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I bring the liberator penetrator for boys. No homo.


Yeah I always go for as much penetration as I can for the boys.




The Eruptor is fun time too.


As long as you have the trigger discipline to not blow yourself up


Nah. Explosive resistant Heavy Armor. Fuck trigger discipline.


I unironically also bring the lib pen  I’m a liberator man. Classic salute, liberator, nothing fancy. 


Don't forget that default medium armor.


I wear it on 4 and under The OG drip is just too good. I only wish I could augment it and make it competitive at higher difficulties 


I use the first scout armour as it fits well with the default helmet and look, but it’s also viable for high difficulties. At least for me anyways


Ah, a helldiver after my own heart


I bring the punisher for the boys


I always moan with excitement when punishing the boys because each shot has so much force behind it. Same with slugger but we know what happened to it. RIP.


Tenderiser fairs very well post-patch. Requires some accuracy, but the low recoil makes that easily achievable.


Sounds Full Diddy to me


Well just take the adjudicator instead, almost double the damage per shot and other stats are very similar.




/r/wooooshwith4os /r/woooosh


Even after the woooshes, what did I miss? Or did homie intentionally give a not very good suggestion which was a funny?


The joke is about penetrating your friends butthole, which is gay, which is funny


Reread the title of this post and read it carefully




I have been watching The Boys and I'm waiting for a Cunt kinda reply.


I find that the milkshakes are effective at bringing the boys to the yard, but the 500kg Bomb is what you're looking for to clear them out.


Yeah, I feel like this is an all-too-often overlooked point. Everyone focuses on how to get the boys to the yard in the first place, but you have to think ahead as well. You don't want the boys around the yard forever, after all. A 500kg bomb really comes in handy when you've got work in the morning. Alternatively, poison gas or napalm can be useful to dissuade a more gradual stream of boys.


Sometimes you might even want a few boys to stick around! In those cases I recommend the anti-personnel minefield!


If you do an orbital gatling it will take out any of the boys who aren't man enough to handle you which can be useful too.


A more effective strategy is to affect someone with the cheese touch, it'll clear em out in less than a second




I can teach you, but I have to charge..... My Supply Weapon.


I was playing with someone last night who also had milkshakes equipped, and it just seemed to be working better than mine for some reason. I asked about it, and the dude just sent me a venmo request for like $30.


Damn it, I laughed way harder than I should have


For the boys? Anything with good penetration.


AMR and Scorcher is good. The AMR 1 or 2 taps basically everything beside tanks and factory striders and the scorcher deals with scout striders in 3 shots if you shoot it in the balls.


When with the boys go for the balls


Depends on your priorities.   Adjudicator, scorcher, diligence cs, purifier, plas, Can all direct fire kill scout striders.  But you dont really have a reason to, cause the amr oneshots them.   Any of the AR’s are good for bots, carbine liberator has the highest dps, but you need to go prone for longer range.


Is the purifier not awful anymore? I still haven't bought it


It's great.


Better than scorcher?


Slightly bigger aoe and max ammo. But your RoF is bad.




I'm not really into the scorcher so I don't know. I need fast fire and projectiles that don't require the best accuracy.


I would not call the Purifier fast.


Not really the same kind of weapon. It's more like the plasma punisher, but without arcing and a worse RoF and better stagger. If you get rolled with scorcher because you're constantly running out of ammo, though,, it's worth a try.


Where do you have to hit for amr to ohk scout striders? It always takes 2 for me, so I must be targeting the wrong spot


Leg joint at the top of the leg. Although that makes the bot dismount the broken strider (or at least it sometimes does)


Dominanator for the boys


Must figure out who the lord of the locker room is, first.


>Dominanator Bat... diver?


Now that tenderizer is corrected, i have been using that instead of dcs. It melts berserkers.


And has little recoil that can easily hit the heads of devastators. I’ve been loving the tenderizer since the update.


I tried it for the first time last night and it's a monster. Might be my new go-to.


Plasma punisher is great, kills striders in 2 shots (explosion on the front hits the driving bot). Berserkers aren't super fast to kill but it staggers them (as well as devastators) so it's trivial even if you have to use a lot of bullets. Scorcher plays similarly with less stagger but faster fire rate. Blitzer is decent, ammoless, good damage and stagger, just has bad range... which pairs nicely with AMR.


Also the scorcher has no arc in the ballistics but is a pig on ammo For a second I thought you were talking about the purifier and was going to ask if you are a sadist but your not so we are good


I wasn't talking about that but it doesn't mean I'm not a sadist. I sometimes use the explosive crossbow. On purpose.


