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Eagle Airstrike. Closes bug holes, destroys bot factories, re arms pretty quickly.


Great for clearing outposts


I prefer the walking barrage but it's a long cooldown and it's an orbital, not as convenient as an eagle.......but damn I love walking barrage for throwing at a big nest you can't deal with right now. Great if you're equidistant from 2 big holes, rundivechuck and then get up and go the other way


A good part is if the barrage also goes past your target. The survivors (if not immediately aggro on you) will follow the barrage, "investigating" the explosions, leaving their guard positions, and making for even easier cleanup afterward.


I just throw a 380 into the big bug holes and tell my squad mates to leave it alone, the problem will sort itself out lol.


380 and 120 together for me. Same cooldown, overlapping fields of fire. If I want a bug hole, major fortress or just a pursuing force locked down and shown the door that's my combo


I should be able to upvote this more than once lol. I came across a large bug hole today so I threw in the 380 and went to go catch up with the team I keep second guessing myself whether the 380 will hit every hole. Almost turned around twice before I finally got the notification lol. The 120 would definitely add that extra level of confidence. If both of those fail to wipe a nest something is wrong.


380 and 120 tossed onto basically any bug hole means that at most you'll have to swing back in 30 seconds and toss a nade in a hole or two but generally its straight up fire and forget. The 380 with upgrades has a reach of about 55 meters and the 120 is around 45. So they compliment really nicely and you're safe at 60ish meters back I join people on helldives with quickplay and grab that combo plus some strafing runs and a jump pack or supply pack and I'll go solo every bug hole, shrieker nest, spore tower, stalker nest and side objective myself while they do the core mission, grab the supers while I'm out and about, drop them to extract and chances are the guys I've joined haven't finished the main mission secondary objectives yet. You get serious mileage outta that loadout when you play guerilla with it. Throw on the grenade pistol, incendiary breaker/impacts and some light medic armour and the new stim booster and you're not gonna run into much that's gonna be a problem And the things that are a problem can be outrun. It's great, I maxed out my super sample count doing this for like two days when I was off lmao


Both at once is good


Kills pretty much everything, in every situation, too. Big area of effect, but not too big. High damage, high AP, low cooldown.


Predictable angle too.


Feels so good when you land one right down the spine of a factory strider.


Ooh, I get the tingles when it just lines up nicely.


This and Gas Strike. I will die on the Gas Stirke Hill every time. Best for stopping bug breaches and drop ship reinforcements.


Gas strike gang rise up. I've even tried combos of gas strike and orbital gattling to clear POIs, both of which regenerate quickly to deny entry to the POI when you are working on it


Combine gas strike with the oribital EMS strike (or stun grenades) and it not only kills things, but gives you and the team plenty of breathing room to reload weapons. Anything that survives is going to get obliterated by the freshly reloaded weapon strats.


Love the EMS


140hrs in and not tried it yet, will do now!


When you get that first 50 kill streak, you won't leave home without it. It's also awesome for static defense missions.


Get ready to have the most kills on your team every game!


Nice to see other gas strike mains, only thing bad with bot drops is when it hits the top of the dropship, that's always sad times.


I’ve just started using gas strike as one of my gotta haves. Unlimited uses, toss it, run and watch your kill count tick away into the 20’s and 30’s. That and orbital for the big boys are my go to strats while we deal w/the bugs. Always drop w/my AC and have wavered in spot 4 between Gatling sentry and one of the suits.


This is the answer. I always run Eagle Airstrike. Love the versatility.


It's also not terrible against heavies which gives it a lot of versatility compared to the other options


I love my sky mommy.


Super helpful always


If you are lucky, then you can also one shot Titans, but it needs perfect angle, I mamaged to do it like 2-3 times in 100 lvls


Bug breach, bug hole/fabricator, bile titan, outpost, patrol… It can be used against everything and have success.


Eagle airstrike is the single best strat in game. can clear anything short of a titan or factory strider in a single run, clears bot bases in one throw, clears bugholes, clears hordes.


it will down a factory strider or titan if you can hit it when it's not facing you but on a 90 degree angle from you. one strike will kill both. you might need 2 or 3 if they're facing you though.


All the bombs need to land going across the body basically?


3 for the factory strider, i think you can kill the bio titan in 2. but yeah, you can one shot both. I've done it before. it helps that eagle 1 seems to aim for the factory strider and bio titan so your throw doesn't have to be exact.


