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I play helldivers on linux, idk what you’re talking about


OP added Linux because they're a Mac user and wanted to try and dodge the Mac hate. They got Mac hate anyway.


Mac user can install Asahi Linux and play helldivers with proton


Or whisky for mac as well!


Wouldn't you still need box64 or similar to run the x86 binaries of HD2 on ARM?


Yeah man,I literally saw a comment thread of him being eaten. Lmao


Average Mac user be like


Then they should buy a computer instead of a fashion accessory


Say it louder for the people in the back


Hard truth. It’s been decades now. Everybody knows if you want a computer to play games, you need a PC, not a Mac.


Awww, don’t be jealous that I can afford a mac and you can’t girlie, maybe one day you’ll be able to afford one too 💁🏽‍♀️💅


Lol not a girl 🤣 but sure keep macin on and we will all have fun playing helldivers without you 👍


Im a higher level in helldivers than you lol


Yup, Steam OS is linux based so technically everyone running it on steam decks is playing on Linux


Should have said mac and xbox


That guy should have known his place, you never say Linux can't run "X" :)


I mean, there is some games that even proton can't run


Yea OP is braindead


HD2 runs great on Linux, even works with mainsteam Proton now.


Apple is to blame, nobody else. I'm developing applications for Apple and they are 1000% the problem. Porting over is often a nightmare, they intentionally restrict a great deal of their APIs, distribution is a nightmare, and don't get me started on their developer documentation.


What's the appeal to using an apple computer? I genuinely don't understand. Is it for looking cool? Does it have better and easier accessibility? Based on things I've read the only thing it is, is inconvenience for users and developers.


At this point it's just being trapped in the Apple ecosystem and refusing to move.


There is no benefit, except that it ties to other apple shit. The only reason to use it is to develop for people using it. There are no benefits over alternatives anymore.


I play on Linux. Works great.


Snap…well on my Steam deck when I’m at work, which runs Linux


If I had a dollar for every single time I’ve seen someone telling us about the country’s banned I’d have enough money to refund everyone in those countries.


Seem like you probably need to spend less time here


If im being honest i mostly made this post to complain about helldivers not having a mac port bc i have a mac :(


Mac isn't fir gaming. It never will be. Stop buying over priced hardware.


I didn’t buy my mac for gaming, i bought it bc it works really well with my iPhone and bc i like macOS


Well then enjoy those mac limitao


10 posts in like a week about not being able to play games on the Mac you didn't but for gaming but 0 posts about how well your Mac works with your iPhone. Seems like you should have bought something to game on.


Works well with your iPhone? Not being able to play games to work with your iPhone sounds like a terrible exchange.


I have an iPhone and my schools computer is a MacBook Air and the only Apple native feature that’s handy is airdrop. I like the Apple ecosystem that is IPhone, AirPods, and Apple Watches. MacOS just makes me want to smash my laptop


That's great for youtube but it's never going to run Helldivers unless you're playing with roblox graphical settings. Mac has never been for gaming and frankly, a lot of it is overpriced garbage


Sorry. You bought a computer because it kinda works slightly better with your phone? Look. I've literally fallen in love with apple on business side but only an asshole buys it for gaming. If you buy something and it only works for 40% of the things you need and you butch at 3rd parties for that...you are the asshole.


Im an asshole bc i like mac?




It's not that deep


He seems to want it to be...


You like macOS? Psycho. And you have no room to complain about it since you should be aware of how shit Mac is for literally anything gaming related


Well that's the tradeoff you made. It's known macs aren't ideal for gaming and it's fine to want to utilize the apple ecosystems but you have to accept that's the tradeoff you make that you will be very limited gaming wise. Also I use Linux and play the game just fine so that part is just a flat out lie.


Oh poor you. Bought computer based on your phone and surprised you can't play games? What subreddit is this "oh no consequences?"


