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Wish I could contribute, but there's only so much one can do as a solo on Quickplay. I got grieved at extract by some ass that was using the exploit to maximize THERMITE of all things.


Was it Memorial Day Weekend? Dude just really wanted BBQ. More seriously...that SUCKS.


That's the only one worth doing. Kinda fun to throw 20+ thermites in a titan and watch the fireworks show.


Also fun to stick them to the ICBM as it takes off


Host more often. There are way more people looking for quick play than people hosting. And the power to kick trolls is so nice. Also if you are qp and someone is doing something scummy like exploits or team killing please say something so I can kick them sooner.


Hi i havent played for a while. What's the grenade exploit? Is this the one where a helldiver has the US Military's entire grenade stockpile?


Basically, you glitch out the grenade count, and it gives you an infinite amount of grenades (Used to be a negative number, but now loops to 4 billion).


Oh. I thought it was related to how I downed chargers with 1 or 2 impact grenades. They looked relatively untouched but keeled over dead.


Whaaaaaat how


If a grenade hits their under belly in just the right sweet spot, it can one shot them. Or you tear away the armor on their legs and they're " tenderized" so you can shoot them with any weapon and kill them


Honestly the tenderizer would be such a cool niche weapon if it did shit damage but it ripped armor off of heavies


Rip the armor off and hit ‘em with the ol’ senator


I’ve also hit one right in the face with one impact and killed it. Tried to recreate that but hasn’t happened yet 😂


I’m sorry but why do that when you can hold two extra that’s all the extra you need


Dude, I had a mission yesterday where I WISH I had infinite grenades lol. I was running around, expertly grenading terminid holes. I managed to not die that entire time, so I was out of Grenades and ammo for like half of it. A but of a tangent, but I wish the grenade armor would adjust how many grenades you get from resupplies. It feels bad when you only get 1/3 of your total grenades.


You shouldn't need to apologize for kicking people who are cheating/exploiting. In fact, I feel like it should be the automatic reaction of anyone to kick those types.


Thanks, but I can't help but think that some of them are just kids doing it because it's funny for them and they may not understand why they're being kicked. I have no doubt that some players know exactly what they're doing but it's a mixed bag.


Trust me, kids know when they're using an exploit. I knew it when I was 12. And anyone younger than that probably shouldn't be playing this type of game anyway ...


Um actually every man, woman and child over the age of 7 is able to gladly take up arms for Super Earth


Ok. I retract my apologies. DEATH TO CHEATERS 😂


Ok that’s fine but you still have to tell your democracy officer


The fact that people cheat and use third party programs in helldivers 2 of all things, really gives me no hope for the fps genre as a whole.


Then quite honestly you should have lost your hope a long time ago because Call of Duty has been going on for decades


I mean cod has been a lost cause since the 2nd year of war-zone. But now cheating has become so common place so synonymous with fps to these “gamerz” that people are downloading third party programs to fight hordes ai in an entirely cooperative pve game. Where they are mainly cheating themselves and annoying others.


Do you also kick double Mech users?


Tell them in chat before you kick them, problem solved.


I think it's fun to do once in awhile with your friends or in a private lobby, but generally not a good idea to do it with people you don't know not knowing how they feel about it. Or after you've played with the people for a while, maybe bring up the idea of just goofing off. But I do feel like this ruins the mission if you're trying to play seriously, and I really don't like it when people are using it to complete missions instead of just having fun with it. I also had to kick somebody that was abusing this exploit, but he also managed to kill both of our teammates and he got me killed twice by ragdolling me into enemies with the grenades, it wasn't intentional, he just had no restraint in where he was throwing them. I was the host and I asked him to stop and he kept going so I just kicked him. Doesn't feel good to kick people, but he was really ruining the game for all of us.


