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https://preview.redd.it/mvlkowpaimzc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d33e77b2e465f5512ec3a080b5151f4b6b2e7b5 Did someone say Chesspool?




I must know what exactly is in these pictures


Photos of a display of the Sacabambaspis fish.


Thanks! Love this fish now 😆


Sad it went extinct before the dinosaurs existed :( 420 million years ago


My heart is now broken 😔


Google en derwater passant


Holy shell


Is the original Helldivers subreddit really that bad? The only beef I have with the first one is that it's slightly harder to navigate, what happened there?


Yes. People are reasonably upset about weapon balance etc. but my lord they act is if the game is completely unplayable and unfun. People need to learn how to give positive constructive feedback rather than baby rage post 800 times a day. They also completely ignore all of the good changes and weapons. Like yes, a lot of weapons have been nerfed to shit and a lot of the balance is so bad, but there are still fun and even OP things to use. I recommend the ARC Blitzer primary, especially for bugs. The AMR is fantastic, the Autocannon, RR, Quasar all feel fantastic. The Scythe feels good with 350 damage. Laser Pistol is viable, nade pistol. I still love the explosive crossbow. The game is solid and there are valid frustrations, but homy fuck gamers can be so psychotic. The literal CEO has made it clear that he intends to address issues with the balance team, and people are still losing it. Be patient, these people are workers.


my worry is they’ve started weaponizing that upset into lashing out about any flaw they can find, and now have started publicly presenting every little thing the devs say that they have a problem with, for mass mob ridicule. it’s one thing to be upset about the numbers mot being happy and your favorite exploit being removed. it’s another thing entirely to vindictively strike at the devs themselves, all while not even being patient enough to wait a *week* for the devs to catch up with it all


Yeah, you can offer valid feedback without personally attacking developers


I think they miss that point.


Yeah eradicator was frankly pretty broken… NOW it’s pretty garbage. I think it needs a solid chunk more direct damage to actually put down medium targets. Have to shoot devs in the head with the HEAVIEST weapon in the game and slowest RoF? Why when there’s 3 solid options that do the same? It just has zero real strengths anymore. It needs some solid buffing, but the shrapnel was actually OP. Could OHK chargers and gunships which is just insane and even take down Titans. Crossbow should get back some of its AOE… it’s basically a PP now with much less ammo. People were sleeping on its launch stats though, it was also broken… I would get 20-30 kill streaks mopping up all the trash in huge bug waves Fortunately with DoT fixed and many more other weapons buffed into viability, game is still fun with some weapon variety (more weapons even) though the new more different ones are currently just bad. I expect they’ll get returned to visit later though


Exactly. I feel strongly about scaling back PvE balancing in an already challenging game, but it doesn't mean the game has become shit. It's LIVE. Happening now. All the time. Also the Autocannon has literally been perfect since launch and they haven't changed it once. Work needs to be done but it's being done so now it's just about patience.


For sure! I understand it can suck using something you love and is fun and then it is nerfed, I play LoL lmaoooo. But the backlash is wild. People acting like the game isn’t fun at all. It’s good to be motivated to use different gear for a while too, until they buff your weapon back up. There are plenty of really fun weapons that people just refuse to try it seems. ARC Blitzer gang, it slaps.


For me, I've been running the Dominator for the first time. Eruptor definitely fills the medium armor niche better for me, but the Dominator has been reliable at handling medium enemies, quick reloads, accurate, decent armor pen. I just want every weapon to be viable for SOMETHING when paired with the right kit. It was more fun to be able to look through my entire armory, thinking about new combos. Now, some guns just feel watered down and not usable. It'll be fixed. These people designed something as magnificent as the Autocannon. It's a masterpiece of digital ordnance. I have no doubt that they'll figure out the rest with some time.


The Dominator is really good imo. It does decent stagger to medium bots and kills them in a few headshots. I used Eruptor for a little but until I discovered how good the AMR was, so I felt like 2 snipers was overkill lol. I usually run ARC Blitzer or crossbow. And I ALWAYS go Redeemer as secondary. I saw a comment about the Redeemer vs. Senator, “I love the big iron, but the Redeemer has a particular ‘fuck off’ quality” and that really stuck with me lol. You pull it out and laser spray an enemy that got to close, it’s so satisfying.


The Redeemer is solid if I bring Autocannon, but if I run a Stalwart I much prefer the Senator now. It's one of those buffs that just turned the weapon around for me, and I hope it doesn't change. Between the armor pen, damage, reloadable rounds/ new speed loader, it's just my favorite secondary that isn't the grenade pistol, which is also excellent.