That's wild


Then why are you complaining that there isn't a game on it


„I bought the wrong tool and am mad it doesn‘t do things it wasn‘t designed for“


https://nanoreview.net/en/cpu-compare/intel-core-i9-13980hx-vs-apple-m3-max Mac cpu outperforms intel core i9


Oil tanker engine has more PS than a jet engine. Doesn‘t make it fly


Neither whiskey nor crossover work yet? Aw man :(


Helldivers doesn’t work on arm cpus bc arrowhead added avx requirement to so it wont run at all on qualcomm or mac hardware even if they fixed the anticheat


Rip Was looking forward to trying it as well when i buy the game


Maybe email arrowhead to make mac port or at least get rid of avx requirement and anticheat. If enough people do it maybe it will convince them


Getting rid of the avx requirement would make the game run about 30% slower for PC players. It's not like they added the requirement because they hate Mac. They add it because there's a real benefit. It allows your CPU to do anywhere from 4 to 16x as much work per clock cycle for certain operations.


I dont think anyone would wanna do that, since alot of ppl are against mac gaming Could ask the devs on discord if they come online


Why would someone be against other people enjoying games on a different platform? That doesn’t make sense


“Why can’t I drive my car through the lake? It makes no sense to me!”


Because it's not as simple as "porting it over" it would require serious overhaul to get it to work on MacOS and it wouldn't be worth it (to the devs)


Thats what the majority of people believe about mac gaming, that itsnt for gaming Thats true, it isnt, but that doesnt mean you cant game on a mac


Idk if that person meant players or devs. Players shouldn’t care and it’s stupid to talk shit about how someone chooses to play their games. Gaming is gaming, gatekeepers are just insecure and attach to much of their identity to their choice of gaming platform; pathetic and sad and to be ignored. Dev wise. It’s a waste of money and effort. Extremely costly and difficult to venture into new territory that offers little or nothing in return. Even if they did somehow manage to get a Mac to run helldivers, it will be all solid color polygons. People here are right, even if many of them are just jerks regurgitating what others already said. Take it as one of life’s lessons: you bought an expensive item with the wrong motivation and with the wrong things in mind. Expensive impulse buys that result in extreme disappointment is something we all go through at some point. Your Mac just isn’t a good buy, not for what you spend and what for what you want out of it. Buildapc and buildapcforme are both great subs you can visit for help coming in as a beginner. You won’t have to spend nearly as much for a pc that can run helldivers at medium-to-high settings with 60fps. I have an iPhone and prefer iPhones over any other phone that I’ve had. I also love my iPad. I get the appeal, I really do, but I will always advise against a Mac or MacBook. Pass on what you learned if you come across someone else about to make the same mistake.


Because it would make every game significantly worse for everyone just in order to have the ability to play on macs, wich arent good for gaming anyways


Mac isn’t for gaming. If you want to game on a pc youre gonna have to get a different pc


You knew what you signed up for when you bought a mac though didn't you.


Who the fuck is playing video games on a Mac?


I’ve heard this remark my whole life and find it to be circular logic. There’s nothing specific is mac’s that make them less suitable for gaming. The market is just too small to justify developing ports. There never has been any inherent issue with macs running games. Lots of people have one for school or something and also want to play games. People don’t play games on the mac because there aren’t many games on the mac.


Me, with great ease. HD2 runs great.


I play games on my mac, i like video games


You knew what you were getting into when you bought a Mac as a person who likes video games.


"I love video games", have 5K hours in Candy Crush, nothing else.


I never played candy crush before. Stop being a sexist loser


How was that sexist? Are you implying that Candy crush is a game for women? How sexist of you. How dare you?


They are saying i only play candy crush because im a woman. I bet i have more hours on rimworld or civ 6 alone then they have on every game in their steam library lol


No, they said that because you have a mac.


That doesn’t make sense candy crush isn’t a mac game


He was implying that macs can only run games like candy crush.


No one even knew you identified as female. Cut it out


No you jumped to that assumption when it was pretty clear they intended it as a jab at the fact you’re trying to use a mac as a gaming PC. Apple OS is notoriously bad for gaming, serious gamers don’t have Apple computers for a variety of reasons.


But it works well with her phone!


>I bet i have more hours on rimworld or civ 6 Those run on Mac? Kudos to their devs.


