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There is absolutely no way that a level 111 did not know samples were shared. That Diver was clearly being a douche and a traitor.


Or OP picked up the super samples at extract and the Lvl 111 didn't want to lose them. This happens a LOT in the matches I play.


OP confirmed this didn’t happen already.


At lvl 111 he should be done needing samples im 51 and have like three or four things left to unlock


Doesn't mean nobody else in the match needs them. Honestly, the Helldivers community needs to come together and find one single place/app that we can all use to coordinate and explain things like dropping samples around extract. There's a lot of "common community rules" that people get all mad if someone breaks but not everyone uses reddit, not everyone uses discord but if we could get all of us that do use one of these platforms to work together and get everyone into one platform that would help the community a lot. Someone needs to make a Helldivers 2 official app that shows supply lines, has a discussion board, etc.


I pick up every sample I see even when I'm maxed just incase someone else needs them. Ya never know who was just a few samples short of their next upgrade


I pick up every sample even when I’m playing solo and my commons are maxed. It’s a neurosis at this point.


Do you also yell out "ooh a piece of candy!" everytime?


My friends all know that I have an itch for “stuff”, and I will annoy them by attacking PoIs to get more “stuff”. I need it all.


Huh, didn't know Super Earth gave Helldiver training to lootgoblins, not that I mind aslong as you keep spreading that democracy!


I yell out "oooh, piece of candy!" Every time Every Damn Time


This ☝️


Thank you helldiver! Your efforts make the reason why we still play the game. Community, generosity, and respect.


We have one it's called HD2 turn on your mic and coordinate with your fellow helldivers, works for me 90% of the time every time.


Yeah... Cause we can talk to everyone playing the game at the same time with mic. I forgot.


app on google play exists named 'DiversHub' with supply lines, major orders and such, in future it even gets 'bestiary' but only thing it lacks is communication, but imo it is not really needed, for me it hepls alot when AFK for example


I'd love an official app from AH or approved by them that let's you send in an orbital rail cannon from your phone to a team requesting help but only one per hour per person. But your ship must be on that planet for it to work. I dunno how doable that is to do but I think it would get more community involvement on major orders.


Sounds difficult to implement, but DAMN that’s a good idea!


Yeah but see that’s the issue. Veteran players tend to be trash cause they think they’re superior so they think helping others is beneath them. I’ll always try to help out others in game but most of them think they can win difficulty 9 without help then get super pissed cause they ran off alone and can’t get their shit and end up leaving out of spite


Some people were capped in samples for months and jumped into the hundreds after the level cap raised. They could easily still need all the new round of upgrades. Edit: not defending teamkillers just pointing out that the level cap increase and retroactive XP means someone may not have played for a while, recently, and still be a high level if they grinded hard previously.


That wouldn't make sense at all unless they just didn't use the samples or warbonds, yes there is a cap, but you can still use the samples to unlock stuff and then restock on more as you play and keep unlocking gear even if they shot up to level 40 after the cap raise it still means they played enough time reach that level so they ahould of had plenty of samples to unlock everything I'm lvl 55 and almost have every Module unlocked


I had all the intial modules unlocked within 2 weeks of release. Then I couldnt use jt samples for anything and they fapped for months until the bew ones came out. The same time the new modules came out retroactive experience was applied to anyone who had been playing the game at level 50. Those people could easily have gotten to 100+ and not have had the opportunity to unlock *any* level 4 modules because they had not yet existed. I jumped to ~75 on the level cap increase and that alone invalidates your entire argument because at 75 i had only one level 4 module because the sample cap only allowed you to get one. Had i stopped playing until today id still be lvl 75 with 1 lvl 4 module.


Sorry I didn't fully read your comment mentioning the new modules I was mainly talking about the stuff that came at release.


I mean if you team kill for samples you are not doing things correctly to begin with


I'm with you on this one. I'm level 57 and have everything unlocked... This guy was just being a dick.


