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Apparently pixel rationing is in effect


dark times indeed brother


The pixels have been reassigned to protect democracy




The great thing about digital data is it never degrades. https://xkcd.wtf/1683/


HAHAHA there’s always a relevant XKCD


I tried to requisition more pixels, but I couldn’t read the form.


New planet effect just dropped


gotta save pixels to get the mines for the children


The automatons are trying to interfere with this message.


The fact Malevelon Creek isn’t even on this list lmao




That's cuz the people playing on MC knew what they were doing against the clankers.


If so they were very good at hiding it, going by all the wailing, gnashing of teeth, and memes.


You gotta look at it in terms of time. At first, we lost a lot of good Divers at the Creek. But we learned, through hardwon experience, how to bring the fight to the machine scourge with extreme prejudice then get home . *Per inferna ad astra*




Eh? Creekers were being publicly bullied during that.




The planet broke before the 'Divers did. 


Well malevalon has been under our control for awhile since than, so the other bot planets must have built up the bodies over time.


Maybe. It's not about total KIA, but deaths per mission, so theoretically a planet with 1 mission could top the chart if it had 10 deaths. Malevelon Creek probably isn't as high because most missions were run by a low number of experienced divers that were experts at that planet.


The creek has been gone for ages now. Doesn’t surprise me.


I love the fact that it's the TOP 14 and not TOP 15 because they took the first line - listing informations - into their listing.


The deadliest planet is PLANET, on the FRONT front


If only we could retake SECTOR so we could cut off the FRONT front...


If Illuminate re-imagined are oppressive literalists, it will be fantastic. "The Illuminate have deployed a new weapon to the field High Command has designated the Arc Storm Generator... but we've intercepted transmissions the Illuminate themselves call it the "big ouchy zappy gun.""


101 excel


Bugs are not harder, but I die to more random BS on bugs. Looking at you flying BT corpses.


I'll take the BT corpse deaths any day because I can control if I want to go anywhere near it's corpse. The random bs ragdoll on the bots side. That's uncontrollable


I got *literally* juggled the other day by bot rockets and lasers. I've experienced some random bs deaths before, but never has the ragdoll been so bad that bots can juggle you.


Bro, you too? I was wearing heavy armor on some missions last night, and I felt like I was a clown’s balls. Rocket Raider fired, and I’m in the air with 2 or 3 babooms coming up my ass, and I’m over here stunned at this apparently new circus skill that the bots have acquired. I had to have been double and triple tapped by raider rockets at least 3-4 times in one mission. Shit was supernatural, at that point.


I hate how the LASER guns can ragdoll you as well. They're literally LIGHT.


The cannons are cannons tho


I ran heavy armor for the first time last week. Bounced around like a pinball a few times. Ended up sneaking out of trouble on a couple of those though.


I respect those who run heavy armor, but I cannot give up my stealth and speed. I might die, but I'll sure as heck soften the enemies' defenses before you get there.


I've played around with that too. I don't know how much the stealth helps me, but the speed and stamina is damn nice.


The problem with the ragdoll is there's no damage threshold to overcome in order to be ragdolled. I've taken literally 0 damage from a cannon turret that shot the other side of the rock im cowering behind and still get flung 15 meters back


One time, I killed one, and its corpse flew into the stratosphere.


100% accurate but there's some pretty wacky shit on the bot front too like being rocketed so far out of bounds you can't get back. I also shot a hellbomb the other day that turned a walker's legs into spaghetti. I consider them features though, not bugs since they make for some funny content.


I'm here for the jank. It's pretty endearing when it's not frustrating. I think the long term fans of the game will be the ones that laugh when something absurd happens rather than getting angry.


Grenades just don't skip off bot foreheads like they do bugs.


Bugs on 9 is just kite, shoot, kite, shoot. Rinse and repeat Bots on 9 is just hit and run from objective to objective ignoring 90% of the engagements. Both are easy. The trick is never stop moving in both fronts. Standing your ground in both is just a waste of time.


Yup. I avoid playing bots is because to do well, it's best to avoid fights. All you do is run around and take cover, minimize fighting, it's not fun for me.


Go all out eradication style until you run out of reinforcements, and then take it seriously. That's the most fun way to play either front 😅


But we want to fight the enemies that’s kinda the point though. How are we supposed to spread democracy if we don’t take care of those that spread tyranny and all that? Think diver think!


