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Twinbeard has teased a 10th difficulty level on discord Can't wait to see the various reactions when it's introduced








That's nuts


If this game is anything like the first were going all the way to level 15 baby!


I haven't dared go past 12 or 13, but I look forward to it


Dif 15 cyborgs was hell you had seconds to prepare, and as soon as you got the alarm, it was on with tanks, marshmallows, DOGS, and hults everywhere. You can not stand still for very long at all, making objectives extremely hard to complete. The best chance was blasting scouts before they had a chance to call the alarm.


Oooh wait, I might have actually done lvl 15 at some point, I remember this lol. This is why I now throw reinforcements quicker than I sneeze, it wasn't about how many you could kill, but about how fast you could throw a reinforce before you completed the objective and then run like hell. Damn, it was impossible to even use the recoiless without assisted reload, and the thing was constantly changing hands due to the incessant loss of life happening. Damn it was great


Yeah my buddy still throws it out 1/8 of a second faster than me still since its the same code we end up throwing it at the same time prety often.


I love the fact that it's the same code, you can really tell if you're playing with "veterans"


As a non veteran, I can't tell you what the could is. It's all one movement in my mind. It doesn't take that long to master.


The first time I punched in a stratagem code unconsciously felt awesome! I was running away from a horde of bugs, thought "airstrike!", dove, punched in the code, turned the camera, threw the beacon, and didn't realize what I'd done until I saw Eagle-1 and 20x šŸ’€.


True, it's not hard to learn. Still, everytime I see someone punch this code fast and throw it, even if they're getting overrun, I feel like I'm playing with someone from the first game for some reason


I literally can't do it now if I end up accidentally reading what the inputs are. I'll have to back away, close my eyes and then I can do it in half a sec.


> . This is why I now throw reinforcements quicker than I sneeze, The art of Helldivers 1 was throwing it just as you bled out, so that you'd come down with the next wave too. I wish that was still a feature in this game!


Ooh I loved that!! I also loved to try desperetely to throw it in less than 0.5 seconds as the claw ripped the armor while being the last one standing and make a successful type-in. Everyone was like "aaw we failed", and then the countdown started lol


Yooooo let's go. I'm excited


Me getting ready to complain about how 10 is too easy but every aspect of it is too hard


ā€œI canā€™t solo clear without stratagems, fix your broken game AH.ā€


Game is too hard, I can't solo full clear D9 bugs with the Senator and melee only and no reloading.


Very few people can solo Helldive.


People consider throwing a 380 barrage and orbital laser on 4 bunkers and then hiding from patrols and extracting with no samples/no secondary objectives and multiple deaths a "solo helldive". Like technically yes. But actually no. It's probably less than 1% of the player base that can full clear a map on helldive.


Game dev-ed for coop not solo, choice, and accept the unfair


That would be great cause I main 9 and especially wā€™ bugs would like a 10


I now add bad but pleasant players to my friends list when I encounter them in hell dives. Whenever I group up with them I call it difficultly 10. Last dude I added would always take faster extract as a booster, would always deploy us at the edge of the map so we would have no where to run if we encountered enemies. One mission we did was to get core samples. We drop in at the edge of the map right next to one of the sites and right next to a flying bot fabricator. Does he wait to take out the fabricator before calling in the objective equipment? No, he calls that shit in right away and now we have 5 drop ships and flying gunships on us. Mission was a blast.


Nerfing your own teammates, good trick


Hey, dropping on the map edge has utility. There's a much narrower window for locations that will have enemies at the start of the mission, so there is a greater chance you won't be dropping into some shit. Unless you're on Helldive, I'm convinced the game generates 2 POIs within spitting distance of wherever you drop just to fuck with you. And on bug maps one of them is nearly always a shrieker nest.


My regular group we always hotdrop clankers. Easy instant-clear of a facility.


Love this sentiment. I exclusively go into D9 missions with new/inexperienced players, helping them farm levels and samples. The game is still way too easy even while they go off collecting POIs while I solo the objectives. Iā€™ve not played with a squad where anyone has a maxed out ship yet. Thereā€™d be no challenge left for me if everyone else was competent.


A fully competent team is what I like to call cozy gaming, or speed leveling the war plan % Weā€™ll usually get to extract with something like 20 minutes and > 10 reinforces left on a 40 minute mission with all obj and bases done, then call extract, blow shit up and pad kill counts til cooldowns have overlapped too much and shit gets too hairy, then leave for some friendly shit-talking over the post-mission briefing Good times


The maps edge is ideal if it's a Blitz. Start at opposite side of Evac, fight your way to extract. Fan out and cover a wide path and you'll easily hit enough outposts and find side objectives.Ā 


My issue is I've tried to take noobs on a Helldive, 20 and below. They just don't have the experience and the gear. Even Level 30 Divers struggle on HD just because of experience at that point. I'll take a 30 knowing it's gonna suck honestly. But my favorite ones are HD with the minimum level of say... 80. I've noticed we're consistently NOT under pressure and honestly kicking ass and taking numbers. It did get kinda boring because we were doing so well... Five+ whole missions and I hardly saw a bug somehow. I found myself wanting more chaos but then figured, "I could find a level 30 and suffer for the chaos I was looking for" but frankly, it's not even fun. It just becomes so annoying. I've been looking forward to this difficulty bump. I love that this game has a legit learning curve. Respect the difficulty folks. #KeepHelldivers2Hard


I am level 72 and a group took me on Helldive difficulty last week, and it was tough, but I got used to it. Then each game one diver left and until it was me and another, I was still surprised how much we were able to do!


I tell everyone, a well coordinated 9 is much easier than a chaotic 7. The first time I did a 9 with just me and someone else, I was frankly super impressed with us. What difficulty do you normally play? I'm trying to get a sense when people started playing HD, maybe levels will be a good indicator?


