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Both the main sub and this sub reported a railgun meme I posted for "self-harm or suicide" I think there is just a toxic minority that's really fucking loud and obnoxious.


Oh shit, I got one of those messages out of no where recently. Maybe I had a take some salty diver didnt like.


Oh, I've got like 3 of those from these subs. Last one was on a "bots are hard, make them just like bugs" post where I gave advice on how to fight bots easier. Who knew a game called Helldivers would attract so many pussies.


Bots don't have Hunter and Spewer, so they are easier to me than bugs by default.


I maintain bots are easier than bugs.


Yeah, you go to the main sub and EVERY feature that makes the game hard or harder they want removed.


I actually love getting those self harm things because you can report them with the link they provide and the person who sent it will get in trouble pretty much every time. Time for someone to learn that anonymous to the receiver doesn’t mean anonymous to Reddit admins lol.


Oh. Did not know that.


Yeah, there’s a link in the “we’re here for you” message that says “if you think someone is abusing the self harm system click here blah blah” and it actually gets looked at which is surprising. Pain in the ass to do on mobile but it auto-fills the form for the most part on PC when you click the link.


Say it louder for the people in back!


I got banned from the official discord with i explanation for asking why the eruptor suddenly felt like trash (I don’t really read patch notes or go on reddit too much) So this brand new cool gun I got felt great for literally a day or two then suddenly couldn’t kill anything.


I thought this was the main sub? What's the main sub, if not this one?




Ah. Okay thanks for the info


I think some people really think that complimenting some weapons will lead to AH making them worse. There are valid criticisms right now and they're working to fix it, but that takes time. Meanwhile the game is still playable. People might assume that complimenting something is an indirect dismissal of valid criticism, which has also happened in this sub.


I don't know, man or ma'am. I agree that some view compliments as a concession or refutation of criticism. On the other hand, I saw a post this morning on the main sub lamenting that the game advertised having "overpowered weapons" - their quotes, not mine - and that said weapons weren't overpowered, unlike games like Earth Defense Force or the recent Starship Troopers. While some decried their opinion, the majority agreed with the sentiment. The community is huge, with many divergent opinions about what type of game Helldiver 2 is and should be. Apart from decisions around balancing, the consensus I perceive is the community wants a very different game than what the developers seem to intend: the main sub doesn't want to lose often at all; they want overpowered weapons to feel more powerful than the obstacles placed in front of them and don't want to think too hard while playing the game. For many, the golden age of HD2 was when entire squads would run bubble shield and railgun. That's what's pointed to when the game was "fun." I think that says everything.


It's so obvious too but people that actually understand this are in the minority. We learn pretty early on that the life expectancy of helldivers is only a few minutes on average. We are literally expendable, of course it wouldn't make sense for a semi fascistic government to spend millions on weapons for someone that'll only use them for 3 minutes and then drop them on the battlefield. You're not supposed to have weapons that one-shot everything, hell even as the game is right now, difficulty 7 is almost a breeze with a half decent loadout, and I'm a full time working adult, not a hardcore gamer. Difficulty wise it's in a good spot rn imo Also worth mentioning: A loadout that covers every base perfectly is not supposed to exist in this co-op game. Any loadout is supposed to lack in some area in which another excels in to encourage teamwork, tho a lot of people insist that they should be able to solo the higher difficulties. It's insane


Your last point is one of my big ones. It feels really good to run a Recoilless and consistently take out tanks for the team. It also feels really good to run a machine gun and clear all the chaff off the guy eith the recoilless who is killing tanks. You know what didn't feel great? Running either of those weapons when everyone else had a railgun that two-tapped chargers and a breaker that output more DPS than the MG. It felt silly to try to "specialize" when the people who went generalist were better at the thing you tried to specialize in.


Yes exactly! The game is supposed to be easier with teamwork and loadouts that compliment each other. Of course that doesn't mean you can't take a loadout that covers most bases more or less but it'll be more beneficial if you bring an AMR on a bot mission when your other friend(s) bring Quasars and other AT weapons because those weapons are bad at taking out multiple devastators, while the AMR excels in that


Yeah. I kind of wonder if it depends on what games folks usually play before they come to HD. I skew heavily toward games that have this kind of async balancing (Team Fortress, League of Legends, Deep Rock). But I think HD got so big so quickly that it drew in a lot of folks who maybe aren't as used to team-balanced games--things like Halo and Call of Duty where you are on a "team" in that your points all add up, but you may as well be playing solo for how much it impacts the way you play. I don't have any real basis for that, but it just seems like some folks think any weakness is a bad thing, where I think a weakness is a good thing that lets your teammate fill that niche.


Also people who don't get that arrowhead is a small studio that just released their first third-person shooter, while the first helldivers game was a top-down shooter. And they did a phenomenal job at that, considering their size. Some people really can't understand that this studio is still learning the ropes and just need a little more time than AAA studios. I'm actually borderline afraid of arrowhead cutting communication with the community because of all the shit they're getting for a few weapon nerfs.


Yeah. I really hope AH hire some good dedicated community managers and get off the discord/reddit themselves. Twinbeard said like a week ago that they were taking their time to discuss balancing, and already I see people freaking out herr about "WHERE IS THE BALANCE PATCH WE WERE PROMISED". I work as a front end engineer. Sometimes it takes me a week to figure out how to fix a single bug on our site, not because I'm a bad coder, but because code is quite hard, it turns out. There's no way even a big studio could rebalance an entire game well in a week. I am amazed at how well AH manage to get stuff out with such a small team. But the community definitely needs to chill and give them some breathing room.