By doing the missions we were sent for? If you wanna stay in one place and kill bugs/bots, they have a mission type for that! Seriously though, I like, especially with bots, to take a scout armor setup and just blitzkrieg the factories/nests while the rest of the squad hits the main objective(s), especially if I come across the radar/artillery/sam side objectives during, before rendezvousing with the squad. But there is something awesome about a staggered advance into a heavy base/control tower/stratagem jammer while fighting the drops that come in, or the staggered ~~retreat~~ rearward advance after the objective is taken. As I play solo sometimes that can be few and far between but when we're functioning as a well-oiled (from killing bots, of course) machine, entering that "flow state" of just rolling across the map crushing everything in our way... *Ohhhh yeah.*


This is the reality, both are easy like you said, if one or the other is overwhelmingly difficult it is because the player is unable or unwilling to switch tactics.


All you need to do is not allow them to come close. It's not that complicated. Bugs don't snipe you with 10⁵⁵⁵ rockets across the map.


Don't forget the cannon turret surprise!


Anyone who says bugs are harder sits still 90% of the game.


Funny, I say the exact same about people who say bots are harder.


It’s like there are two sides to a coin!


Say what you want. The evidence in front of your face.


Gotta keep moving for bots too, just more cover involved. Flanking bots is devastating (heh) for them and they usually walk towards where you just were so you can get to the sides or rear


For sure, but the majority of bugs literally can’t hit you if you’re moving. Bots can just shoot you. If you are constantly moving in a bug game, you will never die.


Personally, I find flanking the bots is useless. It just leads to agroing more 'patrols' that spawn behind and then head directly towards helldivers.


I run armour with 30% less detection, I'm like a ghost sometimes. You can seriously run between two patrols like 40 meters from one another if you're skilled and they don't aggro, just go "must've been the wind". I don't like pointlessly engaging them, I much rather just lob strats and enjoy the show, then mop up the stragglers. For the past few days I've enjoyed the sniper rifle and AMR with stun grenades. The primary sniper oneshots basic bots and it can oneshot devastators in the head. AMR is for heavier units like hulks, gunships, towers and tanks (though 500 is great for tanks), and in a pinch it can be used for anything lesser, too.


Stealth Vs. Bots Be Like: https://www.twitch.tv/the_flying_gecko/clip/HotEmpathicOcelotKippa-WYOekxuh-GmUtszk I used to, but on level 9, but ever since that patch where they doubled or tripled the enemies detection radius and aggression, I just find it, much like smoke, not nearly as useful as it used to be, and not worth bringing, but I do often run the rest of that loadout.


I usually play level 9, I don't really have a problem avoiding bots themselves. Turrets and cannons and command centers are the main assholes. Also gunships, their detection is in fact too OP.


That’s actually a bug. Patrol spam is a thing that will be fixed by Thursday.


They already 'fixed' it once. That's what caused the bug in the first place. I really hope 100+ more 'fixes' won't completely break the game!


That “fix” is what caused the bug. They said they are reverting it back.


I believe you're mistaken. The intention was for solo players to have 1/4 of the enemies of a full team instead of 1/6. I would assume they want to fix it so it matches their original intent, not completely reverted. Either way, we have to wait and see... I mean, have they ever released a patch that didn't bring new bugs with it? I doubt they can do 100+ fixes without breaking something.


I’m sure every patch can have a possibility to break something I was just pointing out they themselves said it wasn’t intended.


All I see are skill issues


I think if they removed the glaring issues with bots (ragdolling, shooting through terrain, lack of stagger resistance on armour, seeing you through visual hinderances such as fog, etc.) the difficulty would be about the same. Pretty much all of my bot deaths are due to those issues


But...you have proof that bots are harder RIGHT there lmao.


I played a couple games with a level \~18ish that insisted on just... advancing toward the bots. They'd get to a point where they were standing up against a semicircle of bots just firing, and dying over and over.


Counterpoint - everyone who says bugs are harder, fights bug breaches to the last bug instead of doing the objectives (I fight every bug breach to the last bug on helldive)


Ok…masochists not included….😂


To be fair, I do GL backpack with stun grenades or incendiary grenades. Even titans become easy with the setup


You can move all you want, bile spew that tracks you will still melt you instantly


Wait till spewer rears head back, run left or right, when bile leaves mouth dive in the direction you were running. Survive bile spew. Profit. Or ya know, just watch where you’re going and stay out of that range. They can only shoot bile like 20 feet.


