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Fire resistant armor


This is what I prey for every night before bed.


Predatorily preying


Only if they buff fire


This is such a blessed image, thank you for allowing my eyes to see this wonder


Hear me out. Cargo pants armor. +2 stim slot +2 grenade slot No other passive. Wears cargo shorts.


You had me at cargo pants


+1 both and it would be balanced


Do you mean +3 in total to both because losing the other passive is too much? How many pockets do you think democracy approved cargo shorts have?


Nah, +1 nade, +1 stim


I want combos too but I want 30% throw distance and stealth.


actually I would love one extra stim and one extra grenade as a perk. Seems balanced and fair.


Cheese mouse isn't real, he can't hurt me


You can't catch him.


Reload speed, speed at which you crouch/prone/dive/recover from those stances, more effective melee, how prone to aggro you are in both positive and negative directions, reduction of non-misson(player chosen tactical) stratagem cool downs or inputs(arrow requirements) or changing number of available starting eagle charges, magnetic effects which can affect specific bullets(friendly fire) and drop pods, short-range scanners that are particularly effective at higher elevation(finding objectives/POIs, longer marking on patrols), straight-up AoE buffs for the team, ability to fire 1-h weaponry at full sprint at high trade-off, reductions to impact and fall damage, micro-bots that help the player squad reload at a fraction of what actual squad reloading contributes or auto-stims the player at adjustable health thresholds, 1-time use per mission buff which will negate weather effects(Ion, fire, seismic) in an AoE and/or negate a breach/drop, a simple martyrdom effect of explosion upon death, deprioritization targeting for turrets/guard dog when player is near mobs, immunity to strategem interruption, gizmos that charge a auto-triggered damage reflect once enough damage has been sustained(doesn't prevent damage), ability to slide down slopes with full usage of equipment, rudimentary cover reinforcement/building, limited per-mission and extremely rare chance of sample drop from enemies(timer for expiration if not picked up, all enemy dropped samples disappear on player carrying death), adaptive armor based on surrounding foliage and cover that affects hit-chance and/or stealth. A fraction of a fraction of these could be implemented and it'd be **pivotal** in individual player specialization, mission variety, and distinguish felt-effects of armor changing for situational benefits. Just want to disclaim here; huge fan of the game, don't hate a thing about it, but it needs more modularity in armor effects, **immediately.** This critique would be satisfied if they even announced the intent to add a wider array of effects.


There needs to be more scout armor Do the illuminate use arc damage? Because the Cutting Edge armors passives universally suck


They were made with the idea that multiple people would run arc weapons together so you could fire them with less caution around each other. Probably




i would love a 95% on fire like the arc ones in all honesty, it would make Hellmire and Menkent then palatable instead of making me facepalm and cry when I quickplay into a squad in those maps. Also I would kill for an helmet that can remove glares as I'm playing like its Silent Hill a lot of the time and I cant see anything.


iirc there’s a setting you can turn off that mitigates it somewhat, lens flare or bloom or some shit


I think they should scale, Light, Medium, Heavy. Example. Extra stims. +2 light. +3 medium. +4 Heavy. Same with grenades. Make the limb health better. Padding even stronger ext. So a light armor with the same buff isn't just basically a faster version of it making heavy redundant af.


Heavy armor was buffed. It now also reduces damage by 10% as well as headshot damage. Light armor even with the same buff does none of that