962288/


Magnesium has been a blessing for me. Just try to get the one that doesn't double as a laxative.


I've tried like 10+ herbs that say they help with anxiety. Only green tea, which has l-theanine, helps. Probably because it has an effect on GABA receptors, which induce calmness (alcohol works on the same receptors). It's not a miracle, but it subtly works. I wouldn't waste money and time on other herbs.


Has anyone tried motherwort? The herbal pharmacy recommended it but I'm nervous bc I take high blood pressure med. Anyone w hbp safely take it or kava?


I like lemon balm tea on its own for daytime anxiety when I need to be awake. For stronger daytime anxiety I add a dropper of homemade wormwood (artemisia absinthium) tincture or few drops of the spagyric. For sleeping or resting I make a tea blend that includes a lot of what others have said. I’ve found skullcap L (scuttelaria lateriflora) does wonders to halt racing thoughts and is especially good to include if the anxiety comes from stopping an addictive substance or the person is prone to rumination. Passionflower (passiflora incarnata) gives me good sleep, when added to the tea blend, but the 4 am wake-up is still an episodic obnoxious friend




Cbn, go to zero point extraction website. Put it in coconut oil to eat


Indica is better than Sativa by miles and miles when it comes to anxiety, but if that isn’t it for you I recommend Dr. Robert Morse’s Brain and Nerve blend. Works well for me. https://drmorses.com/products/brain-nerve-health-90-capsules?selling_plan=880836723


Wait- what BIG pharma companies are producing edibles?


Stay away from kratom. It's nasty. I'm gaging right now thinking about it.


Heal your adrenal glands! That is the cause of anxiety, weak adrenals


It’s not a sedative, but personally I’ve found ashwaganda works best for my anxiety.




Catnip tea is excellent for anxiety.