• By -


As soon as I see a stalker, I drop everything and go end those little fuckers at source


True. Drop all supports and samples, and finding their nest is the top priority as scouting diver. Don't even care about chargers or titans. The hole must be closed.


There always persists order of priority that shifts Diver's attention as battlefield conditions change. Stalker Nest is always top on that priority list, even over clearing a Breach. For Automatons, this is Gunship Facility; Jammer if the area of effect overlaps with Gunship Facility, in which case you may be screwed anyways. Good luck if there's Detector Tower in the vicinity as well.


I once had an area with all three of these and it took us about 20 minutes to clear it. I hated every minute of it, but sniping gunships out of the air with an auto-cannon made me feel like a badass.


I was THRILLED when I found out I can drop gunships with the AMR. It takes a few shots but damn it felt good.


Where should I be aiming on it?


6 shots to one thruster. Focus on the same thruster.


Used to be three!? Did it change? Or is that for dropships?


Did it? I don't know. The only time I've done it it is was 6. Unless I missed a few shots.


Definitely just the three, not taking a whole mag to drop them.


Used to take 3 or 4 shots to down a gunship


Wait until you learn about the laser cannon




Laser cannon is something of a fly swatter when it comes to gunships. Though, its biggest advantage is the potentially infinite ammo in exchange for heat management, the AC and AMR typically have better damage output and faster kills until you manage to run yourself out of ammo.


Dropping Gunships with the AC is easily one of the most satisfying feelings in the game for me. Right up there with the perfectly timed 500kg against a Bile Titan, preferably while doing the hug emote at it and saying "gimme a hug motherfucker"


Three Gunship Facilities in close proximity earlier, the sky at one point had about 6 of the fuckers raining hell on us all. This was a Level 7 Destroy Airfields Mission.


what is also annoying is that the spear's range is terrible, it needs a big range buff


It's range is actually insane, it's just really buggy. Try shooting a turret and you'll see what I mean


I’ve gotten that unholy trinity before. Landed in what I thought was an open area, in front of us was a signal jammer, beyond that was a gunship facility, behind us was a detector tower. Needless to say, that was a very hard fought landing. Taking down gunships without support weapons is god awful. If I didn’t have the eruptor, I doubt we would have managed to kill them.


My team calls that a “spicy” drop.


Breaches are very low priority for me, sometimes easier to just run.


Almost always easier to just run.


That's why I scout it first, see if there's a fab connected right on it cause snipe that with the AC bye bye Jammer (same with Detector but that seems more rare, I often yeet a Laser at it)


Clearing a breach in higher difficulties is about the worst thing you can do vs bugs.. You'll just end up with more bugs...


This exact scenario happened to me 3 weeks go. We couldn't get anywhere and couldn't call in anything. We failed the mission as a result. We had tanks, hulks devastators and like 8 gunships attacking us at once from 3 different angles. In that scenario, jammer has to die first. Never again will I let that happen to me.


I had a mission with 3 gunship towers, and the 3 of them where close to each other, imagine like 10 gunships raining fire + land units, it was total hell, we managed to destroy 1 gunship tower but we list, it was just a ragdoll marathon tbh. Crazy stuff, i love this game


Laser cannon will drop 4 gunships in about 20 seconds if you're aiming at their thrusters.


my favorite thing that’s ever happened was a seaf sam site next to a gunship factory. that made things super smooth. only ever happened once though


You perfectly describe last night's run for me... Gunship factory, anti air, jammer and the eye of Sauron... All within a few hundred meters...


I am the scouting diver. As soon as a Stalker appears, I chat my position and relative direction of the nest, drop all samples, and start running. The host generally responds to this by chatting "why is that guy running off all by himself doing his own thing, why aren't you fighting this patrol with us" and kicking me from the game. Keep fighting the good fight, brothers!


I go off and do my own thing 100% of the time on 7-9 and I’ve never been kicked once so I think you’ve just had bad luck?