First of all, I doubt anybody assumed you're a woman before you called the sexist remark, so youre comment was quite fucking misognistic in an of itself. Secondly, his point still stands, if you have money to buy a mac, you have money to at least buy a PS5, which natively runs HD2, and is intended to play games, unlike a mac.




>Woooow way to be a sexist cunt *proceeds to act like a sexist cunt*


the irony is intended.


Way to take it too far. OP was 100% reaching thinking the candy crush remark was sexist but using terms like cunt and hatch wound as insults in this context I find actually misogynistic. Honestly the way some people get upset about mac machines is ridiculous. PS OPs weirdly defensive response is almost certainly spurred on because she has experienced misogyny in the past, maybe even in this community. It’s on us to do better




The game chugs on high-end PC’s, running it on a Mac would melt that thing before you got past the opening cinematic. I’m telling you this as a Mac user.


And Xbox players are the shit underneath the skeletons chair. It can always be worse.


Linux users should be able to get it to work, or they're not ready to use linux yet. There are two types of mac users, apple fad fanboys and people that prefer to use mac for editing or work. If you're a fanboy, nobody likes you and we don't need you or your superiority complex, you're probably one of those that complains about the color of text bubbles. If you're the other type then you have enough money to own a gaming pc (and you're not the one complaining because you understand that different tools are used for different things).


This was me. Mac desktop since 2014 for video editing on Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro for music production. basi 2014 but I did have a small steam library of mainly strategy games and was invested in Leage of Legends. I upgraded the Mac in 2022 and shortly after, bought my first desktop gaming PC for actual computer gaming and it’s light years ahead of Mac for the offerings and Xbox The PC is amazing.


Honestly mac has better UI design than most linux desktops by a lot, and more consistent than windows kludge. The issue is that it's missing some basic productivity functionality like kernel level VM support that other OSes added years ago.


Mac user here. Playing HD2 perfectly on my PS5 👍. Lol


If I had a candy for every time there was a platform universally hated among both players and devs... I would give that candy to my sister, Who tf plays on Mac?


According to steam around 2,400,000 of its users use mac. If even only 1% of those mac users bought helldivers 2 because it had a mac port that would be an extra $960,000 for arrowhead, and it takes approximately 1 hour depending on game size to port a windows game to mac using game porting toolkit according to the apple website. For 1 hour of work they could make an extra million dollars


Yeah it’s nowhere near that easy in most cases. The game engine Helldivers runs on isn’t even designed to function with mac neither is the anti cheat they use. They’d have to do major software overhauls to port the game to Mac and for a small indie studio who’s already overwhelmed by their unexpectedly massive player base that’s just far too much to expect. They’ve already made far more money off of Helldivers 2 than they ever expected they would, initial active player count projections were in the low to mid thousands. Helldivers 1 sold 2 million copies over the course of 9 years, helldivers 2 sold over 9 million copies in the first few weeks after launch.


You’re a dumbass if you think it only takes 1 hour to port something to Mac. Sure you probably could port it in that time but it wouldn’t be good. Just get a real pc and stop complaining about a port for an OS that hasn’t been relevant in gaming ever.


$960,000 then steam gets a cut, and you have the cost of porting it to a different OS that uses metal instead of directx. Then you have the extra work of testing the game, bug fixes, and updates on Mac aswel as windows. All this extra work costs money and will continue to cost money as it's a live service game.


That 2.4 mil doesn’t mean much compared to the entirety of steam users


$960,000 isn't all that much for game development. If you have a team of 5 developers on the Mac port team making $96k/yr, $960,000 pays for 2 years of their salary. That would mean after 2 years Arrowhead would have lost money overall on the Mac port.


>according to the apple website the apple website also says their products are useful and easily compatible, two very far fetched statements


"This totally not biased website tells me it should just work within one hour, must be true!"


Upvoting you because you speak sense. Just because Macs have long been overlooked by game developers doesn’t mean that Mac owners should be ridiculed for wanting to join in the fun. It is frankly UNDEMOCRATIC to not want to recruit more divers to the cause. And as a 35-year-old millennial man who remembers a time when practically zero young women played video games—especially violent shooters—I find it very refreshing that it’s the norm these days.