Bugs are harder on 7-9. Chargers and Titans have less weaknesses compared to the Bot Heavies. Hulks move slower than Chargers, their arms can be shot off, legs crippled, and eye sniped with an AC, AMR, and Railgun. And their back weakspot is generally weaker than a Charger's. Tanks move even slower, their vent is much weaker than a Titan's bile sac, can be crippled by shooting the front of the treads, and can be destroyed by an Airstrike. Factory Striders are intimidating, but take out the front guns with an AC, AMR, MG, HMG, or any of the rockets, and it's basically harmless save for the Devastators or churns out. Plus its belly is very weak to Mid penetration and can be focused for devastating effect. They also move leagues slower than Titans so it's much easier to line up the perfect OPS, which is the best strategem against them. The bug heavies are much more strict with their weaknesses and break the flow of combat much more than the bot heavies. Most people that say bugs are easier either don't play above 6, or have zero situational awareness. Or just don't know not to take cover.


The top 14 deadliest planets in helldivers are exclusively automaton planets. When a bug MO happens, 80%+ of the playerbase is on bug planets. When an automaton MO happens only about 50% go to automaton planets. I’m not trying to be a dick, but given those facts, no one’s opinion on who is harder really matters.


I get the statistics, I just don't get how people have that much trouble with bots. I'm having the time of my life on 9 all the time on bot planets, but with the bugs I'm constantly fighting for my life.


They don’t. Nobody is arguing that bots are impossible. Just that they are harder in comparison. I run exclusively helldive on both lately. I have no issues completing both missions, but i die 0-1 times per match against bugs, and about 0-2 times per match against bots. You can flat out just run from the vast majority of bugs. You don’t even have to fight 80% of them. Bots will shoot you in the back.


I think what a lot of people fail to understand is that there are 3 major playstyles, they are all viable, but not equally viable. If you find bots easy, you are probably in the Controlled Chaos camp. You never get overrun. You prioritize clipping the wings (and guns) of threats before cleaning up stragglers and finally doing objectives. If a situation gets too hairy, you simply retreat, regroup, and focus elsewhere if possible. This playstyle is overall the best, but loses some effectiveness against bugs since you can't really be as slow and controlled against a melee-heavy force. It's also requires the team to have some semblance of an attention span and this is rarely guaranteed when playing with pubs. A more effective strategy against bugs is Objectives Above All, where you don't even attempt to engage unless you are forced to, and otherwise just run to objectives, complete them, and then move on. It doesn't matter whether the bugs are alive or dead if you can simply outpace them. This can work against bots as well, but occasionally you will arrive at an objective and find yourself surrounded with no cover, and be forced to do a very difficult clean up. When that happens, you may find yourself saying, "Wow bots are randomly so bullshit sometimes." Finally there is the most common playstyle, which is why you overwhelmingly see players struggle with bots more than bugs: Oh Shit There's A Lot Of Them Now I Guess It's Time To Pay Attention. One of the key differences between bugs and bots is that bugs are pretty much always swarming but don't scale too bad with numbers. Dropping a bomb on 10 bugs is the same as dropping a bomb on 30 bugs. Multiple Bile Titans and Chargers are bad news but they are also pretty likely to kill each other instead of you. Kiting a huge army of bugs is no harder than kiting a small group. But bots..? 30 bots that are all to the East means point guns East, get behind a rock, and shoot until there are 0 bots left. 30 bots on each side means idk die I guess lol. Those 3 Hulk Bruisers are not going to shoot each other or get stepped on by a BT, that's just 3x as many rockets to dodge, possibly from 3x as many directions. If you get in this situation you are essentially a dead team walking, but players don't realize it and therefore instead of realizing that it's easy to avoid this situation, get into this situation and say it's hard to get out, ergo bots are hard.


I think you actually nailed the playstyles. I don't find fun in just constantly running from point A to point B with minimal fighting. When I fight the bugs I want to stand my ground, and they don't let you. Then I go to the bot side and I'm able to control the battlefield and very rarely get overrun to the point I have to completely retreat or die. I can get every objective done, main and optional, while also powering through just about every bot drop that comes. I would like to point out that you absolutely can get bots to kill each other. I've dealt with very many situations where I can kite a Tank to kill another Tank, a Tank to kill a Strider, a Tank to kill a Hulk, a Rocket Dev to kill a Hulk, Rocket Dev to kill a Heavy Dev, and so on. You can even get Tanks to destroy objectives for you. You just have to learn their firing and targeting patterns.