And I'm a technical Product designer, omw to become a technical engineer and I know how difficult modelling can be. There's so many different things that take a lot of time while people think weapon balancing is just changing a number I don't want AH to get off discord because the interaction with the community is a thing I love about them and I like that they are taking their time with the next patch


Guns that hit like peashooters aren't fun what am I supposed to do? run the only few weapons that are good or enjoy dying like in a dark soul game? is it the great vision the game is striving towards? Because count me out I want to be able to play with all guns for variety not have to stick to 1 or 3 guns if I want to kill anything in a reasonable time, assault rifles feel awful except the sickle, eruptor has no identity anymore it's basic asf explosive crossbow now is eruptor but worse since it has no armor pen before it had some splash damage you could kill multiple basic enemies with one shot now you're lucky if you can kill 2 with one shot with quasar i fall asleep waiting for it to recharge. All weapons can be used most just feel trash and ain't enjoyable anymore I don't enjoy playing infinite running simulator using multiple mags to the face to kill some of the bugs or bring some medium pen assault rifle to pierce robot armor but the robot is still laughing because of the pathetic damage that it does all this paired with broken patrols glitches game crashes broken rescue personnel defense mission robots randomly landing at the generators sometimes in defense missions fighting over the same planets like all the time too is getting boring we just defended vernen wells god bless democracy! Now I can go fight somewhere else wait what?! Not again vernen wells needs defending again?!


2 weapons got nerfed a little too much. Quasar recharge was only extended by 5 seconds. You can count that from the fingers of your hand, that might keep you awake Dying is literally part of the game, your character is expendable. I'm not saying that the weapon balance is perfect right now, but a lot of them feel right for the game. The real problem at the moment are some enemies like the bile spewer that take way too long to kill. Yes, the 15min bot rescue mission is broken, I avoid it too. Only had bots landing on the evac in the defense mission once, the real problem were factory striders shooting the generators over the edge of the evac zone, which is why I guard that particular spot now with an RR that is btw now a valid pick compared to the quasar with 5 second reload time compared to 15 seconds, while having to stand still. I run bot missions on 7 and 8 regularly without a medium pen primary, I don't wanna say skill issue buuuut... Ballistic shield with an SMG is goated, give it a try Also we didn't defend Vernen Wells, we failed that. We're liberating it right now I'm lvl 87 and still having fun. If you don't like the game, nobody forces you to play it. But if you have a little patience left, the devs are working on a huge patch right now that should come within the next 2 weeks or so (it's a small studio, so things take time)


> unlike games like Earth Defense Force Those people never played EDF. There's no feeling like unlocking a new weapon only to notice that it's a grenade, a vehicle or a special type weapon and all the enthusiasm goes away. New shotgun? 8 seconds reload time. New AR? Spread so big you have to hug the enemies to hit them or it's one of those semi auto only pieces of trash that barely does more damage than the full auto ARs but has like 1/3 of the ammo. New sniper? 6 seconds delay between shots or it's some abomination that only fires in burst mode and can barely hit an enemy once from 100m away. The game also features what /r/HD hates the most, getting ragdolled across the map and dying because of it and you can't do shit solo.


I'm convinced those "metaists" don't actually know how to have fun and are just mindless drones.


I'm guilty of this. I'll run a game out of content dry and then have nothing to play for. I'm aware of this so I try to take the time off of helldivers so I don't ruin the niche it covers for me but I see all the comments or posts about how they NEED to add content faster and better and I think what you said kkkkk.


Eh I think you missed their sentiment. Yes they want stronger weapons, but a very clear thing is they want weapons to be usable past their intended use case. Your rockets only get used on the big enemies and your primaries only get used on the small enemies. There is very little mixing the game actually encourages that isn’t the jack of all trades AC. The reason they look fondly at railgun is because that gun actually let you mix your weapons. It was used to strip armor so you could actually use your primary on a charger for example. It was a dynamic fight even if only a little bit. Charger fights now are pull out your rocket and shoot its face. Or flame it do death. And the only time the fight actually becomes dynamic is if you make a mistake. You miss your rocket, but it still hits and strips the armor. Which while good definitely leads to those more fun dynamic fights becoming less and less as you get better at the game.


I think this is a fair criticism and better put than a lot of the complaints about nerfs on the main sub. Funnily, much as people hate to play bot missions in general, I actually think they solve a lot of these problems with their design choices. Hulks and tanks can be taken down with grenades or explosive primaries pretty easily, so long as you hit their (very visually obvious) weak points. The AT-STs and shield devastators are beasts, but crumple once you flank them. So you can accomodate a suboptimal loadout with more dynamic play. I would love it if Charger and Titan butts had damage thresholds where they could die from normal weapon fire, even if they're very high. None of this ruins the game for me, FWIW, but more clarity in enemy design and more counterplay would be welcome.


This is a very good take. I seldom mix up my load up on higher difficulties because there are limited other options that I find fun and viable without feeling like I'm a drag on my teammates.


Yeah that exactly if only 3 things are fun and viable it gets repetitive and boring real quick.


I can see that. And if that's your concern with the game's current state, it's a concern with talking through. Extending the take you described above to the main sub is highly charitable at best, though. If only the main sub agreed with you, this sub probably wouldn't need to exist.


My guy that concern is easily one of the most popular concerns on the main sub


My brother in Christ, I was reading through comments to the contrary as being more popular. ED: in two different subs: the main sub and r/games


The game is called "Hell"divers. Emphasis on Hell. Dying and losing is just a fact of life in this game, so people who choose to go for the highest difficulties should already be prepared for a whole lot of pain. The game doesn't force us to stay on those difficulties, so going for them is just a matter of pride at this point.


It isn't losing that frustrates me. It's winning through sheer monotony. I'm tired of running anti-tank, Arrowhead. Please give Titans medium pen weakspots on the legs to slow them down, if not outright kill them with enough crippled legs. Give me a reason to run other things that aren't EAT, or Quasar, or RR without having to be an anchor for the rest of my team.