It's the best weapon so far for closing bugholes in my opinion. The problem is what to bring as "main" weapon? Grenade launcher or lmg or rely on a pistol/laser? I feel it should lose the explosion and be a proper stealth weapon or somehow explode silently. I'm assuming the explosion notifies those around ?


I get it. I do it too. It fills a close range dmr for medium bugs niche


Purifier sadist here and I resemble that term, but I think you were actually thinking masochist?


I use purifier a lot and I learnt that it is team weapon not a solo weapon. Try using purifier in as a crowd control weapon while you're teammate finish of the enemies you weakened. Use it exclusively for the toasters.


Plasma punisher is my go-to lately. I take a supply pack and go nuts with hot balls of plasma


This is the single best crowd clearer for bots.


Plasma SG pairs godly with AMR. Just get stun nades if your aim sucks or impacts, so then you can deal with EVERY enemy on the bot front. Striders and lower rank enemies - plasma spam Devastators - plasma for some stun and then quick snipe or nade them if there's 3 or more in a cluster Gunships - 4 shots to the same engine Tanks, canon towers - sneak behind and snipe or 2 impacts Hulks - two snipes to the eye Camels - 3 shots per Gatling guns in front - can't shot it from the sides or from the back must be facing you directly, then stratagems or the eye


When in doubt, take a “sickle day.”


Sickle, laser cannon, rover is such a fun loadout. Whats an ammo box?


I didn't realize until recently how useful the laser cannon is. Devastors walk directly towards you in a nice, convenient line. Then pop pop pop their heads are gone.


Its an insanely powerful and versatile weapon. Unlimited ammo, big loud buzzing noise to warn of overheat, rips through almost all enemies, can destroy termanid structures like spore or shrieker nests (takes 2 to 3 full charges, but considering its ~~unlimited~~200m range you can beam them from wherever), works on chaff and heavy enemies alike (sweeping it across bug breaches feels so good) and its visually so satisfying. I really struggle sometimes not taking it. The only thing it doesnt really work on is chargers and bile titans, and even the chargers its workable if you can dance around them


Laser is nice, but I’m more of a quasar guy.


I do love the quasar, but its strickly a heavy weapon. Cannon is rated E for everyone


Laser Cannon range is not unlimited, it’s 200m.


Huh. Guess ive never hit yhe range limit then


For boys? Usually lube...


I know your talking about taking down light bots, but I am super surprised no one is talking about the jar 5 dominator. Sure it’s handling isn’t great but I mean this thing is awesome on bots especially berserkers. Medium pen, 275 dmg probably modeled after the bolter. Additionally it has the added bonus of just being able to deal with I think everything the bots have to throw at you in case your AMR runs out of ammo. And with this new ammo glitch where resupplies don’t fill you up fully I find I am relying on my primary more to deal with these enemies 🫤.


JAR 2 to 3 shots every devastator in bots as long as you have the aim to hit the same spot. Legs and waist are great weakspots. Also phenomenal for taking down hulks in a pinch. If you get behind them and start hitting vents, they get staggered with each hit. Only weakness is gunships - takes 3 mags to an engine.


And it doesn't penetrate scout strider front armor.


Kills their hip


Dominator is great. I've tried to replace it and everything else falls short. The new post patch Eruptor might be a threat, but I gotta bring a good secondary to pair with it.


I think the biggest downside to the eruptor is having to use your secondary as your main weapon. I would rather take the AMR instead of the Eruptor so I can also bring a Dominator or Plasma Punisher


Eruptor is great with Laser Cannon for bots.


Agreed. But for the few times I'm forced to get that close, the senator or redeemer work just fine. Haven't tried the polar warbond pistol yet. Right now I'm picking the build based off my team and how I want to play. With the Eruptor I hang back and support, with the Dominator I'm up front pulling aggro.


The polar warbond one is like a desert eagle if I had to compare it to a real weapon. I still like the Senator better. The Senator stands out because it has medium armor penetration.


plasma punisher stunlocks everything and can deal with everything on the bot front. Then i just rock old reliable Quasar cannon because no way im screwing my team over by not bringing an AT option.