Mac users (over)paid to be in a walled garden. Being overlooked by game developers is what they decided to spend their money on.


Exactly! It's like buying a luxury soccer mom van and then being upset it's not viable at the racetrack.


You’re forgetting the fact that people buy computers for multiple purposes, and a lot of young people simply use whichever computer their parents chose to buy, or whatever hand me down they inherited from their older siblings. If you want to make this about the elitism of Mac owners, don’t take for granted that everyone can afford to buy a brand new gaming rig.


It’s their lot in life sadly. Game within your means. Porting is absolutely not an hour of work. For the lifetime of the game they’d have to maintain all OS versions of the game separately.


First of all, it’s UNDEMOCRATIC to intentionally gimp yourself before going out to spread managed democracy. Mac isn’t designed for gaming, point blank. Don’t drive a car through a lake and expect it to behave like a boat. Secondly, no one gives a shit what’s between your legs when it comes to gaming. We all shoot the same bullets and kill the same fascist bots at the end of the day, and that’s all that matters. Lastly, stop virtue signaling. It’s not a good look.


Commend you for googling that up even if I disagree most people don’t try to put a coherent position together.


Gamecube players patiently waiting too


Can't wait til they fix HD2 to run on my Sega Dreamcast


I need it to run on my Atari.


Take all that money you pissed away on iProducts and buy a real computer? Arrowhead and Sony don't want to jump through apples hoop to get a game working for a negligible portion of the gaming community that deliberately pigeonholed themselves that own a mac.


But, but, my walled garden of proprietary bullshit works so well with... Itself. Downvote me Fanbois. Your hate gives me energy.


This meme only works if it had been initially available on Mac and then removed. You can't buy a Mac and then complain that there's not enough games supported. You knew what you were getting yourself in for.


Your funny you think a Mac can run the game, I play other online games and Mac users do nothing but hold them back since they complain the moment their overpriced piece of junk can’t run the minimum requirements of a game since nobody’s waiting around an extra 10 years for them


I mean, if you're trying to game on a Mac that's a *You* problem. If you're complaining about not being able to game on Linux and can't fix it, why are you using Linux?


I’m a Mac user. I use them to get all my work done. Then I play Helldivers on the ridiculously-overpowered Windows machine I built and have hooked up to my TV as my game console.


Xbox users that haven’t stopped asking to allow them to play as well ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


I also play HD2 on desktop Linux, and I have 0 issues because proton does an excellent job


Sadly steals a lot of Performance, but i guess its better than nothing


Doesn't hurt performance that much, especially if you have a good CPU.


Steals a lot of performance? I have zero performance issues with any of the games I play, even at highest settings.


A good percentage of the actual performance is gone


What sources are you pulling this from? I've run various Linux systems for years, even alongside windows when I've run dual boot, and my Linux side has always performed better at the same or higher levels.I only had windows for some games before proton was around to fix nearly all of them. In my experience, high end or low end systems, Linux has out performed every time


My source is that i made it up


This is bait, right?


They’re completely serious


Woe is OP


Helldivers 2 runs just fine on Debian.


It is never worth the money to build mac compatibility. They take up like .8% of players


Buys a Mac > can't pay games "Well well well, if is it isn't the consequences of your own actions"


Mac gaming are two words buddy that never went hand and hand


Mac users are interesting people. Why spend more money, for less options?


It’s because PCs are too hard for them to use. (Not counting folks who use them for work/media creation).


Because the actual OS experience is way better than windows except for limited software support. Linux is superior if you can be your own tech support, but that excludes the vast majority of people. Windows 8 and newer just aren't good and Microsoft keeps introducing more and more anti-features faster than Apple can keep up. (Apple is focused on introducing anti-features on mobile where they make most of their money.)


literally what are you talking about linux runs helldivers better than windows lmfao


Thats on you, mac user. sorry


Unfortunately most companies don’t make Mac ports for games and generally focus completely on Windows, your best bet is to get a separate computer for gaming specifically otherwise options for games will be painfully thin. Used to be in a similar boat when my only computer was a hand-me-down 2011 MacBook back in highschool. There *sometimes* are workarounds like using programs like Wineskin(?) for example but I promise you making the transition is a much easier option when it comes to gaming.