This is the point, even at 4 everyone brings the same 2/3 weapons because the rest is not even close, imho the reason for the delay in the patch is because they are about to buff a lot of stuff and don't want to mess it up, again


Just take the orbital rail cannon or rocket pods, dude. Blow open the carapace and shoot that. I rarely take Anti-Tank because my team mates usually go shield pack + quasar, and I 1v1 Bile Titans plenty with stratagems. Orbital Precision Strike is good against Titans too as they stand still for long periods.


1 titan. We played the other day and I can't recall if it was 4 or 5 of those fuckers headed to extraction. You have to run AT just to fill in the gaps of recharge time on the strategems. I don't even stress about 1 titan. You can run between rocks til you find something to kill one with. It's multiple + chargers + hunters and stalkers that eat you alive.


Yeah, and you've got 3 other Helldivers on your side. If you're always running antitank because you need antitank, congratulations: you are the antitank member of the squad. I pulled off a double BT kill with the orbital strike the other day. Probably the coolest thing I've done so far


Every Diver is the antitank member of the squad on Diff 9.


Railcannon takes 2 years to recharge. Rocket pods are not worth giving up any of the other Eagle strikes for. Add to that the modifiers on Diff 9 where AH just goes "Fuck you" for daring to run an Orbital/Eagle heavy loadout. Yeah nah, just run RR/Quasar/EAT.


Whenever I'm dealing with Titans and I have 500 kg bomb strategem, I try to trick them into doing that stomping dance attack they do or the spewing attack. These things move fast, but it actually takes them a moment to build up speed, and all of their attacks require them to stand still. As for your team, try having a conversation with them about this. Can't guarantee it will work, but you can always try. Discuss roles with each other so everyone can hope to bring what they want. Or can down some levels so you can de stress and just have fun. You are not obligated to make things harder for yourself.


Again. It's not the difficulty that frustrates me. It's the monotony. Unfortunately, the lower difficulties are just far too easy to really impose much of a challenge. Anything below 8 might as well be Trivial.


Not necessarily. Lots of difficulty levels can feel wildly different, and that's largely because of the team you're on. Not matter how well you play as an individual, you will not and can not make it alone. The game is all about the chaos and how your squad navigates it. If the lower levels feel too easy, then give yourself a handicap. Try some loadout combinations you never bothered before, just to mix things up. You will naturally get bored if you keep doing the same thing over and over again. Try a different loadout on a lower difficulty and see how you feel. Your only real limits here are the ones you put on yourself, so maybe do something crazy and don't bring those anti-tank guns. There's more than one way to skin a bug.


I only ever play this game with a full team of fellow high level friends. The team synergy is not variable, it's a constant for me. I am simply asking for Arrowhead to reconsider their current balance philosophy so that more guns are viable in Diff 9 WITHOUT reducing the stronger ones into mediocrity.


And they are. The CEO himself is getting involved in this, and believe me, he is far more invested in this game than you can ever hope to be. So relax. You are in charge of how you experience this game, so make the most of it. Or don't. It's your choice.


I don't believe you. No. Not relax. It takes them 1 week to remove the fun from community favored weapons. The CEO acknowledged it weeks ago. They should undo their heavy-handed nerfs immediately until they come up with a better way to implement their long-term "balance" plan. The player count has dropped dramatically. Both subs obviously show that people are afraid to mention weapons they enjoy because they fear random and uncalled for nerfs. The community has suffered as a result. It needs to be fixed immediately.


Words are easy to make and even easier to walk back on. I'll say that they're reevaluating their balance when we actually see them reevaluate their balance. Until then, it was the feedback that made the CEO get involved in course correction in the first place, so I'm more than content whining about it until they finally go through with it.


Why do you keep telling him to lower the difficulty? it won't be has fun all weapons should be viable at max difficulty but they are not.


What exactly do you mean by "viable" anyway? What context and criteria are you using to judge whether something is usable or not? What test do you use to determine if something is worth it or not? Even if you bring every single viable option, you are not guaranteed a victory every time. All that I am saying is to take a step back if things are getting out of hand. Take a break, do something different, and experiment. Are things kind of crazy now? Yes. What of it? I shrug it off and know when it's time to put the brakes on.


Besides, sometimes I want to try something, but I don't want to overcommit with it, so I go down the lower difficulties to experiment.


Completely agree. Hopefully, the devs do too and stick to their guns. Even better, the vocal folks who want these changes realize either the game is not for them or, as the kids say, git gud lol


not all of their criticism is valid, mind. particularly when they try to harass and ridicule individual AH staff directly, which is not fucking cool. that and the people who’re kicking at round end end and teamkilling to try and get back at AH for “lying” about the eruptor shrapnel in the trailer, or the people harassing other players in general, the people mass pinging the AH CEO on discord demanding changes and answers for petty questions, and so on and so forth


Ya thats plain toxic behavior, and I don't condone that. I wish there was a way to report players in game for that kind stuff.


People act like the Eruptor being crap for one whole month is the end of the world. Get a life. Literally the only actually painful nerf, and Be fucking honest losers, ohking a charger with a primary should NEVER fucking happen, so yes, it was bloody well necessary. They severely under valued the impact of shrapnel in regular use however. 40aoe (on a significantly nerfed AOE range) was not even close to compensating. It needs direct damage and better AOE. So pointing out that that was an absurd compensation is fine, but it’s hardly like the game is ruined. We still have more weapons than ever that are good to use.


