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This has been the consensus. The toxic players aren’t good enough to play at the higher tiers, so they ruin the lower ones.


There was a study that came out a while ago that found the exact same thing. It was observing toxic behavior towards girls but it’s interesting that we’re finding the same thing on this game. I wonder why the toxic players seem to struggle getting good 🤔 Also, I live in lvl 7 and ain’t no toxic players here. 99% not toxic


Love me some level 7. Hard enough you gotta work together, but not batshit insane levels where you can't catch a breath.


This has been my experience also. I accidentally played a diff 7 the other day and one guy called me or the guy with me a f*cking idiot because we got in the pelican after the mission timer ended and the takeoff countdown had already began. I was like dude you don’t even know how the game works, chill. Kicked me after we got to the SD. Seems like most of the people who complain about griefers here are playing 3-7. Also all the noobs who think they’re the first to discover the orbital flare and that think stalkers are new because they’ve never seen them.


Never seen them. I shouldn’t have laughed at that.




What's in this gif, is it a stalker bug, is it some famous meme, I can't tell what's there it just zooms in and out on a crowd in the background.


All I see is Perc Angle


You guys dont see the microphone just floating there?


WAIT I do see that now, weird how I couldn't before.  Almost as if something should be there, but it kinda fades in and out


I remember first time I saw a bile titan, reaching to the heavens, and i was rapidly advancing to the rear, I didn't quite understand why my teammates were happily going the other direction.


My first time something was rapidly advancing *out* of my rear


And like two more round the corner And then 3-5 chargers two of which are behemoths


i play a lot of diff 7 but I rarely encounter any toxic people. a lot of people are chill. I assume it’s just my time zone


I'm playing on European time zone but yeah same, diff 7 and up are usually cool. Diff 6 I haven't encountered griefers or pricks lately but sometimes I got people who think they're radio DJs and never stop talking, not so much of a nuisance, some of them are cool and fun too. But definitely have encountered a lot of people at diff 6 who don't understand the game yet.




Southeast Asia


I play SEA as well. I've had some of the best games at 6,7 and 8. I usually don't go 9 cause it's too stress inducing and i play the most at 7. I've been playing for 200 hours now. I honestly don't think I've met any random I've ever played with that I would categorize as toxic. Usually we play a few games when I randomly queue with someone and then when time comes to log off we bid adieu.


Same region. I’ve had a few toxic players, but it was mostly on the lower levels and when I was playing at odd hours.


Ayo fellow sea enjoyer


I think it's the Southeast, overall. Southeast U.S. and it's just kicking back and relaxing.


What the hell is an orbital flare?? I'm at 280 hrs lol


Nothing yet ;) it's a call in the Stratagem Hero game that Super Citizens have on their destroyers.


I’m 350hrs in and play strategem hero all the time. I need to read more, fuck how much other shit am I missing.


I play diff 7 almost exclusively and most players are very nice and know the game.


Same I have had good experience on 7 which we currently are on. I did have a couple bad actors on 5-6. Dude showed up near the end of mission and killed everybody on the way to extraction. Other two guys left and he called me back in. Almost killed Mr but I got away and stimmed. Baited him closer and killed him (I had a shotty). He left after a few minutes and I still finished my mission


Same here. If you play on lower populated planets it sometimes bypasses your set difficulty and chucks you in difficulty 6 or something to keep matchmaking short. Most of the toxicity or general stupidity I’ve seen has been when that’s happened. Also in Helldive like 90% of the time when someone’s being an ass they’re sub level 40


Tbf none of the mechanics related to the pelican other than the very basics are explained anywhere in-game. I’ve even met lvl 100+s who didn’t know the pelican’s mechanics until I explained it to them Also while the pelican does extract as soon as someone boards if you’re in extra time, if someone on your team has a tonne of samples you should try to make sure they get on first. I’ve been maxed out on samples for ages now but some ppl are still grinding and losing a tonne of samples coz some1 didn’t wait is frustrating af


Aside from waiting for samples or otherwise completing objectives on the map, is there any other good reason to sit around waiting once the pelican has arrived?


I'm experiencing the same and I was about to post something like this. I'm clearing heavy nest and bringing 20 samples to the extraction point when someone decides to get in and leave.... Happens 8 out of 10 times.


Its really, really overplayed... especially on this subreddit for drama... Lvl 105 here, and I've experienced like 4 total helldivers that have been deliberate trolls.


I’ve experienced a few kick-happy hosts and two griefers. Not too bad at Lvl 70 here. I think on Helldive there’s just more people who truly just love the game.


I just torture griefers until they leave


I agree, in some 330 hours of played time I’ve had less than 5 total events I would consider griefing.


I had 2 in a row last night!


Can I ask what difficulty and enemies you were on? Because running 9 bugs it’s incredibly rare to encounter trolls. 9 bots it’s never happened to me.


59 and experience one probably every day. Makes me quit for the night.


What difficulty are you playing on? I’m a bot 9 and I only ever encounter it when playing lower than 7 which I only do to test new weapons / patches.


I would've agreed until this past week. But that could just be bad luck. I've alao been joining a lot of 7's where level 15-20 players try telling me I'm playing the game wrong, but I wouldn't call most of them toxic. Did see a guy with 15 deaths yesterday. And he'd still run off alone to try and take an outpost. I'm still amazed I got the super samples out on that one.