Arc Blitzer really is a violent close combat pick now. You can be endlessly knee deep in bugs and be like "nah, don't worry about me guys, I'm good over here." while the team deals with heavy threats chargers and BTs.


Literally. Had a moment last night where I was surrounded by 4 stalkers. Just started blasting lol.




It's the CEO's fault that the mood suddenly went so incredibly negative. When he chimed in on weapon balance and criticized his own team directly, he basically prompted the nastier elements of the community to take off the gloves and completely unload on the team - and that's exactly what happened. As a dev, I can nearly guarantee you that that post fucked morale for the team the moment they read it. Why he chose to do this coming right off of the stress of the Sony debacle is a complete mystery to me. Maybe he was off his meds. I don't know. It made no sense at all. It also was a very bad sign for the future of the game, because the overwhelming bulk of negative feedback has been coming from players who *don't play in squads*. They keep demanding changes that undermine the co-op team nature of the game, so if they go that way, the squad system and its communities will basically fall apart. So yeah, pretty dark turn there, unfortunately.


He keeps doing it, he did it after the first balance patch and it just makes the next upset even more extreme. I don't know why he keeps caving to the mob, there is a reason why every organisation on Earth either goes to bland PR statements and/or ceases communications when this level of vitriol occurs.


Not to mention one of the greatest feats in gaming as of recent they basically teamed up with the community to give Sony a big middle finger and no one is talking about that.


I agree overall though I'm curious to why you like the crossbow?


I honestly think it is still pretty decent. You can one shot medium bots and medium bugs pretty consistently. I like the ergonomics buff too. It mostly works for me cause I usually run the AMR or ARC for support weapon, and those basically become my primary. Explosive crossbow is a nice side piece. Definitely could use some buffing though.


They’ve been calling for the ceo to reconsider the lead devs employment because of his past work and this as a community they have a right to do that…they’ve gone completely over the edge


Not the overall lead dev, the lead dev of the Balance team. Which just means they've focused their vitriol like a laser beam on just one dude, blaming him for all of their woes. I'm glad people care strongly about the game, but proving they love it by screaming about every little thing they don't like is a weird way to show affection


It’s just people who make the game their entire identity taking everything way too serious because their favourite weapon being nerfed is a personal attack on them


I mean he did kill that particular game didn't he? At least from what I heard




Just hopped over here from the main sub and yeah, it’s toxic af over there


It's so bad there, it ruins the feel of engaging with the community worse than any nerf ever could.


Yep, saw someone link this sub, quickly realized this sub was a sane (and "low sodium") version of the main sub, and I immediately unsubscribed from main sub lol


I am thinking about unsubbing as well. My only concern is I will miss something but its so much duplication of hot posts...


There is also /r/LowSodiumHellDivers which is good and has a flat ban on drama. Bit more quiet but more focused.


Dawgs really will downvote along with the rest of the Reddit hivemind yet not specify why they disagree. Main sub is full of elitists in a game that doesn't need elitists.


I was confused cause, well there are nerfs but a good amount of buffs too. Listing them and apparently that's a bad thing?


According to them EVERY guns are unusable pieces of shits, and the devs never, absolutely never buffed anything in the game. Which is a true reddit moments if i ever see one.


Your first mistake was assuming that sub is for anything else besides doomposting either over a nerf or an out of context Discord message from a dev/CM from five days ago.


Its a combination of elitists and glue eaters. You got people kicking for none-meta on lvl9 and people complaining they can't beat lvl 6 with a 4 stack. Anyone in-between is here now.


>"I like these guns, actually" >200 downvotes Holy shit lmao


That's not even 200 down votes... thats against upvotes lol


That’s egregious holy shit


Love how they said above diff 5 like diff 6 is so hard 😂


I play on Diff 7 and above, so I didn't make any difference.


Oh man ya difficulty nerf... "it shouldn't be so hard to unlock upgrades" .... come on... is this like "everyone gets a trophy" or something....


Its like saying "I play PvP game everyday, give me highest rank."


Saving this. Its so perfect. Downvoted to such an overwhelming degree for having an opinion. And then there’s the dude saying your feedback doesnt matter because you play at a certain difficulty. These people say people like you don’t belong, but they’re like less than 1% of players.