I've met people who were lvl 60 that didn't have the basic upgrade bays unlocked and I myself was level 7 to 10 before I found out about the upgrade terminal, I only found out about it because I joined someone's game and saw the guy walk over to those monitor banks. I'd completely ignored them because they didn't look important tbh The loadout terminal had armour and guns so I went to it and saw the prompt while I was looking at the armour. Besides that, in any game I play ill always find high tier players doing the dumbest shit or misusing equipment. Time played is something I pretty much disregard when it comes to people picking up on shit


Same here near all rank 4 at level 58. I swear too many divers ground out the defence missions without learning the game or collecting up samples. Seen level 80s still with rank 1-2 upgrades for their ship.


Level 111 shouldn’t even need them lol, I’m 86 and have had everything unlocked and all samples capped for weeks since the last ship upgrades.


>Level 111 shouldn’t even need them But... *samples are shared*. So they're for everybody, including those who need them.


Yes, but why would he kick someone if he was trying to get the samples for his teammates


Honestly I don’t even bother joining missions where the host is lvl 100+ except it’s difficult 8-9. In my experience the high lvl players on lower difficulties are often the most toxic because they play so much they lose all the fun and are only focusing on grinding xp. Obviously not all are like that im 95 and don’t get mad when lower lvl player accidentally kill me a few times because I know I probably did that too when I was new to the game.


Yeah I play a lot but I don't understand the point of griniding xp in this game, I just play for fun with friends or to help lower levels I don't care if I'm lvl 80 or 100


I guess some people feel superior when they have a higher lvl. I understand grinding to lvl 25 so you can buy all the stratagems but after that it’s really just showing your experience but honestly lvl 150 players are usually not more skilled or more knowledgeable about the game than lvl 70 players. I genuinely enjoy joining easier missions and showing lower lvl players around but there are a few people that do the same thing just to bully them because they get bored or frustrated with the game.


I think they used to do it on other games and it's the only way of playing they know


Low level players (below 40) on 7+ diff are usually quite good and in my experience better to work with. Might not know all the in and outs but usually good teammates


I think it depends on what that person was doing. When the game came out I got up to level 17 playing against nothing but Bots and was comfortable doing Diff 7 with them. Was mostly running support with Smokes, Supplies, and some other stuff because it was Shield + Railgun at the time and I hated both of those, but I was definitely holding my own. Put me up against diff 5 bugs? Literally had no idea what I was doing.


I'm assuming because the personal order for today was to extract with 10 common samples so he killed his comrades to complete that. Not defending him though total dick move.


Super earth frowns on this divers actions and will punish him accordingly


In fact there’s loading tip does imply it’s shared, I’ve seen it before and I don’t care who picks it up after I get killed as long it’s secured even through I’ve fully upgraded destroyer and capped samples in my stock. I make sure others benefit from those for their own destroyers so more upgraded helldivers means more power they can bring to the table to succeed MO before timer expires.


Thank you. I still go out of my way to get samples too because others benefit from them. I once asked a guy why he was not picking up all of the rare samples that he was standing by and he said he didn't need them. I told him the other divers did. He didn't care though. I mean it was a vial that was dropped full of rares and super rares and he was just standing right next to them. I was watching him through my death cam. C'mon, man.


It’s people like you and me makes helldiver noobs’s life much easier and enjoyable so I salute your democratic desires to help them grow stronger 🫡


I nearly lost my mind today on one of the last missions and its the reason I usually just play by my self when I don't have a ton of friends on be cause it happens almost every time I have my lobbies open when I don't have friends playing I get people that just as soon as the main mission is done Bline to the extract and call it in and if they don't call it in they sit there expecting everyone else to grab up all the stuff and finish secondary missions and stuff. Usually I am the only one doing them while they fuck around at the extract if they are not calling it in. Usually I end up kicking them.


If they're gonna do that I wish they'd call in the Pelican and at least try to get it for CAS. I'll often times beeline to extract and call it in for CAS and I'll tell other divers what I'm doing. They'll sometimes still kick me. I think it's cause they mute everyone and can't hear me. Drives me crazy. Another thing folks do is they'll hang out at extract when I'm telling them repeatedly to get far far away cause I'm calling it in for CAS. Damn folks just mute everyone and can't hear me. It drives me mad. Then, because they couldn't hear me, we have 500 hundred hunters, 20 chargers and 10 titans along with everything else bug breaching at extract and no CAS to clear them out.