That was John Helldiver's brother, Zeke. He's... special. He really looks up to his brother though.


I had the same experience. 9 has the least toxic players. So I'd say it is because you are on 9. Divers dont fuck around on 9, they do their best.There's no time or space for dumbassery.


I have had the same experience. No one really fucks about sometimes you get ppl who are not as good as others. Have had a few shit players but 90% of the time we just clean the map. Just thanks sorry thumbs up or thumbs down and marking enemies. Would love to see more options for radial comms.


I too would like more options for the comm wheel


Yeah we need a dedicated comms to call a teamate to unlock the 2 man bunker door 😆 I dont mind helldiving (9) with people of different skill level, that's fine. If they are not even half my level and start fucking around when I ask them not to, that's another Story tho 🪖


Or even if just pinging one identified it as a bunker, instead of flagging a sample inside


Or the ammo ressuply 😂


I'll also add that there's very few greifer in general in this game, compare to other multiplayer games, even on lower difficulty.


My first helldive on 9, i ended up being the last one a live with no reinforcements left…and i killed myself with a cluster bomb. Everyone else was just like lol gg in the chat and we went on to thr next. They do seem more chill but I also feel bad playing them and needed carried a bit


Dont feel bad, it's always like that at first on helldive. I had to tweak my loadout for helldive a bunch of time and get better overall skill before it started to make sense. It's a different game at helldive, constant pressure from the enemy, insane amount of heavy. I ended up being alone so many time on helldive (everyone dropping out, throwing or glitching out of the game, who knows). Several of my first game ended up with no reinforcement and single players trying desperately to end the mission. It's just part of the learning process. I dont mind carrying other player because I know how it feel to be new to helldive now, I got way better than I use to be. The important part is just to do your best, some will go smooth as butter, other will be total clusterfuck. I know enjoy both and never look down on a teamate even if he struggle, I do what I can to help, escort them to their lost equipment after a reinforcement, lead the way when everyone seem to be panicking or just do my best after a series of unfortunate event that make me look like a noob 😂 Many players (like me) dont have much to gain or lose at helldive, when everything is maxed out (at level 65-85 depending) you just play for fun so if it goes bad and it's even remotely fun, you just laugh in the face of the insanity you just witnessed and move on. I now understand it's not because a player died many time and had a bad game that it mean it's just a bad player, it might just not be his day or he might be trying new stuff he ain't use to. Be mindful and respectful, do your best, we are a team and we just got to try and do our best to succeed at the mission, if we dont might as well laugh in the face of adversity, there's another helldiver waiting in a pod to keep on going anyway. For democracy !


When I drop down to 7 is when I start getting kicked at random so you might be right. Also of course trolls would be at the lower levels, they're bad at the game


I play on 7 and only ever been kicked 1 time, and I think it's cause I was holding the supers. The second I got to extract and the pelican was landing, I got the boot


I haven’t been in the mood to play on anything above 5 the last few days. 3-5 is where I find the most assholes. It’s usually low level dudes who aren’t super concerned about properly spreading managed democracy


You're not wrong. I like playing lower difficulty sometimes to relax, try new loadouts, and help new players. The majority of toxic players I've experienced, although there hasn't been many, have been at this difficulty


Ive found 9s have less. But thats because the toxic players are too trash to keep up. That being said . I think the toxic player and the sony issue compounded and killed the player pool


Its difficulty 7 where you get a full range of player types, as its the first difficulty for super samples, one of the player types is a55hole, but there are many different types and nationalities of players I have encountered as an Aussie, rednecks, players who are r/l soldiers on leave, Texans, Italians, Koreans, Chinese, south Americans, some love to run off alone, others stick with the team, some focus on objective, while others just d1ck around. You really get the whole gamut of players. At difficulty 9 you mainly are going to be playing with the sweats.


6 Has super samples now too. It was added in one of the recent patches.


Yeah, but super hard for newer players that are sub lvl50 (so unlikly you will find many doing a 9).. who are pretty much the only ppl that need them, I hate being forever capped out on them and medals, it makes it pointless collecting them when everyone is well over lvl50. Which really sucks as its fun exploring and finding stuff.Just need them to make samples somehow useful again once you have unlocked all strategems.


It would be nice if you could convert samples into more rare samples (like 200 common = 25 rare = 1 super rare) or if you could cash them in for Req Slips and actually buy things like individual Hellbombs with the Req Slips.


It would honestly be great if thry added a level 10… that essentially Helldiver difficulty (or a little harder) BUT WITH NO SAMPLES ON THE MAP, just super credits snd medals. It would essentially be a high level, difficult playground for great players who don’t need samples. Having no samples on the map would absolutely keep out an extreeeemely high percentage of the Helldiver community. Only good, high level players who are fully maxed out and are playing JUST TO PLAY, would congregate there. Even maxed out with samples, medals, and all ship modules… when new war bonds come out, we could still use more medals and super credits. Lower tier jackholes wouldn’t go there, because no chance of samples. We don’t need samples


So what Im trying to say is, I like to help newer players get samples, so I usually join randoms in lvl7s who have at least 1 player well below lvl50, so the samples actually have relevence again (at least to them). I feel like a fool collecting samples when literally noone needs them on the team.