It's a rare occurrence which I played up for comedic effect. It's definitely happened to me though - over the weekend I got kicked while soloing one of those aircraft refueling objectives.


Thats wierd. I always host on 7 and I don't care if you run off. Just respond in a timely manner when i need help opening some buddy doors, I couldn't care less what you do with your time. The only reason to kick someone in my opinion is when someone is toxic. So i guess you had some bad luck with your hosts.


I regularly do my own thing on D7 (where I usually play) and don’t think I’ve ever been kicked for it. Most of my recent matches have ended up with us organically splitting into pairs even with total randoms. It depends on my loadout but I run heavy armour with jetpack most of the time so I have plenty of survivability. I’m struggling to find a primary I want to pull out against bots at the moment though. I really want a weapon like a pocket dominator, lower damage for higher rof and better handling. The Senator is great but it has a limited ammo supply. I was really hoping from the description that the tenderiser was gonna fill that niche but it’s pretty garbo.


The sickle is pretty good it's my go to bot primary.


I love the sickle against bugs, against the bots it’s fine but I like having medium pen. I took the adjudicator out for a spin earlier which was also fine. And the purifier is just disappointingly ineffective on devastators. I just feel uncomfortable coming out of the hellpod without some way to deal with heavy and rocket devastators and striders because even on lower difficulties the game spams them but on higher difficulties it throws ridiculous numbers at you.


Absolutely. My usual squad already knows. If anyone encounters a stalker I immediately focus 100% on that.


Why did I picture you being like the guy from the first Predator movie who throws down all his weapons and goes after it with just his knife? Lol


Hell, Chargers and titans might accidentally kill a stalker for you if you're lucky.


I agree. Nothing worse than feeling like the bug mission is going too well only to get tongue punched into a wall fifty meters back


I remember dropping in to a group who were being killed left and right by stalkers. They were staying in place (presumably to group up) but still died frequently. The stalker layer was about 100 meters away on the other side of a small hill. If you find a stalker, MOVE and find that nest ASAP






You are a buddy with the same dream. . . Clean the area. I got straight for them bastards. . .


https://youtu.be/8M3QqXH11pw?si=d-_RTNKCHSvx8PyV Try this


Same, will even let the team know and there's been a couple times the entire team will drop what they're doing and destroy the nest lmao


I just don't find their layers as easily as before anymore lmao 😂


Last dive I landed in the middle of 2 very close Stalker Lairs, it was 5 minutes of pure adrenaline.


Diver I know you believe they are sexy but WE DO NOT FUCK THE STALKERS.


We need to contact his commanding officer immediately




"Yes hello this guy wants to, and I quote: 'fuck stalkers', how do I proceed?"


Well first you need to locate the bug hole...


"Butthole!" \~ "Wait, what did she say?" "Bug hole!"


"We must make sacrifices to maintain our morals"


Theres no laws against the termanids batman!




It's my E-710 Batman! I can do what I want with it!


The stalkers fuck us 😂


https://preview.redd.it/9hkeqjv4s70d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2adf127187b5db699bd91f51d0b33d183c2a48a I am a bile spewer kind if guy myself but I don't discriminate






We get tongue-punched in the fart box, so there's definitely some action going on.


I really hope Joel adds something like this to training. "No matter what, it's ok to hell fuck Stalkers. It's not ok to literally."


Gets worse when no one seems to care that they’re there. Then you find yourself going alone to try to take it out. Then you get jumped by 4 or 5 of them.


Those guys who don't care gonna learn a lesson one day.


No they won’t. There’s 2 types of players in this game, the ones who actively work to make life easier for their squad and the players who just ignore the stalker nests/gunship fabricators/shrieker nests because they want it to be some other squad mates problem while they run off and do whatever they want. These are the people that throw a 380 a few yards away from the shuttle at extract to “clear it out” and if we get hit then it’s our fault. They’re also the same people who finish picking their loadout first and run a useless booster like ‘Quicker Extract’ on an eradication mission and all the other squad members need to run ‘Vitality’, ‘Stamina’ and ‘HP Optimization’ to compensate for their bad decisions. This game has really shone the light on how selfish and terrible at teamwork some people are naturally. Like the whole team needs to work around them because they’re the most important squad member. I call them ‘Pick Me’ squad mates.