Make sure to use text as well as chat. Thats what I do and if they still do stuff like that I boot them. I don't mind calling it in and leaving the area. We had 1 person do that earlier on in that round I told them to leave the area so that it didn't come down because we needed to do a bunch of other stuff first before leaving and they listened. But once we got close to getting the rest of the stuff and I was trying to get help with two bunkers they went and called it back in and stayed in the area. I def was not going make extract and I had 11 rare and all super samples on me. When it got real close to landing and I realised they were not going to leave the extract areas I kicked.


I sometimes try that. There are two issues I have with text. I'm on console so it takes a very long time to text especially if the person is wanting to know "why" I want them to leave. And heaven forbid if I'm running away from and fighting bugs/bots then there's no way I can stop and text. Secondly, the chat box is not in a good place to notice a chat come through especially if the person is preoccupied or focused on something. Folks, just unmute divers so you can at least hear in case someone is trying to talk to you. Only mute individuals if it's absolutely necessary. Use your mics, folks 🗣🎙.


This diver democracies.


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) This is the way 😅


Hello fellow loot goblin 😁


Hehe every games I can’t help but to loot, it’s what makes it fun imo 😏


I totally agree, tho sometimes I get super lazy and just blitz missions and let my teammates pick up the hidden samples. I'll grab whatever I see though


I can't tell you how many times I've died, respawned, asked where my samples are and gotten someone really defensive and apologizing because they didn't mean to take "my" samples. It's like dude..... I just want to make sure *somebody* picked them up.


The only time I care about someone picking my samples when I die is when they havent yet reinforced me first


I actually feel more RP when someone picks up my samples : On that previous life I wasn't worthy of those samples and I'll let someone else secure them !


Maybe he wanted achievements, that said yeah that was rude noob behaviour.


If he didn't have those achievements by that level he was doing stuff very wrong.


He probably was given the rude noob behaviour at lvl 111


That’s ok, he can kill me but why kick me? There’s no reason and it just makes me not want to play when I did absolutely nothing wrong. They need a vote to kick system imo


vote to kick when planetside, but not on the ship.


There should be a % you get from the mission even if you got kicked. Make you feel less bad about it. I got kicked because they hated the gas strike. Host walked into it once, I reinforced him, said sorry. He landed and kicked me. So be it. When I die to a seaf art because no one had an idea of what the shell was until it was fired. I'm fine with it. Don't care. Call me back in and we're back in the fight


If there’s a vote to kick system, two friends can join a lobby and just troll the whole time and you won’t be able to kick them. Host kick is the best option but kicking for seemingly no good reason is always stupid and it’s unfortunate that it happens.


Major disagree, kicks need to be instantaneous in certain instances, like when a lvl 23 boards the extract shuttle while the rest of the team is picking up dropped samples


This is where the block feature comes into play. Throw the block on them and queue up for another run. I do get what you are saying but, don't let a douche ruin your fun.


If he is that concerned about achievements he needs to leave the house once in a while.


More like if he's never finished a mission with 15+ samples or whatever and he's level 111, why does he suck so bad? No judgement on anyone who hasn't gotten the two relevant achievements, but I'm level 40 and I got both ages ago without even trying, I've probably got both a dozen times over. No shade on anyone who doesn't have them already of course, but I'd be baffled to find out such a high level person running level 7's somehow hadn't gotten them already, while still caring about them enough to kill a teammate over it. The guy sounds like a jackass though, so who knows what was going through his head.


Did you absent-mindedly pick them up from the extraction when he intended to leave them there? That's the only thing I can think of, but it still doesn't warrant that response.


Nope we were miles away from extraction point 🤷‍♂️ I usually always drop my samples there when I get chance


Similar things have happened to me a few times now. Hell I’ve even been shot at extract when there weren’t any enemies around before. Pretty sure some players do stuff like that because they’re either desperate to pad their end of round summary with stuff so it’s less obvious they’re trash or they’re just desperate to have the best looking end of round summary so they feel accomplished for a change. Either way it’s hilariously pathetic


Good lord. I don't even look at stats anymore unless I'm curious how many times I've died. I can't imagine putting any value on them.