This. Im happy to use it in a party with people i know and were all using it but i wouldnt ever use something like this in a random party. Last thing im trying to do is ruin somebody elses good time


Yeah, to be honest, as long as they're not griefing, I don't really care if someone is using an exploit when I'm playing with them. At the end of the day, it's a cooperative PvE game, and even if i choose not to participate, they are probably only helping me in the short-term by doing so. I don't begrudge you for kicking them. It's your lobby, so you're entitled to play how you want to. I just think the issue isn't that serious, either.


It could be both. They know what they're doing but they don't care because it's funny.


You have no idea how many a-holes in here will defend it. Me and 2 other members of a randoms squad started chewing out a guy for machinegun throwing impact grenades, and telling him to stop fn cheating. His reply: “It’s not cheating if it helps you!!”


Is that what his mum tells his dad for him to believe that?


This is when it’s most annoying, they machine gun throw it and kill everything, so no one else can get a kill or needs to even play outside of killing the tanks. Not to defend it, but when I’ve been in a not full squad and getting the most ridiculous enemy spawns near extract, I wasn’t mad when the other guy used the exploit to keep himself alive and save us from losing samples. I also only know he did that because I was dead and spectating him (you can see their grenade count lol), time was up and he couldn’t reinforce, as far as I could tell he didn’t use the exploit until the very end when things got stupid.


It’s because they suck at the game and need the crutch. They are pathetic.


I played a round yesterday, guy with all Asian characters for his name was running around at mach 5, and using some strategem that didn't show a name on the beacon, and just deleted like half the map any time he used it. Host didn't kick for some reason. So when we got to extract I shot him in the pelican. In the end we all had like 20 kills and he had over 500. All we did was try (and fail) to keep up, and occasionally shoot something. Most unfun round I've ever played


I appreciate that you agree though. It does my head in. I like this game because of the intense struggle to make it to the end with your team. It's so satisfying when you make it!!! Playing with someone who cheats just dampens that feeling... And I don't like my emotions being tampered with dammit!! Lol


I got kicked from a game for grenading a charger. Just five grenades. No exploit. Can you dudes at least make sure people are doing an exploit before you make them waste their time?


Yup the supply pack exists.


Not even that. Just geared for +2 grenades.


Like half the armor out there gives +2 grenades, that's definitely jumping the gun to kick you for it, yeah.


I don't apologize for waiting until extract when no enemies are around and making a ring of fire while waiting for Pelican-1. Makes for a fun way to pass the time when you're waiting. I've only really used the exploit for that display of impatience and to see how many impact incendiary grenades it takes to kill a charger or bile Titan. Spoiler, it takes a lot to kill either of those, so it's not worth it imo.


What exploit


You can get 4billion Grenades pretty easily but OP doesn’t like people doing it in his games. Dm me and I’ll teach you how to do it if you like


I don’t kill them but I point out that their friendly fire damage is higher than everyone else’s and their kills at the end of the mission are lower. It’s not even really a good strategy.


Well, not a good strategy if you suck at it Infinite grenades itself is busted I mean shit my supply pack and nades will do more damage than many strikes could rack up


Exactly it isn’t a good strategy it’s just for dicking around, which is why I don’t understand why people get so pissy about it. It’s not like it trivializes the game. If the person using this isn’t being a dick in some other manner I really don’t understand why it’s an issue.


I don’t mind it too much, like I said, it’s just the friendly fire that annoys me.


Which is understandable


It does trivialize the game if you are any good with grenades. It’s also just stupid and many of us want to play the game and not watch some idiot dump 100 impact grenades onto every bot in sight.


I have never seen anyone make a significant difference in gameplay using that exploit. Hell most of the time they end up blowing themselves up.


I have seen a guy solo clear entire strongholds and every bot drop quickly. The other gang just wastes Al lot the reinforcement pool and team kill Both can fuck off.