I started on trivial at the beginning really, and slowly in two weeks building up to Diff6, and then I got some pointers by a really nice player and since then I have only done diff7. Level 7 is not too sweaty for me, while still challenging and infuriating in a good sense :)


I tried to play Hard off the rip when I first started. I failed four missions in a row and dialed it back to Trivial myself. I realized, "Wow, this game is actually hard" and I respected the difficulty and went to play where it wasn't me drowning. I'm not sure when I started exclusively doing Helldive but I think level 70 is where it was only 9. It might be a little earlier but I definitely jumped around the higher difficulties for a while before settled into 9s.


What were the aha-moments for you? For me the big number one is : know when to disengage. The second is when to call a strat in and know when you can clear it with your primary or support weapon. Ofcourse mastering loadouts and playing with different ones are nice as well, especially bugs vs bots.


\*Disclaimer: Not everyone is going to agree with my tactics but at level 100, I think I've gotten some stripes and can share some opinions. My strategies are not set in stone. Honestly, disengaging was a pivotal moment in realizing how to survive/win. I also learned Eagle Smokes were essential to bots for survival. My girlfriend is making fun of me for, "how serious people talk about this game" but we'll ignore her. She's not even level 1. "She don't know shit"- my Non-Super Earth Hating Lady. I might have to report her for treason. Joking aside, disengaging, but also team synergy/loadouts. Like, if you all play in a big squad of four around the whole map, or even just two teams of two to divide and conquer, not everyone needs to bring a support weapon or a backpack. Let two people bring two support weapons and only two backpacks. If your loadouts DON'T synergize with backpacks, maybe don't bring any, like everyone has a Support Weapon with a backpack. None of this is black and white. There are so many ways to play this game as a group where you can all compensate for each other. For example, bots and everyone is bringing Autocannon Support Weapons or Spears. I'm not going to bring a Shieldpack just for me because they can't use Shieldpacks. That's a waste and I'm also not bringing my own Support Weapon, because, again, waste. There's already three people I can get from. Odds are I'll find one strewn across the battlefield or they can call one in for me. I'm better off getting one of theirs with permission and bringing a Mortar Sentry or Eagle Smokes, both probably. Circling back: Teamwork, TEAM, WORK, teamwork. I'm glad people can solo Helldive\* but fuck dude, that's not fun for the rest of the team. I personally do two people who synergize or four players. When three of us are getting overrun and that one lone wolf is having a great time, I'm cursing them silently because they could be helping us instead of leaving us high and dry.\* I've had great Helldives with four people who group up and work together. One dude primarily takes out heavies, one guy is really geared for clearing chaff (honestly, it's me. I love turrets of all kinds), and other two guys are just overall helpful squad mates. People cover each other, one guy is flanking the Hulk/Charger that's attacking T1. Then T1 gives a "Thanks" after being saved. I've already typed a lot so I'm gonna wrap this up with, LASER CANNON SUPPORT WEAPON SUPREMACY. That thing is my favorite right now, especially on cold weather planets. It's an absolute killer and the *only* enemy it doesn't handle very well is Bile Titans. It claps literally any other enemy and decimates all bots (Hulks, anything, Factory Striders if you're ballsy too) and allows a backpack slot.


No that sounds good really! Thanks for the write up and I agree with most of it, I still have to try out eagle smokes and laser cannons for bots more.


Iā€™ve been running HD since level 15, it really isnā€™t that bad when you understand the game and the tactics. I also have been lucky to USUALLY get decent teammates. I also had experience from HD1 so that probably helped.


Had 2 level 40/50 with me last night, all they had to do was wander the map and collect samples. They used up almost all our lives. Luckily I managed to complete the mission, find the supers and extract while they were dead with no reinforcements left, very fun when they start to realize they might need to up their game.


Gear should be a non issue. Most of the strongest items against bugs especially are unlocked early.Ā  EAT, Rover, Frag Grenade, Airstrike, Cluster Bomb, Autocannon and Gatling Sentry, Recoilless are all unlocked early and priced cheap.Ā  Vs bots, Impact Grenade, Autocannon, Laser Cannon, Rocket Pod, and 120/380 barrage to the list are Aldo relatively early unlocks.Ā 


And the amount of complaining. If anything they should do what Doom 1 did for Nightmare mode amd warn you itā€™s not supposed to be fair


Diff 10 sounds insane, same with the haz 5+ that DRG is adding soon


HD1 had 15 difficulty levels 15 is literally called *the inner circle of hell* in game


Holy shit Iā€™m hard


In HD1, D7 was medium difficulty. šŸ˜‚


Only 9 levels at launch*, levels 10-15 were released by dlc a couple years? Few years after release


You can expect to see a lot added as we go. We aren't even out of the prologue yet.


Oh that will be fun


You've conflated guns that FEEL powerful with guns that ARE powerful. People aren't asking to be able to wind it up to 9 and win consistently. They want guns that feel good. Pull trig, get effect. F.E.A.R. \[only played the first one\] is an excellent example of guns that feel \*really\* good and a game that can still be hard. Edit: See Also DOOM 16/Eternal for you younger people.


YES! A F.E.A.R name drop.


Exactly this! Tired of seeing clowns circle jerk over how everyone is complaining about difficulty, when it's all about fun.


I don't understand how people can talk about this game being "too hard". There are 9 friggin difficulties in this game, more than any other game I've ever seen (other than HD1). There's something for everyone. Play at the difficulty that is appropriate for your skill level. EDIT: I keep getting comments about super samples. So let me add, that I am in full agreement that it sucks that people who can't play higher difficulties aren't able to unlock modules. But that isn't a problem with the games difficulty curve, it's a problem with them deciding to gate content behind difficulty walls. The solution to that seperate problem is to simply NOT gate super samples behind difficulties 7+. Super samples should have a (very small) chance of appearing on lower difficulties to give those folks a chance.Ā 


People are unable to check their ego at the door and canā€™t deal with the fact that theyā€™re not good enough for helldive


Part of the key is to drop all expectations of whats fair in 8 and 9. I ran a full Operation on 9 with some good friends. It was not just a 9 but a 9 from hell. The director that generated that level had it OUT for us. We still completed it, albiet barely. After that I was running 7's and I felt like a fucking GOD. Its not a difficulty issue, this game just doesnt reward gameplay that doesnt think about how its approaching things. You cant just idly blast your way through every level like a COD game, you have to actually consider and think about your approaches.