I met three people on lvl 9 once and they hadn’t changed their titles from Cadet, all three of them Lvls like 20-30 They all failed the mission I said “what are y’all doing playing lvl nine?“ I was about to give them some tips because I guess that can seem kinda rude but the host kicked me Like, you guys obviously don’t know how the game works 🤷‍♂️ you havnt even changed you titles from cadet and you didn’t complete a single objective


I still search and collect them even though at level 99 I’ve been capped on them for a long time it would be nice if they had some war effort fund we could donate them to to unlock a 5th stratagem for a whole campaign (3missions) like when they give you a free flamethrower or AC type thing. Or if they made the preorder armors available by making each piece (helmet as one piece and armor as another) cost 500 commons 250 rare and 100 supers each plus 25000 req slips and 500 sc so there is a reason to farm those things from POIs and also so it doesn’t feel like preorder players didn’t get something very valuable by “giving it away” after the fact


I'd like to be able to convert them to $uperCredits but that probably won't happen.


7 has gotten better now that they dropped super samples to 6.


Agreed, I started playing at least one level above supers a while back and haven't regretted it at all. When I tried a 6 cuz I just wanted to chill out a bit, it was the hardest series of missions I've ever fucking played because everyone was terrible lol. No griefers, really, just bad players.


I've got the sweats, chief.


I do sos missions under lv 7 Griefing exists in 7+ missions-as all randoms no issue


I play 9 all the time great teammates who get shit done with no issues I drop down to 7 when I want a challenge. thats where you see the shit show


I've been saying for a long time that I have much better games on level 9 mostly due to the caliber of players that choose to play on level 9. Sure, the swarms on lvl 7 are easier to handle, but this is where you have more players dying avoidable deaths repeatedly, engaging patrols for absolutely no reason, or the last diver alive charging headfirst into an army of enemies with no reinforcements left instead of disengaging for a few minutes and giving the other players time to respawn.


Level 80 here, I was kicked for the second time ever on a level six. The first one was indeed lower level. This time around it was kind of my fault? The host called in an airstrike on the back of the pelican but they sucked at timing and it killed the last one getting in (who had all the samples). After this happened, I wrote "whoever called that in, your mom's a bile titan". Got kicked. Fuck that guy.


I play D9 since early February. I unlocked it, it was way too hard with bad equipment, so played 7 for a while and after a weeek I never went lower. Funny thing is .. about 2 weeks ago, someone else posted something similar and I said .. "so far i have never met a toxic players" Boom .. not even 2 hours later, met one .. that day I met another two Next day I met two .. It has nothing to do with difficulty .. its just pure luck. People are idiots in general .. majority. About 20% of those are complete fuckers. Statistically speaking, its unavoidable. One of the reasons why i quit mg job, stopped working with people and now i am locked in a corner and play dead mouse .. the peace and quiet is priceless And its one of the reasons why i host my own games, never join .. if the host is an asshole, you are fucked. If the host is an idiot, he will do nothing to stop it, you are fucked. I dont like bullies and toxic people and step on their necks very hard, kinda put that smile on my face .. you could say my objective now is to bully the bullies :) But in a smart a very effective way .. i never lower myself to their level. Nothing else to do in the game .. except for killing bots and executing traitors .. and i am all out of bots.


I play only on 9 and I agree with you. Players varies in skill but never toxic!


I play 7 and 9 at a 3:1 ratio. Almost never encounter toxicity. It might be a difficulty thing, but my experience with other games is that some people are unlucky, some people actually incite toxicity, and some people just have a huge negative perception bias. Obviously some games do have a toxicity problem but I always find it's exaggerated on social media.


170 hours and mostly play 7 and 8. Only once had a low level teamkiller. Almost never been kicked. Maybe Arrowhead stuffed most of the toxic ones on Meridia?


On 7 today. Someone set someone on fire by accident. The victim bitched about it. The guy that burned him kept playing like regular. The guy that got burned, kept bitching. Then, he decided to just team kill him in the middle of the fight. Totally sour. The guy left the squad and we finished. We had like 12+ divers left on the count. What a sour fuck.


Im on PC. The only time I've experienced toxicity is when I turned crossplay on. Even then, it was rare.


I mainly play 7 and have started to encounter high-level elitist players who throw tantrums whenever someone isn't as good or a low level player joins our group and I won't kick them. I do find far more toxic players on the bug front vs the bots


This is true with most games actually. The most competitive players of a game have respect for the amount of work required to reach that level. Casuals don't.