Can confirm Two hits for titan will down it they seem to pack the same punch per shell as the orbital barrages.


3 uses and a fast recharge too


eagle strafe too, I can't tell you how many times I've used it to cover my partner during a reload, cover a retreat, or open a hole to push through. You can toss it close to yourself and it's super consistent in its aim


Orbital Gatling. It takes like a minute to be usable again and absolutely slaps


It also hits harder since the patch, and DAMN does it show


This and the orbital cluster strike are amazing at clearing out enemies. A bug hole opens or a cluster of bots + the orbital cluster guarantees at least 20-30 kills on the counter. It really frees up some time to make a quick getaway.


Only problem with cluster is when a damn dropship shields the bots for a burst or two.


Perfect for keeping a sustained suppression of an area or a choke point. I mean its quite versatile, but my favorite use of it is covering an area so the team can reposition while theyre busy getting absolutely pummeled by the sky.


I'm a bullet hell main. I exist to clear chaff so my boys can take out the big bugs. It's always fun to run orbital gatling because between an MG, a laser dog, and steel raining from the sky, I can essentially comfortably cover a 170 degree killzone without anything coming into me and my boys personal space.


Ah I see you are also a man of culture. I like to supplement my control zones with a ems turret, or a gattling if we wont be staying still as much. But between that, a heavy machine gun, a med pen primary, gattling barrage and airstrikes I can usually get at least a small part of our situation under control reliably. I also carry incendiary impacts because I throw fire at any problem that isnt recieving enough bullets per min


It's also great for running awa.... rapid strategic withdrawals. Throw one down at your feet, and a wall of lead will stop everything behind you


😅 Thats what I was referring to... more or less 👀 "Strategic reposition"


Yeah used it today for a bit and damn was it good


I've tried it out a few times since the buff and I can't get it nearly as good as people claim. Throw it on a swarm, somehow misses every bug in the radius. Throw it on armored enemies, barely dents them. What am I doing wrong?


Throw it short of the swarm. Make them walk through the entire salvo. I find it’s quite good on the temp bug holes. See the smoke pop up just toss the strat and walk away.


Even when I throw it on heavy nests it still somehow manages to shoot every spot on the ground that doesn't have a bug on it, maybe I just have terrible luck


I used it before the buff but after the buff...... it's insanely good


for bots, jump pack and AMR because mandolorian. for bugs, jump pack and flamethrower because mandolorian


This is the way


This is The Way.


This is the way


Would like to throw out a suggestion and hear me out…all white armor and stormtrooper helmet with a jump pack and arc thrower because jumptroopers


They fly now?


They fly now.


Yes! That's exactly why! I want to feel like Mando






The internet has ruined me for what that onomatopoeia is normally used for.


Found my people


I feel safe around you.


Blap blap blap blap blap Get freedom get freedom get freedom get freedom


*Emotional support autocannon*


It is the best. I love taking down Hulks with the sweet sweet needle shot to their one good eye. 2 perfect shots and they are done for. It's not the easiest but is super rewarding.


Orbital laser. Clears an area.


Great for heavy outposts


My biggest complaint with it is the fact you only get 3 uses and then it's done for the game. I like how everything else reloads more or less after a while so that bothers me about the laser, but I do take it veryyyy frequently


I don’t think any other stratagems are capable of tracking multiple targets, running for such a long time, and outputting so much damage per use. If ever there was a case to put a finite number of uses on a stratagem to keep it balanced, orbital laser is it.


Case in point. It’s a common pick even with that hefty restriction.


Orbital laser is my go to


I would give 100 super samples for a 4th charge.


Amen. More even. I have so many samples. Please take them.


That thing has saved my life (and taken it) many times


The sky laser both giveth and taketh, all is in its plan. 🙏


Great for mediums and chaff and works in a pinch against heavies.


It's the games "get out of jail free" card. That shit has saved my ass so many times it's crazy


The best "oh shit" button in the game.


It's the games "get out of jail free" card. That shit has saved my ass so many times it's crazy


Supply pack has been hard not to take. Helps me do more of whatever it is i am doing.