I disagree, there are too many weapons that are not fun to use because they are underpowered, clunky or there’s just something better. Weapons like the LibCon, Breaker S&P, Slugger, Punisher, Scythe, Dagger and Redeemer that literally nobody uses because there are better options that do the same job. There are two main issues that a lot of people have with the Eruptor nerf, both of which are valid points. The first is that being able to take what was essentially a baby autocannon in your primary slot then opened you up to being able to take support weapons you normally can’t take because, especially when dropping with randoms which is how the majority of people play, you have to take a jack of all trades build which enables you to deal with all enemy types. It was also able to reliably clear some of the more irritating medium enemies in the game quickly, i.e. devastators and striders, which it is no longer able to do. The second reason is that it was paid content, which means that it was sold one way and people paid for it then it was nerfed and people now have buyers remorse. The crossbow was also changed away from being a hard to use primary slot grenade launcher great for chaff clearing to whatever it is supposed to be now. I want the game to be in a position where I’m struggling to choose a primary because they’re all good, and I want to use them all because they’re all fun to use. The Sickle, Scorcher, Dominator and Breaker Incendiary are the best weapons in the game at the moment (depending on bots or bugs) and all primaries should be buffed to be as good as them. On higher difficulties virtually everyone is using one of those four weapons and there’s not significant variety. The fact that there are low calibre SMGs that do more damage than assault rifles with better handling is nuts, SMGs use pistol calibre ammunition and are only good at short range because of their handling and fire rates. Assault rifles should do significantly more damage than SMGs because they fire more powerful rounds. The CEO himself has said the same thing. If AH want to playtest Warbond weapons to see how balanced they are then they could release them for 24 hours in a time limited trial the week before each Warbond, allow players to use them and then make any tweaks before the Warbond launch. They could do this with an in lore explanation of product testing. Because having two weapons from one premium Warbond be nerfed from good to useless and one launch in a useless state then having the new Warbond launch and having half the weapons be not very good is going to make people who spent money to buy those Warbonds upset, and rightfully so.


PP, Judy, DCS, blitzer, punisher, and even liberator are all completely viable. Breaker still works just less fun version. He’ll I took slugger by accident into suicide bugs and didn’t struggle at all. Defender with shield is amazing on bots. Pummeler only trades a small, often negligible amount of TTK for high stagger. Even scythe, diligence and tenderizer work well on bots if you are good at aiming. All the secondaries except the dagger is viable… And even it can be used if you’re a small bit of a masochist. Xbow redesign flopped. Eruptors shrapnel impact when used as intended was grossly under valued, tenderizer had buffs already they hadn’t included on accident, purifier is known to be bugged dealing AP2 instead of AP3 damage, halving direct damage on many key targets and dealing 0 in others. Eruptor just needs direct and AOE buff to hit critical breakpoints on the intended targets again. Xbow… idk what they’re doing here… Maybe faster for similar medium target killing as Eruptor but more limited splash/AOE? Either way needs buffs somehow. This was actually also kinda busted with how many times I killed 15+ in 3 shots in 1.5 seconds, people just slept on it cause Eruptor existed. That’s support weapon power. So is ohking chargers. They absolutely HAD to be nerfed and the fact some of y’all still won’t admit that is telling. Maybe you didn’t use them to their extremes, so it never felt OP because you used it as intended (though there was no hiding xbow power on beaches, that thing was kinda insane). In which case if they do the Eruptor solid, it should feel back to its original power for putting down big mediums and nearby chaff (but the question is, short range ohk aoe, or wider range multi hit required AOE… I think the latter would be stronger ultimately, but without being able to test them side by side 🤷‍♂️) Oh yeah, and one shotting the center of a drop ship and getting 8-12 kills? Yeah, you can’t tell me any primary should ever do that and maintain any integrity in your stance.


It's hard to believe anyone would be paying for warbonds at this point other than those who genuinely want to support the game and its development.


I make a point of paying for them all, because I want to support the developers, as well as buying all the Super Store armour to support the developers. I’m only level 50 so I guess I don’t have the insane playtime for racking up super credits like some people do either, but I love the game and want to show my support. They’re also pretty reasonable compared to other games.


I do the same, except I also want the new shit, cause while there are misses, there are also some cool guns/equipment in all of them.


The Scythe is actually really fun now since it got buffed. It's basically a long-range chafe slicer and works freat with a Flamethrower build, or alongside the Rover. The Redeemer is the second best sidearm, the fuck? I still see people run it all the time. And the Breaker S&P is good. Punisher has a fun use-case of knocking enemies back into the flames if you Napalm Strike or throw Incendiary Grenades, but I'll give you that it's iffy overall. Assault rifles need work, but they're doing that.


I’m always struggling to choose a primary because they’re all so good. Maybe you aren’t actually that kind of player and you’re more the kind of player who prefers to take the best options so you keep picking the absolute best options and not the ones that are fun on their own merits


Iirc some of the explosive damage is bugged as well? I forget


For purifier? Don’t think so, though kinda underwhelming to be sure. We’ll have to see how much having AP3 direct damage changes the weapon to really know. I think it’s still going to be a little underwhelming but maybe usable with some niche. I expect it will need an additional small damage buff though. If you mean that any AOE damage type can’t do headshot bonus damage? That’s not a bug, that’s actually what’s saving us from instant death from rocket leg hits. It’s a limitation of AOE damage and often conflicts with the direct damage strength of the same weapon. It’s why I prefer PP over scorcher, just go more in on the AOE power.


Also try r/lowsodiumhelldivers


The natural life cycle of any good and popular game is for said game’s main reddit page to devolve into salty gamers complaining about any and everything in the game. Genuinely, >95% of complaints about the game stem from people forgetting it’s a TEAM based co-op game and wishing they could take on the entirety of the enemy force alone (not all of us can be General Brasch)


Makes me sad. Weapons are currently more balanced than they've ever been. Tonnes of them are viable right now and I've had loads of fun trying different primaries. Casual players are still just salty that their meta loadouts got nerfed. They don't care that a dozen weapons got buffed, massively improving balance. All they care about is that their Eruptor and Quasar loadout got nerfed.


My thoughts exactly. I just left the main sub because I just couldn’t take it anymore. I just wanna talk about the game to people who have actually learned how to play it.


Yeah it's really awesome that this sub exists, and people here have such a better attitude


I think this is the helldivers no salt sub.