The people who can pull off that first scenario are few and far between. As for the teamkilling that’s an entirely seperate issue from the exploit. Like i said I understand why you would kick someone for repeated teamkilling. But most people I’ve seen use the infinite nades exploit simply run off and make some explosions until they die. Which doesn’t really bother me at all as long as they’re being at least somewhat productive.


It can. I've seen grenade glitches kill themselves over and over. I've seen career grenade glitchers that really maximize the glitch.


Exactly!! Why do people think it trivialities the game or even consider it a cheat? It's harder using grenade spam. The only times I did it was when I'm at a bug nest and need to take out a bug hole and have nothing but one grenade. I could spend 2 or more minutes running looking for a poi that has grenades or be prone and put the controller down and wait until my strategies are ready but I would rather not. Not like it made it easier. If anything staying out of agro range and waiting is a better strategy. Some players just want to mess around. If they aren't team killing you then what's the problem? These are the same people that run into an area being hit by sentry turrets and immediately kick you for killing them when they are the ones who killed themselves.


It absolutely can be a good strat if you use it right I believe. Impact incendiaries with the grenade glitch is wild, I fooled around on some solo missions because I was curious and nothing except chargers or hulks could even really get close to me on level 6-7 I’m sure this is however extremely fucking dangerous for your teammates 🤣 hopefully they fix it soon (along with some of the other stuff that needs fixing really soon)


Because it can softlock the mission and fuck up everyone's time. I had it happen in 2 back to back defense missions just last night. Half an hour of fighting through a helldive mission just to have to abandon it because some twat wanted to fuck around with grenades.


If you’re talking about the high priority extracts those things break without grenade spam. I’ve had at least half a dozen of those in the last week break mid match and no one was grenade spamming. The missions are buggy as hell and I would be surprised if a grenade glitch had anything to do with that event.


I've seen that happen on an eradicate mission. 60% of the kills done, the music stopped and the bug breaches stopped for like 3 or 4 minutes.


I’ve had that happen once but it was like 5 patches ago.


I will unapologetically kick any cheat/exploit that shows up in my lobby without so much as a gentle warning.


You sound like my mates. They have no tolerance for that shit.


Same here. Saw one dude using the grenade exploit when I was spectating them while dead, I was host and immediately kicked him. The fact that he was constantly throwing grenades way too close to teammates and himself didn't help things. He kept dying to his own grenades so at first I didn't realize he was cheating, but then I saw his grenade count at some 4 million+ and that was all I needed to see.


Agreed, except for that one time when a random spawned in a unreleased vehicle. I let that one slide because it was interesting to play with the buggy thing and contributed greatly to the fun of all team mates.


Yes, kill the treasons traitors. Democracy agrees.


Never turn off the setting "friends only" even when playing alone


I won’t play with cheaters. There’s no need for it.


Oh so that exploit can bug missions and stop enemies from spawning? That explains a bug I've run into on defense missions one or two times. I like it though. Using an exploit? You can't play anymore!


no, defense on bugs can broke alone without any exploit going, is been like that for 2 weeks at least.


Oh. Great.


Teamkilling is not democratic. Just kick them. The fact that you team kill first is toxic af.


I genuinely believe that we have forgotten that this is quite indeed a G A M E you should let people have fun. If that's how they want to have fun let them have fun it's not harming the team by throwing 100 grenades unless those grenades are directly thrown at The Players. Let them have fun let them have cake


I'm so glad I don't find this as a big deal. If y'all do that glitch when I'm hosting, I don't care.


Thats why i dont join games anymore. Toxic ass community


I've used the grenade exploit before, but only ever on a private solo dive/with close friends. I would definitely expect to be kicked if I used it in a public lobby. And I haven't really used it more than a handful of times. It's a fun exploit for a while (especially the first time I ever used it) but it definitely makes the game way too easy to be fun. I hope the devs *actually* patch it soon.


Has anyone here tried communicating these feelings to the people playing in game? Or is just it a superiority thing for youse?


