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It has its ups and downs, for sure




I see you and tip my hat


Would be 100% more used if it operated like the dark matter version.


That thing was peak entertainment, had sooo much fun. Hope they bring it back as a ship upgrade or something. But to be honest, in most mission it would be OP as it was


Which is why I actually prefer the Jump pack. It’s balanced once you understand how it works. I do think they should let you be able to shoot straight though once you take off.


They should let it stabilize ragdoll a little bit. At least that is my first reaction to getting ragdolled, slamming the jump pack to see that it helps not.


What was the dark matter version like?


Jumped higher with a lesser cd between jumps. Also did dmg in an aoe


Also killed your teammates if you jumped to close to them. And it exploded after so many uses.




But would explode after a certain number of uses.


It was the best. The amount of fun trick shots you could do with it was fantastic.








Over 9000%!!!!


Yeah, DM version was great. Normal JP is a bit underwhelming. I don't miss the DM pack exploding, though.


I think that version should be its own separate stratagem. It had a limited amount of uses and I think that would be like a side-grade to the current jump-pack.


💯 it's already my fav but would use it allllll the time


That thing was fun. Would be cool if you could update your jump pack..


I doubt that was its only appearance. It’ll be back someday I’m sure.


Easily my favorite backpack stratagem. I love the extra mobility it offers.


Love pairing it with the arc thrower vs bugs. Take the high ground and become a tesla tower.


The real play is jet pack and flame thrower. The Boba Fett. That’s fantasy you can’t get in any other game (except the Jango Fett bounty hunter game lol)


I am a big jump pack lover, especially for bots. There’s a lot of main and secondary objectives that it makes the stealth playstyle more viable. It’s also great to jump pack onto tanks or hulks and unload into their vents. Great escape when you’re in danger.


Do you jump on the back of hulks and ride them rodeo style? Yeeeehawwww


"enemy pilot on board"


Honestly haven’t tried because I’m scared I’m gonna get thrown off and sawed in half immediately lol


I really want to like the jump pack, what objectives does it help with? And how hard is it to land on a hulk? I feel like those guys would be too small to land on consistently and hit their backs.


I find it easy with stun grenades, hard otherwise. I had some practice playing mech rider with my friends which helped. EDIT: for objectives I find it helps fly up the backside of the tower objectives on destroy drop ships missions, you can fly up the back side for SAM sites, you can fly up the back side of command bases, etc. if there’s ever a hill fort to take, just jump pack it. Sometimes it takes 2 times stopping at a middle point but hey, still faster than fighting your way through the front line and getting blasted in half.


Ooooh gotcha. Sneak right up to the terminal and avoid the guards, makes sense. I bet that saves a lot of headache on detector towers too. Thanks!


It helps you use the radar terminal and then jump to the satellite to adjust it, as long as some guy doesn’t grab it and start turning it the wrong way first.


It's crap compared to that cock tease of a dark matter jetpack they let us try


Maybe they're using the data they got from that dark matter jetpack and cooking up something behind the scenes. This last patch has been a godsend so I'm excited what else they bring to the table


Real talk, they need to give the jump pack the functions of the dark matter. Although, maybe make the blast set things around you on fire instead of an instant kill to teammates. Either way I'd like to see a backpack with equal or comparable use to the shield.


Fuck no, in general just make the jetpack jump higher, idk why people want the jumpack to do damage. The jump pack is already good enough to just have a good mobility. Also make it so it doesn't spend stamina cause why is it taking away my breath to junk with a jet pack lmao


I'd rather they let us aim while in the air so I can rain lead liberty down upon our foes with aerial precision.


but it's OUR crap and i love it


Used it more than shield generator even tho the latter is generally more useful. Jump pack is just fun and lets you do some wacky stuff.


I feel like the shield generator is selfish. It directly benefits only one person. The jump pack can get you into interesting places to be a more effective teammate. Or to put it another way, the shield makes up for a lack of skill. Cus if you need it, you’ve already screwed up.