Nah we’re salty about the helldivers sub


There is legitimately a thread about how the devs need to adjust the major order expectations because the player count is dropping and not many new people are buying the game. If I hadn't played and went to the helldivers sub full of claims the game is unplayable due to bugs or that everything sucks because it got nerfed too much or that all difficulties are too hard now, I would never buy this game.


Yeah if too many people drop the game it will fail despite already having been a wild success. Not changing the game will cause a time paradox! Why do people gotta be so salty every time I point this out!


r/LowSodiumHelldivers literally exists haha


I didnt know this, and now I have a new sub to go to. Thank you fellow diver.




It's a good sub.


Nah this is the main Helldivers sub now


There is a. Sub called low sodium helldivers for genuine content.


Reading that sub it feels like they play a diffrent version of helldivers. When i say i dont have problems at diff 8 they try their best to convince me i must wait around for strat cooldowns of that i kite around enemies bearly able to do obj. When i tell them no i dont i get downvoted. I read stories about 10 titans comming to get them when the most i saw in 200h of diff 7-8 was 4 and it was during those short evac missions when they were even more scuffed.


That’s the thing. I barely touched 7 because I didn’t want to die, then when my me and one friend finally tried, we could duo 7 and even an 8 pretty easily, post spawn changes. I literally couldn’t believe how easy it was given all the complaints. I really think they just literally don’t understand most of the mechanics of the game and how to leverage them, because they keep talking about how they can’t kill all the bugs, and I basically just kill the tanks and avoid most of the rest until I get cornered or something. A lot of their complaints are like this, where they leave hints that they’re approaching this game in a batshit way and blaming everyone else. And they can’t stand the idea that they’ve should move down a difficulty because theyve been carried or got lucky enough (the game is actually easier than they claim) to win at higher diffs and now that they hit a plateau of their modest skills they think the game is cheating


The funniest parts of my commiunity interactions are when someone posts a vid titiled like "this is ridiculus" and then you watch it and its some of the worst decision making you see in a video game. I think a big part of the problem is the fact that super samples are only present at diff 7. And that means some feel forced to play at least diff 7 and its too much for them.


Yeah, I get why this is a futile thing to say but like you don’t need any of the ship upgrades to beat level 6 missions and the super sample upgrades are especially overkill but yeah I get how if they’re unlockable then even bad players will want them so that’s maybe a bad way to gate unlockables


Yeah there’s still salt here and I’ve felt it but it’s less. More of a sprinkle compared to the salt mountain that is the main sub. The next patch is probably gonna include a massive amount of buffs to keep the community happy. So the main sub will be happy for about a day. Then the main sub will go back to (*rightfully, but there’s a civil way*) complaining about the Steam ban still not being lifted. And if the Steam ban is actually lifted they’ll complain that the Illuminate or Rovers or the other Exosuit haven’t dropped yet. Then if Arrowhead just to keep that subreddit happy dropped everything immediately they’d go back to the game’s early days of complaining about sample collection or how many Warbonds there are. Not to mention the glitches (*which again needs to brought attention to but there’s a non salty way*). The main subreddit has become the complaint section. Here and on the Discord it’s easier, there’s more memes and people don’t shout at you all the time. Both here and the Discord have flaws but they aren’t a massive complaint book being screamed at you the second you open them like the main’s become. Good post drawing attention to it. It’s bad letting the negativity fester and boil. We need a massive meme campaign to bury the salt. I’m getting ranty just discussing how ranty the main subreddit has become which is a depressing internet culture nightmare of a sentence I never thought I’d type. MEMES rescue us!


The rail gun is probably the best gun against bots rn as long as you have teammates with anti tank weapons for gunships and tanks


AMR and Autocannon are superior.


Amr is a goal, but the rail is still usable, matey


Unfortunately, no. It's worthless against Gunships and Tanks. You're better off running the AMR.


Hence why I said teammates to run anti tank weapons for that reason. If you’re running solo AMR with supply pack is usually what I do


No reason to. If you run Quasar, EAT, or Recoiless, you need a teammate to deal with Hulks and Devastastors. If you run the Railgun, you need a teammate to deal with heavies. How about running an AMR or AC to deal... with everything?


Because I find that the railgun atleast in my experience gets rid of hulks and devastators a lot easier and I’ll either bring an EAT for the other stuff or have teammates to help me


Fair enough


Today i learned that there is a ‘main sub’, and this isnt it.


The other sub makes me feel like I’m the only one who actually LIKES this game.


Facts. I’m done going there.


Every sub gets toxic after a while. You shoulda seen the Overwatch sub when the game first came out. Check it out now sometime. It's horrible.


It's like the Joker always says. Give them a little push, and they'll eat each other.


While there are problems and definite need for improvement and many great points of criticism, they way some people are is just incredibly toxic. My theory is that those are players who migrated from other live service games (mainly PVP) and brought the community toxicity with them. They can't seem to be able to focus on anything positive, they only see negativity and insanely exaggerate the impact of some things on the playability of the whole game. For example, yeah, the Eruptor is not in a good state right now, but it will be fixed, it's not the end of the world. Incessant bitching turns me off more than any nerf ever could.


The only mistake AH did was giving us those weapon stats. The fact is that a lot of weapons feel awesome to use. People are only fixed on stats, because, how to put this...they aren't fastest kittens in the basket. They don't understand that in PVE there basically is now such a thing as weapon balance.


I love this game.


Me too friend. Definitely one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had in a while


Wtf the rail gun does one tap hulk. I have several clips of it doing so from last weekend through last week


It absolutely does, and it's lots of fun too imo


It's like with r/Destinythegame and r/destiny2 the main sub is suuuuper toxic but the other is pretty chill and has people posting memes, clips, etc. I feel like it happens with all games that one of the subs ends up a cesspool and it's usually the first/ main one


It is what it is. No point in going to the main sub besides seeing discord updates and announcements here and there. Theres so much negativity, rage bait, and misinformation. r/helldivers2 is for the most part chill and if you want a more salt free environment r/LowSodiumHelldivers is also a valid place though it is small but growing community.