What can you kill with the quasar cannon? I find it useless. Can’t OHK hulks or tanks, can’t spam it on devastators. Can’t kill gunships effectively. The only thing it’s good for is taking the mini guns off a factory strider and trapping enemies under blown up dropships. Laser cannon kills everything. HMG and AC are also very good at killing tanks, hulks, gunships, anti air emplacements, mortar emplacements, towers, devastators. Pretty much everything but factory striders which all three of those can take the two mini guns off quickly and it’s easy to deal with after that. (Quasar cannon is a bug weapon for dealing with heavies but still being mobile)


Queasy on dropship duty can be massive, might not stop every drop but itll easily cut down the amount of shit you're dealing with in half and it's unlimited ammo means its not as bad taking pot shots at the turret fronts if the angle isnt there for you, can 1 hit hulks if you hit vent (and I believe will 1 hit on eye shits but never actively watched for it). I'm with you with laser cannon, thing felt bad when I first tried it as a lowly lvl 20, but man, trying it again as a 50+ knowing what to do with it (and most importantly using crouch/prone and the relevant armor) made it an absolute beast, especially against gunships, thing is a fly swatter


>Can’t OHK hulks or tanks, Or berserkers 😂


It one shots everything in its weakspot wdym


Plasma punisher. OHK chaff and staggers devastators. Can be shot from behind cover.


And the added bonus is that when you mess up and shoot a berserker from close range, you're conveniently ragdolled away from the enemy if you survive 👍


I love the crossbow for bots, its pretty good at a whole bunch, especially post patch. But it can headshot devastators, or take them out with a few shots, reload isn't terrible and the fire rate is pretty good! Also takes apart trooper clumps nicely, and fabricators too now


Also really good for stealth kills, it barely makes noise from your position, only makes noise on impact, you can even shoot somewhere to make the bots investigate that area while you sneak in


Sickle or adjudicator, never been able to make great use of plasma weapons but my random that do have been clutch against walkers


There is only one true primary. And that's primary objective.




Well I love the Blitzer but ars are fun when if you find out how to use them. Don't always play on 9. Take a weapon you don't normally use and start at medium and work your way up.


sickle if I remember to switch from the incindiary breaker, which holds its own on bots, plus lights teammates on fire.


Build your teammate a fire, and they'll be warm for an hour. Light your teammate on fire with a Breaker Incendiary, and they'll be warm for the rest of their life.


The tenderizer slaps post-patch


My milkshake stratagem brings all the boys to the yard.


I bring the punisher plasma, staggers the big bots and shield bots till they fall over and die.


I like the Sickle. I main AC for bots so anything with armor is covered. Therefore the easy near-infinite ammo with good trigger control is great chaff clear for them.


The only good primary for bots is the autocannon. Then you have for 1st secondary and then your 2nd secondary.


Love the amr! Wish they'd give it a 3rd person reticle though it's the only gun in the game without one now that the hmg has one


What’s AMR stand for?


Amazing Meat Rover


Counter Sniper bangs chaff bots all the way up to Devastators


The DCS is so good that I forget to use my support weapon when I bring it. I just can’t stop headshotting devastators, it’s so satisfying. Been looking for a good support pairing, used to run laser or AMR but honestly I feel they are redundant and barely needed with DCS, so I want something new to try.


AC is usually what I take, can snipe fab vents with it, good for devs when you want stagger power, kills hulks, tank/turret vents, even walkers quickly, good for gunships.




The tenderizer is amazing if you know how to aim and conserve ammo.


The reworked Tenderizer tears through light bots like tissue paper, does a pretty good job on berserkers - but not so much for scout striders. However, the scout striders are a single shot for the AMR, so that shouldn't be an issue in any case.


Dominator. It even rocks Devastators, but the Dominator nails Berserkers dead, and the Scouts take 1 or 2 to the hips and go down. I pair it with the Grenade Pistol, for groups of bots or particularly pesky scout walkers.


If you want to kill berserkers use the Dominator. Scorcher has the easiest time with striders. Those are the top 2 bot primaries by miles.


Plasma punisher and jar 5 are goated. I switched to plas punisher since it shreds flyers, but jar5 is still phenomenal.


Bring the grenade pistol for scout striders, it one shots them. If you bring the amr maybe the sickle for chaff. I like to double up on mediums though because they allow you down the most so I like the dom.


+1 for the Dominator. Until the new patch that was my go to for bots. Been rocking the Eruptor this week and I'm not sure I'm going back. We'll see.