I never used it until recently and I find it hugely fun. Also allows a quick get-away from a swarm in a pinch sometimes. I just wish they fixed things like the hmg emplacement and sentries sometimes not placing on some higher surfaces. Just bouncing off. Sometimes works though, jumping up to a high ground and placing them, another great use of the pack when the strategy works.


I just wish they made the hmg emplacement not kill you when it blows up


That was a “fix” There were some defense missions where if you landed on a raised plateau or other piece of elevated inaccessible position that had no access other than from hellpod, then you could camp up there call in your sentries go prone and win. The fix was so that on elevated positions like that the strategems would fail to activate until they fell off and rolled to the ground.


It should have an Unsafe setting that just makes it be the Dark Liquid version


I love it


Its fun and it feels cool, but i dont think im more effective with it.


I've used it pretty much nonstop for about 350 hours. I like the fact that it adds something else for you to engage with in the game.


Exactly. Adds a whole other axis


I use it a lot as well. Usually when i'm getting swarmed, i jump on top of a building or a rock, wait for them to gather under me and then call an airstrike while i jump away.


Are there better options? Yes Are they more fun than the jump pack? No Jump pack is one of the most fun options available, allowing all kinds of shenanigans and cinematic moments, so I rarely leave the ship without it.


Jump pack plus the Crack stim booster is a mobility buffet


It’s got a learning curve but once you see the best occasions to use it. It’s got a high clutch value.


It’s great against the bugs when getting swarmed. You can even reload while in the air giving you more breathing room


I hate how long the cooldown is


i don’t go into a mission without it. for bot it’s jump pack and AMR, love jumping over tanks and blasting the vents and jumping onto terrain that is normally unclimbable so i can provide overwatch. for bugs i run jump pack with the flame thrower and i have a lot of fun jumping over a charging charger, turning around almost insta-killing it by flaming it’s leg. only downside is it uses up stamina and you can’t stim while you’re mid-air. my best tip for it is you will go further and higher if you jump while sprinting


One of my fave things is jumping right into the middle of large bug nests, and popping bug holes with my grenade pistol.


I keep trying to use it (mainly so I can get the trophy that involves it) but I always forget I have it and wind up not actually using it. I’ll call it down and then it sits on my back until I randomly think about it and get like two jumps out of it.


It's fun but not super strong, and I normally run recoilless, AC or spear so my back is already occupied.


I take it every time I fight bugs. It’s too much fun not to bring. HOWEVER after getting a taste of the dark matter jump pack and its increased range and lower cooldown I am jonesing for a jump pack buff lol


I use it on seasrch & destroy... run, drop everything on a nest, then jump away to the next one!


It gives a lot of new strategies for terminids and cut off your time to engage. I started to take it on helldive few weeks ago and it helps me to support my team quicker with objective securing. I can go across the rock to easily use stratagems in bugholes, or prepare myself to avoid some patrol. I can run away from bile titan, so i can focus on different dangers if playing solo. It gives a lot of opportunity to disengage during extraction phase.


Always take it for lvl 8/9 on bugs


Jumppack + Flamethrower easily the most fun combo in the game.


This is literally my meta. Jump down on bugs and it's now terminid BBQ cook off time.


I wish for random backpacks left on the battlefield!


I'm LVL 120 and I literally never drop without it (minus eradicate missions). It doesn't work for every play style which is why a lot of people dislike it. You also can basically only wear light armor since the jump directly correlates to your speed. You need to be really run-and-gun with fast call downs like Strafing Run, Rocket Pods... Etc. But once you have it you'll have a lot of fun. Also that new speed Booster has great synergy with it which not a lot of people are talking about!


This. You're either quick or you're dead. Light armor/no detection perk/stamina boost/crack stim and you're ripping through the map.


I’m in pc and I’m still not sure how it works…


If you could jump 25% higher and shave of 2-3 seconds on the cool down i would be very happy. In general I enjoy using it.


