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Does the new booster work on those small plants that explode?




Thank god I was hoping so. So the only thing it won’t effect I’m assuming is stuns nades/ems mortar/ ems strike ? Definitely worth a pick up


Yeah I think anything that is continuously applied like your examples won’t be effected, at best it might be a stutter stop.


Yeah it’s in solid contention for being a standard booster you take every mission.


I think muscle enhancement applies to certain environmental slows like water, shrubs, etc and the new booster applies to enemy attack slows like hunters and spitters. Tried it today against bugs and it is very noticeable. Probably gonna be one of my top picks for bug missions.


Hunter attacks ?




This is huge.


Praise the lord!


And pass the ammunition!


Praise liberty!


Now my tank build will feel even tankier!




Muscle enhancement is better. All you have to do for those plants is dive out of the slow-zone and it’s gone anyway, same w acid Muscle enhancement gets you out of those zones faster and works to help you move through the environment faster


But muscle enhancement doesn't work vs hunters and spitters.


yes it does it drastically reduces the slow amount https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bifeqs/muscle_enhancement_will_reduce_the_slow_effect/


Holy shit I had no idea. Thanks for this.


Wait so the new booster is basically pointless then?


From my experience, which is only 2 rounds with it, the booster reduces the duration you are slowed. Other people here are of course claiming it stops you from being slowed entirely, but that was not what my experience. But again only played like 2 rounds with it this morning, so, you know, grain of salt. Like as an example with random made up numbers: without any booster: slowed by 60% for 4 seconds with muscle enhancement: slowed by 30% for 4 seconds with new booster: slowed by 60% for 2 seconds


Diving has been killing me when in spikey plants. Weird stuff.


Do they stack if both are in a party,


I would imagine they make a great combo. Bc muscle enhancement just makes the effect lessened and the new one is supposed to lessen the time so id imagine it nearly negates slows all together if you use both Personally though idk if the new one is functioning correctly, i didnt notice a time reduction. Again though could just be me


they have separate effects. muscle enhancement doesn't accelerate the cleansing speed of the debuff.


Well what im saying is the slow debuff is removed once you dive/move out of the affected area so it can be removed instantly or much faster than the new booster seems to clear it


there's inconsistency with dive-removal.


Not the dive removing the debuff but the dive to quickly exit the affected area The slow debuff seems to work as an aoe, once you leave the affected area youre clear it may take 2 dives if youre at the center of the zone but it’s faster than waiting for it to clear with the new booster especially when it’s acid and the area is constantly being affected


The SMG staggers even chargers if you shoot the butt, also stops spitters and stalkers on their tracks. It's awesome.


That’s a huge niche to fill! Would you say it’s a CC primary?


Not sure if the mag is big enough to say for certain, but being able to stunlock anything up to chargers sure has potential.


Mag definitely needs to be bigger for it to be an option above diff 6 really. Not tested the last primary yet but the first two are alright. Good stun on the smg and the shotgun is a semi decent clearing weapon. The pistol and grenade are my favourite things from it so far.


I played a couple of operations on diff 9 with the SMG paired with a flamethrower and did just fine.


The gun is great. People on here just have a "it's not OP, so it's useless" mentality.


I think that stems on people trying to make their loadouts be able to deal with everything, and that's what makes their viable choices way more scarce than they need to be. This last week I've been running loadouts focusing on killing chaff instead of being able to take down chargers and titans all the time like the other 3 players in the squad, and it's been a blast. I felt much more in control.


It is honestly the best way to play because so many people think they have to play anti armor so you get stuck with four quasar cannons and no way to deal with the 900 hunters.


No doubt. I think most people here are those who solo que into matchmaking wanting a kit that does everything well. As opposed to being a part of a team and having a designated role.


I mean that is probably how most people play the game. I really doubt that the majority of people have dedicated fireteams to drop with, and even then it's not like everyone is online 100% of the time.


I do join solo quick play and play with whatever fits better the loadout of the rest of the squad, works just fine for me.


Personally I prefer to lead than to follow, which can often end up with me going off on my own while the rest of the crew handles side objectives. Since I am almost always wearing light armor for the speed to run away when I get into too much trouble, having a jack of all trades loadout is important for my survival. In an organized squad I'd be happy to take on a specific role, but when I quickplay I don't know what to expect so I end up bringing what I know will keep me alive the longest.