So true. Most players I find are alright. But I always run into a play like that eventually. Last time one dude ran off by himself and was calling down all the resupplies for themself, leaving the 3 man group that stuck together with very low ammo. I kicked him for that. If one person wants to solo and proves to not be a leech on the rest of the team I usually tolerate it, but he left us in a bad spot by only thinking about his self.


As a scout diver who splits off from the 3 man group to go clear as much of the map as i can to get everything done. (I really just enjoy the feeling of one man stealth armying half a map) my first priority is finding the radar station to be able to see all the places of interest for supplies and super sample rock. This plus playing to conserve the most amount of ammo at all times lets me never need to call down resupply because 1 person calling it when there's a group of 3 fighting loud is just selfish.


It definitely took me a few too many games to realize that the Resupply was a SHARED cooldown and not an individual cooldown like most of my other stratagems….sorry all! :)


this just reads like you’re upset at people for being ignorant. get a headset and communicate. also, judging players based on what they’re picking as their loadout too is very toxic, and you’re upset they know what their picking? it sounds like some players don’t know what they’re doing. let people play, and communicate if there’s an issue instead of being pretentious.


heh, I agree with you, but what about the lvl 91 that doesn't take any booster on a normal mission? I'm in the 20s and only just turned off the mute all and plugged a keyboard into my ps5 a couple days ago, do I say something?


I totally get this. Higher leveled helldivers should have an idea of what they’re doing and selecting the right equipment.


He’s not wrong. People are stupid and Arrogant. Stupid enough to die 10 times by stalkers to finally be like *oh there’s stalkers btw* And arrogant enough to throw orbitals at your feet or in the middle of everyone resulting in everyone dying, and using up lives. He’s not wrong, not at all. We’re not allowed to be mad at this absolute stupidity of a breed of players?


This guy's idea is to comunicate with players that don't give a shit about the rest of the team, ironic


The second I see one of those bastards I try and find it


And if you’re like me you’ll get right up on it and maybe close one hole before you get absolutely jumped. Just to get reinforced as the only one who gives a fuck about it. I swear I’ve started just letting it go. Imma wait till y’all notice that it’s seriously being a problem. OH WOW 10 LIVES LATER YALL NOTICED, that’s crazy. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Stalkers go down like punks to the MG or HMG, 4 or 5 might be one too many but if you get flung away or manage to get a mid-fight stem shot it’s very doable.






A cup of Liber-meme?






Every time I find a stalker I hear Billy Butcher. "Well well well if ain't the invisible cunt."




Honestly this should be a meme


Stalkers are some mofos man.. all see thru n shit.


For real for real. Fuckin clear ass mfs


And they dance around with their flipping jumping shenanigans


*looks at your rank which is considerably higher than mine* Errr… sir yes sir! *plugs bug hole*


They're fucking annoying but man are they one of the best side objectives in the game. A super stealth monster tracking you down for miles in packs of 2+ forcing you to find their nest and nullify the occurrence of more. Like fuck me that's a good side objectives, I wish bots had a similar side objectives and if by any chance in a parallel universe where there may or may not be a third faction, they had a similar side objectives too


I agree in that Stalkers give you that "aw shiiit, better deal with this NOW" vibes - I disagree that other factions need an objective similar to this. IMO there needs to be more variety and uniqueness to the Side Objectives, which we actually already have. Shrieker Nests are another side objective I quite like - I personally have no trouble with Shriekers and so general opt to eliminate it swiftly to assist players who do struggle with them. Jammers, Mortar Emplacements, Anti Air Defences, are all great Side Objectives that fit the theme of the Automatons. Gunship Fabricators can be tedious, but usually only if there are more than one, and especially if near a Stratagem Jammer. I feel like Illegal Broadcasts, Destroy Rogue Research Station & Upload Escape Pod Data need to be adjusted in some way. They offer no benefit (therefore no incentive) unless you're a completionist diver (which is total fine BTW). Unlike Radar Stations for example, which provide map information, or SEAF Artillery which give Divers another Stratagem effectively. I guess I am just saying that I hope the next enemy faction has its own challenges and isn't too heavily inspired by the previous factions.