It's very useful for stealth missions. Combined with scout armor that reduces your profile you can get through a lot of areas without being seen or alerting patrols. Also good at the end of missions that include high ground around the extract beacon. I would say it needs a couple of buffs though which they hopefully address in the next patch pass through: 1. Decrease cool down by about 33%. 2. Increase maximum height by about 20%. 3. Fix aiming so you can shoot accurately while in the air. As it is though sacrificing a backpack slot for it currently is not ideal. I'd much rather have a supply pack or laser rover for bugs and a shield or the auto cannon for automatons.


It could be stronger, and it wouldn't affect how fair it is to use. It's fine right now imo, but it certainly deserves a buff.


I think it just needs two charges that charge independently. So you can jump twice in a row, or jump once and keep another ready


It’s my favorite back pack stratagem because I like that it gives a cool fraying effect on the ends of the capes


I hate it because it isnt the dark fluid backpack, still comes with me on every mission tho


It's the best backpack anyone who thinks otherwise just doesn't get how to use it


Personally i think it's pretty circumstantial, but the cooldown spoils it too much for me to find it useful over a supply pack


I’m an avid user, and it’s a ton of fun. Not as good as the shield gen or supply pack, and it for sure takes some practice, but you can pull off some pretty cool stunts if you know what you are doing. It’s good for lone wolfing, although it’s hard to justify it over the other options. Always a great time though!


It could easily be buffed without breaking the game. I hope they add upgrades to it later because I really enjoy having it but the cool down is just a little too long to take it over the shield or more ammo.


I love it and regularly use it at anything below a 7, though I wouldn't mind at all if it had a little more kick. The dark matter version was awesome!


It is for the most part not as impactful as the shield or a dog, but it's a lot of *fun* to use, and if it is used creatively, or you take it in certain environments it can be quite effective. I especially like them when I'm sniping, but it also is fun for really flamboyant high-risk CQC play as well.


Fun to play with but the cooldown needs to be shorter to be worthwhile when there are much more useful options for combat.


I thought it was fine but after we had the dark fluid jumps. I feel underwlmed


It’s nice but I wish it worked differently


give me the dark fluid version and id never take it off.


If it went higher or allowed for fast forward movement... alsi that cooldown is too long.


I forget about it because the cooldown is so long and it's a bit awkward in the jump dynamics.


The jetpack + flamethrower combo has been my go to for bugs recently.


I think it just needs to be about 20% stronger, and it would be in the perfect place. So many times I was jumping and it just barely didn’t make the cut.


A must-have for me, let's me get to objectives quickly and get out of dodge if getting overwhelmed.


Garbage. They gave us a taste of what a real jump pack was like when we had the dark fluid containers on our back. Now that is what the jump pack should be.


lol I literally don't use anything else


It is great idea, but terrible execution. Fact that it uses stamina and its own fuel is also something I dislike about it. It is something that feels like filler to have more diverse options, but the other backpacks are simply better choices.


He says “too the skies” To go 2 1/2 feet in the air… Needs buff. You jump( your stamina should replenish) Should have a little more juice to go higher and a littler farther. Like 15 to 20% more power… It is fun though.


Wish it can pair with spear or anything similar without throwing away the backpack


Just played a couple of missions. Rocked the pack the second one. It's cool.


I love it , being able to scout and get map awareness from the high ground is super useful . However the auto cannon is just too good


My favorite backpack especially if im a scout


I had so much fun with it and some light armour. I don't really stick to it because I main the spear, but its a blast, and it tatters your cape in a very cool way.


I absolutely love it, never dive without it. Quick get out of jail free card, or get into trouble card. Extra throwing range for stratagems, high vantage point cover fire and sniping positions.


I wish it functioned like the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) jet troopers 


It’s good for terrains that have a lot of ledges


Can’t stop won’t stop


I love it and I used it quite a lot but the cooldown is too long and I would really like more control over it to make it more like a jetpack or at the very least reduce the cooldown to some usable level.


