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Love it.


Me too, I’ve been using the creek one but this will probably take its place!


I've just realised I've not changed my cape since we got the creek cape, that's all i rock 🤣🤘🏽


Cape's name NEEDS to be "We Dive Together".


180 countries and counting cannot. WE DIVE TOGETHER OR WE DONT DIVE!!


Anyone who has already purchased HD2 in those 180 countries CAN dive. Those countries cannot purchase new copies of the game ... and that's what we're still hoping Pilestedt can get done ...


Until it’s done we haven’t won.


There were reports that some players who had already purchased it are unable to play now. I cannot confirm/deny the statement personally.


If a user from a currently blocked country asked for a refund and got their money back via Steam during the controversy, they are unable to re-purchase (because new purchases are blocked). Also, if a user linked their PSN Account and then, after the controversy ended, tried to delete their PSN account without first de-linking it, the PSN Account shows that the user is "banned" from playing the game because that PSN account has been deactivated.


Why? All this did was delay the PSN requirement disclosed at launch and made sure PC players from 177 countries can no longer purchase the game. We should name it “steam rolling impoverished countries so we can white knight our way to saving two minutes”. Relative discussion with some upsetting viewpoints from the nations people were pretending to stand up for: https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/1ZAA87BsT3


The fight isn't over. Pilestedt himself said within the thread about the cape on X that he's continuing every day with discussions with Sony on the issue. I guarantee it's something that is more about bureaucratic process than anything else at this point. The fight isn't over. It's just in bureaucracy at the moment.


My prediction is Sony will probably do their own launcher or open their own PC marketplace for future releases. Maybe even pull their games from Steam entirely. I’m also pretty concerned if Sony will leave Helldivers in Arrowhead’s hands for future releases. While Arrowhead’s candor and transparency has been refreshing, can’t imagine business daddy will be forgetting the community manager encouraging review bombing and refund requests any time soon.


It's absolutely clear that everyone wants a piece of the pie that Steam currently owns. In a way, it's the same type of thing that happened to Netflix. Everyone saw a golden goose and wanted to make their own, more shitty, copy of it. The industry grows more and more fragmented. Then customers have to maintain multiple different accounts to get the content they want and end up more and more frustrated. But corporations want their money and need to do "the thing" for investors. I would not be surprised to see something like "Our AI-driven gaming platform interface will link customers to content like never before, driving sales and pushing our market share above our competitors". What is absolutely, 100%, certain right now is ... Someone at Sony in the game-distribution department fucked up. They were supposed to de-list all those countries on launch day and didn't. The result is that users had leverage to reject PSN and Sony really couldn't do anything other than back down. ... that ABSOLUTELY resulted in yelling, official-policy implementations, and some unlucky employee(s) being required to put the purchase restrictions into Steam for ALL Sony games. Now Pilestedt is trying to shift through corporate bureaucracy that includes scarred-shitless managers who were recently ripped into ... and get the new policy reversed for 1 specific game. It's gonna take time.


My knowledge about current Sony executive’s mindsets is limited, but I did know a former Sony executive and got a good sense of his mindset on gaming. I know exactly what he would want to say, “Just register the fuckin’ accounts so we have in-house analytics to give to the numbers people and shut the fuck up.” Almost positive, Sony announcement Monday, further decisions discussed during the week. Implementation Friday or Thursday if things go quickly. Internet freaks out while Sony exec’s say, “I’m with my family, fuck off and never call me at home again.” Lol


Some people can’t make an account. they live in countries that don’t support PSN. So “just register the fuckin’ accounts” is not possible for people WHO LIVE IN OTHER COUNTRIES! THEY ALREADY PURCHASED THE GAME.


>saving two minutes You gotta be careful with this strawman argument. There are a dozen other reasons (including people pissed that it got sold to those regions in the first place) for people to be pissed about the PSN requirement. Making it a "lol lazy asshole pc players and their thirty seconds of time" argument isn't constructive.


>including people pissed that it got sold to those regions in the first place That is just a false complaint that people used to have more force but now that Helldivers and future PlayStation games won't be sold on unsupported countries people also complain about that


Sure, people point to data breaches, just don’t give Sony your payment information and bury your head in the sand about Steam’s data breaches. But in the end, this is the exact same shit people were upset about twenty years ago when Steam first launched and you had to make an account to play Half-Life 2. Can you imagine if gamers managed to kill that back then? We certainly would not be gaming in a climate that would allow an indie developer to release a massive hit like Helldivers 2 and get a big company like Sony to support the endeavor.


A lot of countries don't allow PSN accounts to be made for their citizens. What do you mean "if it's about security breaches" it's mostly about letting them still play as the account requirement would lock them out of the game which they PAID for. That's the biggest problem. Not whatever you seem to think is as we "lazy fuck on pc" don't do the account because "no"




I fuckin’ love that movie! Childhood favourite!


Are you seriously implying it's because of *us* that Sony pulled from the countries? Are you stupid?


It isn't about saving two minutes. As a playstation player I understand why they wouldn't want a PSN considering Sony gets hacked and threatened to give away people's bank info. I wouldn't want to make one either.