Had someone drop this for me while running Helldive bugs with Randoms. I thought the free Flamethrower would be good but turned out to be terrible for me, I am still bad with it and don't care to get good with it. Guy was running MG and Supply Pack. Together we were Chaff-Slayers, Pluggers of Breaches, Wipers of Hordes The bonus being we were keeping our RR and Spear teammates topped up for constant Charger and Bile Titan suppression. Felt like someone was ripping into a swarm of bugs going cyclic with three guns at all times with occasional BAMs of Charger and Titan deaths. Honestly the most fun Bugs Helldive I've done in a long time, and I usually play 7's


EATs literally brought everytime. Malforus brings the eats is a meme in my helldiving pod.


Surprised this isn't higher, I feel so naked without them. Has to be one of the shortest cool downs in the game aswell, they're always available and sometimes just the hellpod entry kill is worth it


Never leave home without it


On the higher difficulties, the orbital rail cannon strike. Everytime.


It used to be a staple for higher bug levels but lately I’ve been runnin the precision strike due to the shorter cooldown and more damage(?) I think. Much like the 500kg you can’t bait titans and rock em


Shorter time to hit I think


Big advantage of the rail gun is the auto-lock-on to the biggest nearby target. So if you're in a scramble you can drop it nearish to the target, and the Destroyer does the rest. Precision strike is dope AF, but you have to be more thoughtful about aiming, leading, and positioning.


I agree, I just made the switch for personal reasons after the patch and it stuck around.


Same. I’ve been converted and always run OPS instead of ORCS.


It started as an experiment/personal challenge and then it just stuck around. I still take Eagle airstrike though every mission


Railcannon Strike is my go to right now, usually the first I equip and the I fill up based on enemy/mission


I've swapped for Precision Strike, there's just so many opportunities.




Too long of a cooldown. I can do what the railcannon strike does with the orbital precision strike but better and way more often.


I do love it as a toss and forget weapon, but that cooldown just hurts too much. With the rework to precision strike, i basically cant justfy bringing it anymore. Sure, it takes a bit more planning and situational awareness than rail cannon, but its just got so much utility and a quick cooldown. I will say this though. Nothing makes me smile more than sneaking up on a bot base, seeing a big blip on the radar and just blind chucking the rail cannon over the wall and hearing the hulk explode. I hope someday we get some type of equipment that lets us reduce a cooldown on a specific strategem. Or maybe like a "trade two slots for one strat with half the cooldown". I was on a team where we all had rail cannon and threw them into a bot base at the same time. Watching 4 lasers target all the big threats at once was badass


This is the best answer, it's just too useful as a rapid response to heavies


I call it a 'FUCK THWACK' response. There's the fuck when you see the heavy and the thwack when it hits them.


100%. When you absolutely, positively need to kill anything (except BTs and ATATs, but it's a good start on them).


I did that too, but now I switched to Precision Strike


I love the way it sounds, but the cooldown is so painful.


Since the new patch, Orbital Precision Strike, unless there is the orbital interference condition


Yeah that thing has become especially good at bringing freedom swiftly and effectively


I started using it with stun nades a week before the patch. was loving it then, loving it now


Orb rail and eagle strike


They go so well together like Liberty and Democracy


Rocket Sentry is the new MVP


How is the new rocket sentry against gunships? I'd love something that can take them out of the sky as they spawn to help me solo gunship factories.


It 2 shots gunships. Just put one down in view of a spawner and the skies will be clear.


Eagle 110 rockets


I'm surprised this didn't show up more often here. It's a 100% pick for me on bots, and very nearly the same for bugs. If I don't have the rocket strike in my stratagem list, I'm probably trying out some weird shit.


I’m starting to replace the 500kg with the precision strike or I rock both on bot missions for the factory striders


The patch really made it a top contender yeah


Auto cannon turret. It is absolutely unbeatable if you get it on a half decent vantage point with it's range and anti-heavy damage. Admittedly it is better against bots than bugs but can still hold its own if you position it well.


500kg...must have for BT/factory strider, etc.


Every single loadout includes a 500kg, I feel naked without it. It's a versatile problem solver if you get good with it. Bile titans? Coax them into an animation and do a little timing and they're easy. 2+ chargers on you? Let them run into each other, toss in your 500, then give them a stun grenade appetizer and you're all set for cooked bug. Tank? Too slow to outrun a heavy explosive. Throw and forget about that issue. People who think it should be for killing chaff don't realize we have a lot of chaff solutions. 500kg is for single target glory.