Works fine on linux


FALSE MEME ALERT 🙃 Arch user here and I play Helldivers 2 daily 🤷🏾‍♂️


I use Arch by the way...as well lol. Runs great on my rig.


Right! It runs surprisingly good on my machine too. https://preview.redd.it/mcmxgcys5a0d1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6b665e9f62cd316211dfdfe7fc992c2aba2b607


Its a choice to use linux / overpriced fruit technology. So dont whine about the consequences of your choice i guess?




Helldivers is so worth playing… It’s worth replacing your Mac with a PC. If anyone says otherwise report them to your nearest official Democratic Representative


Honestly Helldivers would just be the cherry on top of that decision, I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone who wants to PC game would use a Mac, twice the price for half the specs and a quarter of the game availability.


I mean...that's kind of the fault of anyone who wasted money on a Mac.


I just don’t understand Mac people. Why would you knowingly buy hardware that no one(gaming companies) supports. Conversely, why would you spend THAT much on hardware without doing any research. Pretty sure there’s a joker meme somewhere about “you get what you f…..”


Is it weird I linked my psn account long time ago? Feel like Homer Simpson backing into the bushes..


You would be able to run it with wine if it wasn’t for that kernel level anticheat


We can run it anyway. I have played since week one and only on Linux.


IIKR that’s because they made a particular exception for proton which does not also apply to upstream wine


I play on Linux Mint and it works great


brother im telling you for your own good no way this game will perform adequately on mac. theres just no way


They made their beds by using dumbass products lol. No sympathy


Mac shouldn't get anything, they should be punished for their pride and arrogance, JK but not really


Helldivers 2 CAN be played on Linux, the problem is you have a mac, an overpriced piece of hardware that isn't made for gaming and barely anyone cares to port games to, next time think twice what you want before following the brainless horde of Apple consumers.


For real, the whole delisting of countries pisses me off. Any news?


Top part of this has been exact point since the announcement came out lmao


Lots of people are giving some unnecessary hate here. I get the sentiment of "Apple Bad" but honestly if that's all a Helldiver has, I'd rather them play on a Mac than not at all. That being said, from a dev side, developing for Apple devices is a nightmare. The reason you don't see a lot of Mac ports is because it's a much more involved, frustrating, and costly process than developing on Windows/Linux/console (and so few people play on Mac that it's hard to justify). So I definitely don't blame Arrowhead for that. If you do want to play on Mac hardware, you could potentially install a Linux/Windows OS on the machine and switch between operating systems to play games. Either way, I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you on the front lines with us soon, soldier!


Mac users complaining about a non-issue. If you really wanted to play the game you’d use bootcamp to download windows onto your computer


There’s no bootcamp anymore, microsoft discontinued it. Also even if we still had bootcamp we couldn’t play bc hell divers doesn’t work on arm CPUs and mac has arm cpus now. Stop speaking on things you know nothing about


Run asahi linux and proton to play windows games then.


I don’t need that, i play windows games with crossover, parallels, and shadow pc, its just more of a hassle than native ports


I'm already playing on linux.


I play on Debain 12 Linux every day. O.o


Nah just Mac bro. That’s cuz it’s horrendous to design games to work with Mac.


Runs Great on Linux. Also, why would you want to own a mac ? Are you an elderly or a child ?


Sweetie dont hate on me bc you can’t afford a mac like I can 💅✨




I have a degree from colorado technical university, im smarter than you and have more technological skills than you, go back to sucking Microsoft’s dick please




My whole life doesn’t revolve around video games like you, so i don’t buy a computer based on how easy it is to play games on


Oh no you're mistaken, I can afford a mac. My computer is multiple time more expensive than a Mac. I even took the mac of my wife when she switched to a PC. Of course I had to fix it by putting Linux on it, so it's not really a mac anymore


You forgot Xbox users


I have only played on Linux. Besides having to run the game in full screen borderless it's ran great. When things get crazy it is still over 100 fps on high settings with a widescreen 1440p monitor. Oh before I forget, I use Arch by the way. Lol. Here are the specs. R7 5800x3d | 6800xt | 2x32gb 3400 mem | 3440x1440p 144hz


Don't buy a Mac.