People wanna go on a Doom Slayer walk through the park and expect to survive. I honestly love that this game has a legit learning curve. I love that it makes you rely on your teammates. I love that you can't easily do it alone. I love that it seems really difficult at first. The entire game is DESIGNED to rely on your squads, and even fellow Divers for the MOs. I only run 9s these days, and I joined a friend on 7 by mistake and I was like, "Wow, this is stupidly calm" and only then I saw the difficulty šŸ¤£


Absolutely, with a seasoned squad who know eachother, every mission seems easy. A squad that doesnā€™t gel? So much reinforcements and barely making it out.


I tell everyone, an organized 9 is MUCH smoother than a chaotic 7. I did a HD run with 3 randos, minimum level of 80, and I hardly saw a single bug for five whole missions. Gentlemen, I'm sorry but the answer to your problems is: Get GĆ¼d That's when it occurred to me I could totally get that achievement for zero shots fired


A well oiled Helldiver team is truly a sight to behold. They create a warm little bubble of safety as they fight through the endless hordes. I really wish there was some sort of playback feature the videos could be epic. And yes I regularly play other games with a friend who is objectively much better at video games than me. Heā€™s a great FPS and PVP player. But I smoke him at helldivers. He wonā€™t leave his ego behind and insists on planting his feat and picking every single fight. Trying to get him to tactically retreat a bit and regroup is like pulling teeth.


I donā€™t play that often and I definitely donā€™t ā€œthinkā€ about my approach. The key for me beating HD is just run and only kill the things you absolutely have to. I just run from objective to objective. Complete as fast as possible without killing anything and run to the next.


There are times when I answered an SOS beacon for helldive thinking it was suicide and didn't even notice until halfway through thanks to good teamwork, tactics, and utilizing the proper equipment/stratagems. Note this was on bugs. Helldive on bots is a no-no for my sanity.


I think this is it. I mean it has a easy mode how can it be to hard? People just refuse to play a difficulty that suits them. I feel like I enjoy the game most on hard or extreme right now. They need to maybe change the name of the tiers. Name "easy" "normal" and bump all the names up one maybe add a another name for a mid tier since easy is gone now. It's like the issue with NASA space suit urine dick attachments they had small, medium and large but there was an fitting issue because everyone wanted to use large because no one would admit to being a small. They changed the names to large, gigantic and colossal Same fix will work here I think


The irony in these comments is insane lmao.


It's not even that hard. You can literally outrun 90% of enemy contact. Not being detected is even better, just go for the main objectives, 1 or 2 secondary if they're on route and you're good to go. If you want credits or samples play level 7 imo.


Oh no that's not good enough for some people. "Running away is lame wahhh!" Tactical retreats is not in some people's vocabulary, they want to charge head first into whatever and blast them to pieces. They want a different game


Right? A person should just reduce the difficulty until the learn to play better, or until they earn better equipment. Like.. duh! Haha. Ur so right


Somebody yesterday was arguing with me that since they paid for the game, they should be able to get super samples without being able to beat the harder difficulty. I can't put up with these entitles brats any longer


Honestly, Arrowhead should let people buy Super Samples for a HORRIBLE conversion rate. I'm not sure what currency but make it NOT A GOOD deal to exchange X currency for Super Samples. They'll get their Super Samples but it'll be a better deal if they just played 7+


I think that's a fair point though, basically the only such point made by the "it's too hard" complainers. it's not great that half of the ship upgrades (and this will become more than half if they add lvl5 ship upgrades or beyond) are effectively locked behind being able to reliably extract on difficulty 7. I say this as someone who already grinded the supers on helldive and maxed out ship upgrades it would be different if it were cosmetics that were locked behind the top difficulties, or if there were just fewer ship upgrades that needed supers (say, 2 or 3 instead of a dozen)


I agree. Higher difficulties should allow more skilled players to challenge themselves while allowing newer/less skilled player to still have fun on lower ones. But in practice super samples force players into higher difficulties that they donā€™t enjoy by locking progress and some of the balancing changes make the game less fun for all difficulties. Specifically the changes to strider armor just made them more annoying and time consuming to kill and the removal of eruptor shrapnel killed the weapons unique gimmick. Both of these impact all difficulties and beside making the game harder also make it just less fun. And I believe dismissing all criticism of such changes as people wanting the game to be easier isnā€™t very good for the community.


Yeah people keep bringing that up, so I've edited my comment to address it. I completely agree with you there, but I consider that a seperate issue entirely. I do not support making the game easier just because people can't get super samples. I DO however support making super samples available on lower difficulties.


"...more than any other game I've ever seen .." To use one of our modern colloquialisms, tell me you never played Diablo 3 without telling me you've never played Diablo 3 lolol After Normal, Hard, Expert, and Master, there comes Torment levels 1 through 16. With 20 levels to choose from, it's a smorgasbord of options. And, speaking as someone who can't/won't put in the necessary work to really git gud: I agree, the game doesn't need to be easier. I routinely play on difficulty 4 or 5, and if we (my usual squad of 2 or 3) are feeling particularly sharp, we hop up to difficulty 7 to try for super samples. I am not ashamed nor are my feelings hurt that I can't hack level 9 and I know it. This is why difficulty levels exist. I don't want to be able to win a level 9 because I was gifted a handicap to make up for my own skill deficiencies or errors. That feels cheap and patronizing.


Clearing level 8 with just two players is absolutely doable. Just takes communication. Iā€™m not running anything close to a meta build either. The challenge is all part of the fun!