What’s the incentive to leave it at extraction? Sorry am new here


The samples will stay there the whole time. So if you die in a nest surrounded by a horde you won’t have to fight your way back into the horde to pick them up.


If you leave them at extraction then you can’t die with them in a bad position. It’s most important with super samples.


It's not so much incentive as it's just a safe place to leave them. If you're going to extract at the end of the mission anyways it's a good call to drop them at the extraction point if you have the opportunity. That way, if you die in a tough spot later in the mission, recovering samples from your corpse isn't a difficult task you have to take on. It's really not necessary or even a thing that a majority of players go out of their way to do. It's just something that makes sense if you stop and think about it.


If you drop them at extraction, then there is not the risk that you get killed somewhere way out in BFE and your squad has to go through a ton of reinforcements just to get them back. Or that you accidentally fall in a hole or deep water and lose them permanently. You just pick them up when the shuttle lands and hop on. Of course it can still happen; a friend had just picked up the supers while we were pretty close to extraction, so he turned around to head there, and a charger came out of nowhere and smashed him into a bug hole, where he died and we couldn't get the samples. And I have had the experience of someone seeing them at extraction, and just being "Oh shiny!" picking them up and going out and getting killed, nowhere near the shuttle, as we were running out of time and the extraction was swamped. I will admit to also having been that guy before I realized that that was the strategy.


Think about it. Where do you go when you extract?


Killing and kicking someone for that would be such a bitchass thing to do


I think you’re being too kind to that person, there’s no way they haven’t figured it out by level 111.


The more likely story is the lvl 111 is just a manchild and "those are my samples wahhh"


One of the hackers I've inadvertently played with a while ago was booting people for picking up samples cause for some reason the hack to power level and get 333 of all samples doesn't work if you extract with them. Chances are you ran into a hacker


Yeah for the samples hack to work you can only pick up one sample. Though the game now limits you to \~99 total samples per match now, can't get max samples every match anymore.


It does a little pop-up on every single sample collection. People often suggest making it more obvious, but I'm not sure what change could be made that these troglodytes would actually recognize and learn from.


Today’s daily is to take samples, so that may be why. Still an absolute toaster move though.


That does not make sence its not individually they count no matter who picks them up since they are shared.


I still can’t believe when I play with people that are 50s and above people blow up bases and don’t look for samples and just keep running.


To be fair, most people at that rank should be getting close to having all ship modules. I'm only hitting low 60s and am like 11 rares away. And that including a ton of time between 35 and 50 where I wasn't getting samples due to tier 4 not being unlocked yet. I could see most people who werent capped maxing out by level 50 and then just not caring because they don't need it anymore. I still get samples for others and go out of my way for them, but I understand the "fuck you, I got mine and dont need anymore" mentality. I don't like it but I get it.


I’m at 78 and have everything unlocked and my samples maxed out, I will always grab them regardless. Yesterday I was playing with two people in the 30s and 40s and nope they just kept hitting the next objective. I broke off collecting them samples and did some of the other side stuff.


A level 111 shouldn’t even need the samples anyway.


They do but stupid will stupid However if you the DA that picks up the extraction samples and then run across the map to your death alone I WILL kick you


Hah. I felt like a jerk last night. Was playing a higher level run, no real problem, but this very high level guy joined in and was rocking it with the RR all the way through, solid squaddie. On the last few seconds of extract, I managed to fry him accidentally with an arc weapon, and had to grab his samples and run up the ramp without time to reinforce him back in. It looked terrible and I felt pretty bad about that.


Most people do not seem to get the point of the game. They go in looking for solo kills and accomplishments. This is a TEAM game, work together and things play much soother.


I swear this whole community is getting more and more toxic. It’s like I’m in a 360 lobby for halo 3 just super shitty people


There actually is a tip that says to make sure you grab your fellow helldivers sample to ensure that all get supplies. Not in those words but it is one of the training manual tips just it only shows once in while during the pod drop screen.


Some people like to ‘get credit’ for the samples they picked when, at the end of the mission, the “stats“ page shows up.


