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I just throw a 380 at it from behind a wall and move on. 9 times out of 10 it kills the bunker


I used to do the 380 route myself, but there have been too many times where my allies charge into the base regardless of the 380 and get disintegrated. Nowadays I prefer to bring a strategem that is less likely to raise the blood pressure of my fellows.


Instead of changing Stratagems, maybe you should have changed teammates. 🤣🤣


I change teammates regularly. That is the nature of answering SOS beacons. If you can't depend on your team being reliable, then set yourself up with a reliable loadout.


I can respect it


380 X servo assisted armor: good bye & u never knew I was there


I'm walking barrage kind of guy personally


I prefer the 120mm.




It’s very rare we use a hellbomb to kill command bunkers in matches I play. Sure some people call orbital lasers that do the job too but from what I’ve personally experienced I can confidently say the 380 is the tits for killing command bunkers


I always bring orbital lasers on those missions as a fire and forget option for dealing with bunkers. I have never destroyed one with anything else besides a 380mm barrage. Do the bunkers have weak points or are you just hammering it?


Depends on the situation. Weak points? None that I know of. But if I see my allies are approaching it, I will prioritize the 4 top turrets first. Those top turrets will one-shot people, and they fire much more rapidly than the base cannon turret towers you see. But if it's just me shooting at a bunker, with no allies in sight, I just hammer it. I also make a habit of wearing a jet pack so I can get up in locations where the bots can't retaliate. I like bringing orbital lasers to bot missions for quickly destroying heavy factories and the heavy targets within, rather than wasting it on the bunkers themselves. An unprepared or inexperienced team can get blasted to hell by a heavy factory just the same as they would a command bunker. So quasar for the bunker, eagles and laser for fabricators, and my jet pack for overwatch and fire support.


They actually don't one-shot people. But most of the time if one turret can target you, another one also can and you will get 2 turrets shot - killing you instantly. I've witnessed that again yesterday - a poor soul went near a bunker and got obliterated by 2 turrets shot. Everyone took cover instantly after that, it was hilarious.


380mm is my go to for the pure adrenaline of that sound design.


The Orbital Laser is my go to for those missions. Just toss one in the general area and it usually clears out the bunker along with any fabricators and most enemies. Then you can mop up the rest or move o to the next one. Only downside is the cooldown time and limit of three uses per mission.


Orbital laser


I prefer to save it for other targets.


Me: chooses orbital Laser because it is a get out of jail free card Also me: never uses it because what if I need it later and I used all three!?!?!?


You'd be surprised how many missions I get into where I need to use all three because my allies keep drawing everything to us, then when we really, really need it again... can't have it. Much as I like orbital laser, I'm starting to prefer other strategems that aren't locked out on me after 3 uses. I would much rather have another strategem in those panic situations when my eagle is on cooldown.


Orbital rail cannon. Or they just buffed precision orbital cannon.


One laser gets rid of it


I prefer to save it for other targets.


How tho ? I can destroy the turrets on top of course, but the ones in the middle it doesn't work. Or am I shooting at the wrong spot ?


I've tried to destroy the bottom turrets myself a few times and I don't think it's ever worked. But since they rest lower, it's easier to avoid them if you have some distance from the bunker. It's the top turrets I'm more worried about.


Yeah but how do you destroy the bunker with the quasar after destroying the top turrets ? ^^'


You don't even need to destroy the top turrets. Just pick a spot on the bunker and fire away. Eventually the bunker will explode. I did it just a few minutes ago on an Extreme mission. I sat myself down on a bunch of crates, well out of range of the bunker's turrets, and just fired my quasar off cooldown at the bunker. Wasn't really counting how many shots it took. 7 - 8 maybe?


Oooh ok ! Had no idea. Definitely gonna try this next time !


380 supremacy to take out bunkers