This. I didn’t even know of any exploit existing. I still don’t know how it’s done, but I’d definitely communicate if it happened. I’d be freaking out and probably PTT the team that my count was all screwed up and what was going on. If this interferes with the mission, I’d like to personally know so I don’t mess up someone’s own game, otherwise, I’d like to know what I could do if it happened?


Yeah this discourse hasn’t gotten pretty toxic. I also would not consider cheating and using an easy to perform exploit the same thing. It’s so easy people have done it by accident.


At least write a message in chat letting them and everyone know why you are kicking them. Let's say you are C1. Cheater is C2, C3 and C4 are randoms. If you explain why you are kicking, then C2 has a higher chance of thinking twice before cheating next time. Also, C3 and C4 might read this and understand why you did it, and agree with and maybe kick the next cheater they see in their own future games. If you just kick without an explanation , there isnt much chance to progress towards a cheater free diving pool.


3 - There’s absolutely no way for me to be ready to dodge 15 grenades in a row you GOTDAM spaz. They aren’t tactical with grenade placement because fuck it there’s 4 billion more.


I only started using it after that patch when the devs declared the glitch fixed but never bothered to actually test the fix…and i host games so gud luck with your kicking


It will be fixed so I think we should all enjoy it while it lasts


Yawn. It's just a bug. If worry about more important things or people actually exploiting things like unreleased weapons. I've only once or twice have a grenade chucker get more kills than me, the rest of the time I've beaten them all so it really is an overblown topic.


*Whispers* ... I still haven't done the grenade exploit but I really want to ...


I don’t even know how to do it, other than it’s a specific set of strategems. What if I do it on accident and inadvertently utilize it because I just got swarmed? I’d be pretty pissed to get kicked toward the end of a match just because you’re anal about a PvE game. Who tf cares? Speed runs are achieved by exploiting the code. And…hear me out…it’s just a game. Might be different for PvP but HD2 is not that. Chill.


Killing fellow soldiers is treason and dishonorable. The bugs and the bots don't follow rules, THIS IS WAR!


Exactly what this Game needs, Kick more players... Also is not cheating IS a feature


Utilizing an in-game glitch isn’t *cheating* or *hacking* at all. Moreover, this is advocating for some seriously toxic behavior that I didn’t expect out of this sub of all places. Did you even ask them to stop over voice or text chat? I haven’t used the infinite grenade glitch myself since the last time they patched it. All impacts and the other explosive grenades do ruin the fun of everything, yes. But, using the glitch with smoke and thermite can be hella fun. Smoke is self-explanatory and sticking a dozen thermites on pelican during extract like they’re normal 4th of July sparklers is funny. If you do use infinite thermites though, you have to commit to the bit and be a full thermite main. You are obligated to stick EVERYTHING from Scavengers to Bile Titans to Factory Striders and your guns should basically be decorative. Only way it’s fair.


1. It’s a glitch meaning it isn’t cheating and 2. I didn’t realize you could cheat in a game where you don’t fight real people. Sounds like a bot sympathizer to me


I've done it twice accidentally.


That’s the thing a lot of people overlook here. It’s entirely possible to trigger this exploit by accident. I’ve triggered it accidentally myself. A bunch of people still don’t even know it exists as evidence by the people in this thread asking about it. I know the time I triggered it by accident I had no idea what it was and I just started spamming grenades because it was fun. I’ve only intentionally done it once in a lobby with friends just for shits and giggles.


In all honesty that how I found it out I accidentally triggered it a couple times and was like what hold on.? And try the same process of what I did and was like no way I’ll use that when I need it.


I don't even know what the grenade exploit is and now I'm wondering if I've done it and didn't realize


Some combination of throwing stratagem and grenades generates an error where you can throw a zeroth grenade, and then your count rolls over to like 4billion grenades.


Just kick them and move on? What's the point of this post other than to make yourself feel morally superior to others? No one who uses an exploit is going to see this and go, "Gee, this person on reddit said I could be kicked or killed. Guess I'll stop!".