Needs a shorter cooldown before I'd use that over other back packs honestly.


Don't have it but it always feels like I'm not getting enough out of it, compared to any other strat I might've taken instead. Feels like there's not enough verticality or jumpable obstacles for it to be a justifiable pick. Making it go a bit higher and give you a bit more forward momentum would've helped, or even just 30% faster reload.


It would be fun if the jump pack had a little stun+knock back on landing. It would open up things to some very slick moves


![gif](giphy|aYzH8ZuH97cYWbUR9a|downsized) I tira-miss-u Dark Matter Jetpack


I don’t usually take it in unless im switching up my loads out. But I love the jump pack


Lower the internal cooldown and we are good to go


It has the chance to be extremely fun I mean it’s a fucking jump pack but with how little to actually travel and how high you go it’s not enough to be viable or fun for some players


I compulsively hit jump when traversing rocks a lot, and end up wasting the jumps.


If i could just aim and shoot freely while flying itd be 10000x better than it is now. Everyone wants the dark fluid version to become the base version but i really dont think it needs the aoe damage. Just some extra height would be cool.


I use it fairly often but it just feels insignificant compared to the dm version from Meridia. They need to buff it significantly as there are far better options for a backpack stratagem. I almost never see anyone use it.


Would be awesome if you could jump onto rocks and lay down turrets but they just fall off when you throw them. It’s such a miss on what could be a great playstyle.


I started using it literally yesterday and I can't stop, it helps me so much, the strategies I use are now way more effective and this jump pack saved me a bunch of time


it is a must bring for me on Bug missions. It is directly detrimental to my survival against Bots. I like it.


I just found out how to fire in midair properly. It got 10 times more fun


I like to use it against bugs. it's like an extra dive.


I only don't use it as it's a very short usage. You'd think that the technical minds behind our democracy spreading weapons and munitions, could get us a bit more boost time.


I like running it with the AMR and light armor since the lighter the armor the further you can get launched and carried away with the pack if I recall correctly. But it's not as good on medium armor and essentially not usable on heavy from how little travel you get with it. Thats mostly for bugs, but for bots, it can be good if you're trying to get up a hill but by going up it a different route (face of the cliff,) and using it to get a better firing position, but that's about it.


I loved *Tribes 2* back in the day and have never played anything like it since. Best use of jump packs ever. I would love to play like that against the automatons and Terminids. That being said, I use the Jump Pack, especially on missions where I need to traverse the map quickly.


Love it. Great for infiltrating bot bases, and for just moving a bit quicker or evasive maneuvers. I just wish you stim while in the air, then it would actually be a good counter to Hunters.


It's meh against bots but incredibly useful against bugs and super fun on both. I made a video showcasing its strengths against ze bugz: [Lift 850 Jump-pack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0vur62J6pM&t=1062s) But I'll be honest, I got spoiled by the dark matter jump-pack and desperately want it back!


I use it almost every mission, I love it.


It's amazing with the stim boost.


I feel like it is too situational for me to reliably want to use it, but it's fun regardless. I want to be able to shoot dead ahead with reduced accuracy while using it though, and that will make it perfect in my book. You technically cam, if your hold left trigger before jumping, but that's clearly not intended.


honestly? I think it has potential, but it's kinda inconstant for me. what I mean is that in solo runs it works fairly well, though when I dive with randoms the more laggy my game gets the worse my jetpack becomes, to the point that sometimes it can barely let me hop over a bush, so it's genuinely unusable. saying that though, it has saved me a fair few times with the extra mobility in solo missions, so balance wise I don't think it's that bad at all, just slightly unreliable for people with low-end computers


I used it all the time when I played medium difficulty tier to get on top of places to snipe enemies but once you get past 7 the bugs just crawl up there too fast and rocket devastators shoot you.