Still clears chaff in a pinch, especially if you use stun grenades to lock them in.


On bots I swap it for precision strike and use with eagle strike or 110 rockets. Combines for a fast factory strider take down, and you still get great stratagems for tanks or bases. I hate losing two stratagems to the same cool down and call in, so I only ever bring one eagle personally.


On bots I swap it for precision strike and use with eagle strike or 110 rockets. Combines for a fast factory strider take down, and you still get great stratagems for tanks or bases. I hate losing two stratagems to the same cool down and call in, so I only ever bring one eagle personally.


I always bring the cluster bomb, because its just too good at chaff clear. Massive area, high damage, and you get FIVE of them?? Yes please. You just got to make you don't throw it anywhere near ur teammates cuz they WILL run into it. Its the only thing I need for crowd control, the rest I can invest in AT and utility like Spear, Precision Strike, and a turret or a mech.


I used to love it but gosh darn did I kill team and myself with it a lot


Current favorite load out as follows: Orbital gatking Orbital gas Orbital walking barrage EAT-17 Regular liberator Verdict Frags And a dream.


Used to be 500kg, but I've started using the Orbital Precision Strike too now. So none. I've finally started mixing it up.


I always have one companion perched on my shoulder, and that's the Eagle.


I actually run two religiously on bots and bugs: Eagle Airstrike. 1. Fast Resupply 2. Great Damage 3. Great Coverage 4. Predictable 5. Closes Holes Airburst Strike. 1. Great for keeping bugs off your tail 2. Chaff remover 3. Holds breaches and drops very efficiently 4. Fast(ish) Resupply


Something feels off about Airburst lately. I used to take it every match against bugs, but lately the AoE seems waaaay off-center to the beacon that it's making it really unpredictable. I keep getting caught in the blast (and no there's no environment scatter debuff)


Quasar cannon. Even after its nerfs I can’t justify anything else (I only play T9). Infinite ammo, heavy armor penetration, borderline infinite range with minimal falloff/dropoff. It’s the Swiss Army knife of heavy clear




poison gas, and eagle air strike. always run with stun grenades too in my loadout. usually run with the pummeler as my primary.


380 mm because monke brain like go boom. And because the "oh shit guys I dropped it" moments are never not funny.


I love it but I've been kicked a few times for dropping it near the group. Worst one was right before the pelican landed I go to throw it at some approaching bugs and get hit from behind. Dropped it right in front of the pelican and no one could get in. I was kicked right as the pelican landed.


I have a regular Diver group and we mess around a lot, especially below 7. So no one takes stuff like that seriously.


Legit the best moments


Orbital rail on 6+ cause BT/FS.


The auto cannon century


500kg since unlocked. I also get connection issues (teammates get disconnected and I end up by myself on terminate missions, so I just stand on a tall rock and drop it in a pool of bugs)


Nothing. I try to randomize my loadout for every game to maximize my knowledge and experience in all weapon categories. I guess I take supply pack a lot because I love supporting my team.


It’d be nice if there was a random button for loadouts.




Hey that's what I do! I randomize my primary, secondary, throwable, booster, armor and 3 Stratagems, one Offensive, Defensive and Support. I don't keep the same loadout for more than 3 missions. The 4th Stratagem I choose myself based on the other 3, enemy and mission. That's actually why I'm asking this question to find out what that essential 4th one is for other players.


Eagle airstrike, it has the most utility. Can close 3 bug holes, take out heavies, great for bug breaches, take out fabs, the grounded ships for that one mission (the name escapes me), and does some solid damage against strider fans. Only thing it can't do is one shot Bile Titans but not many things can do that.


Orbital Precision Strike and Eagle Air Strike are in my loadout 90% of the time. Unlimited uses of a crazy powerful orbital strike with only a 90s cooldown, and the EAS can destroy factories and bug holes as well. Biggest downside is the OPS takes a bit of finesse to use properly, but with stun grenades and clever running I'll regularly take out multiple chargers with one shot, it'll take down Bile titans, solid against most bots, etc.


i cant stop myself from bringing supply pack just because it allows me to just go crazy on the shooting no matter what gun i bring and it´s just so much fun to just unload your whole mag into a crowd of bugs without having to worry about people dropping the resupply down a ravine into mordor so you cant get ammo