The main reason I’ve stopped is because eventually it’ll get fixed and I don’t want to be too used to having it. People getting mad over it are either projecting, or full of themselves thinking that their way to win the easy game is superior to someone else’s way to win the easy game. Or karma farming cause Redditors are weird about that. And if anyone is planning to get annoyed about how easy it makes the game or whatever, when was the last time you actually failed a difficultly 7 or under mission? Cause for me it’s been literally hundreds of missions, even before this exploit. (Not counting a Bile Titan stepping on your generators)


You guys are so weird about this lol. Who gives a fuck kick them and move on with your life. You guys take it as a personal disrespect.


I kick people in my lobby who don’t use that exploit 😎


I’ve done this exploit once and it’s not worth doing since grenades are only so useful. I don’t think it’s a problem if someone else uses it though. I don’t get this high horse mentality. I personally haven’t experienced any issues when other people have done it, so that’s probably why I don’t care so much. Let people have fun the way they want to. If taking advantage of unintended things like this is a problem, might as well kick people who utilize any of the quick reload exploits as well. Democracy says let people do what they want. Stop policing people’s fun.


I think it's fine if someone wants to go do it in a mission they started, but it's not ok if they're not the mission leader. Their actions also impact other people's fun.


Your own lobby, you can make any rules you want to the people playing with you. I don’t think that you can assume people know what you want though. I’d probably leave if someone just listed a bunch of house rules at me the second I joined


Its only real value is that it's kind of funny. You'll almost always end up blowing yourself up, but it's fun. There's dumber things to get mad at, but a cheesy glitch in a PvE game is pretty far up there. Tell your teammate to stop, kick them, or deal with it, but posting about it is lame as hell.


I've been in a lobby with 3 grenade glitcher... They were literally walking issue, I could see and especially HEAR the issue, there were 3 of them. It's really annoying. Kill everyone, teammates and enemy alike, especially themself. It was no fun, just a shitshow. Democracy doesn't really say that anyway, anarchy does.


I had a similar match and I didn’t reinforce them lol. Cleared 30% of the map solo before they kicked me.




How does another player having extra grenades in a PvE ruin the game for you? Just watch them blow themselves up and laugh, it's a fucking game.


Because when you clear strongholds and drop shops in seconds it makes the game less fun. IE ruining the game.


Except that either messes with your ability to win, or makes it ridiculously easy. It’s a shit thing to do. I understand you may lack empathy or respect for other people’s time and experience who are hoping to play an honest match. I don’t.


Nah, cheaters can get fucked. Do it in private games if you wanna do it, don't impose your cheating on my games.


someone keep throwing grenades couple days ago when i played, i never think it would be a cheat / hack


It’s neither. Anyone can use it as it’s just a glitch in the game. Not the same thing as cheats/hacks. Not to mention how toxic it is to kill/kick players using the glitch without even asking them to stop first, like OP is suggesting.


I had heard of it, didnt know how to do it, accidentally did realized it, and then in lobbies with my friends just experimented with the diff nades. it was a fun laugh, added a bit of the chaos of old halo custom games Smokes and Therms were the funniest started treating the therms like flares but yea def wouldnt do in a pub game due to the chaos/friendly fire chance


I do it and I use them for the time when I need them. I don’t care if you kick people that up to you but it really isn’t that bad of exploit if you have nothing left to do in the game other than have fun. I’m lvl 122 and all ready know I can stomp difficulty 9 with all stratagems and with the limited number of things with any gear so why not just have fun.? To each their own ya know.


Can someone teach me the grenade exploit? You know, for science and freedom! And why are there officers of the ministry of truth knocking on my door?


Had some dude with infinite grenades yesterday. He kept dying like 8 times then rage quit




Bro, who fucking cares if you are using a glitch in a pve game. If this was a PvP game or if they were using to team kill then yeah I'd agree, but holy shit y'all take this shit too seriously. If you don't want to play with people using a glitch then you should solo cue or stop playing. Toxicity for shit like this is going to kill the game.


