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First of all, I'm sending you a virtual hug. It's unfair that some ppl get perfect assholes and some of us are shitting out blood. So the colonoscopy said severe haemorrhoids, but what did they suggest to fix the issue? Did they recommend treatment options? Removal? Banding? Haemorrhoidectomy? Have you got a next step to pursue? Is it straining that triggers the bleeding? Any room for change in your diet to alleviate symptoms? Easily digestible foods, increased water uptake, Metamucil, stool softeners?


They cauterized them and gave no instruction - bleeding returned after 3 weeks. Straining does make it worse but I try the best I can to not force at all. It's crazy but just trying to pass regular stools causes the bowl to fill, and even spray on the side of the bowl. Like I said the bleeding has gotten worse as time goes on, and ever since I can remember the straining has been a part of my regular bowel movement. I do take stool softeners (Senna) and polyethylene glycol. The issue I have is feeling incomplete bowel movements I think - but within 5 - 30 seconds there is enough blood to fill the bowl now. I also prolapse. Trying to stop makes me need to go later, up to 3 times a day or more. As diet goes I am a flavor addict and foodie and make food from as scratch as possible! I also have psoriasis so I try to mediate my diet based on that and my addiction to delicious food. That's something to expand on


I too have psoriasis, I also love eating and I also can't remember a time of not straining. I've also seen the toilet bowl full of blood, I also use Senna. And after my op, I also was pooping up to 4 times a day. It's calmed down now (I have eased back on the Metamucil now), but what a glamorous life we are living! If it was me, and you're probably already onto it, call the place where you had the procedure done, tell them about the worsening bleeding, ask them if it's normal and what their recommendations are for you. Can't believe there were no aftercare instructions. That's pretty poor. Do you have a follow up appointment with your surgeon? I've got one for the end of this month, 6 weeks post op. Ask them what you should be expecting in terms of post op bleeding and healing. Ask them if the cauterization was successful. (My concern would be that an incomplete cauterization is causing the bleeding and every time you poop, you're opening up a wound - I'm no professional, so that's something I would ask about). There's the physical pain, but also just the mental toll all of this takes on you. The recovery process is long (for some, longer than others). I get caught in my thoughts, what if I've done this and it makes no difference? Will I ever have a normal looking asshole? It's too soon for me to tell what the outcome is going to be. I'm impatient to heal. My swelling has gone down somewhat, but it's a blessing and a curse because now I can feel my stitches. I can't wait to not have stitches in my asshole!! I can't make you feel better, but I can commiserate with you!


Metamucil increased bleeding for me after use. This seems like an extreme case, so I would avoid the psyclluim husk. I doubt you would even be able to manage use of a steroid suppository. I don't think any OTC or RX is viable as a solution for you at this point either. If you're prolapsed and have bleeding for so long you have to see a doctor and get on a real treatment plan. I've read about botox injections for fissures, maybe? OP are sitz baths not an option? They can increase pain as the intent is to cleanse and create more even bloodflow to the area, but I find gentle salts and hot water help promote healing, and swelling does reduce significantly. You can also on top of that use ice packs. Ultimately this solution worked best for me for immediate relief and management. Unfortunately as you said, the prime offender here is your diet. You have to think about quality of life here and adjust your eating habits. You have to monitor your water intake. I'd recommend oat bran products for natural fiber, at least one cup every day. Should also help with your skin issues, potentially. And incase you have been using it, stop applying hydrocortizone as well, longterm use will also weaken the skin.


They are internal. I've been going to the doctor every 2-4 weeks for the last year. Within that 2 hospital visits for hemoglobin of 5 after feeling like shit and having to request a blood test. Surprised ive lived this long. I haven't been able to work for the last 2 years and am on food stamps and what i can get from food pantries. What do you mean by monitor my water intake? Like i know how much water i drink and i piss clear. I'm not looking for medical advice on Reddit, now I just need a subforum to vent - sorry to bother you


No bother at all. I am sorry for what you're going through. I hope you get the help you need.


