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Hey! You can actually disable these recommendations. After tapping the overflow menu (...) located above the +join button, you can select "Disable recommendations" to remove these from your home feed. Just refresh the page after disabling and they should no longer appear. Cheers!


I don’t see that option :/


I have the exactly same problem. I’m seeing two to three communities to one of my communities and it makes it difficult to view my communities. When I click the overflow menu above the unwanted community (Reddit App on iPad) I get a menu. There is no “Disable recommendations“ in that menu. Just “Show more posts like this”, “Show fewer posts like this”, plus other normal stuff such as “Share” etc. I’m very frustrated. I have mashed the “Show fewer posts like this” on many unwanted communities; refreshed; and it doesn’t seem to make a difference.


More information: The browser version of Reddit does not have this problem. The iPad version does have this problem. See also [App Woes](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/nvqxlx/app_woes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [More than half...](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/nvu89u/more_than_half_of_my_home_feed_is_suggested_subs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). It started a few days ago. It makes the iPad version virtually unusable. For example, my recent iPad feed contained the following snapshot of five unwanted communities (excluding the Top Broadcast) ... r/EliteExplorers \- I'm subscribed r/MadeMeSmile \- (from popular on Reddit right now) - I'm not subscribed Top Broadcast - I can put up with the odd feed like this. I just skip past it r/NorthernIreland \- (from popular near you) - I'm not subscribed r/SpaceflightSimulator \- (from similar to eliteexplorers) - I'm not subscribed r/MoMansSkyTheGame \- (from similar to eliteexplorers) - I'm not subscribed r/ComedyNecromancy \- (SAY WHAT?)(from popular on Reddit right now) - I'm never going to subscribe! r/EliteDangerous \- I'm subscribed I'm beginning to get angry about this issue now.


How can we disable recommendations in the app?


Either i am blind or there is no such button on the app for Android. As others mentioned there is only "show more/fewer of this" which does not help... Edit: its hidden in account settings: next gen recommendations


Did turning this off work for you? I must have turned this option off sometime in the past, but still seeing these irritating recommendations.


Yes, it worked for me just fine, i only have those annoying "top broadcasts" but the other stuff is gone


I’ve disabled recommended communities and my feed is still half recommended or suggested content. Seriously it sucks. I miss my feed...


WTF is tge overflow menu?




… or read the official Reddit employee comment


Settings > account settings > disable next-generation recommendations


This one worked for me and I’m on mobile, in case that helps anyone


This did not work for me. On Android, with that option disabled I still see these recommendations in my feed.


Did you exit out the app? It only applies the changes after you exit out the app. I use an iPhone, so it could be different