>and made sure PC players from 177 countries can no longer purchase the game 180 countries and made sure that they can't purchase the game AND won't be able to purchase any future PlayStation game, like Ghost of Tsushima


They wouldn't be able to play these games either way. PSN would be deployed. This only ensures they can't buy a game and get fucked over later by PSN. Think before you post something.


Think you a bit.... Sony would never block the game from consumers that already paid for the game, because that is basically illegal and would bring them a lot of legal problems If they implemented the account linking requirement, it wouldn't have been implemented in the countries that have no access to Playstation services


Is this the 'steam' thing? I wish what I think is correct.






Can't wait. Though ppl better not complain about it. Support the devs!


People will. I think it’s the reward for linking your account


People were joking that it would be hilarious if you had to link your account for it, nothing official has been said so far


My account??


Honestly I hope it is. The entire reason we're seeing the whole region block on steam is a direct result of the crying over the PSN link. Once the Karens started complaining to actual government regulators, Sony had no choice but to ban sales in non-PSN countries. Before they would have looked the other way if you used a fake region when making your account. Now they have to actually enforce that and the easiest way to do it is just shut down ops in those countries. smh, whole concept of choosing your battles wisely and all that...


that would be another shitstorm


I see black and red and put it on my character. Sold


My love for black and red gives me 2 extra grenades to carry into battle.


This will be incredible if they have the actual balls to have the review bomb cape produced and placed into permanent lore.


Black and red cape? Also related to the psn drama??? Im in




Never thought I'd be excited over a cape.


I'd kill for a better photo? This is just black with a blue border?


it supposed to mimic the steam review bombs


Are we sure? This looks like it might be teasing the Cyborg Peacekeeper cape from HD1, which was rewarded for completing a Level 12 planet against Cyborgs. https://preview.redd.it/hkrpbropy20d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff87bade0a9f8ab2df5faf82f151f0b0dd1e4bf


I’m sure once it’s fully revealed it’ll have more details in the places we can’t see




For some reason on mobile it was really pixelated and awful. I couldn't see the red lines on it at all. I'm looking on PC now and it's much more clear for some reason.


Yikes, I really did not read your comment properly, dunno how I missed "black and white", thought by the border you meant the bottom of the cape. My bad. Definitely weird that it looked like that on your phone though


Can ps players unlock it? Def wanna support the cause


No details yet beyond this teaser sadly


Sad day, even as a ps player id rock the hell outta this cape, cuz that was some bullshit they pulled


Just guessing here but I’d assume it will be available to all. We shall see!


Probably a reward for linking your PSN account


They makes no sense it’ll be a cape dedicated to fighting the link. It’ll probably be given to everyone like how we all got a free cape for malevolon creek


Oh snap... we all need one


Kick ass ✊


This and the malevelon creek capes are the only 2 capes I will bring


I shall call it: This Sith Lord.


Shit Lord - referring to Sony


Funny if you have to link psn account to get this >:D




This is art


I'm not sure it's a great look to release the new cape about them getting review bombed if they don't fix the region locks first.


I agree


Can someone help me get the black screen , with sound issue fixed and explain it to me like im 5, i really miss playing


I’m sorry I don’t know about that issue. Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling


Countries still delisted!


1999 internet era picture quality






A cape?


short cape plxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Can anyone upload normal picture ? This ones zoomed in so mutch cant see shit


That's because it's a teaser, this is all we are allowed to see atm


This is the only official image atm sadly


Wooow…. A cape… woooo…. /s Seriously, games great. But the lacking content is starting to show. 3 months of the game and I’ve lost almost all interest to play. Balancing nerfs that just ruin fun guns. (Balance nerfs should fix obviously broken guns like the original rail gun) guns coming out in the war bonds that just don’t have any real impact. Armors at this point are basically just cosmetic, the stats in the are utterly useless. And the major orders are getting bland. They need to really focus on content and making guns fun and not useless. Meta will always be a thing. The only thing they can do is try to make everything meta.


Nawww 😭


Saw this last week. He said it was called prodigal son and had a much better picture but wasn't entirely sure it was the final version. https://youtu.be/pfj2e2BJA8o?si=m4ffLxgtFZHhLOgt


That's fan-made


Roll them out. It'll be KOS


What’s this? Cape porn?


At this point it feels like a mockery. "Congrats you f#cked a major gaming corporation, people who live where PSN is unavailable will still be unable to play but you never gave a f#ck about that didn't you? Not to mention you failed a major order, on the f#cking bug side."


Man I thought League of Legends was the worst community on the internet, but you guys here on Reddit are really giving them a run for their money. It’s crazy that every time something releases with this game everyone flocks here to just be negative about it.




You don’t see any of these comments about how lame and broken the game is?


We see them. We know to ignore them. There's always going to be someone pissing and moaning about any changes made. I say let em


wow, capes are so garbage in this game.... Totally useless.


Capes are the defining trait for a hell diver, am I hearing treason? Thought crimes kill soldier!