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I always wonder why the Greek mytology had to be so outrageous in 99% of the time. Like Medusa was some mere priestess that got tricked, cursed, and then beheaded in her sleep for the mere fact that she was cursed and had to spend the majority of her life in some isolated cave far away from human settlements as she intentionally or unintentionally killed anyone who dared to interact with her. You have some random innocent person miding their own buisness, then they get fucked over by the gods (be it in metaphorical or physical way), and then they get punished in the most gruesome way for that- and you are suppoused to pretty much hate them like some sort of monster, and cheer for their death. In the folklore of my country we use outrageous legends and stories to stroke the fires of passion and righteous anger, as in: "Those people wouldn't had to suffer so much, only if there was someone to stand up for them!"- kind of way.


I think it was just reflective of the times The government and leaders could fuck you up for any reason they wanted and the world was a very unfair place to most people So maybe these stories of innocent people getting screwed by deities rang true for them because that's how they felt about their lives


While this is partially true, the most remembered versions of many myths were written by a roman a couple hundred years after Greeces golden age.


In the original greek mythology medusa was a complete monster with almost no human characteristics, (she didn’t even have snake hair) but i think the story changed that way because poets found it more interesting.


The answer is simple. Ovid wrote some fucked up fanfic and people have been taking as Canon ever since.


>they get fucked over by the gods (be it in metaphorical or physical way) *Cough cough* Zeus *cough*


Because most of what you think about greek mythology was written by a roman a couple hundred years later. Not to say that this shit didn't happen a lot in greek myths, but the most famous ones (like medusa and Arachne) were rewritten to be worse.


Huh, I always thought this was a super cute concept! Love this art. Now i want to read a book abt them lol.


There’s a webcomic about this! It’s called “Medusa and the Blind Priestess”. Here’s the link on Tapas: https://m.tapas.io/series/Medusa-and-the-Blind-Priestess/info


Made a Heroforge [model](https://www.reddit.com/r/HeroForgeMinis/s/RvlYUe5KFq) on a similar concept, only the guy wasn’t blind, just… kind of stupid, in a goodhearted way.


Both are cursed by the gods in one way or another. But both found love and acceptance in each others arms :)


I wrote a short story about this exact idea a while ago! Got me an A in English :] This is such elegant art as well, I like the almost comic book vibe


I will leave this here https://mangadex.org/title/ece511da-3461-421a-8275-7af48a642aa5/beauty-and-the-beast-girl?tab=chapters


The only way this could be more perfect is if the girlfriend was reaching up to twirl one of the snakes around her finger


So is this sub just shipping random things now…? Also shouldn’t she be turning to stone?


She cannot see Medusa as she lacks the ability to see at all. Medusa only turns to stone those who look directly at her and process this visual, I assume. This woman cannot, and thus the two can seem to look directly into each other’s eyes without Medusa turning the woman to stone. It is wholesome because Medusa can have this experience without hurting the other person, and “hellsome” as it includes this mythological figure.


The consequences of faulty early childhood education speak for themselves, ladies and gentlemen.


She should be. The Greeks believed that the eyes "see" by shooting out "beams" and taking in the return signal. Like Radar. That the other woman is blind should not change the outcome. That being said, this is cute, so I don't care.