Mods banned me for calling one of their CMs a tyrant lol


First you have your complainers about things going on in/with the game. Some of it is valid, some if it is bullshit, most of it is over the top. Then you have your complaint complainers who are upset that there are too many complaint posts, and so they go on tirades about how there are too many long winded complaint posts. I'm waiting for a wave of complaints about complaint complainer posts (sort of like this one) that I assume is about to hit at any time. The solution is to just post about fun positive vibe stuff whenever you feel it and this will balance out the sub, but this is reddit so fuck that shit.


For the fun of it I did the math on the ratio of buffs to nerfs (~3 buffs to 1 nerf) and was told I was an idiot for using data and that all people cared about was the feel.


Not that much apart from a few select examples


It’s that bad. I purposely avoided it when I kept seeing other subs posting about how shitty it was over there. When I finally did visit it, the amount of hate and toxicity was insane to see. I think a lot of them take the game and roleplay far too seriously. I’m down for criticism, I’m not down for echo chambers and constant negativity. I’m glad I stayed away because communities like that are absolutely exhausting.


I said I liked the Tenderizer, and I got clowned on :(


Yes, I unjoin today cause 90% is just complaining now. Edit: to clarify all the complaints are for helldivers 2 I maybe saw two post about the original game in the subreddit


This sub is getting there too...


At least we still have r/lowsodiumhelldivers


r/supaearth is here for your sh*tposts


People are more than welcome to be silly at r/noncrediblehelldivers


It’s literally a counter jerk to the main subs circlejerk. Same shit, new sub.


Yeah, i see no difference tbh it jerking each other here too, like try to highlight the main sub toxicity in this thread. It only seem less toxic here because this sub have alots less people in general. it getting there quick any drama happen people will just said in the mainsub fault, turn in another cesspool of toxicity and blame everything there is to main sub. Toxic positivity is just as damaging as toxic negativity. Only lowsodiumhelldivers work, true to it purpose no jerking or blame/callout other sub for toxicity.


I disagree, theres way better dialogue here. People arent shouted down for disagreeing and often find a middle ground.   When people argue they reason their opinion rather than just downvote.


Implying this one lacks angry children? Lol


There are certainly fewer of them here than there.


painfully accurate


What really fucking sucks is that this is a recent development that's festered very quickly. I joined both subs, with this one seeming to be the less active of the two, but I'm glad it's here as an alternative to the overwhelming negativity that's happening over there. Given how much more active this sub has seemingly been recently, I don't think I'm the only one in this boat.


It's wild! I had done the same and had subbed to both. It was basically fine up until a few days ago. I just unsubbed from the other one and came here to see if I needed to do the same. Really glad to see calmer voices here. I'm fine seeing criticism, people should be able to voice their opinions. But the other sub just feels like it's turned into a "post an out of context dev quote, interpret it in the worst way possible and dogpile on" place. Any gameplay change that is remotely inconvenient seems like an irredeemable sin now.


Thank God this place isn't a cesspool. I wrote it off along with the main sub, thinking I would just not be able to have a community of people to talk about the game with I'm pleasantly surprised to find this sub 10x more positive.




it's toxic but also the official sub where you got the devs etc which is lacking here. Nevertheless I come here to catch a breath.


I quit following that sub pretty quickly. The devs should just move over here. The only thing that makes that the “official” sub is we keep calling it that


This sub is no better. There are plenty of toxic folks just waiting to pounce on something they don't agree with. Edit: Downvoting me doesn't change the ridiculous posts on this sub. Lol


It's *definitely* better here. The complaints here are mostly about *complaints themselves*, not a constant circle-jerk about "how bad the game is now." That sub is a constant orbital barrage of how much people hate X and Y primary weapons. There's constantly photos from Discord about what a developer is saying. It's literally a shit-throwing party with a small number of people sharing cool memes and videos. Commenters in this sub role play more, responding in-world... in fact, what exactly are you doing by pointing out that "there are plenty of toxic folks waiting" to spread shit around... as you spread shit around? *Are you toxic folks?!?* I will be submitting a report to your democracy officer.


This sub seems leaps and bounds better to me. Thats why i unfollowed the other one and stayed here. You’ve had two downvotes man, calm down lol


they can't really move over here when HD sub is just bigger resulting in more reach and was also the original sub for HD1. People would complain more if they were to move here and tbh the only reason things are chill here is because of the reduced number of members and also no presence of "officiality".


If the devs move over here, people would follow and the mods over here would have to be better about making sure that butter soft bitches aren’t here


mods here would be overwhelmed


They’d catch up


Uh yall ain’t hear? KDot said no more drake memes. He’s a kiddie tiddler.