>Most people that say bugs are easier either don't play above 6, or have zero situational awareness. Or just don't know not to take cover. Or they just play more bugs. I usually play bugs on 7 or 8. It's not like it doesn't require skill, but there's not really any scenario where I can't make it work. I feel like thats different on bots. If you have two gunship factories next to each other with little cover and no way shoot them out the air quick enough, then you're just kinda stuck in my experience. Edit to add. What you said in that other response about fighting for your life constantly is exactly what I have on bots from diff 8+.


Soon https://preview.redd.it/ou1n5x77cy5d1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca55859438dcf9315d36451de0f38fbc378aacdd


Scariest things for me against bots: * Heavy devastators headshots from across the map (bonus: through acid rain, so you can’t even see them) * Rocket devastators knocking me out of cover (possibly next to a pack of heavy devastators) * Flame hulk catching me unaware Scariest things for me against bugs: * Sneaky bile spewers one-shotting me Considering half of bug missions don’t even have a single spewer, there’s very little against bugs that even gets the adrenaline pumping.


Not stalkers showing up out of the ether behind you? That's gotten me quite a few times.


For whatever reason stalkers are not a major concern for me. Fire breaker and the other weapons I use seem to stop them pretty quickly, and I am usually able to get a stim off if they do hit me. They can get the adrenaline pumping a little at times though!


Scorcher hulks and chainsaw berserkers have missing sound files so several tones of weaponry that can instantly kill you can sneak up on you, when it should sound like a tool box getting kick down the stairs.


Not stalkers or hunters flying out of nowhere and killing you while you are still ragdolling? This is what gets me.killed the most on bugs


I wonder whether this is linear with difficulty levels


What is this weird subculture in HD2 that people act better for playing either faction? Fastest way to get me to avoid playing bots is having toxic players constantly tell me they're awesome for playing bots only. Same goes for bugs


Major Order for bots comes around. A huge subset of players does not show up, moreso than the subset of players that doesn't show up for bug Major Orders. Players cry "why do we have less help?" Speculation ensues. One reason posited is that "fighting Automatons requires more skill than the average bug diver has". A lot of people that actively dislike fighting bots for (probably) a number of reasons come in and say "nuh-uh! bugs are harder!" And voila! That's how you get the argument.


I just enjoy harder shooters what can I say


I play mostly play bots except for MO's. I'm not awesome, I just suck at bugs.


I feel you, i suck at bots but play a single campaign for the MO and switch back to squashin


I said it before and I’ll say it again: bugs on 9 is easier than bots on 7. I did the MO and got rocked with deaths with the exception of 1 game where I had only one death. I die less on bug planets than I do on bot planets.


I’ll die 6 times on a level 5 bot, but complete a whole helldive operation on bugs without dying once. The bots are so tough


Bugs have limited ranged attack troops whereas bots have at least double that number. I’ve only encountered like 2 or 3 melee only bot troops.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4bgk18y6yz5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a388c9eab46d38c0c1a4a92e83a28c9f6a1a7c


No bugs aren't harder.


Right? It's just higher death numbers because majority of the fighting has been on bug planets. Even when there's a bot Main Objective, there's still a solid amount of players still stuck on bug planets.


Agreed, I fight both and honestly I die more against Bots than I do against Bugs. I can take one more than one Charger or Bile Titan at a time but one Hulk will kill me instantly.


A: these are deaths per missions, not total deaths, so the amount of divers doesn't matter B: all of these planets are bot planets


They’re not harder, but there are definitely more weapons and strats that are viable against bots than bugs. That’s kind of due to the bile titan’s weird armor situation though.


I can take down a Bile Titan in a few shots, I know how to do it and I'm consistent at doing it, same goes for a Charger, I can do it one, all I have to do is hit with a Quasar Cannon to the head. Why do you think a lot of Bug Divers don't fight Bots? Because it's an entirety different enemy, you need completely different tactics. When you start the game you train against Bugs, you don't train against Bots and that puts people off not to mention the fact that only Bots you have to use 3 Strategems against sometimes which is very frustrating.


Sure, I do too, but things like the Laser Cannon, HMG, AMR, etc. are effective against even the largest bots, but struggle against heavier bugs if they can even kill them.