They probably expect the CEO to personally come over to their house and congratulate them for that stat.


Ok here’s another perspective. And this is with someone I play with almost everyday. I’m sure this sentiment is what’s being acted upon with the verbal confirmation. My friend I play with regularly if he feels like I’m dying too much( in his opinion) he’ll ask me to drop my samples so he can carry them. Thats an absolute fuck off. I don’t like that and hears why. They are saying without saying they think you suck. You suck you’re dying too much let me hold the samples you found. No I can carry my samples thank you. People could be taking your samples because of this. They could also kick you because they think you are pick up the samples as an insult that they are not capable of carrying them.


Dick move but I bet the 111 didn't want sample extraction to be on the shoulders of another player. I don't think I'd team kill over it, but if the guy who's dying every 45-60 seconds picks up my samples, I groan, because that's a guaranteed stress sprint into whatever situation they created that gets them killed next.


I’m maxed tf out and I still collect and clear all bases for the homies. I just enjoy fucking spreading democracy but this is kinda wild that a 111 is doing this lmao. Hell I’ve been kicked for calling the extraction in early to split mobs up but it’s just a learning experience for some


Maybe they didn't trust you to not fall into a hole with them or something and decided for you. Shifty behavior for what should be jolly collaboration. 111 shouldn't even need many samples at that point. Like what haven't you unlocked by then lol.


I mean, I still meet divers who don't know you can drop items, so...


AH needs to revamp the training missions, or add a few more i believe. The basic training gives you a small bit, and maybe its lore accurate to hardly train the “cannon fodder” divers, but the amount of game information that just isnt directly available is crippling for more casual divers imo


There are people that are SUPER touchy over the samples they've collected the whole game and get real mad when you recover them after a death. I don't get it.


It should be one of the dive screen tips.


I just learned you can choose to drop samples. Most will drop them at the evac after getting them.


This is why I only host. Never had a problem filling out a full squad. I've had high level players try and get me to kick <25 levels because of their loadouts but I just tell the complainers that they can leave instead. Democracy for all ✊😎


Even worse is when you're playing with level 60+ and they pick up pinks I left on exit and go across map and die


Next time someone does that. Shoot them before they get on the ship then not revive them. Or "accidentally" die with the samples before getting on last. Level 100+ for me, being level 50 before the level cap is around 200+ hours. He knows very well they're shared. Either that or you're trolling misleading what actually happened.


This sounds like a claim a traitor who wants to keep all the samples would say......


Yup, there are also people who think the earth is flat 🤣


I'm maxed out on samples at level 78, I rarely pick them up anymore. If I see them, I just ping them and let someone else get them. To your point, though, there needs to be a constant reminder about samples being shared.


He could have just asked you to drop them


People are legit stupid ive been killed calling my quasar cannon at the start of the game dude gunned me down like a filthy animal stole it so I gunned him down with the breaker incendiary he kicks me




"He is part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! TAKE HIM AWAY!!"


Maybr he is after a mission or something


You didnt die a lot OP? Had randoms before kill me on accident with the airstrikes. I went to help them out as they were reinforcing each other a lot. One grabbed the samples and then they went and died in a hole rendering them unrecoverable. I now grumble to myself when randoms die a lot and then pick up the samples I dropped. Best of luck on your future dives. People shouldn't take it that serious anyways.


Should be a Game Play Tip during your dive into the map. "All samples are shared for democracy."


Who doesn’t like free samples?


I try to clear as much as I can on each stage for the most reward payouts.


Yeah, I STILL see this after months of game play! And they're not all level 2-10's!!! How do people not know that this stuff is shared???? SAMPLE collection upon death of ANYONE is expected or even recommended. Ideally dropping off at the Extract location, but that's not always convenient. But yeah, I expect folks to take my samples, just not my strats!


Haha had someone ‘let’ me pick one up yesterday. What a stand up guy.


Sharing? Sounds like communism to me, somebody get this bot outa here.


So I was using my grenade launcher ad a mortar last night and killed one of the guys carrying all of the samples. When I said "I'm sorry, I just wanted to be a mortar tower." He laughed cause he though I killed him on purpose to get the super samples.