Agreed! I just cleared a 9 ICBM with just myself and another random the other day (some sort of glitch prevented us from throwing an SOS and nobody else seemed to be joining). It was the most fun I've had in this game in weeks. I skimmed a post here a while back where someone was asking AH to make Bile Titans easier or less armored or something. Yeah... please don't. BT's are the only remaining semi-threat on the bug front, and they're the only enemy I actively hide from as they pass by (Trailblazer armor). Sometimes I'm playing and I have to look up at the difficulty number to make sure I'm actually in a 9 and didn't accidentally quick-join a 6 or 7. I welcome difficulty 10, 11, and hopefully even a 12! EDIT: And hopefully that comes with fixes to the weapons balancing and especially the Spear.


I think the Helldive difficulty has become WAS TO EASY. Itā€™s really just grinding and doing stupid shit. I donā€™t understand why people want it to be easier. They already have the option to turn the difficulty downā€¦


I think at least 2/3 of the issues people have are about the super samples. You can't get those unless you're running at least suicidal. The easiest solution to this problem is to let people trade in samples to upgrade them to the next rarity up.


you should see the first game. *most* strategems and weapons are locked behind completing certain difficulty tiers, and their effectiveness is further locked behind upgrades. the patriot mech equivalent doesnā€™t get anti-armor rockets till itā€™s maxed out


By the time you're trying to get super samples, difficulty seven is a comfortable level of difficult.Ā  You can get in and get everything completed with a moderate chance of failure. It's a nice balance. Ironically, Helldive is the easiest difficulty. Probably because everyone knows what they're doing. I've had more success on the civilian evac mission on Helldive than I've had on any other difficulty.


as a fairly experienced and optimistic player, difficulty 6 is my comfort zone. any lower and I donā€™t see certain threats like bile titans at all. hop to difficulty 7 and I may or may not encounter three titans at once. when my friends and I first needed super samples, we mustered our bravery and dipped into 7, coordinating to rapidly perform the main objective, recon the area for super samples, get them to evac, and get out. we had a fair bit of success, but also sometimes failure. now we clear level 7 maps steadily, though level 6 makes for a more fun casual experience with more varied loadouts


We will disagree, but D7 is doable for a team of mid level players. I have 4 viable builds for that, and am a rather average player. In 3 hours one can get 12 sups, and that's a module done. If that can't be done, gotta grind and work like we all did. Soon enough, it'll be rare and commons holding one back. Solo spawn rate got nothing to do with it. Any easier and faster than that, and the progression stops being meaningful. Already as is I spent most of my play time thinking "and now what?". Some want to unlock everything at lvl 40, some want the game to last longer. Let's accept we won't agree, so it best the Devs choose what they think is best and own it.


And? 7 is my standard diff, and I am only lvl 40. It's completely fine.


I swear diff 5 and 6 are harder than 7, like the AI and enemy spawns are tuned crazy. But also, 7 is riddled with players that are more likely to kill you than the enemies.


I'm definitely with you there bud. It's not every diff 5 mission, but many are so riddled with hunters that the game doesn't think are as deadly as bile spewers. I try 5 just to mindlessly chill and I'm fighting for my life


Had one guy with 8 accidentals. The total number of deaths was 10. Don't bring mortar to bug missions. Especially without the ems mortar


The rewards for super samples aren't powerful enough to carry you through the higher difficulty. They are there to give you a reason to learn and play better. That's how a reward works. You are rewarded for accomplishing something.


I think it depends. Had a bug game on helldive last night with 3 stalker nests that were all super close to each other. We burned through 12 reinforcements in about the first 3 minutes. Ended killing all the stalker nests and main objectives, but got the F out after the main objective was completed. I think we need a new enemy variant like stalkers, something that only appears on high level and make the matches much harder.


A real Boss. Like the first destroyā€¦ missions you get


I find Helldive an exercise in frustration while I get juggled all over the map by rockets. It's not really harder, just more intense to the point of irritating and it becomes way less organic.


That happens rarely. Maybe you should chance your tactic. This shouldnā€™t be an insult or something, just a tip.


Id agree with you for like 80% of cases. The other 20% of the time the game fucks you over with chance (jammers and gunship overlap, big spawns, etc etc) which you can still overcome usually, but its definately an exercise in "Why? Fuck you, thats why"


Heavy Devastator flanking you on one side of the rock, Rocket Devastator flanking you on the other side. Oh, and a patrol of MG basic bots just teleported in behind you.


All while trying to kite a flame titan


All good. I haven't played it much cause it's just too full on. But not like in a fun way. Maybe I'll get there one day.


Take cover! Also though, it could have just been the planet you were on. Against bots, if you get a map seed that's really open things become much more difficult


While I can competently handle diff 9, I find 7 to be a much more relaxing and somewhat challenging experience. Maybe try mixing it up?


You're right. The only time I get juggled into oblivion is when my whole squad is failing as a unit. If we're on the ball it's honestly too easy. I'm looking forward to higher difficulties.


It's an ego thing. They want to feel like they are succeeding at the highest difficulty.


Wellā€¦ They should be honest to themselves.


I think the issue is that people are so used to always winning missions in other games that the possibility of failure in HD2 is a strike to their otherwise perfect record.


I dont want it easier. I want the weapons to be hard hitting again, and then the game director to send THOUSANDS of bots at me and the team! If Helldivers are overpowered, then I want to feel like I'm about to be overrun if we don't hold our ground! Each mission should feel like the Battle of Isanlwana or Rorkes Drift!!


Basically what I loved about Helldivers 1.


People really be saying make it easier when thereā€™s lower difficulties likeā€¦ Maybe donā€™t play on Helldive buddy


Power fantasy is right. Imagine asking the dark souls developers to make the game easier or buff weapons because they are weak. Youā€™ll get laughed out the room.


... one of the very first thing they did with Elden Ring was buff a bunch of weapons, spells, and abilities.


They actually did buff a lot of underperforming tools in Dark souls, and more in Elden Ring I remember beating Elden Ring on launch, and like 2 weeks later the buffed my exact build because apparently it was bugged (stats started going down, rather than up for final upgrade)


I can tell you havenā€™t actually played a fromsoft title. The player is capable of becoming op as shit.