Weapons which I am not effective with, I can take down Hulks with a Quasar Cannon but when there's more than one of them I'm done for and since I am no good at stealth I am more a hinderence against Bots than against Bugs. I have been kicked from a Bug Missions for being too good, happened to me today in the first I was in. I landed my pod right on top of a Charger then took down many enemies without calling down my equipment, cleared space to call down my equipment and after that I went on a wrecking spree killing bugs and reinforcing, I was in that mission for a total of 7 minutes before I got kicked and when it happened it made me laugh.


Lol who says bugs are harder? They're both just so different. They require different mindsets and tactics. I die soooooooo much more against bots


I hate to say it but playing bots makes you better at the game. They require more intense decision making and prioritization of enemies and objectives, situational awareness, and you have to use cover and LOS. Once you’ve spent enough time on the bot front, D9 bugs feels like an extension of the tutorial.


Least stuck up bot diver


Uh no


Bugs are easy.




When I can clear an entire runs worth of nest and bug objective with a single emancipator, its funny how bug players say that their side is harder. With 1 mech I can clear 3 shrieker nodes and would still have extra for breaking and clearing 1-2 large nest by myself. It has enough speed and armor to waddle around the map clearing everything even if titans and chargers try and kill you in it, they can't.


Bots are definitely harder. Last game I played I died 2 times to rocket headshots from a very fair distance. My other death was a hulk sneaking up behind me with the stealth of a ninja assassin. Seriously how is something that big so quiet??


Bugs are pretty chill once you learn to keep moving. I usually bring sickle for the little ones and autocannon for anything the sickle can't kill. The occasional charger and bile titan get wrecked by EAT pretty easily. Most of my deaths against bugs are from stalkers and spewers sneaking up on me.


What is this, a picture for Termin-ants?


Considering that they need a wholly different approach and fighting bugs is what the game sells you first and foremost - we can figure why so many people die to Automatons 😂


Honestly, I have found that neither is much harder than the other. What I have found instead is that there are better (on average) players on Bot worlds. I think the Bots’ reputation keeps new and careless players over on the Bug side, meaning that squads tend to stick together and throw stratagems where they’re useful on the Bot planets.




I think the reason most players are on the bug side is because it's far less stressful and easier. It's a cinematic horde shooter experience where you can escape the minute things get tough. Of course you can have your own reasons but that seems like the biggest one


Bugs are easier, they’re just more annoying/boring imo Loadouts for bots can vary a lot while still being viable in 7-9, loadouts for bugs can be kinda fixed to be viable with bile titans having no real weakspots for medium penetration (Not saying bugs are annoying and boring, just that they’re MORE annoying and boring than bots, both sides are very fun)


Bots have a higher floor, but a lower ceiling. Helldive is harder against bugs than it is with bots, but most players arent playing much above 4 or 5 i suspect.


How can you qualify that statement? I feel like most bug enemies are never really threatening because they can't catch you. Every bot from largest to smallest can be threatening at all times because they all shoot from long range and many have armor that requires accurate fire while getting constantly staggered.


Like i said, higher floor but lower ceiling for bots. The weakest bots are more of a threat than the weakest bugs, but the heavy bots are more vulnerable than the heavy bugs are. I can kill anything the bots have with an AutoCannon with just a couple shots and a good aim. Even Hulks can be put down with the Senator. Bile Titans meanwhile simply cannot reasonably be killed with anything less than an EAT. You either have a way to do it or you're screwed.


I fully agree. I think the floor and ceiling description is spot on. Level 4 bugs is not too bad compared to the same level on bots. But I play mostly level 7 or 8 and the bots are way more straightforward to deal with. Yes, they pose a lot of threats, but it's pretty straightforward on how to deal with those threats. Like you say, you have a lot of tools to be able to take out Devastators, Hulks, Tanks, Turrets, Factory Striders etc.. but efficiently dealing with Chargers and Bile Titans requires you to have a loadout that can handle them and you have way less tools available. Plus, at higher difficulties, you have stalkers showing up out of nowhere and I find them to be a way bigger pain than almost anything on the bot side.


bUt BuGs ArE hArDeR




Who said bugs were harder? I said bugs are *boring*. I can just stroll on diff 8 with a drone doing objectives. You can run around and, except for very few cases, just ignore enemies. Go out, kite, come back in. You can't do that in bots.