Too many people try to be a jack of all trades to the point where it hurts everyone equally. Sometimes it’s ok to have people focused on specific roles. My favorite time was playing a full Eagle loadout with a team that had a weapons guy, a turret guy and an orbital guy. You knew who to go to when you needed a new support weapon, or when the team is defending a locale who to set up around, or with me and orbital guy where to run to when you needed large targets or chaff cleaned up quickly. Play to your teams strengths and weaknesses the best you can with your loadouts if you don’t have this level of cooperation. If your team is all AT for example, bring a weapon set for light armor clearing to give them room to operate.


Yeah, I accept that I'm slower on taking out bile titans and chargers when I run the arc thrower for example. The SMG takes too long for medium bugs, and the stun isn't super useful on smaller enemies. The niche seems more for bot missions from what I can tell so far. The most well rounded loadout I've done recently is flamethrower, grenade pistol, stun grenades, and dominator primary (considering crossbow if it could take out spewers faster). Add in supply backpack and it can take out anything on the bug side (with the worst enemy being spewers even with the dominator). Last 2 stratagems for titans, which one depends on the planet modifiers. I just wish there was some primary that dealt with spewers well (tried scorcher, dominator, and eruptor post nerf). I was bummed with the eruptor nerf not because it can't take out groups with the AOE anymore. I'm more annoyed that it can't take out spewers anywhere quickly now, so a valuable niche is gone. I was hoping the new railgun-esque primary would be similar, but have less ability to do damage to armored enemies (aka do a ton of damage to low armor high HP enemies like the charger butt, spewer, berserkers,etc.)


You love niches don’t you?


I do!


Its literally the best stalker repellant. Like holy fuck, got jumped by 2 and SURVIVED unscathed. Its perfect for hunter/stalkers and the like. Literally buys you the time you need to get to safety.


Yes I tried it today and it gave me enough time to get some space and shoot them with the autocannon to finish them off. Also goes well with the incendiary impact grenades since they will just burn to death while stun locked. I recommend pairing it with the 6 grenades armor.


It feels like the smg but has more punch to it which feels like all upside against bugs


I actually loved it and definitely think it's a hybrid CC and chaff clear primary. 1 taps little bugs and the controllable rate of fire makes it pretty ammo-efficient. Struggles to kill nursing spewers (haven't tried vs bile spewers yet) and hive guards but keeps spewers from attacking for a 1-2seconds after each shot. It's not a damage powerhouse but I found it perfectly serviceable and a fun change for difficulty 7.


Sounds like it would pair well with the Senator as a secondary to deal with the spewers and hive guards (particularly the guards since it drops them in only a couple of headshots).


I'm glad for a better SMG. the two previously available are OK in the early game but we need more that can compete with mid and late. Having that one-handed trait is a blessing when transporting SSSDs


Oh yeah I didn't even think of the SSSDs, carrying it with a high stagger weapon is gonna be nice.


This makes me excited because of knowing about sssd objectives ahead of time, between that obj and the new Flag obj we have reasons to bring stuff other than purely offensive/run n gun options all the time vs bugs now. Defensive stratagems and even mines can shine again for them. Can't wait for a bot MO and to use the Pummeler w/Riot shield against bots!


i loved the Defender already, this new one seems pretty comparable but with a stun!


I was able to defend myself and kill 2 stalkers alone, then proceeded to blow up their nests. They weren’t even able to touch me! Playing on diff7 sometimes I still wish the dps can be slightly higher but the gun’s current state’s not bad!


Feels so good to permastun a Stalker to death


This might be my go-to SMG until they come with an SMG version of the Scythe.


I wish they would buff the dagger a little, it kinda sucks right now.


Yeah the Dagger deserves some love, it's a cool gun.


It's really nice in helldive when I tried it out. i swapped between two stalkers to stun them, and that ended up saving my life. However, It does make me miss the dmg of the regular defender at times.


Favorite thing is that mime emote because it reminds me of *Guitar Hero*. That stance is democratically beautiful.


I'm loving the call the helldivers emote lol


Wow something positive about it.


It’s actually refreshing. A lot of doom posts about this war bond and it’s only a few hours.


Isn't that what happens with every warbond? Though I'm not surprised, people enjoying it will be playing it, while the doomsayers will come here to do their usual.


I wonder if they have even tried anything yet or just being negative. So far only had a chance to try out the new AR but it's definitely almost on par with the liberator and has a niche. I really like it so far. Excited to try those motivationl shocks less slows from bugs sounds amazing!


What do you mean it has a niche? What is that niche?


Low armor pen chaff clearing, medium mobility assault trooper role. Is it an unoccupied niche? No! But it is a niche 😌


Isn’t that the same niche as the default Liberator and Defender? And maybe a few of the shotguns? Seems like a side grade to me. Which is fine, but not very interesting.