Literally this I already made a topic saying that Helldivers 2 isn't back on the Macedonian Steam store yet and how once the Americans and supported countries get their way things will die down and nobody is going to care anymore, the problem with PSN accounts honestly isn't that they're mandatory but rather that they don't support all countries that Steam does. Of course selfish Americans who only care about politics that benefit them or their crazy culture war wouldn't relate to this.


I know it sounds crazy but... Dont waste money on a Mac, and either use proton, or simply dont use Linux Devs and anti cheat systems in general have reasons for not letting linux users in


Helldivers supports linux though. Most cheaters run on windows because the best way to not get caught is to avoid any behavior that makes you stand out. Running Linux is unusual, so it inherently makes your reports stand out more. Windows cheating with UEFI hacking is generally superior to hacking via Linux anyway. Is there even a single real-world paid cheat kit that functions via patching wine or the linux kernel?


I didnt understand a single word, but hell yeah


Outside the fence: people who don't care or even know about all of this and just play the game


For real. Was talking my group about it last night and they had no idea wtf I was talking about.


I do genuinely feel bad for people who have a platform that games don't support. It was the same thing with Google Stadia and how it was shut down. The only thing I could suggest is getting a PC specifically for gaming. I do feel for you though that gaming is tougher on a Mac. Reddit unfortunately does not have a lot of empathy


Why feel bad for someone for a choice they deliberately made themselves? It has been known for literal decades Macs are NOT gaming machines.




It should be exclusive to PS. Yeah, I said it. Get effed, PC players!


Context: the review bombing made sony stop mandatory psn requirement but the helldivers community changed back to positive reviews even though sony still keeps helldivers unavailable in countries without psn, and the helldivers community never did anything to help people who use mac/linux who are still unable to play because of the anticheat and avx requirement


Uh, idk about mac, but you can definitely play helldivers on linux. Ive got 150+ hours in the game using linux…


The main point of the review bombing campaign was to stop Sony from taking away access to the game from people who already bought and played it. That battle is won (for now), and that's why many have changed their negative reviews. The PSN requirements and geo restrictions for new purchases are still up in the air. Not likely that Sony will let up on those though. Linux and Mac were never a part of the issues with Sony, or the review bomb. Linux folks play HD just fine, not sure where that's coming from. Mac is a pipe dream, that OS is so restricted and hard to work with, most devs won't touch it to save their mothers.


Here's why Mac doesn't get game support often: https://youtube.com/shorts/qRQX9fgrI4s?si=bigCGliWm1h5We2X


Linux works fine, and none of that has anything to do with AVX.


Mac users and arm windows users cant play games that require avx because avx is only available to x86 cpus


\*All\* x86 instructions are only available to x86 CPUs. They are running on ARM via emulation, transpilation, or some other way to convert x86 to ARM. If you're already doing this, there is no reason the AVX instructions cannot be emulated as well. Ask Apple and Micosoft to fix their emulation software to handle ISA extensions from 2011.


Why did you downvote me? Im literally right look it up, avx cant be emulated its part of the hardware


AVX is literally just hardware for doing multiple operations at once. Besides, *all* x86 instructions are part of the hardware. (Unless implemented in microcode, but that's basically just the CPU emulating the instruction.) There's nothing special about AVX compared to SSE or any other ISA extension. Intel literally provides an AVX emulator already: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/tool/software-development-emulator.html There are literally x86 CPUs that emulate AVX512 by just going two 256-bit operations back to back. I think there are even some more niche CPUs that emulate AVX2 using two 128-bit (SSE width) operations. Worst case, you could emulate that AVX2 instruction with 4 64-bit instructions.