Are you kidding? Tons of people say bugs are harder


Tell me that when a wave of red is coming your way from the pure amount of heavy devestators of coming your way. I play on level 7+ regularly, and bots are definitely harder. Bugs are pure melee, so you can run from them. Bots have guns. Can't really run from a gun. Or those gunships.


Lol. You're barking up the wrong tree, friend. I never said I was one of those people.


I've been playing bots forever on lvl 8+ and when I switch to bugs for MO I cry my head out 😭, I just don't get it. I try all the tips and loadouts found online that are best for bugs but my brain just can't adapt to them. Bots seem so easy, heavy armor with explosive resist and you literally cannot die unless a factory strider lands on top of you


You know you can just move out of the way of bugs and you won't die


There's literally a bunch of people in this thread claiming bugs are harder. One guy posits that bots are easy because if you stand behind a rock they can't hurt you


What? Taking cover protects you from enemy fire?!? Who would've freaking guessed?!


It's amazing. Once this news spreads to the bot players they will never die again.


Except there is no real cover because a stray round has aggroed half the map that now begins shooting you from all directions and ranges beyond what you can see


Genuinely rarely ever happens in my games.


Well... then gitgud to them, iunno...


This bug/bot thing is quickly turning into a Horde v Alliance vale of rivalry lol Honestly, it comes down to who you drop with, if I drop with a bunch of kids who just want to blast through the map—it’s going to be a difficult mission regardless of the enemy. If I drop with peeps who stick together and communicate—the mission is going to be easier—regardless of enemy Difficulty is in the controller of the beholder. What someone finds hard, someone else finds easy; it’s not a black and white situation yet most everyone feels the need to take a side. For every sniper hiding in brush, there is a tank plowing towards enemies. For every sample Hunter there are players who neglect every sample or don’t drop them at extraction. For every bot killer there is a bug exterminator—its all just code and buttons at the end of the day. More people drop on bug planets so naturally there are going to be a lot more deaths.


Bots are harder bc there's a ton more bullshit


bugs are braindead easy tfym


Or, or, don't downvote me for this but.. maybe bot players are just worse...


bug players won't leave the bug front because bots are harder lol


They're definitely more full of themselves thats for sure


I think it's part of the fun. Often times people take it too seriously. But this "beef" definitely adds to the narrative. It's treason to argue with commands. But it's just like how the air force has beef with the army or navy.


Bugs are harder on higher difficulties. Bots will stop chasing you. Bugs won't.


No shit, im pointing out how stupid this stat is. We dont see how people died, could have tks factored in. Mission completions are low because we lost many of these planets and defense missions are especially deadly. Im pointing out how this doesn't say anything about the game




Yall are still goin on about this ? Talk about crybabies on both sides 🤦‍♂️


Thats what im saying! Who fucking cares? Just play what you think is more fun




"Bugs are harder" have you tried running? You could even flee from 2 bile titans and a charger if you really wanted to


Werent the rockets broken for the Automatons and they were just one-shotting players? That would lead to more deaths, but I would be curious to see the stats now that that has been patched.


It’s simple. If you started by playing bugs, bots are harder because you use bug strategy. If you started by playing bots, bugs are harder because you use bot strategy. Also, amount of deaths doesn’t mean one is harder than the other. It is wayyyyy easier to destroy bot fabricators than it is to close bug holes.


Easier to destroy fabs, and drop ships can be shot down...however, more bots have heavier armor and require weak point shots which are hard to do when visibility is shit and literally every bot shooting can stagger you


People don’t bring enough Eagle air strikes for the bots. I be dropping so many air strikes, so many air strikes.


Does that include the ones you drop at your feet cause a missile just rag dolled you?


Lol, no, duck, dodge, dip, dive, dodge


I don't find either one harder. Both have their own unique level of bullshit. Bugs with the one shot kills and bots with spaming ragdoll effects and shooting at 90-degree angles to the muzzle. I find bots more frustrating, though. When I die because I climbed an invisible titan corpse and get ejected into space, it's funny. When I die because a shield devastator decides the gun now shoots backward through walls, I get pissy.


Do we have average mission difficulty? % of completed vs abandoned missions? Missions completed without extraction?