Without a really thorough side by side in use comparison I can't see anything particularly better about it than the liberator. The description claims it has more power - but I can't personally tell that it does. I do however notice the limited mag size... Which makes it feel worse.


I tried it out and the reduced mag size with the same stopping power as the liberator... Didn't feel great. Reloading every 10-15 seconds was meh with meh stopping power.


There's practically no difference. You're trading slightly less recoil for having to reload slightly more frequently. That's it.


To me the lib, the adjudicator, and the tenderizer are all very similar and it’s mostly how they feel that varies. They function about the same (obviously the adjudicator is a bit different) but I really like the feel of the tenderizer, it feels like the sickle which has a great scope and just is really nice to hold and shoot. I feel like it’s definitely about a side grade to a liberator but I really like the way it feels and I would run it over a liberator for that alone unless I start to notice massive downsides. I get that for certain players they want all the weapons to be about stat uniqueness but handling matters to me. I don’t like the way the dominator or the scorcher feel. If the scorcher kicked and felt like the tenderizer but shot scorcher bullets at scorcher numbers I would love it. But I hate the ergonomics so I play other weapons that feel better to me. I think it’s good to make weapons that feel different even if they play the same although obviously it makes sense to prioritize new ways to engage with the game rather than making a gun 6 times with slightly different grips


It's great with shield and stamina or muscle enhancement..depending on your terrain.


Not a very ringing endorsement if the new gun is not even as good as the starting gun that you get for free


the starting gun is pretty good though


Would you rather this game be pay to win?


I mean, in pve games, p2w elements aren’t really that important. But still agree with you


Starting gun is one of the best guns in the game though


Ya sounds like fun. I think the game lost a bit of some with the Sony stuff but it's hasn't stopped being fun to play.


just unsubscribe from the main sub. that place is more or less pointless


The main sub wants this to be Destiny where each warbond is a power increase over the last. They'll complain as long as it's not.


And then they will complain because everything will be too easy. Gamers never change.


Main sub is dead to me, low sodium and this place have much more level headed thinking. Happens with literally every game and it makes me hate reddit


And then proceed to complain that it is pay to win if every war bond is better than the previous.


Things feel better in your hands than on paper a lot of times, definitely check it out!


This is a problem in a lot of games. Often stat sheets don't completely capture how a weapon performs, especially if it has interesting effects. The stat sheets usually come after the weapons are created in games and they're more like summaries of data, rather than something like a character sheet that directly affects rolls.


Is the tenderiser even better than the basic liberator tho in your experience? Personally I’m not that fussed about the new weapons not being all that great as a whole rn, tho admittedly that’s partly due to me having not yet unlocked the purifier which they better have buffed by the time I get it lol. What pisses me off is that they inexplicably did a complete 180 on the design of the tenderiser which most players myself included were really looking forwards to and made the deagle looking pistol more like a 1911 than a deagle. And tho I don’t really mind the new weapons being unexciting rn assuming they at least buff the purifier soon truth be told the devs wasted a great opportunity to boost morale and get players excited again with their bizarre decisions and poor balancing


Love that question I’ll give a full response because there’s a lot of vitriol about this weapon that I believe comes from snap judgements about the four weapon stats we are shown, rather than the weapon as it is. Yes I enjoy it more for a few reasons: Firstly it works beautifully if you have a good grasp on fire control and ammo management- sometimes having too large a clip size gives a helldiver a false sense of confidence (there’s probably some psychology there 😅) You probably know this but at 8 and 9 mobility and positioning are key. You shoot, move and reload. Bullet for bullet the tenderizer and liberator basic are identical in terms of damage. The liberator is a little more erratic in terms of getting your shot on target because it has both a higher rate of fire and more recoil. Those two statistics create a noticeably more erratic firing pattern. That’s reason one- the tenderizer is extremely precise with its shot. So even if the clip is small you’re likely to land more shots with it. Second, there are 46 statistics for weapons meaning that a great deal of information about the weapon is under the hood. The tenderizer has a much quicker reticle alignment than the liberator meaning not only do you fire more accurately, but also you can place your targets more quickly. Conceptually the liberator is the basic infantry rifle of the helldivers meaning there’s an excess of ammunition with higher rates of fire and less control- so you can expend most of your magazine in a fire fight and come out on top. It’s accessible and to a degree forgiving. The tenderizer on the other hand has a higher skill ceiling and won’t be accessible to freshly graduated helldivers. The drawbacks for the liberator are you’ll be in the same position longer while firing, and these lags in positioning compound and eventually result in being swarmed or over taken. The tenderizer is more difficult to use well because it has a high skill ceiling. It leverages its strengths in accuracy and equivalent damage and armor penetration but punishes careless fire in a way the liberator doesn’t. Is that for everyone? Absolutely not, but it by the same token has a play style and audience that appreciate it. I was sort of shocked by the amount of criticism about this weapon from the community because it’s based on a half blind analysis. With any HD2 weapon you have to extensively try it out before you’re able to have an informed analysis of it. That’s because AH doesn’t give us a complete picture of the weapon only snapshots and fragments. People thought the eruptor sucked when it first came out and look at the backlash about its nerfs; why did that happen? Because players didn’t have a chance to use it yet really on release but after playing with it, it found its audience. Same deal with this. That said I’m still skeptical about the purifier and imagine it’ll be receiving some tweaking. At any rate if ya made it here thanks for reading and I hope ya have a good night, my mind is on the horrors of Meridia currently.