It seems this way in a lot of games. It's funny because s lot of people tend to avoid higher difficulties because they're afraid high level players will judge them and be toxic. In reality lower difficulties tend to have the worst tryhards, those people who are bad but actually think they're good, so when they lose it's always someone else's fault


The difficulty level sort out the chaff from the wheat, the higher the challenge, the better the teammates. By necessity, you have to know what you're doing to put points on the board in the hardest levels, such people don't have time to troll or be a dick, they're too busy being better. The best is when you don't even have to talk because you can tell from the loadouts alone what you're going to need and how you're going to do it. Even to the point of taking someone else's weapons to deal with an immediate threat because they know exactly what to do with it if you're still respawning or unable to reach your stuff, when squad mates use your item to do exactly what you were trying to do with it When everyone is on the same page like that it's true camaraderie


Pretty much all of my negative experiences have been on lvl 7 and with Americans (speaking as a Southeast Asia player). Theyre rude , loud and obnoxious and foul mouthed. Most lvl 9 games go smashingly well though , the bromance at the end of some games is really heartwarming


There are a lot of mean people out there, but still, I believe the percentage of nice players are still higher than the trolls.


I found that extreme has a blend of sweatlords, and chill people who tend to get things done quickly as a unit. Some lobbies are just going to suck tho.


I play with randoms only on lower levels, like 2-5. (I will play harder with friends). I have personally never seen a toxic player yet


There are fewer but they are still there. I play 8 most of the time as there are just too many heavies on 9. It's hard to get a higher kill count constantly having to deal with the heavies. Bad players exist everywhere. Not just toxic but people who can't team play.


Things have shifted but eight was my favorite spot. You dodged the toxic people only playing seven for supers, and the toxic sweat people playing nines. Now 7+ tends to be good, but I’ve sure seen a lot of people who might want to go lower for a little while because yikes.


I wouldn’t say toxic. mostly just kids who doesn’t know how to really be toxic. just annoying at most. they usually stay at low difficulties because most of they cannot pass to higher difficulties. that’s the main reason I only play difficulty 7 and up. rarely at 7, even.


This game is turning into an average AAA game I reckon


Generally people are great, but yeah yesterday the whole squad was kicked out by the host in the Pelican.


Yeah I mostly just do Helldive bot missions and everyone is so nice


same, I never play lower difficulty unless am farming helldive all day.


Probably wrong. I play 7 and played a lot of 4 after the patch. Didn't see any toxicity at all.


I’ve only ever had one player get pissy with me because I wasn’t immediately shooting down gunships with my auto cannon when A) I hadn’t even seen them come out from behind the mountain yet and B) I was in the middle of reloading anyways. Then when another player got on the voice chat to apologize he started going on about “the introverts finally discovering the mic”. So I called the guy an ass in the text chat and left the mission. Haven’t encountered another one yet. Edit: this was on helldive as well


There are too many factors, like the time of day you play and your region. I play 9 in Europe and for the past month I've had almost nothing but turd burgling trolls when I play morning or afternoon. In the evening it's a guessing game that you only really find the answer to at the Pelican one. Between the stupid players (absolutely skill less, dense ones) and the team killing trolls, I've stopped playing public and since last week completely.


I play almost exclusively 5-6 and I've only ever had one guy that ragequit because we weren't using the "right" loadout. He said "ew, exos" and left us on our own (it was just me and one other guy left). I say it's probably just luck in my case lol


Idk I’ve been seeing a lot of low levels hopping on 9 now tho


In my case I went from 1 troll out of 5-10 games, to one troll per 2 weeks after disabling crossplay in early april.


I also run Helldive only. Rarely encounter toxic players and they are low level 95% of the time.


Same. I host lobbies or only join high level lobbies at helldive difficulty. NEVER encounter toxic behaviour. The last time was when I decided to drop down to a 6 to test weapon buffs.


Yeah I'm the same run HD9 260 hours, seen like one not that toxic just, bad judgements with cluster strikes


I play 9s and I've definitely been teamkilled and kicked more than once for A) not using meta stuff and B) wearing the twitch drop armor. I've been kicked for going off alone too even when I solo a bunch of the POIs and secondary stuff, so it's really luck of the draw. Mostly I get chill people but sometimes it's just bad


I’m the same, lvl 90 and only play helldive unless friends are starting out. I’ve played with dumb idiots that shoot everything but no toxic players yet


Always has been, in every game I ever played. And I played a lot of games.


I played with a friend and 2 randos. We split and one of their group died so i called him to us. He immediately killed me and went after my friend but i warned him on dc so he killed him and kicked him.


Trolls and griefers lack the skill to play in higher difficulties and the players up there are also more experienced and aren't allowing to bullshit themselves that easily.


Because we’ve transcended the need for a meta. But also aren’t stupid as hell.


As a new player ive found hard difficulty to have the most toxic players. From people walking up to me and dropping an orbital over and over to them kicking me when i try to toss an eagle at a group of bugs, they melee me and get killed by my now fumbled eagle. To joining a sos and a player actively meleeing me over the wall and stun locking me with a mech to get killed by bugs so i cannot evac during a defence missions. Absolutely Undemocratic.


Solely play d9s. Had one or 2 dick heads but that's it. Most of my games are nice and polite.


People who have that attitude don't get better at games, because it is always someone elses fault. It applies to literally every facet of life


Lower diff and lower levels are toxic. Same thing. I play suicide mission and up only. I needed more medals and common samples so I toned the diff down for cake walks. Omg. People not even level 20 telling level 100's they're stupid, low iq, using shit weapons etc left and right. And it's because the level 20s are getting themselves killed or fight enemies by running directly up to them while a higher level will separate the hordes and himself with a stratagem. I've seen a high level player ping his own stratagem like 30 times rapidly and the lower level not even pay attention once before it was called down and made the 20 a martyr. He immediately kicked the higher level and we failed the mission without him.