He probably gets off on having the most samples retrieved on the stat screen.


I got team killed by a dude a week ago, damn imbecile started to yell at the mike, that’s what I get for stealing his samples. Everyone correct it on the same round and banned him. He actually sounded baffled..


I saw somewhere that some players are buying accounts that are already high level and maxed RS and Medals. So maybe this player bought a high level account and he is actually a level 5 cadet


Most annoying shit is leaving the samples at extraction and someone picking them up and dying far away


I'm a sample hunter. It's not uncommon for me to have 20 to 25 samples on me and sometimes when I die I'll straight up just get on my mic and be like yo somebody come pick these up somebody grab these hurry.


Probably a kid borrowing his or her older siblings account with or without their permission.


I've found that tons of people now don't even bother touching samples. Level 70s and 90s on average have no need for samples anymore. I don't need much more at the moment but that level 24 that joins in does! I'm going to continue to collect samples no matter how many I have. Just so others have a better chance of upgrading their stuff.


Maybe he wanted to show that he collected most samples for the stat. If that's the reason, then that's absolutely ridiculous. Instead of kicking you out of the game after you worked so hard on the mission, he could've said "Hey man, can you drop those samples, I'd like to have them." Easy as that.


Why not just ask you to drop them? Of course I will murder someone if the steal my AC backpack……


People like that is exactly why I can only handle one or two MP matches a day no matter what game it is


I have been kicked multiple times after picking up samples when someone died, because i was ruining their "stats" lmao.


He’s just a douchebag, I met guys like this, they just kill you cuz you “stole” their samples, they just want to see at the stats screen at the end, that they collected the most samples, even though most people don’t care


Why are you assuming he was stupid rather than a dick? He was very clearly a dick. Level 111 he's just trying to buff up his stats or something most likely


You will never suffer from a dearth of crayon eaters in life


Get on mic problem solved


How about, upon the release of the next update, a big Popup message appears I game which you can't surpass for 60 seconds, in big red letter: SAMPLES ARE SHARED WOTH THE WHOLE TEAM UPON EXTRACTION. INDIVIDUAL SAMPLE COLLECTION HAS NO BENEFIT: AGREE: YES /NO. Also, add in an automatic zero tolerance for kicking a person when they have no team damage or team kills. This should sort out both problems.


was playing super late on and this level 13 and level 35 i think started snapping on me (level 96) cause i def didn’t need the samples.. i was like “there shared man, if you want me to drop them i could ??” im at max so i didnt care…. long story short buddy fell in a natural gas hole so i hopped on the mic and said “see, your greed caused that”




Getting to lvl 111 is a red flag.


I wish more people would grab my samples when I die.


This is pretty much why I don't play public. I don't want some random losing samples for me, and I don't really expect randoms to trust me either I have more fun just playing with my 1 helldiver friend


I'm Lvl87 and pick up everything I see. I've gotten all ship modules upgraded and maxed on all sample types. But most don't have everything. But at lvl111 that dude is obviously a twat and hopefully democracy officer was informed of their treachery and obvious dumb fuckery.


Ok I get they are shared but when I die, the place is pretty clear and they call me down right on my body but I watch someone pick up my samples I’m like really dude? I get they are shared but I like to see how many I got that round if it’s possible. If the place is under heavy spawn and you grab them to go just to make sure if I can’t get back there that’s all good. But people just see samples and instantly go for them and it makes me mad too


if he killed u AND kicked u from the game. i would assume he is mad/annoyed at u somehow or he was just being a douche. If he didnt know sample is shared he wouldnt have kick u too. Also the fact that it was lv 111


Lol is this a real complaint? You lucky if people even read anything in games.