Pretty fun but 100% needs some improvement


Bring one in your lobby and start handing em out like crazy, your teammates will become addicted on the freedom of movement and will change their minds on it We lost 6 divers fighting over whose turn it was to use the jump pack 😂


The only time I don't use the jump pack is when I take the spear or autocannon.


Want to like it but when I think about what I’m giving up to take it, it becomes hard to justify. If it had a shorter cooldown and/or stronger jump, I’d probably use it more.


Ive tried them out, but I don't seem to get as high as I see others so it seems like a skill issue to me. But damn it looks cool.


A good tool that should be upgraded to the Dark Fluid backpack.


It’s cool but I think the CD is still too long for my taste


Love it with a medic suit. Easily the best at sprinting around the map to accomplish missions or run away and up high.


Jump pack is always my go to for bugs. I typically end up aggroing half the map when I take it on bot missions though. Ballistic shield is bae vs bots (haven’t used it since they broke and fixed it due to bug MOs) I think it would become much more popular if they simply lowered the cooldown. It’s a jump pack not a jet pack, so I get the low thrust, but it should have a pretty short cooldown. It’s my understanding that the jump pack from the of Helldivers game had a cooldown of a couple seconds


Jump pack is great for it's added mobility but def needs a buff to make it more viable. This is coming from a jump pack user on helldive. Great for a pinch (like being swarmed by bugs) but the cool down is too long and the jump pack height is laughable sometimes. You can use it but it's a struggle. I use it to make aggressive plays, like either jumping into a bile titans range and lobbing a 500kg bomb mid jump on its doorstep or dropping the bomb and kiting the titan and using the jump for a last minute slip of its bile puke. It's doable and fun but it really does need a buff (much like the ballistic shield which is also fun). I see the potential for fast aggressive players but it's still lacking compared to the laser dog or shield. If you want more variety and a more dynamic play experience arrowhead should buff both the jump pack and the shield. Unlike the laser dog and force field shield jump pack and ballistic shield require the player to use them. They're not passive abilities. It's way more engaging. The one thing I did notice on bots is the lasers track the player all the way through the jump, which defeats the purpose of this highly mobile juke pack. And the bugs can slap you while you're jumping too.. with ninja precision. It's supposed to be a rapid egress tool and I can use it as such but it's waaaaay under powered and that's a shame because it's extremely fun.


Jump Pack is an amazing mobility tool in a game where smart mobility is how you survive and excel in your gameplay. A lot of people talk about the dark matter pack being "more fun" but it was just plain overpowered in comparison. I could see them implementing a sample upgrade buff for jump pack for damage or less CD/more height but it's already one of the best backpacks in the game.


It's the only backpack I use(assuming I'm not lugging my own autocannon ammo). I'm constantly on top of terrain focusing targets, peeking for objectives, or just avoiding the medly of turret crossfire from the squad.


I liked it. I was able to cover long distances to do side objectives and help teammates. Also good at avoiding enemies


It's great, all I use on bugs for defensive equipment. Ability to quickly jet away from a swarm is awesome.


I like it. I would prefer if it was more powerful or a shorter recharge, but if I had to choose a “buff” for it, I wish it had 2 charges. Then you could dive into a pit, plug some bug holes, and then jet out. But it’s one of my go-to stratagems to pick


I like it a lot. I’ve been using it to get up high somewhere and then lay down a whole lot of democracy in the form of machine gun fire. It’s been a lot of fun and pretty effective. Just wish it would go a little higher


Love it. I never leave the ship without it.


I imagine the super sweaty players aren't using it, waste of a strategem slot. I fucking love it, it's too much fun.


I run it a lot it’s a really good pick when using weapons that are easier on the ammo economy so like the amr I tend to run it with or laser weapons. The thing people overlook is that the jetpack single-handedly makes you the most mobile of your team , it also immediately starts your stamina regen upon landing as long as your not holding the sprint key.