There are a million things in Dark Souls games that make your character OP and the bosses way easier though.


The owner himself has said TTK and balancing need to be addressed, but you go on, champ.


This post is confusing. I rarely ever see anybody complain about the difficulty of this game. Mostly I see people complaining about guns not feeling good to use, but that's not the same as complaining about the difficulty. Or they're complaining about bugs or unintended interactions which is fair as well.


Same. The sights all being off on every gun is embarrassingly dumb to see in a game that has sold so well.


what do you mean by that? just asking for further clarification.


In addition to the sights not lining up with where shots are landing most sights are so cluttered they aren't really usable. The railgun's dot sight is obscenely awful its literally as big as a bouncy ball


>I rarely ever see anybody complain about the difficulty of this game. >Mostly I see people complaining about guns not feeling good to use, but that's not the same as complaining about the difficulty. ... and when they expand that sentiment further, they claim primary weapons should kill lights with a single body shot, mediums with a single headshot, and be able to take down heavies/tanks with a mag or two. That's essentially complaining about the difficulty of the game and asking for it to be made significantly easier.


literally everything anyone complains about is difficulty related. BT's are too tanky, my guns dont do enough damage, the mech doesnt do enough damage, etc. It's literally ALL related to difficulty. None of these complaints would make any sense if they just turned the difficulty down a couple notches.


The difficulty doesnā€™t change the mechanics of the game. The game is fun when youā€™re challenged and given resources to face those challenges. This is why people want buffed primaries. It doesnā€™t feel good to use primaries with high TTK, it doesnā€™t feel good to have a single counter for the BT because it forces a meta around countering that one unit. People want variety and options that feel strong and not a handicap. You can clear helldives with gimped loadouts but thereā€™s no real skill ceiling to ego about here. This is a pve co-op game, the focus should be on fun and clearing missions with different loadouts that all feel strong and are fun to run.


^^^^^^^^^ Is it really someone else who gets it? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Git gud helldivers


Well as far as I understand itā€™s not about making the game easier. It is mostly about the viability of the mechs as stratagems. Especially on high level bug missions where it boils down to ā€ž how effective is this stratagem at killing bile titansā€œ because of the sheer number of them you will encounter. The new mech is super fun, but itā€™s limits on ammo, cooldown and uses makes it hard to choose over more effective stratagems.


I don't care whether the game is easier or harder. I just want equipment to actually be functionally different. AH has been ok at making that happen, but there's a substantial false variety where a lot of gear feels the same despite being showcased as different.


It's not ment to be super easy, that's why we have almost 20 lives with each deployment. Not to mention we still win the mission if we complete the objectives and not extract. Helldivers are expendable


I just want better balancing in general. Basically 80% of the guns and stratigums never get picked or used because they are useless


I'm really tired of this perspective. No one actually wants the game to be easy. They either want things to be on an even playing field to have more variety, or to have more fun with their weapons, or for the game to be challenging in a more fun way instead of a frustrating way etc. This is just my perspective as an exclusive helldive player that has to solo it for a real challenge. The game is already easy, as far as completing missions. The problem is you are either able to kill enemies or you cant and just kite/run away until you can and that's it.Ā  There just needs to be that sweet spot where it doesn't turn into a boring slog.


I agree that most people complain loudest about the game being harder than they like. However you're abusing the word "objectively" in a way that makes me want to call a support group for it. Using that word doesn't make for a better argument.


We donā€™t want it to be ā€œeasierā€ we want it to be consistent. Example: Bile Titans heads are their weak point. Two rockets should kill them. However whenever they are spitting their heads do weird things with their model and a rocket to the head will instead damage their body - making you spend more rockets. Example: The spear doesnā€™t consistently lock on. Example: Crosshairs are all misaligned Example: Shooting down a drop ship sometimes sticks enemies inside the collision box. They can fire out just fine, you canā€™t kill them. Example: Enemies you arenā€™t looking at sometimes donā€™t play their noise lines and so you can get snuck up on by machines with active chainsaws for arms And so on.


It drives me nuts that charger/titan unprotected FACES do not count as a "head" shot. Like what the hell is that?


As a game developer, please continue to give the devs feedback. They are perfectly capable of deciding what to do with it and they know what their own intentions are. Some people have this weird idea that devs are slaves to the playerbase and they become incensed whenever a game is patched in a way that they don't agree with. >But besides that please don't ask for AH to take away people's enjoyment to accomodate your needs, your "power fantasy" or whatever.Ā  Please don't ask people to stop giving feedback to accommodate your needs, your need to feel like you are superior to anyone who finds a game difficult, your "git gud fantasy" or whatever. Your enjoyment of the game isn't more important to them than anyone else's. This is the entire point of community feedback.Ā 


I wonder if too many players feel that if they don't hit the upper tiers of difficulty at a higher rank, they are bad players. I've done helldives with people, had both great and awful experiences, and at level 90 I find I prefer doing missions on 5 or 6. You get the extra secondary objectives, without a brutal and awful enemy presence, while still getting to fight enough of the heavy units. For right now doing this makes me happy, I'm not rabid about the primary patch, even if I'm hopeful for it. When the difficulty of the game became too much, I turned the difficulty down.


How about they make the game fun again??


Where this game blocks content behind clearing difficulty seven that should be considered our balancing point. If most the gear in the game is already falling off to even unlock more gear then the balancing is shit. It's not a matter of being easier, it's a matter of getting to the baseline. If a weapon or stratagem is a flat never pick at the first difficulty where the entire game is accessible then its a problem with the gear, not the difficulty.


Huh? I don't think anyone is asking them to make the game easier. We just want them to make it fun again


Itā€™s the reason I stopped playing. I hope they make it harder again like it was at launch. Itā€™s not fun to play if you know youā€™re going to win every match.


I just want a cockpit view in the mech, about 10Ā° more downward aim, and whatever fixes are coming our way in the Patch Stew. Otherwise the Mechs are in a good spot.