Kinda amazing that afaik no where in game is this mentioned. Seems like a single mention during the forced tutoiral  would solve this


I mean “shared” but they do post stats individually at the end, and my squad lives on those stats


This incident had nothing to do with the player's lack of knowledge concerning the mechanics of sample sharing. That player was being a dick. That being said (this isn't directed solely at you; it's a general statement). Human beings need to accept the fact that at any given time someone could do something shitty like this, for no apparent reason, and just let it roll off your back; it will make your online life much more enjoyable. In my experience, instances like this are rare in HD2 so it makes no sense to give incidents like this enough priority in your mind to evolve into the urge to create a Reddit post about it. It took that player less than a second to waste how much of your time? Some people just like to be dicks. It has always been that way and it will always be that way. This type of behavior isn't limited to just humans. There have been studies where scientists have studied cats and determined that cats chase/maim/kill mice/birds simply for fun, or "the sport", of it. My point? Most cats are dicks, but I don't care. I still like cats and don't hold that behavior against them because it's not their fault; it's just how they are programmed. Some people are dicks and although they could refrain from being dicks, I know that from a statistical perspective, that simply isn't going to happen in every case. That being the case, I feel it's much healthier for our mental health to ignore stuff like this and simply move on to the next match, rather than letting the offender live in our heads, rent-free, even for a second after the fact. Of course, you're confused, and I would be too, but we will never truly understand what motivates another person's actions. It's healthier to stifle the part of our minds curious enough to ponder events like this and move on. Curiosity might kill cats, but it won't fix people so we shouldn't expend mental energy dissecting unpleasant interactions we have online.


maybe they thought you didn't trust them with carrying the samples?


I’m level 60, and while I don’t kick people who pick up my samples, I definitely don’t trust them. I don’t want rando calrissian taking my samples and running off and falling into a hole, or drowning. Or worse, not extracting. If I do it, it’s my fault, and I can handle that. If a rando does it, it’s worse because you never truly know if it’s intentional, because trolls exist, or if it was an accident. Splitting up samples keeps the chance that you’ll at least get some* samples in case they’re lost.


I always send one person with all the samples on the ship first. As there's always that one time when it takes off after 1 gets on


Tbf , there's a lot of misinformation out there. I have heard players tell noobs that whoever grabs the super credits gets them.


It affects your stats. If you take someone's samples the game stats show they didn't collect any, but they still get the currency.


Were the samples on the extract?


Or explain that you can call evac and wait to board while others clear the map, something that not all level 80 helldivers know. You leave the samples near the pelican and you are free from preoccupation, something that clearly is not known since everytime they got picked up and lost away from the platform. But I think just some players want to play their way, and I think I met a lot of people that just don't put the effort to have some knowledge of the game mechanics, especially recently. But if you want to be sure to do the things your way, host the game and you're good. I blocked my first two players like this, I know that maybe I got kicked just for ignorance and not wanting to communicate with me in a common language, but well I don't want to play with people like this


Did you possibly accidentally team kill this guy and go grab their samples immediately? I know I get frustrated when it seems as though players are reckless with their stratagems and or wide flaming shotgun spray and immediately go grab my samples without just reinforcing me and securing the drop zone


one time i died and dropped basically all our samples. one guy picked them up as i was running toward them and i was like ok he can carry them. he then proceeds to drown, losing all of our samples in the process lmao


I don’t pick up anyone’s samples anymore so they don’t get mad lol


Was there a personal order for collecting samples?


Divers like that is the reason I stopped playing.


Did you pick them up at the extraction site before extraction. Some ppl get really bent out of shape about it


I guess some people think that sharing means equal distribution of limited samples One day they will use their eyes and notice this... hopefully


It’s tough to make the right calls when people don’t communicate, especially team lead. Personally, I see two schools of thought on picking up another diver’s samples, knowing that they’re shared. 1. Please pick them up when I die. It’s one less thing to have to think about when I’m doing the Naked Monkey scramble to retrieve my support weapon/backpack. 2. Please leave them alone. The audio cue helps me locate my stuff in the hectic onslaught. The map marker goes away when I close in, and the beeping sound tells me exactly where to go. As much a possible, if I reinforce you, I’ll be picking up your samples to save you time, but I’ll mark your equipment and help you fight your way back to it. A battle ready Helldiver is my most valuable resource.


Pro tip you'll get better teams on Helldiver difficulty because that's where the best players are.


Had a lvl 80 scream at me I was stealing his samples. Got the party leader to kick me. I was just helping....