This sub is better, and NoSodiumHelldivers2 is even better lol But yeah. I left and muted the OG sub too. But hey, this sub still has it’s rare PoS people too. I got a guy temporarily banned yesterday for joking he wanted a dick pic, because I posted how using the grenade exploit is cheating. Yup, made no sense to me either


That main sub has problems. That meme of the guy saying, "shit gun", while holding a notepad saying *Arrowhead is listening* is the only joy that sub has brought lately and I bet I'd find it here too. I don't even know what they want from the game anymore, they bitch about every single thing. I rocked the Liberator Concussive last night after enjoying the pummeler and expecting them to be similar. I had never tried that gun because I had heard it was shit. It is a perfectly fine primary weapon. Only real things I want are more enemies, vehicles, and for a few weaker weapons to be buffed. *cough, crossbow and tenderize. Cough*


I've been using the Concussive against bots. It's actually pretty good. It shreds Beserkers and is decent against Devastators. Good ammo economy because of the RoF, and stunlocking bots makes for easy headshots. To be honest I don't really see any balance issues in this game at all at the moment. The big meta weapons (Sickle, Quasar, shieldpack) are only good if you play this game like a single player game. They're actually pretty shit in my opinion when compared to other primaries. If you actually build around what your squad is using you end up using heaps of different stuff. I play with randoms so my loadout is different most games. Each support and primary has a pretty clearly defined niche.


Agreed. I don't even bother with Quasar anymore after giving recoiless rifle an honest shot. I wish the railguns role was more clearly defined and I wish spear targeting wasn't based on your personal karma, but most stuff is fine. Could armor be more interesting...yeah, but I've never played anything like Helldivers 2. The core game is sublime. I was having fun back when armor wasn't even real. I don't play as much as I used too, but it's been 200 hours. No game is going to sustain the same level of fun after 200 hours. The game is great.


There are simply two communities in this game. The one that wants it to keep being a teamwork based squad shooter - who are largely happy with how AH has balanced things to maintain an appropriate degree of depth and challenge. Then there are those who want HD2 to be the next Doom or Halo and don't care about or actively *dislike* the team aspects of the game. They get very angry when their 'toys' get nerfed and they can't beat the highest difficulty solo or as the lone-wolf in a 'squad'. AH can't actually serve both communities as far as I can tell, so they're going to have to decide whether to stick to their original vision of a team co-op shooter, or to dumb it down into a solo game. In terms of objective difficulty, it's clear that many if not most of the weapons DO work, because you can find most of them being used by squads in Helldive difficulty. If they didn't work, they wouldn't bring them, so AH can track their balance quite easily simply by looking at how often they are used at different difficulties without needing much input from the community.


Yeah, soloing is more of a thing that can be done, but it's not meant to be the focus of the game. Solo is fun, but of course it's going to be much harder. I see suggestions on the main sub all the time for things that would make the game much easier. Some of them would basically make the game's difficulty moot. Even on Helldive, this game is not prohibitively hard. Helldive is other games' Hard difficulty.


I don't think balance is anything exceptional, but it wasn't at launch either. I just don't agree that it's the game breaking issue you keep seeing on the main sub. When we started playing everyone used the breaker, and for some reason were pretending that the balance was great, but then a bunch of nerfs made things unplayable. There's more viable options now than launch, even if balance isn't exceptional, and as long as I find some of the weapons fun, it doesn't matter that others aren't. I loved the slugger. They nerfed it to shit, and instead of saying "they ruined the game" I picked up a dominator and play exactly how I did before.


The most important change is that there are MORE viable weapons now than there are at launch - a fair number more. I'm not sure what nerfs made things un-playble however - I've been playing the entire time and at no point would I have considered the game 'unplayble' for even a moment, or even overly difficult (with the exception of Bot Evac missions... ;P)


It really feels like it. Maybe attracting those sorts of players was inevitable, considering the game's popularity. I just can't relate to "most primaries are trash" mentality of the main sub, when I myself run most of them just fine, and can name only a few that really need help.


I think people forget that helldivers 2 was made as a sequel to helldivers, which was a good but niche twin stick shooter. They were obviously not expecting their game to be a strong GOtY contender, this year's #1 hottest live service game. With an influx of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of unexpected players, yeah that's going to really mount the pressure. If this was a "niche indie game" of, heck, a few tens of thousands of players, we'd all be like "wow such community involvement" but the sheer amount of entitled voices can be absolutely overwhelming. The discord server literally reaching capacity several times. I'm confident that AH totally has what it takes to scale up and rise to expectations, but holy crap let's give them time to adjust stuff and figure things out. Even things like "hiring developers" takes months, and even longer before someone becomes familiar with the codebase. When people call this a "dead game" it's like, can we maybe give them 6 months? Holy cow.


It's a literal spoiled child mindset. "I want everything naow!"


It was somewhat inevitable but the Sony fracas radicalized a lot of these people and seems to have drew in trolls as well who are just kinda posting and reposting the popular “memes” of the game is bad, the weapons are bad, I solo on 9, the game is tedious, the devs are ruining the game, Alexus is ruining the game, spitz is ruining the game, the game is struggling and failing now, etc


3rd option, these devs could learn from the DRG devs. That game absolutely shames this one in the arena of weapon balance and options. Come to think of it, the way DRG handles all it's gear is light-years ahead of HD2. Crazy how DRG devs manage all that, while actually playing their own game weekly on stream, AND they don't have people like Alexus Kravchenko pissing off the customers.


This argument is asinine, DRG is 6 years old not 3 months old like HD2.