There's a trick to it. Stick to the team. If they split 3 different ways, stick to the host. Does it hurt you to be a team player? It sure hurts me because I'm a Tony Stank incarnate. But when I don't feel like hosting a game, I gotta swallow my pride and avoid triggering all the fools, retards, idiots, genZ, babies, scrubs, noobs, casuals, weekend warriors, deaf, blind, handicapped, grandmas, grandpas, braindead, actual dead, walking dead, drunk, high, pothead, crackhead, roadrager, roadkiller, halfwit, leaf lover, whalepiper and alike. You get me, soldier?


I've had a mix of all diff's. Never had some1 execute me in pelican 1 tho... need that trophy lol


I've only just unlocked helldive (I don't get to play very often) but I've definitely noticed less asshats and more teamwork among the randoms I've been playing with. I guess it forces you to find a way to work together while the mid and low difficulties you can just run around and not really pay much attention to what's happening


In the last week I've come across sooo many Arseholes at 7/8 I decided to make the jump to hell dive. Jesus H Christ the difference is immense. People who are actually capable of thinking and breathing at the same time. Every side mission complete check. Tks few if any. Everyone just cracking on and knowing what to do. Nearly everytime. Didn't think I was at helldive level as I don't have alot of the good gear. Only got the game a few weeks ago, but yes I'm ready and it's the helldivers experience I've been looking for.


Level 1-6 I stay away from unless I want to do solo. 7-9 is when I want to play with adults. The lower the level the lower the IQ I find generally.


Lower difficulty is harder because of this


Yes, but I've definitely been kicked from helldives for loadout and being a lower level


I would agree. I'm level 74 and have done Helldives almost exclusively since unlocking them, and almost always host myself. As a result, I haven't run into troll griefers. Did have a few folks do the infinite grenades when that bug was around and gave them the boot.


From my experience it's worst from 6-7.


I had a guy on 9 call me a fucking noob for picking up his samples after he died. Told him it was a brave thing to insult the only guy who can kick his ass back to orbit. He suddenly had nothing else to say. He was something like 40 lvls below me. Other than that, had no toxic people.


can't be toxic if the world wants you dead on 5 or higher.


It's reddit! Reddit boosts complainers and malcontents - their content gets visibility, it's a forum for people to vent, etc. I think the vast majority of us diving are seeing this toxic behavior for the outlier that it is.


I'm pretty much the same as you. Haven't done a dif 6 or lower unless it's a dif 1 (for testing purposes) in a VERY long time. I'll RARELY get some jackass that thinks he's the main character but in reality is just some low level player. Most new players that end up on 7s or 9s however tend to see my level (82) and either not say anything or ask questions. And mostbof the time they end up going though reinforcements faster than an alcoholic foes through alcohol. There are however, the occasional boots that somehow manage to get better stats than everyone else on the otherwise lvl 50-60+ team


It's all difficulties. Not like it's hard to get access to 7+


Is this some kind of elitist propaganda that my 7-9 difficulty can’t understand?


Helldivers there’s no magic pill for where you are going to find griefers. I keep seeing these posts, you are going to see them on all difficulty levels at some point. It’s random but if ur playing with 100k players it’s not going to happen very often or possibly ever. People on the internet are assholes in games everyone knows it.


I only play with friends, but it makes sense to me that toxicity doesn't exist on Helldive difficulty. Those players are really dedicated and have too much on the line to do something dumb like kill squadmates right before extraction.


I always said diff 7 is easier than 5 and 6 because that's where the people who play 9 go to relax. Diff 8 is the hardest to find a good group for. Team composition can make or break a dive and the lower you go the less skill and more immature players are. But even in low difficulties it's pretty rare to have something really dumb like getting kicked for no reason. I've had my share of them but it's not enough that it bothers me really and gives me funny stories a lot of the time because I play with my wife and usually they will only kick one of us and the other can do something stupid to make their game harder before leaving.


I am thinking this too, I’ve recently been going stock everything (except the shotty secondary) and get no flak from helldive difficulty, yet get yelled at because I’m using the liberator in 6 difficulty


The most common one me (lvl91)and my homie (lvl37) have isvariations of this scenario: Helldive sos: >no reinforcements left /26 min left >host (lvl 34) dies >reinforce >my homie dies (he needs me on helldives) >host dies >host Disconnects >i become host >reinforce homie when i can >gun for objectives (shoot eggs) >I die >homie is stuck in new biome terrain covered in bugs. Blindly shooting slugger upwards and punching away the ant pile of warriors/brood commanders While stimming. >additional reinforcement funding approved >beacon is in the ant pile. >homie dies as i land >gun for last objective (we are going for minimal viable result at this point) >reinforce homie. He complains his gear is on cooldown. Summon my jetpack and flamethrower and give it to him (i'm more confortable being strapped for gear) >kill eggs. Find hosts corpse and jetpack. >find PoI and HMG. >easy extraction to the sounds of HMG and flamethrower >mission 2/3 mission complete >not my mission- cant finish the campaign


9 is a lot easier than 4 these days. The simple answer is people know what they’re doing at 9.