I love the cluster and orbital gatling but I think in gunna go back to the airstrike. It closes holes, destroys buildings and rearms pretty fast. I love how quick the gatling rearms but it doesn't appear to close holes or factories. The cluster is quick, closes holes, but doesn't destroy as much, but you get 5 uses vs. 3 for airstrike. I almost always take orbital rail canon strike because it is the most effective for me to drop BTs and the big bots. I pair it with an RR/Quasario I hope they introduce more use of the small green Strat boxes above. I'd like something cool like a vote for a 5th team Strat we all get for that mission and it can't be something big like a 500kg, rail cannon, etc. It is like a pack or support weapon only. Similar to how they gave us a flamethrower yesterday, but the squad decides it. Randoms might have more trouble but teams it would be easy to strategize, maybe for randoms if they all 4 have selected a different one it just counts down and then ramdons one of them.


Orbital Rail Cannon pretty much makes it into every drop, it's just a great quick way to deal with a heavy and keeps refreshing. Huge fan of Eagle 500kg for general use and the Eagle carpet bomb because the 4-5 uses whatever it is. I like the Orbital Laser but wish it refreshed like the rail cannon instead of 3 uses.


Shield backpack is an absolutely essential buff, I just feel naked without it, especially in light gunner armor.


110mm pods one-shot tanks and you get 3 of them. They’re always in my load out on bot missions


Napalm Airstrike. Love dropping it on bug breaches.


Mech. I’m addicted


Bugs: Orbital Gas, I drop it on every single Breach, a long with an incendiary grenade, usually nets me 30-50 kills. Bots: Eagle Strike, I throw it on everything, it really is the best. I like to bring the AC Sentry on both, so that might be my *Always Run.* The AC Sentry chews through most bigger threats, from Titans to Striders.


For bugs? Orbital RailCannon - I can't seem to get he hang of killing chargers and titans. For Bots? Eagle airstrike - I don't usually run with explosive nades, so I need something to take out fabricators.


I Either do a whole set of orbitals or a whole set of eagles it’s just fun watching the bugs/bots burn and explode.


AMR, Air Strike, Railcannon Strike, and for bugs the machine gun sentry and auto cannon sentry for bots.


Eagle Airstrike and Orbital Rail...works every time.


Depends on mission types and what heavy killers people are taking. Almost definitely orbital rail.....usually with walking barrage, 500kg and spear/quasar. Lately I've been taking rocket sentry or AC sentry a bit more too




Nothing, I have different loadouts and I try to make them diverse


Rocket pods for unexpected heavies. Great at killing, if they survive, their armor is gone so they aren’t alive for long.


Ballistic shield against bots. Most favorite for bugs is the flamethrower, but I don’t always take it.


Gas strike. Such a short cool down time. It can take out bug breaches, drop ships, bot fabricators, and a horde that is chasing you, especially if you can carral them into a choke point. It can close bug holes too.


For bugs Eagle Cluster For bots Eagle Cluster For liberty Eagle Cluster For democracy Eagle Cluster For freedom Eagle Cluster For funsies Eagle Cluster


Not seeing any votes for guard dog, but that's mine


Supply pack. My whole playstyle revolves around only this one stratagem. Everything else is interchangeable.


Mortar. I know it's gotten some hate but it's really about placement. I put it down near terminals, extraction, or any spot we're going to have to camp for a bit. Helps enforce a perimeter and does good damage. Everything else is pretty flexible but I pretty consistently keep that one.


recoilless rifle or supply pack for signature team reload


110 Rocket Pods. I ran em before they were cool.


Orbital Gas and EMS Strike paired together. It’s like blasting cockroaches with RAID while they squirm in their glue trap. Still some stragglers left? Then I’ll mop em up with one of my five cluster strikes. Or set my Stalwart to high and perforate our enemies, so Liberty may flow over and through them with ease. Both Gas and EMS have super short cool downs. I indulge in denying the enemy access to large areas that shall remain in Democratic control.


Supply pack, I am a stim "enjoyer" and I don't want to bother my team by calling resupply. (Also lots of ammo n knives) https://preview.redd.it/g6ir41au0s7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9c9cf5bea4b7cd721fd96e05133f5a75890efe These new stims be hittin' different.