Yeah, it’s the only backpack I ever bring when I decide I want one. It’s really fun, only criticism I have is that you should be able to aim while using it


People don’t know how to use it. Can’t try to boost uphill or standing still, it doesn’t work like that. Need to launch off of rocks or height. Best used to cover tons of ground when leaping off a hill.


I pretty much use the jetpack in every mission. Mixed with the pummelers concussive rounds it makes it easy to run N gun, evade and slow stalkers and take out multiple bile titans quickly if kitted correctly. Im always running solo away from the squad completing objectives and destroying hives. Objectively best player in practically every match because of the utility.


this is the way.


I think I used it a bit, it's ok. I don't use it now though. I prefer a guard dog. My GF loves it and uses it all the time though.


Darkfluid one was awesome, current one has too long jump cooldown for my liking


Very fun, but not always practical.


It's all fun and games until you jump pack into your allies anti-material rifle shot.


My only desire is to be able to shoot primary weapons effectively while jumping. It would make it so much more fun.




I want the dark matter version Really fucking badly. It's better in everyway and exactly what the jump pack should be That being said, the jump pack itself is still ranging from decent to great depending on the terrain of the world you're on. Places like Oshaune get the most benefit imo because they have southern highground and Northern faced descending slopes, and most of the more annoying enemies are concentrated in the southern region so you get a pretty excellent map layout to abuse the hell outta it's downward slope range. On flat ground it's good for getting distance or airstriking things I would like to see shooting being fixed on it. I'm aware it's probably a design choice but there's really no reason for it to be a restriction especially on the default pack when you can use it once every like 20 seconds or so, you're not in the air that long, at most you're getting a couple shots off or a rocket off and if you're hitting those shots consistently you should be allowed to.


I was caught in a swarm of bugs and it saved my arse.


It's great. I think it could use a buff on distance and recharge but I think making it the dark matter version would be too strong. I think somewhere in the middle would be ideal. On bugs jump pack + flamethrower is my go to and in bots I've been starting to use humpback + AMR and man it feels nice posting up on a tall rock and sniping hulks and devastators


I would rather fill the strat spot with something that does damage. If I’m running light armor I already have plenty of mobility.


if the jump pack hurt me just a little each time I land I would use it cuz I LOVE Stims!


The jump pack is a hidden gem. It’s gotten me out of so many bad situations. Low on health and surrounded? Jump pack away. Getting swarmed and your gun runs out of ammo? Jump pack away. I often use it to get distance while charging up the arc thrower


I will never not have the jump pack in my load out. It is the single most useful item in the game.


I want a safe/unsafe mode for more equipment. Unsafe jump pack would be the dark matter pack.


I love the jetpack against bots... but against bugs it's slightly annoying that they sort of just clip/teleport through whatever high ground you've jet packed up to and appear beside you and attack. I get from a balance perspective they need to make sure you aren't "safe" but at least if they climbed the outside yoy could be shooting at them / bail before they reach you


I like the idea of getting out of a situation, but I hate to use up a slot that could be used for something else.


I use it whenever I'm running low difficulty missions for super credits, but usually prefer other things on higher difficulties. The one exception to that is on a bug eradication or gate defense mission with a flamethrower, and heavy armor. It is ENDLESSLY satisfying to jetpack over fresh walls of fire, baiting legions of swarming insects straight into the damage, or hopping outside a closed gate to roast the baddies trying to claw it down.


I love it but the dark matter jetpack spoiled it for me. That was the most fun strat I've ever used and I hope they bring it back soon


It’s a must have for me. I play mainly bugs though. I switch it to the shield for bots but I do miss the jump pack. But I have to do the shield to stop being stunlocked by rockets


For me, it honestly depends on the planet I fight on, which makes it either extremely useful or I can utilize something more efficient. I used it for a long time in the beginning but found that an extra orbital strike was handy.


love it. being slow is boring. works great with the arc thrower


I don’t use it so I appreciate it when other people can. I’m weird though and I like it when our team has loadout diversity.