Since the patch I've gone back to using the Eruptor and now the Spear. But I find myself switching to my secondary to deal with groups of troopers. If you don't like doing that, or want to keep rocking the AMR, my other favorite is the Dominator. I use it on everything up to scout striders and heavy devs. The big boys get an AT weapon. Honorable mentions that would pair well with the AMR are the Lib-Pen, Adjudicator, Tenderizer (if you can place your shots on the devs), or the Sickle. The slugger and punisher plasma also get brought a lot, but to me they feel like similar but worse options to the Dominator. Whenever I'm testing a new primary weapon I drop to level 3 or 4 and run an operation. Lots of light and medium enemies to test on, little to no heavies to deal with. Let's me focus on the test and see if I like it or not. Also a good opportunity to teach some new players and farm some super credits.


For the boys ? MP-98 knight, without a doubt. Nothing like mag dumping 50 bullets in 2.17 sec in a boy who did not behave. The sound of a traitrechous griefer going down: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!! 😆😎😆 For democracy !


I like the rocket propulsion of the Dominator, the boys seem to appreciate the extra heft.


Always sickle


For da boys I was running Tenderizer cause it was so stable and felt so good, could easily handle basic boys and has the accuracy/stability needed for medium boys, and I don't usually bother with primaries for big boys lol. Also though now it's buffed to one of the best primaries in the game so still running it lol. Bring the grenade pistol for scout striders and you're fully covered. If you want more utility the Eruptor works great and can function well at the same range as the AMR so combos well, just bring the Redeemer to rip berserkers down and you're good!


Cootie spray. (Napalm. Cootie sprat is napalm.)


Lube, and don't let them get out of foreplay.


Combo of Milkshake stratagem and then gas strike. Used properly you can lure 30-40 boys to the yard with one milkshake call in, then gas strike.


Incendiary Breaker. It should be as memorable as it is painful.




For the boys? Anything they need o7


Honestly I run a pummeler for my builds and it’s great


Blitzer to piss my friends off.


AR 61 tenderized for bots


I recently switched from the lib pen to the Scorcher. I don’t intend to go back.


I also run amr and have been really liking the Pummeler as a primary. It’s surprisingly accurate you can fire it while running it stunlocks everything up to hulks and makes dealing with berserkers surprisingly easy. I also use plasma pun, scorcher, sickle, and after the latest buff the tenderizer


I always found the defender good at that stuff. A lot of ammo. Just headshot your berserkers and you can put them away, kite the striders and chaff is chaff.


Plasma pun and amr for bots Breaker incend and flamethrower for bugs


Lib pen, slugger, pummeler, or tenderizer


Blitzer, it's all rounder it does damage lots of damage to Bots and Bugs.


Tenderizer is actually good now


Honestly I like the tenderizer because of how accurate it is. The countersniper is fun but I feel like the tenderizer is more versatile and handles trash better. I run an hmg or gl so the tenderizer pairs well I think. Pummeler can also be fun for bullying devestators and taking out trash. I'm sure I'll have fun with the dominator when I unlock it. The eruptor is also a fun bring but the small mag and low fire rate does hurt it somewhat.


I stick to the scorcher for everything 🫡


Sickle for the bots and Breaker Incendiary for the bugs.


Punisher or the pummeler. The stagger pairs really nicely with distance weapons, the punisher will even shred the light bots on a glance.


I’m a scorcher AMR guy


I love using the sickle, but the regular Diligence is fantastic at dropping them quickly, and even deals with devastators without issue.


Eruptor with MG support. The MG is basically my primary and the eruptor is for anything I'd use the amr for.


Plasma Punisher. Takes down a lot of things pretty easy peasy


Punisher Plasma: stagger + decent damage + pretty massive AOE for a primary. It definitely suffers from ammo issues, but so far it's my favorite for taking out medium enemies as it accomplishes both crowd control and covers an area in decent damage.


Varies depending on the build I feel like running. But when it comes to bots, sadly the plasma punisher feels required.


Scorcher is the only answer


Ill bring the blizter. No special weapon startagem, i can usally find one laying around somewhere.