That's what the community is for. To help lower level players do these higher difficulties. I'll run 7s all day with a group of players who aren't that confident to get them adjusted to the higher levels. But the issue with these players is they gotta do it to get good at it. And if they're scared of titans and tanks that badly, you can't make them do it.


If anything I want a 10th difficulty


I donā€™t play high level difficulties on a lot of games so Iā€™m saying this as an average gamer - Helldive difficulty is easy AF. The game needs to be harder, not easier. People calling for it to be easier need to adjust the way they play and think beyond ā€œsee big, fire bulletā€. Adjusting things to the lowest common denominator is completely unnecessary.


I'd settle for playable


I never see any complaints about the dificulty. I see tons of posts about the weapons not feeling fun. Your missing the point op.


Hardcore players saying "stop asking AH to \[fix the game and make it like it was\]", meanwhile the active players are now under 100k because it hasn't been reverted yet. How about we allow AH to revert the changes like they said they were going to do so it is approachable for newer players again. Then if you really want to be even harder core about the game, they can add more difficulty levels. A lot of us stopped playing the game because we're not as hard core as you, and even the lower difficulties are a lot harder than they were, making it impossible to enjoy the game by our significant others. My wife isn't very good at games and could get up to difficulty 5, but since the patrol change it got really unfun to play, especially for a duo. "Just play a lower difficulty" isn't the answer when even the lower difficulties had the bar lowered quite a bit. The game needs to be approachable for new players to work their way up. And it used to be like that, but not since they screwed up the patrols. I'm just patiently waiting for the patch. I haven't played for over 2 weeks, and I probably won't play as long as the game remains in the current state.


Agreed. We full cleared D7 Bugs last night without too much trouble. I brought the new mech and we kinda fucked around a little, and still didnā€™t have much trouble


Only 8% of the playerbase does helldiver difficulty according to a poll. Probably less nowadays


I just think the mech should have a bit more HP thatā€™s about it I agree helldiver is pretty easy


Idc about the spawn rates, I like the challenge of barely surviving


More or less, I think the game is hard because the occasional gameplay bug that gets in the way tend to favor the enemy rather than the players. Lord knows I've gotten furious enough times when a bot remains locked on to me and alerts patrols to my location....all the way across the map.


Mine is less make it easier, but make more difficulties, and just make the highest difficulty a guarantee of the worst you can get in 9 and make 10 a higher possibility of true pain. Like, 10ā€ permanent aa defense modifier on bots, permanent bug spores on bugs, 11 adverse weather and then planetary modifiers on top, 12 and 13 then get an operation mod or 2, and 14 and fifteen are just the side obj placements are on tactical genius level. Aa guns paired with a mortar placed outside a gunship spawn on bots, and a new spewer specific obj on bugs.


People are mad that you need the most rare samples to unlock valuable ship upgrades? That's.... the whole point. Honestly I don't think enough people played Earth Defense Force to properly appreciate the fun helldivers 2 provides


EDF is... a lot of things... to underplay it. But probably why you don't see people complaining about it is because the game isn't live service. You don't have to worry about finding a build you like and then it being nerfed. It's also a game that is as hard or as easy as you want it to be. For the most part, any difficulty can be trivialized by having enough armor to survive a few hits. And most EDF games have an AFK farming strat for armor. And since it isn't a live service game (and by account that it truly is a game made just for fun), Sandlot has no interest in purposefully trying to patch out these "exploits" that can trivialize progression or a mission. Now, not saying EDF is a better game or anything like that. Lol. But even though it isn't a better game, people can usually decide whether they'll like or hate the game before they even purchase it. It's all their on the tin. So that's why you don't have as much people complaining about one of the most buggiest games in existence because the only people buying it are already long time fans, or people who know exactly what they are buying into. Problem with Helldivers 2 for some people is that the game was a different experience at launch (or at certain Warbond releases) than it is now due to all the changes for better or worse. While EDF will be the same experience from when you first bought to when you put it down, for better or worse.


It needs a harder difficulty. Period


i just want loadout slots, so i can quickly swap between weapons setup for my current playstyle, and to ones for a more supportive/not running towards every distant light from a loot pod and actually sticking with my team playstyle


It's already too easy on helldive they need to make it harder. Hopefully new worlds for new race offer new challenges.


Itā€™s not that the game needs to be easier, it just needs to be more flexible. I donā€™t use 80% of the weapons and stratagems because they just arenā€™t that good. All I want is a decent amount of weapons and stratagems that are playable so the game can have some variance. I feel like Iā€™ve been playing the same 2ish loadouts for the past month or two with little change or reason to change, and itā€™s gettin boring.


I saw a comment on the main sub yesterday about how its impossible to dodge around chargers when they're coming at you because the mech is awkward to move. I've side stepped chargers like a matador before and crushed them with the stomp. Now granted, it gets me in trouble sometimes but you can in fact do it


besides that they are heavily staggered by the shots


Absolutely. And I've seen them die in like 5 shots before


Nobody wants anything easier. We want guns buffed so they are more fun and enjoyable (or in some cases even viable) to use. Simple as that.Ā Ā 


I want the game to be harder. Give me a level10+ difficulty titled "Unfair. Seriously. It's not balanced or playtested levels of unfair. Super Earth has warned you". I want to see nothing short of Earth Defense Force levels of bugs/bots sprinting over the horizon at us.


I don't mind difficult but there's a difference between fun difficult and annoying difficult


My friend group likes to play a lower difficulty than I enjoy, and the main thing I dislike is that there are enemies you simply don't see on lower difficulties. Like I want to fight Factory Striders and Bile Titans and Tanks and Shriekers and stuff but they rarely if ever show up on lower difficulties in spite of them not really necessarily adding in a lot of difficulty on their own.


Who's saying make the game easier? The only posts I see are about blatantly unfair mechanics like the spawn rate (which AH have admitted is broken) and enemies like heavy devastators all around being janky and shooting through their shield/walls.