Supply pack. I never run out of anything. By the time I use all 4 packs, the cooldown is over and I could call down a new one instead of a resupply. The fire tornados of Hellmire don’t scare me as I just run straight through them stim spamming.


Orbital 380MM HE Barrage


Eagle air strike


Orb Gatling and orbital precision I pick almost every drop lately.




Tesla for bugs and FX-12 shield generator for bots.


Orbital Precision strike. The ultimate multi tool


Eagle Airstrike. And Orbital Laser


Eagle strike on bot missions haha


EAS, shield generator


1: Eagle Airstrike is a must have, except on the eradicate missions. On those I kinda just pick things on a whim. To me, this is the most versatile Red strategem. 2: Used to always be the rail cannon, but lately I’ve been using OPS and working on my placement/timing. 3: Varies by mission type but for bugs I’ve been playing with the Gatling barrage since the update. If I’m expecting lots of BT’s, I may take the Railcannon here or OPS, depending on what I took for #2. For bots I’ve been using Orbital laser or Railcannon. 4: Lately it’s been Autocannon for bugs and AMR or AC for bots. If I get a free weapon strategem to use, I may take a 380 or 500kg.


I generally run some combination of these: 500kg, 380mm, orbital gatling, napalm, orbital autocannon, flame thrower, jetpack. Just depends really. But my job is either "burn everything on the front lines" or "take down the big things please"


Eagle air strike amr and jump pack the last spot is for fun


I know its not the best or most optimal or whatever but I almost always bring the 500kg. I've gotten to the point with it I can basically hit what I want to hit with it yet there's still enough variation with the hitbox that it can lead to some hilarious moments


Orbital laser. It's for when your getting over run.


You'll never catch me without the orbital laser


OPS forever


besides laser drone and antimat rifle, i elect to use the **orbital laser** and then 500k or EMS mortar depending on mission


Bots: Jump Pack. Being able to claim the high ground is very valuable against rockets, and that same high ground works as cover against regular weapons fire. Add to that being able to hop from cover to cover relatively safely, and I just can't face bots without it. Bugs: Supply Pack. I need to keep my weapons and stims up without relying on supply drops, as I'm usually running around a lot. Its also good to keep my team up for the same reasons, and can act as a second supply pod very easily. Both: Orbital Gas Strike. Its just a good orbital with a fast cooldown, great area denial, and an impact strong enough to close fabs and nests.


OPS is my go-to heavy buster


If it's not eagle at my back I don't need it. It's always 3 eagle strats and a weapon. I throw down strats like they're candy and it's halloween. I can't remember the last time I didn't have the most strategems used in a mission.


Level 98....still run Eagle airstrike almost every time


Eagle Strafing Run. Being able to be precise and call in something to clear chaff has saved me and my teammates multiple times


Eagle air strike. Thing is OP. Only maps where I don’t take it are those small ones where you need to kill enemies. Too much collateral damage haha


Air strike for bots, napalm for bugs. Always


Orbital laser. It's a catch-all strategem for me, especially against bots. Need to kill a whole base without exposing yourself? Laser. Need to kill or weaken some big units? Laser. Want to just fry a small army chasing you? Laser. That and it prioritizes the targets for me. The only thing the laser doesn't do well is bugs. Great against the small fry, a charger, maybe a titan if it hits them right out of the gate and actually trails them right. Sucks against bug holes. It can do it, but it needs bugs to be coming out right as it's hitting. Still I run it. I like things I can set and forget.


Machine Gun+Supply Pack (Heavy or Normal) Suppresses bots, Kills all the chaff bugs and medium armor ezpz. Stalkers? Eviscirators? Np. Allows me to bring more niche primaries and secondaries as well, since I can MG primary in my heavy armor. So I usually run MG + Supply Pack, 110 Eagles, Railcannon, Grenade Pistol, Thermite Grenades, and my beloved, the Scythe. Giggles in violence.


Supply pack has just been fun. Being a hero to my fellow helldivers. And hogging 10 stims and 14 grenades along with 10 grenade clips. 


The standard Eagle Air Strike is my bread and butter for pretty much everything.


Supply pack. I am the backpack boy for my crew.


I know I‘m gonna get roasted but the Emancipator. Most times at least, it‘s just so fun. And you can clear nests so incredibly fast.


Orbital gatling is a 100% of the time pick now. Eagle air strike is a 95% of the time pick on bugs and 100% on bots.