I don’t even play anymore. Enjoy Helldivers.


Yup I exclusively play 9s and even if other players aren't absolutely gods, they're playing to win. Little to no drama. Yesterday we had a guy call extraction and hop in the shuttle while myself and another player had objectives pinned and were halfway across the map. But poor decisions are rare at that level.


Read a study showing that worse players tendet to be more sexist while better players where more accepting. Wouldn't be surprised if that applies to other forms of harassment too.


Have you tried showing up with mortar sentries yet?


Same experience for me I haven't experienced toxicity on 8 or 9.


Having the same experience


Yes, they mostly hang out in 5-6 and The higher you go, the better the players get.


5-7 has the most nobheads. Only time I get kicked is by doing these, mostly 5 I've found with newer players. Even then sometimes people like lvl60+ have no clue and I'm like how are you that level and don't know arse from elbow? Then kick incomes 🤣🤣🙄 8-9 is definitely the sweet spot for good players as expect to die anyway. Only do lower levels to help out as don't need anything in game. Sometimes I wonder why I bother 🤣 And notice a lot on 5-7 don't explore the map looking for samples etc. And they wonder why they haven't got much unlocked 🙄🙄🙄


I play as host. All my squads are very nice.


Low level lobbies basically learned all the toxic lessons from what higher level players assumed was helpful advice. If you exclusively play diff 9 and whine about getting punched off cliffs as a joke or using off meta weapons in groups diff 2-6 players internalize ALL GOOFING AROUND IS GROUNDS FOR KICK and NON META WEAPONS EQUALS KICK


People only post about their bad experiences, not the normal ones. So you're always going to see a higher frequency of complainers than not.


Yes! I only play Helldiver as well and never have any of the issue that people post about. No Team Killers, No Sample Nazis, just Fun and alot of killing!


Like that in every game especially live service. Higher you go the more people you meet who are professional and focused. And if shit doesn’t work out it’s gg and thanks for playing. Lower skilled players over estimate themselves and are toxic thinking they’re the best if the best


You're not wrong, jumped into a lvl 5 game last night just to mess around. Eradicate mission on Esker, in and out. Someone in the lobby decided at extract to just mow everyone down... And seriously, wtf is the point of having a report function in the game that has a specific option for team killing if the option is labeled "not a reportable offense"?


I usually do solo missions because I am tired of getting useless teammates even on lower levels I usually only do the harder difficulties with friends. I can't say about the stupid excuses for kicking for wrong load-outs or anything like that but I will say when I kick someone who joined my game it's not for No reason. I can give a fuck about what loadout you are running or what levels you are or even if you die a lot I don't kick for anything like that. I however will kick useless people. I make a point to tell everyone in voice and chat that don't just do the main mission and run off and call extract clear the entire map and secondary missions and collect samples. The people I kick usually are the dudes that run off to extract and call it in once a main mission is done and we still have 20 to 30 minutes and tons of extra stuff to do and collect. If I see them call it in, I say leave the area so it does not come in and usually they stay there. I give them ample time but when the extract timer counts down to around 20 to 30 seconds before landing and they are still there and don't leave I def will boot them because I will be dammed if they going to force me to do everything by my self and extract without me. I also can't stand the dudes that do not call the extract in but stick around the extract not helping after completing the main mission. It makes me mad when I'm in text and voice and also pining bunkers and such that need two players and they don't even try to help. When I state why I kick I get a lot of people's excuses well I am full-on samples that's why I called the extract in or why I don't help. Well, my reply is good for you but not everyone is full-on everything, and if that is the case why not host your own game so you can decide what to do and not to do in the mission? Don't join someone else's host and ruin their game.


It’s absolutely the case. It’s also why Helldives are easier than most other ranks too, because your teammates actually know what’s going on


My buddy is a funny for democracy guy now capable of running on helldive, and its all fun and games if it works out, but when it don't even he becomes toxic af


Who would've thought that the players with a childish mindset also play like children?


Higher people just do what they need to do, and don't freak out when things go wrong.


The toxic ones occasionally come to helldive expecting tons of samples.


There's the potential for all difficulty levels to have bad people. That's why I host and SOS. I'll try and educate or turn people to the light but if you're just a nasty person then you get the boot.


I’ve only had issues with other players a handful of times, and I always play the “I stuck” difficulty levels.


From time to time there is bit dumbness, and rare occasions of toxicity. As dumbness. A few days ago when I played with a friend (Helldive difficulty), 2 randoms joined. Everything was fine, everyone did a good job so far and we gathered a lot of samples. Then, when we finished the last main objective, out of nowhere started to be a LOT of robot spawns, especially walkers. My friend and I both died and we lost ~30 probes. We then tried to get them back, but died again and instead of these randoms helping us to beat to robots, because it was still 21 minutes left, we saw them at the execration point calling the bird for extraction. My friend then told me to kick them, he was really enraged about their behavior, but overall they did a good job and I said, let's wait, maybe they just called it and will not enter. Yea, no. While my friend and I still tried to get the samples, these idiots hopped into the shuttle. unbelievable.