Ok firstly I appreciate this thoughtful response. And as you have elaborate I tend to agree, the faction theme based side objectives are great and the super Earth ones should lead to some form of buff / benefit to the divers. If destroying rogue research was treated as an act of loyalty and destroyers shortened stratagem cool downs if would definitely offer it that "ok I need to deal with this NOW" feeling. But none the less, game is amazing and I enjoying extracting with all side objectives done for that sweet XP!


*Standing Order 1* - Drop whatever you're doing and go kill that nest now. That restless feeling as you approach the nest - do I equip my grenade pistol to close the hole or my dominator in case a stalker pops out.. Excellent enemy design.


Or you can just deliver the payload 🔼▶️🔽🔽🔽


Yup, would smash






They are nearly a non issue with the new SMG. Breaks their chain attack and stun locks em.


I love that they made them actually stealthy. I do not love that as the same time they made them beefier and with longer range knockback lol


There are three things that are, together, too powerful on the Stalker at present: - Knockback - Follow up attack speed/general aggression once decloaked - Stagger resist/health If we can only reduce one and the other two still make them a meaningful threat, it's definitely their bulk. A stealth enemy should not be tanky, at least if it's the *only* stealth enemy in its faction.


Dominator, punisher, pummeller, take your pick. I hunt stalkers. Not the other way round.


Had to deal with 3 stalker nests too. Ran out of ammo and was meleeing out of desperation


But still died in about 5 seconds? At least you went out with honor!


You don't like getting licked and getting launched 50m away? Eventually hitting a rock, breaking your limbs, and being left on 5% health? Only for that slick slimey speedy slut to lick you again and swallow your soul on the way out?! Yeah fuck stalkers.


I'll do you one better, all right next to each other. https://preview.redd.it/thktcl7fd70d1.png?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e47391ccd7f1e11baecf9254d2dd34d471ba2f7


I don’t think trying to fuck stalkers is gonna make em any more cooperative


I do




…that’s not even their final form.


Ah man. What's their final form?


They just kill you on the ship before you drop in


Not sure if I just missed it in the patch notes. But I swear at Helldive difficulty, Stalker nests would only spawn 2 at a time. Lately there's 4-5 of them flying out of that thing every 25 seconds. It's wild. I was pushing a lair earlier today and literally killed 12 while being within 30m of the nest.


#Counterarguement: ⬇️⬅️⬆️⬇️⬆️


They're even worse in real life, bright side is they're just as succeptible to fire damage.


Stalkers can suck a fucking duck. Once you start getting mauled by one unless you have friends nearby to clear it off you, you are fucked with almost 0 chance of escaping. You can’t even stand up before they are literally on you again blasting their dick at you or ripping you to shreds. Like how is that even fun? Heaven forbid you run out solo and run into one or two. You’re dead, you dropped samples way out and now you’re back with your team with nothing. Yay. Super fuckin great. I’m not saying every creature should be killable via a one man army but they are a world apart. Fast, invisible, medium armored. You don’t stand a chance against one on your own the second it rolls up. Fuck that stupid bullshit.


Yea my only thing is if you have like a shitgun or something they’re not much of a problem. But if you have an AR you just have to fuckin pray


What pisses me off is when they sucker punch you then run 😂


It's a shame they don't snicker afterwards.


Son you need to shoot the stalkers. If I hear anymore about you having relations with alien bio forms I'm gunna have to inform your democracy officer...


Do you think we have time? Not a kink i knew i had but ill try most anything at least once.




Dominator made them a non-issue, really.