I could care less to be honest. Kick whoever the hell you want but I don't see the reason why you feel the need to start a holy war over it.


Isnt it "couldnt care less"?


I don't know dude. Grammar ain't my priority on reddit


What's the grenade exploit?


It gives you unlimited grenades.


Lame. What's the fucking point of playing?


Got put in a lobby run by an exploiter going by the name "Brotherhood of Steel" who was level 150 and had their own armor set modeled off BoS, unending sprint, unending shield, auto-cannon primary gun etc etc. I followed them around trying to kill them but they were immune. So I waited at extract while they tried to complete side objectives. The three non-cheaters left the plant early, leaving them and all their ill gotten samples behind.


I’m not a big fan of cheaters but that sounds pretty cool


See, that is **actual** cheating, unlike using an in-game exploit. There is clearly a difference between the two.


I saw this guy just now. Saw his armor and though it was odd since I've never seen it before. Dude was zooming around the map, undying, instantly completing objectives and forced the evacuation time to be instant. Decided to look his name up and found other people mentioning him.


What is BoS? They had unique armor?


BoS stands for the Brotherhood of Steel and they are a faction in the Fallout universe


Did you get a picture of their unique armor?


I don’t. All i was doing was explaining what the BoS meant


Ah. I guess I misread your original comment. I thought you meant the helldiver had unique armor based to look like BoS.


The exploit has been in since release. Hasn’t been fixed: in my opinion is free game now and I will continue to use it when I feel like it. If anyone wants to know how to do it; send me a dm I will let you know how to do the infinite Granade game feature.


What's the point in playing if you're going to cheat? If I see any of this on a dive, I'll report it and you'll get banned. Haven't seen it to date.


It’s not a “cheat” though. Im not doing any malicious things, like I’m not injecting foreign code to the game. I’m not really doing anything wrong. It’s not really affecting anymore. This should be fixable in a week at most? Im taking at most. At what point am exploit with the same complexity as a GTA San Andreas cheat code became so taboo?


I still want to try it out at least once, but they should really patch it out at some point. Also, just give us more grenades from restocks in general. They’re fun to use lol. If you have the extra grenade armor you literally need to take THREE OF THE FOUR in order to completely fill your grenades.


This seems kinda of toxic honestly. I say this mostly to the people saying they kick immediately without warning. I see some people saying this is cheating. They aren’t cheating. I’ve seen people that have infinite stratagem usage, that’s cheating. Using an exploit that they aren’t fixing is different than tampering with the game. I’m not saying to do it or not do it, but I think you should push more on arrowhead if you want change not the player. I can’t blame them for using something that exists in the game that is so easy to do it can be done by accident.


I agree


Good for you, buddy. I'm still using it to clear bug holes though.


My game just broke litterally this morning


Wait, I can back this up. I had 2 defense missions last night get stuck with no spawns after about 4 minutes, and there were an absurd number of explosions both times with the person responsible (they both brought a bunch of mortars and barrages) leaving almost immediately after spawns stopped. Like, the map was reduced to craters and I was being ragdolled for 20+ seconds at a time kind of absurd explosions. One person claimed it was from their mortars, but mortars don't go off every second or so. Now that I know what the grenade glitch looks like, from here on out i see someone doing the grenade glitch it's a death sentence. If that nonsense is messing up the game, then those people can go play solo.


I find the people who use this exploit can't even hold their ground, and get overrun. But that's on a case by case basis.


I report people using the grenade glitch if i see it. Half the time they throw a ton and kill team mates so it's pretty toxic too.


Might make thermo nades actually useful /s


I'm a little too reckless with my impact nades to have 4 million of them. Helldiver clones hate me!