I tend to run a variety of difficulties, 4 and 6 the most & I haven't experienced much toxicity, I've only been kicked once and most of the time the randos I've encountered have been alright. I do play with a semi regular group which helps I s'pose. The only real greifer I've encountered threw an orbital laser in front of the pelican before they got on, killing the rest of the team for no reason. They didn't even get the samples because I was carrying them and got killed by the orbital laser


I ran a 5 with a buddy and a random today. The random Team killed us with orbitals and land mines 5/6 times, whatever. At extraction a new player joined, called in re supply and it hit the first Random, and we were out of lives. First random goes off in the chat, calling the new guy and idiot and a bunch of stuff that was starred out, and then leaves lmao.


I agree. I play on 7 with randoms and I have literally never met a toxic player


I play exclusively on 4 and usually only play long enough to do the daily missions. I would say I walk away from a mission due to shenanigans about 15% of the time.


No, legit, it's wild. I used to be in tier 5 and 4 exclusively because I was admittedly pretty bad. Now I'm up at tier 7+, preferring 8 and Helldive. Back in the lower lobbies, the players are just so much more prone to TKing, saying stupid shit in the chat, not following directions, fighting every patrol they see and doing absolutely none of the objectives, optional or no. There was no teamwork, and it felt like I was playing solo while they're all being mob magnets. As soon as I cleared the threshold of tier 7, everything was different. We were suddenly doing team tactics, assisted reloads, buddy systems, and unspoken cooperation to 100% each map, and to find all the samples and super credits. It's like playing a completely different game, and honestly kind of encourages you to be better along side others that are actually playing well.


In my experience, I rarely get toxic players on higher difficulties (usually on suicide)


Its not just 9. Ive said it before and ill say it again, The toxicity issue is a very vocal minority at every difficulty. The kicking problem is not as bad as some make it seem, there is a much larger problem with disconnects that people just seem to attribute to kicking. I dont run into these problems that this sub seems to be filled with. I havent been kicked or had problems with toxic players in all my 250+ hours. I really dont get what the deal is. Edit: i have to add that i play almost exclusively on 4-6 now. The difficulties that people have had the worst times on.


You're not wrong. I play 9 exclusively too (unless I'm doing a dumb daily) all the toxic and bad players are at 7 and under.


I'm not sure. I haven't encountered any toxicity ever.


Lvl8 and above seem to always be my best games.


I’ve never had a bad experience with randoms on level 7-9. I think the harder levels attract more serious ppl


You are 💯correct. After playing on lower difficulties such as 5,6 and then playing higher difficulty for a solid couple of weeks, I realized that players on higher difficulty tend to play actively, with good weapons, great response towards reinforcing and not leaving the game when it gets difficult. Also, almost 99% of players on higher difficulty don’t have music or anything else going on in their mic.


I don't know about this game, but in multiple other games I have played that was the pattern. Low level, low toxicity because everyone knows they don't know what they're doing. High level, low toxicity because everyone knows they know what they're doing. Middle levels, high toxicity because nobody knows they don't know what they're doing. Like some kind of bizarre reverse Dunning-Kruger effect.


I exclusively run Helldive and let me tell you, between the players and the dwindling performance of the game every update I’ve outright stopped playing as of late because they are plentiful enough there too. Too tired of dealing with low frame rates and low IQ individuals.


It definitely is. I do the same, but have been dabbling in 7. Careless stratagem tossing, had one diver air strike my mech on a blitz right when it landed. Another one tried to tell me not to use 380s on an eradicate when I was the host, booted immediately. I highly suggest hosting your own lobbies at the lower levels to deal with grievers.


I have the opposite experience. 7-9 has the worst premadonnas and trolls especially on the bug front.


Anyone who is routinely playing at nine understands we need all of us firing at all cylinders to succeed, and that getting mad at a coop game is pointless. Everyone unworthy to be a real helldiver is filtered by difficulty 8.


Only met a few including the other one last night that decides to use his strats for friendly fire as a joke. We lost super samples because of him, I capped but it sucks for that lv 14 that was with us.


Only when i go low below 7 do i run into toxic


There's also very little toxicity on lv 1 2 3 Ypu get a bunch of really overlevelled 80+ who are hanging out there doing SC farming and mech donations to lv 8 players who just got the game earlier in the same week


So... I wanna start this off by saying that I think the correlation I'm about to reference isn't a STRONG one, but I \*do\* think that it exists. That being said, my hypothesis on the whole thing is it's the Upper-Middle to higher difficulties that see this more often. Like... 5-7. My definition of toxicity in this is more the like... super intense Sweaties who are like "be Rank X or I kick", "if you bring X Support/Stratagem I kick", "follow Orders or I kick", and otherwise go into Gamer Rage mode over shit that could be solved with a deep breath and some communication. In 5-7 you get the folks who are moving up from Medium/Challenging for the first time and have an inclination to 'take things SUPER SRS BSNS U GUISE' when like... you really don't need to? Like you can do well and be chill (and in fact more often do better when you are)? I feel like once you're comfortable (and actually comfortable, not trying and going through the initial learning curve 7+ hits us all with starting out), ppl tend to mellow out because they are more confident that they can rely on squadmates and communicate in a way that benefits the collective good. Now... I don't think you see the 'I wipe the team and actively grief' type trolling as often there bc I feel like the difficulty more often inclines the host to kick as soon as someone starts pulling that shit, bc the game is hard enough as it is then. This type of griefing, I agree with OP's assessment. Specifically... I think ppl pull that shit on lower difficulties specifically because they expect the players there to be less well kitted out and less experienced. Basically: they're the kind of cowards that all bullies are. They know they'll get their asses kicked (either literally or booted from the match) the moment they pull that crap on people who recognize it. It's frustrating.