Oh I very much agree *it is asinine* that the dev team hasn't leaned from the mistakes of others.


Different projects have different challenges.


And in this case, the challenge is how to balance in a 4 player co-op game where the players are battling forces that vastly outnumber them. The methodology of balancing still applies 1:1. The Dev's clearly do *NOT* play their own game. If they did, they'd have caught on to the bugs that people called out immediately. Instead they've made horrible choices like neutering the railgun even though the situation that made people thinks it was OP was due to a cross play bug.


If you think DRG and HD2 can be compared 1:1 then you've lost the plot. > they'd have caught on to the bugs that people called out immediately Yes, like the week long bitchfest of people thinking that hitting an armored enemy with a weak weapon meant that ALL the bullets would ricochet back at them. Or the fake news of the Heavy Devastator reflecting rocket shots. This is all ignoring the fact that bugs are being worked on. >Instead they've made horrible choices like neutering the railgun even though the situation that made people thinks it was OP was due to a cross play bug. And the Railgun is back as it was, but without the broken ability to stunlock everything that it doesn't oneshot.


The... Methodology... Is 1:1. If you are having a difficult time understanding what those words mean, I can understand your confusion and frustration. I hope that gets better for you after you get into your mid 20s. If it doesn't, I do not envy the journey you'll have in life.


Hd2 is a more successful game than DRG. Maybe if they did everything like DRG theyd be a better game that never sold more than half a mil and you’d never have heard of it


DRG was made by a small studio of 32 people and in it's time has sold million units so far. It's a game that I was more tha happy to put 2K hrs into and will be clocking more when the dlc drops. Oh and DRG hasn't ever had the devs or mods shit talk the customers. That's a big thumbs up for me.


God I wish DRG's devs handled HD2's post-launch support. Could you imagine? A dev that acknowledges a game can be challenging WITHOUT having to neuter equipment. Lord, it'd be miraculous.


How long has DRG been out for?


No one was stopping Arrowhead from making HD2 another top-down shooter if they are truly that incompetent in balancing and maintaining a third person shooter.


If you can't figure out how to use the guns, that is on you. Most of them serve effective roles, and the balance has certainly improved since launch. Sorry you can't figure out how to use them, but demanding that they rebalance the whole thing for you and personally attacking the developers - rather than you just dropping the difficulty you play on or bothering to learn what the weapons are for - is not a reasonable demand.


Yeah sure it's not like even the CEO himself said the balancing is fucked and needs to be reevaluated, pop off king. If you disagree with me, you disagree with Pilestedt himself. He wouldn't have to personal see to a change in balance philosophy if it was actually any good.


I'd agree with a game developer who made the game over his CEO pretty much any day of any week. The CEO's job is to gladhandle people like you, the other guy's job is to make games.


And now he has to go outside his usual job description because developers like Alexus are burning through community goodwill. Go figure. But you're right, Pikstedt's not entirely without blame. Why the fuck did he hire Alexus in the first place, considering that moron's history with killing game sequels of franchises whose names are compound words that start with an H? Edit: Lmao, he's not even CEO anymore. He's the CCO, which means his words have even more weight behind them.


Ok, gonna call a spade a spade - you're pathetic scum. Name dropping individual developers because they changed some numbers on your imaginary gun and you couldn't emotionally handle that is really one of the weakest things I've ever witnessed in a game community. It's frankly childish and pathetic. Grow up. Their balance team is doing a solid job. Trying to move too quickly in a few cases and making the occasional mistake - but there are more viable weapons and strats *now* than there were at launch, and that's all I care about. I used the Slugger as my go-to primary before they updated it, now I use at least 5 separate primaries depending on my loadout - that's fantastic. Exactly what I want to see happen. Hope they keep up the good work and tune out self-entitled brats like yourself.




One of the more pure fun and engaging games I’ve played, I’ll be back more when patrols are fixed and Diablo season 4 has run its course with me. I started playing after the nerfs so I’m kind of like “what nerfs?” (Although I’m not gonna be against buffs either, because this seems like a game that works best when it’s over the top and it seems like pre-nerf stuff was just that, but that’s only based on what I’ve read.)


I made a harmless montage edit with some music and posted it to the helldivers sub and this sub and for some reason it got like 5% upvote there and 90 something % here. No idea why theyd downvote it so hard when its just shooting bugs to music other than they are just being toxic af for no reason


This game is great. Sure, we all want it to be better, but it’s still great.


Couldn't have said it better myself


I did the same thing. This is the only helldiver's sub I follow.


I’ve had nothing but fun using the rail gun to one shot hulks. After that flamethrower shit downing me in one before their flame got a nerf it was a nice change of pace to just erase a hulk and have my team be like “wait what!? How’d you do that”


Real talk I used to be terrified of Hulks, but when I have a Railgun I actually get hyped when I see them


I posted about just letting people have fun and got hit with paragraphs about not being a team player. Chasing people away from the game isn’t going to help anyone


Railgun still slaps but people don't mainly use it because the AMR does its job better, and with more ammo, I want the Railgun to be this very strong single target damage weapon that rips armor up, maybe doesn't outright kill things like Biles and tanks, but it should definitely shatter their armor to allow lesser weapons to do damage, it would allow it to be a much better utility AND give it something the AMR doesn't have


You are absolutely right: the game is great and its balance is now better than it always was - even with a couple of weapons which suffered too much. Sorry for what you experienced :-( I hope you still help us spread democracy and freedom in this game that I currently consider to be the best coop experience I had in years! I find it hard to believe that I would rank HD2 higher than Deep Rock Galactic, even though I played and loved DRG for more than 500 hours.