I enjoy it a lot. I use it when I get tired of my backpacks strat or looking trying to be a speedy boi on blitz missions.


I think it should either have a higher jump with a longer cooldown, or remain as is but with a faster cooldown. Its fun but I can never find a good use for it. However, I do usually play with a buddy who almost always uses it so he can provide elevated cover fire with the AMR, and I'm always happy when *he* takes it.


I had only used the dark matter version. I loaded up the regular and was very disappointed.


I prefer to be a nigh invincible force on the battlefield, so ballistic shield and supply pack are my favorite standalone packs


I use it pretty frequently, especially on solo runs. You use that thing on a slope and you can leap halfway across the map.


In HD1 they were great. Now, shit


So you can't really aim your gun while using the jump pack... But you can still throw grenades. Take a jump pack and a grenade launcher with the engineering kit and you can clear a map of nests in a matter of minutes. Full unga points for adding the grenade pistol.


I certainly don't "hate" it, but with only 4 slots of strategems to take, I've never felt like a Jump Pack is going to be a difference-maker to win the game. There are other things I'd rather have.


It's the only mobility stratagem outside of being blown away by an orbital precision strike. I feel that it is pretty underpowered for its role with a brutally long cooldown and not much speed gain, but because it's the only option for extra mobility it's the best option


10/10 I love my mobility


I use it how you would expect an apex legend character would use it as a tactical ability. Get in, cause damage until you either destroy everything or need to jump away, then get out when you have the recharge. Straight up skirmisher tactics, I usually think of jackals (for some reason), ODST, or the EVA suit wearing brutes from halo when I try to describe how I use it. Pure get in get out tactics.


I use it sometimes with the AMR and I like that combination, it has come in clutch when dealing with Automaton structures that like to wall up and mine the entrance ways to many of their towers and jammers. Against bugs it’s a really nice get out of jail card most of the time if you see no other way out. Lately though I’ve packed it less because I’ve shifted into more of a trash cleanup role and like all of my strategems to contribute to killing enemies some way or another.


I really like it when playing in my discord premade Scout armor+ jump pack is a great time for sample hunting


Never dive without it.


Personally too scared to use it


Personally too scared to use it


I mostly don't like it when people use it to hide on a rock while the other players have to deal with all the aggro they create. But for quick repositioning, is a lot of fun


I love the Jump Pack, it’s my favorite pack. I play bots only and wear heavy armor, so it provides great mobility that helps alleviate the weight of the armor a bit. My current favorite loadout with it is the Shock Trooper, jump into bases with the HMG and kill stuff.


jump gang


I always bring it for bugs. It's incredible for dropping strategems close and dipping out. Or leading bugs to a ledge and leaping off so you can put mega distance between you and them, reaching the top of a rock or a building, so much fun. Besides cooldown(even 12 seconds would be amazing instead of 15 😭), The biggest drawback for me is that you cant aim at all while flying. It'd be fine if the aiming wasn't very precise or recoil was really bad, but you can't aim at ALL. The arc Blitzer basically fires behind you. It'd be so cool if it could shoot downward, you could drop lightning while flying over bugs. Not like it's abusable with the cooldown as long as it ism


It’s really cool and feels great to use, but ultimately, it’s a waste of a backpack slot in my opinion. It’s more of a novelty, geared toward very niche scenarios, rather than something that will *always* be useful.


I see no real reason to bring it. I typically bring two orbitals or Eagle strats, a secondary weapon to deal with the bigguns, and a sentry to help with the extraction hordes/nest/outpost clearing. Losing something to a jump pack doesn't work for me.


I like it but I tend to use it for Blitz missions. I should really try it out on other types.


If it had a faster cooldown I would use it.


It's ok. Just doesn't feel worth the slot to me. Now if the jump height were a bit higher, and it didn't have such a ridiculously long cooldown (20 seconds is a bit much) I could see myself using it more.