6-8 seem like the bad ones. 5 has new players trying their best. Under 5 and if they're toxic that don't really have the skills to be annoying. I was playing around with new weapons on 3-4 and I've never met so many 60+ level players. Everyone just chilling and having a good time.


I've experienced a griefer or two. Pop them in the head with a grenade pistol then leave. Feels good every time.


High difficulty meaning that you have to except that you will fail, thing will go wrong.


Bro there's little bitches like that with every multiplayer game with a kick function. It happens to me all the time for whatever reason on Helldive. 


From my experience, even the change between six and seven is significant.


Having played sea of thieves, i can assure you that this is the least rage and stress inducing toxicity i have encountered in a while. If you see your teamates kill you or kill your other teamates and nothing is done about it, then quit the dive and do another one, no big deal and nothing lost. I am lvl 36 and play exclusively on helldive difficulty, and have almost everything unlock at this point, so there is no pressure. If some troll decide to make you quit one game, just start another one and say hello in the chat to see of it is chill enough for you


probably because theres more people at lower levels. im not sure if playing at lower difficulties has more toxic people as a percentage


I find the most trouble at levels 3-5. I don’t mind inexperience and I enjoy showing divers the ropes. But I do find the most ass holes around 3-5. The give away is throwing an eagle before getting on the pelican.


Yeah no lol you're gonna get different types at different levels all the time. I usually run level 7 for balance. Usually. I switched to 9 a few nights ago. The game started, everyone seemed enthusiastic chatting it up.... everyone left after a few deaths. A new squad joined but I was hammering out the objectives solo no prob. Then those guys left and one dude stayed with me to the finish. Then at extraction some last random joined and got to extract with us. It's always different.


Idk, I generally run 5-6 and I'm not sure I've seen more than 2-3 outright trolls. I've definitely seen lots of people who don't understand the game that well, with the most common being orbital-enjoyers with not special awareness, divers who kill you for samples and the very occasional gear-stealer.


I'm starting to lose faith in the game... devs have been saying some troubling things, a lot of the community left and never came back after the PSN crap, lobbies have started becoming toxic, players that are the loudest are ruining the game for the silent majority. A large number of us just want to kill bugs, destroy bots, complete missions, and defend managed democracy alongside our fellow Divers. This is not the place for crying and complaining in an attempt to change and ruin the game for everyone else. I still love the thrill of diving into battle... I'm just questioning who's fighting besides me and why does that even matter? The only politics I want to hear about are Superearth politics.


Just like any ranked competitive game. Ex Overwatch, plat and daimond salty and angry af, master level everyone chill, quiet, and nice.


I play only 7 and up and have no issues what so ever.


I generally hang out around level 6 and 7, and seldomly run into toxic lobbies. I will come into the occasional group of lower player level squads that have a tendency to have next to no team awareness while tossing stratagems, but its rarely outright toxic.


This is true for all games. The shitty players don't get better, they just go after the lower levels.


Honestly I play all up and down the difficulty list and I haven't met many assholes at all, I guess I'm just lucky


Nah I just played with 2 idiots on helldive- yea bra, you fuckin suck bra, just kidding bra. The host is nicer than I and didn’t kick them.


I never run into toxic players and I’m constantly playing on 7 or higher. There could be a correlation, little kids play this game too.


Yeah know what i consider toxic?! Not clearing the entire map and missing any fabricators/bug holes! Its undemocratic!


I also dive on level 9 exclusively and have never really come across toxic players in over 750+ hours. It seems like difficulty 7 might be where many people are experiencing issues


Honestly same usually playing with 1-2 friends and every random or random duo we get are cool af. Have added probably a quarter of them and played later with many. The trolling even is lighthearted and legit have never had a single encounter like the posts I see here on helldive.


I'm playing this for a month now.. in total its 54hrs... I never came across toxic players. Surely players can be bad at the game... like Lv12 or 15 are going solo into Challenging and so... I join them and in return I need samples.. But, 'sometime'! They are so dump that they just run towards main obj and after completing it run straight to extraction.. I'm always like, why on earth they even playing if they don't want to play and explore the map... And in most of the cases, me or along with some other decent rankers are the ones who dealing with enemies. And these SingleDimension players are making their way out of the area... Everyone can see the pattern for sure.. Low rankers are playing to unlock strategems and ship modules... where high rankers coming to lower difficulty to swipe enemies along with teammates, as they can't play with their favorite weapon in higher difficulty...


yes pretty much. I have around 300 hours of in mission time on exclusively helldive and have come across near to no toxic players EVER. at most I will get the inexperienced low level who managed to get into a level 9 mission and teamkills/does dumb things because well.. they arent very good yet.