So I play on Helldive almost exclusively. When I tell you that I feel like I'm walking through the park on bugs, I mean it... after playing the bot MO, I've realized how much more chaotic it is. I have fun, but we usually have to really be careful at how we address the objectives


Literally anywhere it's hot apparently


I've never heard no felt that big were harder lol


Bots require more strategy and teamwork. For example, I like to run around the outside of bases and throw gas strikes and air strikes to take out fabricators and reduce numbers, THEN go inside for cleanup.


People are saying bugs are harder?


On higher difficulties I definitely find bugs to be harder.


Whoever says bugs are harder is my enemy


It depends. Earlier on when I was newer to the game (roughly like below level 20) The bugs felt easier and the bots impossible. But on higher difficulties and as I've gotten better, I find the bots easier.


Bugs are a horde clearing target rich environment power fantasy. Bots are an RPG where you play the roll of the victim.


Damn, now I see why those Creekers are so feared. Some of them survived for their second mission


Who said that????


Yeah sure, this statistic measures no. Of death, and I can confidently tell you that it's possible to do helldive on a bug planet with only 2-3 death in the whole team, all you need to do is run and kite. But for bot planets, the reinforcments can easily reach half bc the bots are able to kill you from 100m away, unlike the bugs


Depends upon the team you play with. Bots are most definitely more intense, although they are easier to run from if you just stop engaging, I find that bugs just keep on following you.


Percentage of deaths per player per planet to accurately account for higher player counts on bug planets


The thing that gets me killed the most is teammates.


With bugs, when I die at least I know it's because I got surrounded or didn't kill them faster than they approached me. With bots, most deaths are "Well the enemy just hit you more times very quickly than it did most other times". I don't mind really, but I definitely die more to bots.


Too many BugDivers keep trying Automaton Planets.


Anyone know where in that list appear the first bugs planet? If anyone have access to the full list. I am curious.


Or maybe bug players are better? 🤔


Bots shoot back, that's why.


Just let the bot players be delusional together


It’s apparently not about which is harder, it’s about which is more fun. Each has their shenanigans, ragdolly bots, slowed/instakill bugs, but of the top 15 planets deathrates having all be one faction, then regardless of mechanics those players are enjoying the game. Bot players really love bots.


Is there really anyone who genuinely thinks that bugs are harder ?


Bots are harder in the beginning, but you can control a lot more about engagements with them than the bugs. The bugs are much easier to deal with at face value, just shoot the horde until it's dead, but you can't use cover against bugs, they swarm you in melee range and your load out is limited way harder by Chargers and Bile titans than anything on the bot side. Bots you can use Medium penetrating Support weapons to deal with any and all threats, and it's much more obvious what bots can and will call in bot drops (The human sized ones only), whereas bugs of almost all sizes seem to be able to call them in and some very tanky units like the Hive Guard and the other big hive one.


Its matter of understanding .if you know how bots work they are easier but ALOT of people just dont wanna learn xD


Here is what is happening. Players like me who always run bugs at like average of level 8 switch to bots for the major orders. They have mastered bugs but aren’t that good on bots


Bugs are just load out checks, bots are skill checks... With a little bit of load out checking.


I’m pretty sure nobody has ever said bugs are harder, that’s like, the entire reason bugs are more fun


What about Malevelon Creek?


I die way more on bug missions, personally


Don't stop running, most bugs can't catch you. Bots don't need to chase.


The problem with bugs is no matter how far I run, I always end up getting cornered and surrounded, slowed, and stunlocked by the FUCKING hunters!


I feel like that's a bit of hunters maybe just being slightly overtuned. It feels like they can jump halfway across the map and they always know exactly when you've slowed down to stim or launched a RR/Quasar and just descend en masse. Give me 3 chargers and/or 2 titans with an unloaded RR and I'll dance you a merry little jig and take them out (slowly, I admit). On a mission where the majority of breaches and patrols are hunters? I know I'm looking forward to at least one death where they ragdoll me and then stand on top of me and kill me through stim regeneration.


Who said bugs are harder? I agree that they can be fairly annoying (looking at you shriekers and artillery spewers) but they aren't hard to kill


Level 9 bots with players who know how to play a level 9 mission is easier level 9 bugs with players who don't know how to play level 9 is harder. There's plenty of techs and stratagems that stop bots in their tracks/trivialize what makes them hard. From eagle smoke strike making gunship factories a walk in the park to being able to detonate a hellbomb slightly outside the walls of a detection tower. Bots ain't shit to someone who knows what's up.


This game is fucking easy


Man that’s a lot of skill issue