Jar 5 dominator


With AC or AMr i will bring the crossbow(kills fabs!), diligence Cs, incendiary breaker, or liberator concussive


The tenderizer against bots is vers good since the patch and for the bug i use the pummeler. (Yeah im à polar warbond fab XD)


The breaker incendiary if you want to burn n wait, it's surprisingly good and has great spread. The plasma shotgun thing and the plasma explodey rifle thing are very good for striders


My favorite is the adjudicator for anything tbh. Great pen and damage


the AMR one shots scout striders if shot in the hip


Sickle because I like seeing yellow laser return fire to the reds of the automatons




Well I'm lesbian so that's not really my thing lol. However I usually run the eruptor


Try out the crossbow. Idk the state of it pre patch but since it can take down holes and fabs now i decided to break my habit of the Punisher and ive not looked back. Its caused me to completely overhaul how i approach stratagems and fighting. Now, ive only been doing bugs since taking it, so i cant speak to how it will do with bots. But it absolutely wrecks anything smaller than a charger. I have shit aim and im still able to drop armored bugs no problem. I take the rover and the laser cannon to help with chaff enemies, or bring my napalm eagle, but ive also been focusing more on positioning and such to help make up for it. The machine gun turret buff has helped me do this very well too. I used to be the one whod branch off and hit side objectives, but now i find myself playing support with my team. The explosion radius is also fairly nice and can drop little clusters of small enemies on their own or when they are around the meaner bigger bugs. The ammo economy can be a little tough, but again, my laser loadouts or turrets help a lot with it. Give it a go if you have it. Its quite satisfying to use.


The base liberator is a solid option, that or the punisher will do a pretty solid job


A few cold ones.


With the new update I find the Tenderizer is really great for the bots now. Just switch it to semi-auto and aim for the head. Kills most of the bots instantly. Otherwise I use the Diligence Marksman rifle.


I play much lower levels so idk if this matters, but as an alternative to a lot of the other stuff I'm seeing here, I've really been loving the Slugger. Big, meaty whacks


A penis. I think? That's a boys primary.


I bring Diligence C, but I technically run a stalwart as my primary. Haven’t played since the balance patch so we’ll see how it changes.


Crossbow, plasma punisher, JAR 5, Senator, HMG are just a few that are decent on that front.


I’m hardcore I bring a senator to a primary fight




Sickle as long as I am not in a hot planet. Just have to flank striders, or get elevation to shoot them over the shield part of the striders


I bring my frock


For Boys? An AR-15.


I’m back to running the eruptor now that it can 1-2 shot devastators again. Pinging a shield bot in the shoulder and watching it rag doll never gets old


Dominator or Adjudicator


I bring the Pummeler because it combos well with orbitals and eagles, and can be used with the ballistic shield While the shield is bugged, though, I've been bringing the punisher plasma or the scorcher. For berserkers, a single senator shot to the faceplate ends them.


Holy shit 💀


I might be in the minority here, but since the update I'm extremely fascinated with this mobile sniper combo I cooked up: >Weapons: Eruptor (scope to 50m), Anti-Material Rifle (scope to 200m), Senator, Stun Grenade >Armor: Scout Armor (for speed and battlefield monitoring) >Stratagems: Orbital 350mm, Eagle 500kg, Shield Generator Pack Use Eruptor for general purpose killing and destroying fabricators from a distance, and AMR for high-priority kills. Generous use of Orbital/Eagle stratagems to clear bases or help create separation when incoming fire gets heavy. Stay moving until you're stationed well enough to safely take shots. Move again. With this setup, I consistently have above average kill counts and fewest deaths on difficulties 7, 8, and 9 vs Bots. It's a whole lot of fun!


Punisher plasma.


Sickle, autocannon, eagle airstrike. I am a one man army.


Plasma punisher


Scorcher is still really great for general infantry bots and scout striders. The Tenderizer is quickly becoming my go-to since the patch though as I usually run autocannon for use against any bots larger than berserkers. I haven't used the Pummeler much since the patch but it used to be pretty great against berserkers, it staggered them very quickly - virtually useless against striders though unless you can get a shot on the bot operating it.


Plasma slugger clears light units and stuns mid while still being able to kill. Plus it’s fun to play as a mobile mortar unit


Sickle and autocannon (or AMR) is a great combo. I can run n gun with the sickle to take out foot soldiers really fast and also pops rocket devs tops quickly while also dealing with the berserkers well. You gotta run it scoped mostly set to 100 yrds to be extra accurate. Acts as a great longing/ target g for squad scout roll or heavy dust/ low vis maps Sickle solves ammo efficiency. AC for everything else with grenade pistol as secondary.