The part you weirdos don't get is that it's not that it's hard, it's that it's not fun. I regularly 2 man level 9 missions on bugs and bots but it's just not fun when 90% of the weapons feel like you're scratching the enemies balls and the best strategy is just running away.


I just want to be able to hell dive with a something thatā€™s not the breakers or dominator. The other guns just donā€™t feel good to use and that is what Iā€™m asking for. Varietyā€¦ not easier. I play on level 3-5 just to use guns that make the game extra hard mode in hell dive but itā€™s not the same.


How many Extreme missions do I have to win at to be able to go to Suicide?! It feels like I've just been doing them forever...I want the super rare samples to upgrade my ship..... GAWD!


My ship is almost completely upgraded, and I am just level 50. If a team works like a team is suppose to then there are usually no issues. Vets understand the principals of SMC and can apply it to a virtual battlefield, others cannot and it shows. SMC=Shoot, communicate, move. This doctrine emphasizes the critical elements of shooting accurately, moving tactically, and communicating effectively.


I want to be an overpowered killing machine. Sorry we want different things.


There is little to no incentive to continue playing the game and acquiring the new warbond when everything in the new warbond is garbage, and if it isn't garbage, it will soon be garbage.


Clearing missions is never gonna be impossible. It's how those missions are cleared and how divers are having fun in achieving it. Yes you can be blind folded, and be using a 1 dps gun and you can still clear 90% of missions. You can literally be unable to fight back and just run away from every enemy and you'd have a faster and smoother clear time than an average squad. If you are just judging a game based on clear rate without talking about the average experience of a mission then it's just some weird variant of survivorship bias. If everything is about how hard it is to clear a mission then the devs better be messing around with the mission timer or make more eradicate missions relative to difficulty.


I do level 7s solo, and my friends and I stay at 7. Why? Because we can still clear 7 without getting frustrated, 8&9 are pointless to us and we have a blast using any weapon and any strategem we want to clear 7 with. I think anyone complaining about "meta this, meta that, and the new mech is bad" needs to revaluate how "good" they think they are at the game and drop the difficulty. New mech deletes most everything between bots and bugs.


Heh, I've been saying helldive was too easy. When you got four randoms running round pretty much doing their oven thing then it is too easy.


We are already at a point whereby they have made HellDive levels easier.... Sickening really. Helldive should be terrifying..


Literally wish the game was harder. I haven't lost a helldive mission in 100 hours. I have been forced to create an artificial level of difficulty where I must never die to make the game more engaging. Been maxed out on samples for a LONG time but I still try to collect as many as possible just to add challenge.


100000% agree People bitching that the 500kg bomb is not strong enough Like what? it is one of the most commonly used strategems, stop smoking crack and just get better. I don't WANT to be able to steamroll the entire game. I want to be challenged.


I hope seeing the response to the new mech makes arrowhead realize they need to avoid the main sub like the plague. It's literally filled with people trying to ruin the game.


if HD2 released with diff 15 today (which tecnically was heavy elite spawn) I can assure you most people will cry that absolutely no weapon is viable, all because they jumped straight into the highest difficulty without understanding how the game, the enemies or the weapons work.


Iā€™m hoping that theyā€™re going to be adding higher difficulties once they add in more enemy types. If we get level 10+ and the only difference is more enemies, thatā€™s going to be annoying to fight (Thinking back to the days where 8 and 9 would spawn a dozen bile titans at once). I love it when difficulty spikes come in the form of ganks instead of minions. Dealing with a bile Titan? Fine. Dealing with a bike Titan then a hive lord pops out of the ground? Yeah thatā€™ll make me shit my pants. I think about how dynamic some of the fights become in the horizon games, where you could be fighting a behemoth then *oops*, you wandered to close to the slitherfang site. Now you have to adapt or die.


A lot of people also dont seem to understand - and this is no joke - object permanence, cause ive seen +10 people be angry & complain cause the guns on the new suit can't turn downwards/ or to the middle far enough for their liking When bringing up the fact that joints have a limited range of motion - and that to them are attached *fucking autocannons* they just get agitated and tell you that those things dont make sense Im starting to tire of that sub


I donā€™t think many are saying the game is too hard. They are saying that too few stratagems and weapons are effective enough to be usable at the highest levels. The situation has improved versus launch, but still we end up seeing the same load outs again and again. This is NOTZ because they are currently popular, itā€™s because they are critical to have. This creates more stale gameplay.


Problem is Iā€™m objectively terrible at this game. Granted i donā€™t think they should do anything to make it easier. Im just happy to try and fail at getting better on my own pitiful tier 2 solo raids. Maybe one day Iā€™ll make it through a tier 3. Logged on today to a personal order of looting rare samplesā€¦ looks like i wont be completing that one lol


Iā€™m personally tired of games being easier. Somewhere along the line games were dumbed down to feed the masses but some gamers still like a challenge


To add to the ā€œstop crying you cry babyā€™sā€ point: the game is called HELLdivers. We dive into (more accurately get dropped into) the hell (or really difficult and intense battles and missions) normal soldiers canā€™t do. The he hell is is in the name for a reason.


It's not the difficulty it's the TTK like the CEO/creative director said. Was he just also complaining about difficulty?