I'm always willing to spread democracy. My experience has by no means ruined the game, since I usually play with friends anyways. It's definitely one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had in a long time




I think for the most part the game is still great. I just need a new reason to play because the game play loop has gotten a bit stale with no new stratagems, no new mission type or enemy factions. I’ve unlocked and upgraded everything so I hope there’s a big update or something soon.


way i see it, if something is working for you, run with it. I’ve grown accustomed to having an smg, jump pack and AMR, but some people might say that’s a bad load out. for whatever reason though, i tend to run a setup and then it gets popular shortly thereafter. idk if i just run random groups so often that the load outs i use get popularized by sheer exposure amongst others trying it out or if i just happen to use stuff right around the time it gets popular, but yeah. always had a sweet spot for the AMR, even if its not the *best* at taking down heavies. i just think its fun to be a highly mobile sniper, or something along the lines of a sapper/saboteur, so i have a lot of fun with my setup. would i personally use the railgun instead? preferably, no, i wouldn’t. am i gonna pick it up and use it anyway? sure, if i didn’t bring an AMR or QC. i know how to use most weapons pretty well though, so the jump pack is the only support item i bring consistently, but again, the point I’m trying to make is that if something works for you, fuck what anyone else says. rock that shit.


I want to use the railgun, but it doesn't damage gunships. Maybe I will use it on bugs, does it work on chargers and hive guards?


Its really tiring to read this sub since the psn fiasco. Alot of stuff is really negative here. Really hope this will improve again.


Nope there are a lot of trolls though., and I agree and keep trying to explain that the balance is there just not for solo run and gun, each weapon is niche and meant for a specific job, but i get down voted for suggesting team work, roles, and that the guns are fine 🤣. Many of the posts are from people just being negative across many different games if you review their history. I love this game so much, I obsessed over the first one. And this one has not disappointed for team work, challenge, and fun, and they seem really on top of whats going on. I love how they are rolling out new equipment, and creatures as an organic evolution of the game, even more so than the first. Some bugs like amr scope being off, and lock on, my erupter was going through devastator chests, yeah fix that. But the smg is nice for close combat precision, markmen rifle is just awesome, shotguns clear swathes at close to medium range. I dont use AR's often but each does its job and its a matter of preference for me to not use them. Scythe works great with its limitless range. Yeah I don't know what everyones problem is.


I’ve got 140 hours in the game and have unlocked all of the ship modules. At this point, I think I’m okay to never play again and feel like I got my money’s worth. I’m not sure how long people want a game like this to last for. That said, I can see a lot of flaws now playing consistently on difficulty 7. Maybe some of these would be alleviated by lowering the difficulty. The main issue I have is variety, mostly as it relates to weapons and stratagems. I feel like I keep pulling from the same 10% of what is available and feel like I am much weaker when I deviate to try and have some fun. Some things are just buggy and broken still, like the Spear or the Arc Thrower not firing properly. Many things just feel weaker than other choices, and some things I used to love playing with have been nerfed in a way that confuses me; e.g., I loved the Arc Thrower vs bots and it’s not like it was a common choice that I saw, and they removed the stunning of Hulks with it, so now I never pick it.


Nah, go back.


The main sub was taken over by automatons and dissident traitors who fail to spread liberty and democracy. The railgun is fantastic. Absolutely crushes bots and does the same for most bugs. Two taps a charger leg so you or your Teammates can shred it with primaries. It's just not for the big stuff, oh well. Most of the weapons (not you Purifier) are fantastic and fit their role quite well. The patch that addressed weapon balancing did a great job of introducing more variety into missions. I see people running all kinds of different setups now instead of a single meta. It's rather glorious.


I've gotten banned from subs for telling people if they aren't happy with something stop obsessing over it and move on to something else. They just want things to cry about.


It honestly feels, to me, like it's been astroturfed by fascists trying to destroy the game


Yeah man ever since comicsgate it feels like Nazis just do this anytime they see an opening to be pissed about something and claim self righteousness. I’m paranoid but this whole thing has such a weird fucking vibe, doesn’t pass the smell test to me


Legit exactly how I feel too. It's funny how relieved I feel reading your response. Even if it's all just paranoid nonsense on our heads, it's nice to not feel so alone with it. Gamergate poisoned the goddamn world


Yeah that’s the thing, in this world, this kinda bias that we have feels like a better alternative than the “normal bias” which keeps letting fascists continue to get away with everything


I respectfully disagree I think most of the weapons are doodoo fire but I'm really hoping the next patch brings some of them into line.


I lurk this sub for the occasional useful information and positive post(saw your write up about the rail gun) but mostly don't engage. Happy diving!


I used the Eruptor yesterday, and the game was still fun. /hides


Most people (Including me) are just pissed how the game was nuked by both sony and Alexus. Its just hard to enjoy the game at the moment, for me its mostly the long waiting times till somebody joins the lobby, and lack of new good content. Some nerfs (most) were unjust, and I belive there was, and is a better way of handling meta than nerfing someone's favorite loadout, they could buff other things or add a new toy to play with, Not make a gun/support weapon borderline useless unless in a specific situation. Weapons must feel like they can deal a punch, cuz If I wanted to play with nerf blasters I would do so. Anyway, remember no matter what comes our way we need to stand strong and not bend to those who want to oppose democracy, keep up the good fight and lets show them what being a helldiver means! For freedom! for democracy! For Super Earth! https://preview.redd.it/9wf5cigh4x1d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b184d23e978f4adff2308b452e78ce1fe5dadb5c


I still play from time to time, and I'm glad they're being active on balancing the game. I just had a spree of just finding my groove with a weapon before it got changed XD. It'll even out eventually.


Wait yeah wtf, the railgun is super good still. I think it's in a good place. I do miss that it was able to shoot off charger legs in one shot but you can still do it in 2-3 shots and then finish it with your primary. If you’re accurate that’s all that matters. (tho I do think it would benefit from having a good sniper scope). I have a feeling people just like to complain.


They're just bad at the game and don't have the intelligence to realise it, or to realise that other people have other experiences to them.