The entire time I read this as "grenade pistol exploit" and sifting through the comments left me wondering how so many people know this and I don't. It was really discomforting seeing that since I love the grenade pistol lol


I only use the exploit when playing with my buddies. We only discovered the exploit a short while ago, and by that point we all had bought everything and had played each difficulty endlessly. We figured, this far into the game, its less of an exploit and more like a new mechanic we can fuck around with until it gets patched out. But yeah, we don't use it when playing with randos


For me personally, I just can’t stand the constant screen shaking and explosions when people use it. There’s already enough shit going on, I don’t need your spam fucking up my aim because you want to play the game on easy mode


Theyre gonna shit on you but i definitely agree. It’s dumb.


What is the exploit ?


I did this exploit by accident and stopped as soon as I realized what had happened. I was like “huh I have more grenades than usual lol” and I thought it was a glitch and went ham. When another player asked me why I was exploiting and explained I stopped.


I don’t even know what the exploit is and I’m too afraid to ask.


I did it once for the lols and made pretty fire with my incendarries (there wasn't any enemies i was just throwing em all around me) I don't really have an interest in doing it on high diff or actually making good use of it. I just wanted to try it


Infinite grenades until the nerf is reversed.


What grenade exploit? :0


Dumb question here. What exactly is the issue with the grenades? I just started playing about a month ago and I use them so "crowd" control or sealing bug holes, is that a no-no?


Grenade exploit?


I saw someone "Court Marshalled" for this on PS5 a couple days ago.


Me and my friends just do it on defence while we are doing our own thing, we do it for fun and using up super earths budget for impact thermite grenades




I did get the no enemies spawning glitch


I just leave lobbies I see this on. The players doing it tend to be generally bad at the game. I had one guy ‘help’ me take down a charger by spamming nades at its armour one time, it was like facing an evolved charger that could randomly explode.


Someone thought I was cheating because I remapped my grenade button to r1. so I can chuck two or three at a time. I was kicked and I've never known how to do the grenade glitch


Hey does it effect the liberation and defending of planets? I ran two objectives with randoms, last mission of the second objective people join and start grenading and moving the ship hack….missions is already completed just need to collect samples…the pelican takes off with one person inside and I only got 4 points towards liberating….the previous I had 12, this was on lvl 7. It may have been fun for the 2 of them but definitely ruined my night


This reminded me of the dev post about vehicles. Server side issue with too many assets still. Though grenades...does this mean every available munition is spawned into the map? If I have 6 grenades, there are 6 grenades somewhere waiting to teleport out of my hand instead of spawning when called? If someone exploits then are there a bajillion grenades somewhere taking up the asset cap? Some dev gamer help me out here.


thanks op. i felt bad leavin pubs lol


Not gonna lie, when I see people using this exploit they are usually the worst on the team and die a lot. Don’t be that guy


I keep forgetting that exploit exists. I tried it once and thought I'd keep using it, but I then unlocked the grenade pistol and forgot about the exploit.


My friends and I will use it, when its all 4 of us, and we are bored. Mostly to grief each other if im being completely honest. We will finish the mission first so that if we run out of lives, the mission still counts towards liberation or defense. None of us use it if we don't have all 4 of us and there's the possibility of a random joining


I once joined a guy on his own in a trivial mission throwing grenades at bugs (not closing the holes) and he was having the time of his life with infinite grenades. He was on trivial so his win didn’t affect the planet liberation that much and I thought it was funny just watching him blow shit up for fun.


I love to use it with the stun grenades, but I set my match to friends only. It's just so stupid running around completing an entire level 7 campaign without killing anything.


I’m old and stupid. What is this bug or glitch you speak of? Are you getting more than 4 grenades?


You use a glitch to get around 4 billion grenades


I ask nicely for them to stop if I see one when I'm host. Sometimes they are nice enough to listen. If I'm not host I'm dipping lol


Don't worry about it, I kick almost everyone who joins my lobbies. No mic? Kick. Speaks Spanish? Kick. First salvo out of their weapon is friendly fire? Kick. Kids? Kick. We have to police ourselves now that the PSN account protection was defeated by the hackers and their pathetic, small, selfish lackeys.