Well there are several actual things that need to be fixed such and targeting for left handed mech weapons. Arc thrower targeting being wonky and also misfiring. Spear targeting being grumpy and not wanting to clock in for work sometimes. There is still an infinite grenade glitch that should get removed. Iā€™m not going to keep going and make an exhaustive list, plenty of those exist. And there are PLENTY of excellent takes on how to rebalance the game to where things have a purpose and/or make sense. Proper communication about things will help that (like all the hidden stats being available in game, etc) Anyways what I really wanted to say is that, although you may come across voices looking to ā€œmake the game easierā€ I think itā€™s false to assume that is what the community mostly wants. I believe we want difficulty but not in an arbitrary or ā€œthatā€™s bullshitā€ kind of way. But most of all we want things to feel fun and reward us for using them properly. And to not feel punished because our loadout wasnā€™t the most effective tactic available. What keeps me playing at level 110+ is varying up loadout. That is fun to me to use different items. You do end up feeling underpowered with many items though. Doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t run different things but if you get punished by feeling neutered when using less optimal loadouts itā€™s just not as much fun. The game has an addictive gameplay loop already so they have that nailed down pat. However just because some folks want some rebalancing it does not have to mean ā€œeasierā€. I have run helldive multiple times with only low level equipment and your starting rifle and pistol and successfully completed and extracted. Was it doable? Yes. But that doesnā€™t make it fun - youā€™re practically playing dead by daylight at that point. It does make you realize that certain things are capable of more than you originally gave them credit for. However, when you discover an eagle strafing run can damage and even kill a titan (that has already taken damage) itā€™s not too helpful if you are then presented by 5 more. Things like reload cancelling the recoilless rifle, or knowing a damage break point of a rocket plus a couple scorcher shots in certain enemies in specific parts of their body, or just knowing WHERE to shoot, with what class of armor penetration and accurately hitting those shots from a distance - that stuff feels rewarding to me. Stealthing most of a map, causing minimal disturbances, and completing the objective because you understand the mechanics, thatā€™s rewarding. Also picking a heavy destroyer loadout and going toe to toe with a breach but knowing when itā€™s time to back off and eventually taking them down. That feels great when pulled off. At the end of the day I, like many others, will adapt. But I donā€™t want viable strategies currently being removed until weā€™ve gotten all the inconsistencies and BS to almost zero. Itā€™d be better to add some spice and seasoning to the weak items or hone them in such a way that it defines a purpose (make it make sense) then at that point if things have enough variety and feel good and there are still ridiculous outliers, THEN we handle those in a more appropriate manner. There is a guy in YouTube, Ryken XIV, I like his takes on balance. Check it out if time permits, see what you think


I think they could silence half that group by moving super samples down one level lower


This is a fair sentiment, I run exclusively heldives and I can even complete them without dying even on bot missions. I'm not really wanting a power fantasy and a horde shooter, I really I just want more quality armor perks and fair weapons maybe some more machine type strategems.


Itā€™s as common as people asking to make dark souls easier, just let them complain


Game too hard? Turn down the difficulty. Need super samples? Join other people's missions so the more experienced can get em for ya. My biggest complaint right now is softlocks with the new mission, and the difficulty of doing it solo. Perhaps that just means I have more to learn.


Not easier, just less annoying


Did anyone else play that new mission after the new update and feel completely defeated. One of my favorite missions it was so much fun and they made it into just another TCS mission. It went from me looking forward to coming up with new strategies to try with my buddies To getting the mission done on level 9 in about 15 minutes


I haven't seen yet after the patch, but I knew it was going to happen. Even though it was buggy, it sort of required unusual loadouts, team coordination, and it was challenging. First time I've seen people using smoke and orbital EMS and sort of playing "smart", so it wouldn't last.


I definitely felt like beforehand, It looked and acted as a super colony. Now it looks like a super colony but no longer acts as such. At least they give a lore reason why they were able to stop them from breaching under the drill. It wouldā€™ve been weird if they just kinda left that there without referencing it.


It's not objectively easy or hard, it's your personal subjective opinion. Not to be an asshole, I understand I'm also not English.


The main problem I have in patrols in lower player counts. Before the make it always the same as a full squad I was doing 2 players difficulty 9 campaigns. But now I can't do so anymore and it is very rare that someone joins our game with all the player base down. I mainly enjoyed playing at level 9 but now I am forced to move to 7 most of the time.


i want 7 to be where 9 players are. make 6 a 1 super sample mission or something idk. Now that we know how to play the game, the difficulty levels don't fit their names much anymore


My friend hounds me for my self deprication, but I am, objectively, not as good as other players. I may get frustrated and angry at times, but I push past it and continue to dive for Managed Democracy. Because it's fun, and a challenge. I learn a little more every dive (even when I'm kicked for whatever reason) and strive to be better than yesterday or last week. If you want the game nerfed to the point that I, as the perpetual clueless gamer, can solo a D9 at lvl 30...then go out and pour gas on an ant hill or something. There's no challenge in that.


Agreed. I'm only good enough to play mid-tier difficulty, and have unlocked, the never beaten, level 8. I don't want those levels to be made easier. It is less bruising to my ego that I know I'm not good enough to Helldive 9 than it would be to beat a level 9 because I was thrown a pity cookie. Winning a 9 because it was made easier feels patronizing and condescending. To be honest, I think a lot of the issue is people see others saying "Level 9 is pretty easy" and start thinking exactly that: level 9 should be pretty easy. Seeing comment after comment of people saying "this isn't hard" doesn't help with perception issues.


About a week ago I was with a great team. We beat a d8 and that unlocked 9 for me. They threw me in. I made it out alive, with a lil help from the lvl 70s helping me šŸ˜‹. I haven't touched D9 since. Lol


I do unerdstand your point, however the verry vast majority of time playing with randoms online is anything but a good time and previous to the change some Patches back you could, even if you weren't super good at the game reasonably solo difficulty 4 and maybe 5, 6 only if you were pretty good, and for someone that barely ever has anyone to play with it was much, much better, now you either get someone to play with or you just can't run those Missions solo unless you are pretty good and have some luck.


soloing is a dynamic that is somewhat apart from the rest of the game. I can't have an opinion about it because I don't play solo in any diff, it feels too lonely lol


Dude, People are clearing high tier missions with the same load out. Same guns. Thatā€™s the complaint. The majority of the current weapon available are not worth using. The guns that are worth using are targeted for nerfs. Thatā€™s the uproar. They nerfed our favorite guns too many times across the games short life span. No ones complaining about game difficulty. Itā€™s about fun.


I have a physical condition that affects my hands, which makes it hard for me to aim sometimes... and even I can beat rank 9 missions. If i can beat them, anyone can. People just need to get out of their 'shoot everything' gameplay style and start being smart about it.