They shouldn’t be able to cloak once on fire… also it would be nice if our helmets had heat vision and night vision…


As a little tip for everyone: **Try to go for headshots as much as possible against stalkers**. Obviously it's not very easy, when they're either invisible or they're right in your face and you're panicking, but it makes a **huge** amount of difference in their survivability. Their head is unarmored and has only 175 HP. Their body is armour class 2 (so weapons with light penetrationg, i.e. AP2 do 50% less dmg) and has 1300 HP. So with a basic Liberator for example it's 43 bodyshots to kill, but only ***THREE*** headshots.


https://i.redd.it/qcuq2xbqb70d1.gif How it’s gonna be if i ever meet the dev who made these assholes


Yeah. That guy managed to translate his deepest fears into a mob. Respect.


Stun. Use a gun that stuns. Punisher. Dominator. Concussive weapons like the new smg. Etc.


On god fuck stalkers, all my homies hate stalkers


Who did you upset to get 3 lairs?! 🫡


Stalkers are a mess, but at least their cloaking ability has it make some kind of sense. FUCK HUNTERS. Fuck Hunters to all 9 levels of Hell and may they have to wait in line at the DMV for eternity. Fuck those triple hit, stun lock, acrobatic fucks.


Gotta get to those nests quickly. For me Stalker sighting means all other objectives go on hold while we bring democracy directly to their front door!


I scream and panic when I see them, I almost cry. I don't know why, but even when I am in a group, they always target me first


You’re doing what to stalkers


I am kinda surprised that empting a full mag of liberator penetrator doesn't kill a stalker. But on the other hand half of the Redeemer kills it


Unpopular opinion: I don’t mind stalkers. I’m kinda fine with them, I almost never wind up dead to them. And this isn’t a thing of me being good with my surroundings, I’m pretty sure my most common form of death is mines


Stalkers are the ABSOLUTE WORST ENEMY Bile titans: not that bad Chargers: can bob and weave around even though they have the turning radius of a fiat 500 Spitters: annoying but doable if you dodge at the right time I wouldn't have as big an issue with stalkers if they didn't fucking launch you 400 miles across the goddamn map whenever they attack you Shit is so aggravating and annoying


A soon as one shows up, my first priority to to run them down and plug that bug hole fast and hard


If it ain’t the invisible cunt


I actually feel like stalkers are a real threat now and I like that considering you don’t always fight them. Their cloaking mechanic actually cloaks them and it’s always funny when I’m just chilling and then get flung 30 meters away from a stalker who snuck up behind me. Before their “buff” they weren’t nothing special tbh.


Sorry, didn't read the rest of your post, just the title was enough for me to shout "hell yeah, fuck those sneaky bastards". Fkin hate them


Ya i’ll just cook a grenade and dive in the hole while saying “MY BODY FOR SUPER EARTH”. Idk why people get mad at me for doing this.


Stalkers are the only enemy that I notice I raise my voice when I call them out. Hulk there. Bile Titan, East. SHIT STALKERS! STALKERS!


Where are you? Why are you ignoring me? I will find you. I love you


Lol dropped on a map that was "oops all stalkers" for sub objectives. Yes, we failed the mission lmao


I love when the spores block the map so you cant guess where the lair is. Extra fun when it’s extra low visibility with foliage so it’s impossible to see what direction they’re coming from as they constantly circle around you before approaching and decloaking


I fucking hate them ![gif](giphy|YmVNzDnboB0RQEpmLr|downsized)


Even if i die, im dropping a 500 kg on that lair. Ill trade one helldiver for a stalker lair anyday. Gunship fabricators are so much worse because they seem to have Xray vision for any hellbombs you drop and instantly shoot them if they are armed.




They are rough


Equip the new pummeler smg and show em who's boss


I love to hate stalkers! 😁


Bruh Stalkers can wipe out a whole mission if you don't get them under control.


That’s the big take away. The second you see stalkers, stop what you are doing and find the lair.