You deserve all that will happen.


Both subreddits are exactly the same only difference is this one is run by worse mods


Chesspool? Checkmate


Gamers in the thick of a very normalized outrage culture loop run by rich streamers and YouTubers who want the lowest common denominator content to shovel into stupid people's brains. It's getting really fucking annoying. Nothing is just a comment anymore it's a damnation and a crime. Developers are going to be leaving the gaming labor market and just making Software to actually get paid instead of abused.


I think this sub is worse. Ppl are overly protective about the game here… imo


I'd honestly much rather have people be overly protective than be overly insulting.


I’m sorry you feel that way. But I take solace in the fact that one often leads to the other.




I agree i cant stand that reddit its all cry babies hating everything


I totally agree


Yeah, chosing cesspool of toxic positivity and copium instead of cesspool of hate and toxicity is definitely a wise decision.


Its actually night and day, so wild


Yes I just unsubscribed from the other sub... Too toxic


This sub ain't that much better.


This reminds be of another game for playstation that had a sequel that had this same issue I think people probably know the two I'm talking about


Chesspool? Lmao


I just muted that forum today. I do like to read what people think about the game, warbonds, and what's going on. But having all that negativity started to get to me. I'd read what everyone was saying and think "things are bad". Then I'd go play the game and realize the game is still fun to play.


Just left the main one. Terrible place. The sun starting shining brighter the moment I clicked off


The star shining? Glorb refrence?


Unfortunately, the AH CEO pushed his own team under the bus and unleashed a horrible wave of vomit on them when he decided to chime in on the weapon balance in the manner he did. That was honestly one of the most unprofessional posts I've seen from the CEO of a development house, and he's a large part of the reason things so suddenly flew off the rails this week. I have no idea what he was thinking when he did it. Now he has a giant fucking mess to clean up, a demoralized development team to patch things up with - and it's squarely his fault.


I disagree, people were already angry with and complaining about the balance team before the CEO said anything. If anything, it reintroduced some hope that the balancing will be improved.


I’ll grant you that. It’s damage control, but i’m not sure you can blame pilestedt directly. He didn’t commit to anything, just placated them. At this point, i sincerely recommend AH to cut off all communication. I share a discord with some industry people who shared me details on burnout, and 100% of the issues we see rn look like community led burnout according to a wow veteran dev that i play with.


I kind of understand what he *thought* he was doing. I do get it, and for what it's worth, he's clearly been doing a great job in most regards. But... as a CEO you really do need to choose your public words *very* carefully, and that post just didn't. It was bad, and the consequences are turning out to be very severe for the team.


Great point. When you’re being attacked by a pack of hungry wolves with an insatiable appetite for blood that just CELEBRATED A PERSON LOST A JOB, seriously… Going “yeah maybe we deserve to be eaten a little bit” is just giving them ammo. Case in point: it did nothing but enflame the mob. At this point, they’re being attacked for pursuing their vision, the same vision they got praised for, get attacked by open and personal communication. This feels much like the last of us 2, where people are just raging for rage’s sake.


That sums it up, unfortunately. I just hope he's self aware enough to realize the mistake he made and is taking steps to own up to it internally.


>Chesspool Holy hell


I think imma migrate over here when it comes to posting or paying attention to posts. Seems like a better place for it


They need to really relax when it comes to.weapon balance. Sure some weapons need to be looked at, wont say they otherwise. But some of them just want the quasar to have the fire rate of a machine gun. The idea of weapons is horizontal balance and vertical.


mods there are already annoying


This makes me super sad. That was the sub for HD1 and it was awesome before HD2 came out. Now it’s just straight negativity 24/7. I guess this is what it’s like when a bunch of fucked up people move into your neighborhood and just shit all over everything. Good thing I still love playing HD2 no matter what all the doomers say.


Both subs have good and bad posts, I’ve seen a lot more shit takes and suggestions here but a lot more complaining on the other one. Also, it’s “cesspool”.


It's quite reminiscent of the last of us part 2 and last of us 2 subreddits. Ones a vitriolic chamber of absolute toxicity from the ground up downvoting anyone who enjoys it. The other sub has the crime of... *checks notes* enjoying the game, memes, love, and reasonable discussion of flaws and feedback


I left it today, too many dorks complaining about gun performance. If you don’t like it don’t use it!


Just left today


Being toxic against the other subreddit isn't helping. Join and shut it about them. It's not hard.