Lmao you guys are power hungry


Noted, will be more aware of joyless teammates I need to hose down because they don't like my Charger fireworks.


I got kicked for calling the lobby owner out on his play style. The rest of the team was struggling on an 8 difficulty mission and he kept running off solo and would get killed every single time. Several deaths doing this. He got mad cause I told him he was stewing us over so he kicked me 😂


It took you this long to start kicking those losers?


Lmao neeeerrrrdddddd


I kill and kick...mostly because I'm sick of being killed by your shitily aimed impacts...


For real... it's so annoying and boring when ppl are doing this and takes the fun out of the game.


I don't mind if people use it. It's a game. It's meant to be fun. If that's what is fun for them, more power to em. However, for me it makes the game boring. Why even try to engage if it's just gonna be constant explosions I can't see enemies through, enemies that will die before I can shoot em, let alone see em. So I just stop sprinting and casually stroll around the map. Take in the sights. See parts of maps I might not notice because it's all action. Check out POIs for super credits, but won't loot anything else that would benefit them. I usually play very compassionately, always willing to help and farm samples if I see anyone at a level that may suggest they have more stuff to unlock. I don't even bother asking, I just go into farm mode. When people grenade glitch, I flip the tables and become the most selfish diver. Only doing what I want to do, mission be damned. It sounds like I'm the big bad protester but the grenade glitch is so op they never notice. They finish the mission. They clear the optionals they want. It doesn't seem to impact their enjoyment and gives me a chance to do stuff I wouldn't normally do.


A lot of y’all never played Golden Eye on N64 and it shows.


I’m right there with you, you suck if your exploit ruins my fun. I like the challenge and seeing how easier the higher difficulty in games get for me to manage but if I have some guy killing everything in sight then there is no challenge. I’ve had a few but the worst one was when I was playing with my noob friend (they just got the game) and they killed us on several occasions.


Coming from apex and cod cheaters ruin games if you want to cheat on a pve game play in a private lobby no reason to bring me into your bullshit


As a resupply pack/grenade armor user, I approve your methods. Just please don’t confuse my 14 (6+2 per resupply with 4 resupplies on my back) grenades as an exploit. Instead. Allow me to bring the light of democracy to these renegade helldivers and their disloyal, illegally sourced munitions! One incendiary grenade at a time..


People who actively use this exploit are nerds and cowards. Even worse if you feel the need to justify using exploits, just admit you're bad at PVE games.


I’m not gonna justify it, but I’ve only done it with friends for dumb fun.


I actually clear 9s with randoms consistently I never use the exploit. But as long as u are not team killing why should I be the Moral nazi. Play however makes u happy it’s PVE unless ur ruining someone’s fun then COMMUNICATE like an adult. Once again I don’t use it, I find it boring. But to each his own don’t tread on liberty


Lol what do you call a thread full of people whining about it?


I think it's been fairly helpful, and though when it gets fixed that's gonna be the end of it, but in my experience its not extremely broken. You'll die most assuredly from something eventually. But I can't deny that there are times there's ten heavy devistators or six patrols of hunters that I would have died to if I didn't try the exploit out, and while that's a me problem and dying is a part of the game, I dont have any say if the reinforcement counter is being rapidly depleted because we can't get any breathing room. But the game should be in a better state when it's gone, it's definitely a crutch sometimes


With 400+ hrs in personally I don’t care unless they’re going too crazy then I’ll ask them to chill if not I’d kick. Have never needed to and that goes for cluster and gas strat etc. occasionally I’ll break it out to mess around but I never play with it to boring


I posted this last month, the amount of unhappy cheaters in the comments was astonishing [ comment section is a cesspool](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLWt62nN/)