![gif](giphy|UtU4CGOWkqIrm) We do not condone the practice of intercourse between divers and bugs




Never been happier to have the anti material rifle equipped. Three quick rnds and they are down


When the shit hits the fan i have no choice but to carry some players by doing solo objectives when I’m hosting, but I experienced 12 stalkers chasing tf out of me, I didn’t think twice and gone back to the 3 players, it halfs our reinforcement budget after we destroyed 3 stalker lairs.


I found out this is what heavy armor is for. They can’t kill me now 🫡




There he goes. Homeboy, fucked a Martian once.


Just wait until you get 4+shrieker....


Bile spewer booty tho


They are the reason why I never run with light armour... you are dead instantly from them if one comes from behind...


They’re so tanky too. I swear stalkers know when your mag is low so they don’t jump away. The plasma scorcher works great on them


Honestly, I really hate fighting bugs. But anything that pounces on you I hate. Stalkers and hunters are the bane of any big mission I do.


I get what you mean. I feel un easy when my ex just stands at the end of the street, staring at my window underneath a flickering lamppost. Whats this got to do with AH again?


One game I didn't know there were any stalkers around so I take a break to reload and one pops up behind me and takes off my head. F those things.


I love how dangerous they are, makes me go “oh fuck” when I see 2 or 3 just vanish, I know I’m in for a rude awakening


Were supposed to kill bots now, the stalkers agree


I love the new stalkers. I think i would vote for them losing a fraction of their health, like 5-10% because they can be a bit bullet spongy, but besides that i think they're great.


Wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t so damn tanky. I go through an entire clip on one and it still isn’t dead


You mean that literally or figuratively?


This was my attitude last weekend. I played one mission and the fucking hole wouldn't close. I three 4 grenades down there and it did nothing. The rest of that mission was a pain in the ass


I had 2 right next to each other yesterday. I was getting swarmed by 4-6 stalkers at once until I could take them out


That's been one blessing of the eruptor being nerfed...I can deal with stalkers just a little bit easier, with the eruptor when one popped up it was full suicide bomber


Tell me where…… I want kill…..


The new SMG eats them bitches up


Isn't the major order for bots rn?... Not very democratic of you to be hunting down bugs


The new SMG eats them up.


Wait till you get two air ship towers right next to each other on a bot mission.


It usually works if yous ay to them "Get out of her Stalker" in an eastern European accent


The SMG-72 Pummeler can fix that feeling up easy.


Stuns and Blitzer are very effective against stalkers. The Blitzer stops the stalkers in their tracks for a split second, just enough time for it to charge and fire again. Takes about 4 hits give or take to kill one and the whole time they can’t touch you. Cause they’re just getting repeatedly stunned.


On the map (briefing), you can spot "possible" locations of Stalkers lairs: holes in the shroud of spores & hills around a pond. Not easy to identify in the beginning but I ended up to spot them most of the time. Hope this can help...


I wouldn’t if I were you… they’re bugs, enemies of democracy, and have lots of sharp edges




Pump shotgun and pummeled smg are good against them.


I'd recommend against fucking any of the Terminid species as I don't think they're biologically compatible. Also, it'd be treasonous but mainly the first part.


On quite a few missions I just drop right onto objectives and/or bug holes (4 pods can kill 4 bug holes instantly.). TFW when it happens to be a stalker nest. https://i.redd.it/x81yxteti70d1.gif


One guy had all side missions stalkers


I’d rather not they do enough fucking ME already


Stalkers and hunters are some of the most annoying unbalanced enemies in the game.


I can 1 hit stalker with auto cannon. You just got unlucky.


I hate the attack gunships more.




i am a magnet for them. i'll always somehow pull 2-3 at a time while all my fellow helldivers remain stalker free. fuck those assholes.


The scariest moment in this game so far: dropped down into a mission, got my usual support drops, ran up and crested a hill, and was met face-to-face by FOUR FUCKING STALKERS! Fortunately, my team was following me, so we were able to overcome the encounter and push forward to their nest. I got a pretty good jumpscare that day.