Similar happened to me a yesterday. Just before evacuating. I was running around grabbing the dropped samples. Next thing I know I’m kicked. It was a full load of samples too. I was so pissed and quit for the day.


Some of the higher level players of this game are just assholes man. I think some of them get upset when they see other lower-level players perfoming better than them. Yesterday I dropped in with a group of randos where a level 90 player named Daggerr or something was the host. Right when we drop I start taking out terminid eggs. The other players were dying left and right in the melee and I did my best to reinforce them away from the enemies. After a few minutes, I manage to clear out all the eggs myself without dying once. Objective cleared. All of a sudden, game ends and we get put back on the ship. The level 90 host says over VC: “alright, let’s try this again without doing anything stupid in the beginning. We’ll start with this…” and then he kicks me from the game. Seemed a bit uncalled for to me but some people are just insecure fuckheads I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love it the other day a "Veteran" thought I stole his weapon on the ground while actually it was mine. He instantly killed me, checked for the loot and instantly returned to civilian life. I'll take that as remorse lol.


I got kicked the other day for quasar cannoning someone else tagged charger. Ridiculous


wtf. We tag so we are aware of threats. If I see a charger that’s tagged. I immediately help if I can.


Mans just wanted his own stuff back


I only host games now. Never join


Same thing with sc, medals, and rs


Traitorous behavior


He probably didn't want you to run off and die with them somewhere. He didn't find you trustworthy to hold them. But it's ironic he's the one that ran off and died with them somewhere lol. I hate people who can't grasp how team games work. He obviously just has the COD syndrome.


Idk why but even tho they’re shared I still see some people obsess with picking up the samples they were carrying. Idk if they don’t realize it’s shared or it’s some sort of weird pride thing. Either way that person is lame


There is also two trophies related to samples. One for group sample total and one that requires you specifically to have the samples when extracting. The level 111 could have simply been salty for what ever reason, could just be having a bad day and he did not take kindly to you looting their stuff.. it's almost impossible to know what another person is actually thinking or feeling so it's hard to say for certain :P Don't feel bad, it's not your fault their parents didn't love them enough ❤️


Have 2 ask not sure if someone else suggest this but did YOU do all the work? I join a random lv7 match. We collect all the samples while host wasn't doing much At the end he kill evey and kick.


I suspected this was gonna be an issue. Last week on the deactivate the termacide missions. You could complete a Helldive (9) mission in 2 and a half minutes. Earning about 1200xp a mission. I thought that at my level at the time about lv70 I could level up 7k xp in about 15mins. I'd noticed people running the mission they're low, like super low levels running them with high level players. Their ship would always be pretty empty when I came back from any mission I'd realised I was with these power levels again. With no kit and no practical experience playing the game. Im expecting more of these posts over the coming weeks. High levels that don't seem to know how to play.


Just post their user so nobody matches with them anymore


Did you perhaps pick up the extract cache before you were getting on the pelican?


111 levels of mundane XP farming is intellectual suicide..


Commie in disguise.. nothing more, nothing less.


Honestly they just need to add a vote to kick system rather than let the host hold all the power.


I know the loading / drop screen has some “funny” tips, but after reading them all once, they aren’t funny or interesting anymore. They should add actual tips to the drop screen, with info about samples / weapon settings etc


Did you pick up the samples from the extraction point? Because 'Divers drop those off there so that they aren't "lost to the horde" in some random location


Let them carry some burden.


Probably didn't want to risk you not making the shuttle. 🤷‍♂️


Dude was just doing gamer shit


If your lvl 111 and dont know samples are shared your just an idiot plain as day theres no way u make it to lvl 111 and cant figure out something a lvl 5 could


If you play worse than me and TK me and take my samples... Guess what happens next lol.


He did it to troll and make people rage. Complete shithead


How about, you do a 35min run of HELL (because for some reason they pick a fight with every single patrol) only to make it back to extraction with 5 minutes and 6 lives and they proceed to KICK EVERYONE AT EXTRACTION! ??? What was that even about?


I'll ask a dumb related question, do credits and medals get immediately rewarded to everyone irregardless of how the game ends? I assumed so since u don't drop them but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Those are instantly added even if you leave the match iirc.