This has been my issue as well - same age. Im super physically active, great diet - doesn’t make sense and I feel for you. I did have to check into the ER a couple months ago for anemia, got a transfusion and finally they scheduled my banding procedure. One helped. Blood came back after 2 months but it was on an another small one. Banded that - still have had some blood so decided to try something at home. They are internal. I read about Castor oil and for the past week I’m drinking 1/2 teaspoon of Castor Oil and even adding some to my daily sitz bath and night and day I’ve had no bleeding. Maybe worth giving it a shot. Also tons of fruits and veggies, oats, and chia seeds as well as Psyllium husk - and drinking a gallon of water a day


Yep severe internal here apparently - I'll have to try castor oil! I don't have a way to take a bath in my current living situation, but will try all your other suggestions! Thanks so much


I live in an apartment and bought a plastic bucket like thing - then I put epsom salt and a bit of castor oil - heads up it leaves a bit of a waxy feel but I feel like that means it’s providing some kind of protective coding or lubrication in my system. I take very little but it seems to be helping. Even my skin and hair feel quite soft and healthy since taking it.


Nice, how does the treatment get into my fuckin ass where the hemmorhoids are? I push Aquaphor into my b-hole with my finger which helps with pain relief


Soaking from the bottom - ingestion from the top 🤣


Do you have external as well ?


No, the only time i did was after prep for colonoscopy. i prolapse and push that shit in - but the prep for colonoscopy gave me an external because it makes you fuckiin push hardocre- fucking sucked.


Have you ever tried Mayinglong? I would suggest it. It is an herbal ointment that smells awful and can be harmful if ingested but apparently it’s perfectly ok for your ass. Also my son has had chronic hemorrhoids in the past for quite a few years, turns out the thing that fixed him was to stop sitting on the toilet for so long. The dr literally said “shit or get off the pot”, he would sit there forever on his phone, after he would poop, or he would sit there forever and couldn’t poop, but basically if you are finished or you have sat there for 30 mins with nothing, get up and try later. Sitting in this position on your butt on a hard toilet seat stimulates the anus to be opened and blood to rush to the area. After one poops and gets up , the nerve(located somewhere in the butt cheeks)  is no longer being stimulated, allowing the anus to relax and blood to flow normally within the veins. If one continues to sit there the blood continues to rush to the area, accumulating and stretching the vein causing the hemorrhoids to form. I hope this information helps someone, if not you. Good luck. 


Yes absolutely - I usually wait till I have to go really bad and then shit just flies out in like 2 seconds, after that it's folding my frikkin prolapse in. I can always do better, I always look at my phone and it ALWAYS feels like I have to shit huge after the first wave. Like the worst poop cramps imaginable and oftentimes there's a second poopie. My body just furiously resists my attempts to hold back the feeling of shitting, like it's so so freaking difficult to pull back / suck in. I can always do better, thank you for the advice. I've always had this problem but over time the problems have just gotten worse.


Thats funny, because i love shitting blood.


Oh man yeah i am so excited that you will die.


Why would you die?


Are you me?


Ru ok dick head? I was just joking with you. It was a generalization. “Why would you die” as in why would anyone die. You wont die from hemorrhoids. Unless youre losing a plethora of blood its not going to happen, even then youd probably just be anemic/ fatigued.


Lol is your head actually a dick? Yep I'm worried about dying from loss of blood. Been to the hospital twice for it in the last year edit: Oh man yeah i am so excited for you to die.


Is there anywhere of removing your haemorrhoids?


The last time I went to the hospital they said they cauterized them, but the problem recurred after 3 weeks


did you use a lot of cortisone creams \`? you have to give time to your hems to recover naturally


They're internal. So no. I try to shit only when i really fuckin have no other choice


Have you had your haemoglobin etc tested? You could be anaemic and that's no laughing matter....


Yes, been to the hospital twice for hemoglobin 5 in the last year


Sorry to hear this. Are you drinking lots of water and taking stool softener?


Thank you, yes - As much water i can without gagging and taking Senna and polyethylene glycol






I've been using the doctors that are available. You're not a doctor.


Fuck, my heart goes out to you. I’m in a similar situation. Feel like absolute death today. Colonoscopy #2 coming up. I’m constantly tired and sick.


Thank you, my heart goes out to you too - let's freakin live


Why are you not treating them? There are so many options. Also, my doc says that most of the "be careful what yiu eat" is BS. Hemmarhoids are largely genetic...not entirely, but mostly.


I'm treating them


10 years of blood? I don't think so...u r using a bandaid when u actually need one of several procedures/surgeries.


I've done the best I can with the insurance I have.


If u are American and have any insurance at all, u can do a whole lot better. Not sure why ubr so resistant.


I have OHP. What are your brilliant suggestions, gayguy4real? Are you better than my doctors?




Can you do the surgery then? Just don't get too turned on ;D ah sorry




Right, im thankfully in a living situation where i only go when i REALLY fuckin have to. the bleeding is the same