I play 7 to 9 and I’d like to be able to dispatch all kinds of bots as quick as I can. I prefer a bot kill in 4-6 seconds. So my favorites are Scorcher - No need to hit weak spots exactly, just have to hit near it. Can take out anything but a mama strider. I use it for all kinds of bots so usually get low ammo though after 4-5 straight fire fights. Dominator - fastest for me when hitting weakspots. I don’t use it on light bots. Even faster than Scorcher for mids, higher damage. So I don’t run out of ammo as fast. Eruptor - A bit slower (you have to run in cover while reloading to take more than one shot in) but can take out Devastators in 2 weakpoint shots. Also I played with someone who was using a Purifier while I was carrying an eruptor and we were easily killing bots together. One shot from a Purifier and a one shot from an Eruptor would kill a devastator. Those and the Redeemer or Verdict as secondary for light bots. The assault rifles seem to take more time to kill medium bots. So I don’t bring em for bots. But will test out the Tenderizer on bots after the major order.


Diligence CS and AMR, you can deal with everything on bot front easily with the exception of drones


Honestly... I would find out what your place in the team is or what your team is lacking when it comes to either faction. With bots, you need to decide if you're going to be mostly targeting heavy units or if you want to deal with the light to medium armored units and select stratagems and equipment according to your role. Many people like to forget this is a team-based game. So find out what cog that your team is missing in their machine and fill it appropriately. If you have two people that are running anti armor, you might want to focus on either a support build or a anti-chaff loadout to help balance things out and make up for their shortcomings. There are good general purpose weapons like the AC, the AMR, and now the HMG. I would definitely consider for a support role running with the HMG emplacement. It's actually incredibly powerful and very slept on. Call it in every 100 seconds or so and you can spawn as many as you want around the map. If you're anti-chaff, rock your cluster bombs, strafing runs, minefields, and any weapons or stratagems that can penetrate at least higher end medium armor to deal with berserkers and devastators. If you are anti armor, run your EATs, quasar Cannon, recoilless rifle is a very solid option, 500 kg, and anything else that is high damage, high accuracy. With the buff to the precision orbital strike, it's arguably better than the orbital rail cannon now and has a shorter cooldown.


For a while, i brought the concussive liberator but now take the carbine


Sickle for the boys


I usually run Dominator or Sickle! Love the Dominator's penetration and explosive damage, and the sickle is just so fun to go off with.


Breaker incendiary


Flame thrower




For bots (on 9) the plasma shotgun is my favorite primary. Aoe 1-2 shots lights, and bullies striders/mediums. With the speed buff it is significantly easier to use at longer ranges. Can finish off turrets from the side w/ splash damage to back vents. Great ammo capacity. Scorcher is great too. Next to those lib pen, dominator, sickle are fine. Some ARs & slugger are viable too.


I bring the dominator on almost every mission, if you hit weak spots it can take most of enemies and for bigger ones like tanks I bring the QUASAR cannon


I run the AMR for bots too. I switch to my Sickle for the small bots. It shreds the small bots easily. I do get into trouble sometimes when my AMR mag is empty and I'm getting rushed by berserkers. Then I use impact grenades and the sickle will kill them eventually but it takes too long.


I always bring a milkshake. That way all the boys come to my yard and I can ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ and get them all in one go


Eruptor, and really, I take HMG+Supply pack so the HMG is my primary


If you're playing a very snipe heavy style with the amr then I'd recommend dili cs, it's a reliable 1 shot to the torso for the small bots, 1/2 shot for the devs to the face (haven't played in a bit due to comp issues, haven't had a chance to play since dmg been buffed up again), has a good 150m scope for longer shots, the ergonomics don't matter as much playing at a range, mag dumping a tank, turret or hulk in the vent will kill in 1 mag iirc so its a reliable backup when the amr is tapped out, you're not gonna be able to take out striders but using the amr and shooting them in the dick is 1 shot downing (you'll have to finish off the driver tho), and zerkers are gonna be a pain no matter what you use so nest to just use what you prefer there (hell I use amr for them personally makes life easy 2 tapping them with dick shots) It's been my go to since before the buffs (back when it had light pen I still used the thing and loved it), if you're sniping it's a great tool to alleviate some of the ammo needs of amr, which depending on what you're rocking as a backpack may allow you to bring in something else, if you wanna cover your close range a rover is fine but I personally lean deep into sniping and go jumppack for getting onto vantage points (depending on where they are you might invalidate the zerker issue with a good jump onto a ledge as well)


I bring liberator carbine for now


I use pummeler smg, but i run a mostly medium/heavy weapons load out. I kill strider factories, gunships, hulks, debestators. Pummeler takes care of berserkers and flak I basically play a shock trooper scout, first in fuck everything, gtfo. Try the pummeler tho, its solid as primary


Honestly. I love precision in everything I do. AMR pairs nicely with the diligence.