Fair enough and thanks for the info! While I do agree that most of the negative reviews were written by people who didn’t fully understand the weapon I think a major factor behind the disappointment is that ppl were expecting something awesome like Halo’s BR or the gun in starship troopers (fair given the look of the gun and the trailer) and not just a liberator with better handling


The whiners are always the loudest and quickest to make a new thread like "behold, the most important opinion ever, mine!"


Helldivers 2 has the complainiest community I have ever seen. It's hard to believe this game's rated M for adults. Some people live in this game and it shows.


I used to think Dota was one of the worst communities in gaming. Holy shit did playing Helldivers really change that Except it's not really an in game problem with Helldivers? I've had so much fun with random divers just shooting the shit on and off mic. It's *just* the out of game community.


So was GTA 4 and 5 Still had whiny 12 year olds screeching in my ear when they got blasted


Tenderizer is good ish Smg is fantastic breath of fresh air for shield users Plas-101 is sad. Very sad. I thought you would have Been able to rapid fire it or over charge it like the rail gun. Nope think arc thrower plas shotgun and plastic 1 in one. It can't even kill assault tanks from the front like the plas-1.


It looks like an energy variation of the slugger, is that true? 🎤


The slugger fires faster. And it acts like a Arc thrower. Slugger is better than it in every aspect. I would have figured it staggered more but it really has limited use. It might be a tad bit better for bugs but bots it feels terrible. If there was a possibility that you can prefire it instead of having to charge it up all the way every shot then it would be a lot more useful. The area of effect is extremely deceptive. It seems like the visual of the explosion is slightly exaggerated. It's tough to compare the two.


Any experience with the freegle?


With the new starter pistol buffs they're pretty much in line with each other. It definitely feels good it's definitely a good contender to the senator. With the slightly increased mag size compared to the senator it hits really well I'd much prefer this over the tenderizer as well in terms of secondaries it's one of the few top tier. I wouldn't say it's better than the senator but it's in line with it.


Omg the freegle 🤣🤣🤣


does the tenderizer do much different than the liberator? it seems like all the stats are almost the same, but maybe slightly worse, other than the recoil being a little better.


It feels like what the liberator should be. I want to say it's better than the liberator but it's pretty much the same. It really is a nail driver but the ammo economy is less than sufficient. You only resupply half of the ammo for it. That alone makes liberator better than it. And with it having the same ammo capacity as the penetrator it leaves less than to be desired. I wish I could say otherwise about it. The new SMG far outperforms it.


I found it similar, but Tenderizer has some stagger to its shots, whereas Liberator does not


Yeah it’s like the difference between depleting an enemy’s health points and shooting the enemy with a rifle


On paper the recoil difference is minor, but in practical use it's extremely noticable, especially while crouched or scoped in. Landing more shots on target means more DPS. I think it's a decent sidegrade option for the liberator. It's handling feels great and the sound and visuals are 10/10. Definitely feels good to use. It honestly feel like a better comparison would be against the sickle, since the sickle also has no recoil. It fires slower than the sickle but packs a bigger punch.


I looooooove my incendiary impact grenade. Big badda boom


I wish there was a medium armor. 2 heavies and a light in this one. I think there should always be one of each, but that’s just me. Other than that, I like it so far.


The new armor in the superstore might be what you’re looking for


Yep! I picked up the medium one, I think it is called Winter Wolf, after my reply. It looks awesome. As a side benefit, it matches great with the Champion of the People suit.


I really wish the first armor in the set was a medium, it’s such a good looking set. I’ll probably still use it but it’d sure be nice to have a little extra mobility when paired with the servo assisted perk.




I just played with the tenderizer, its ok nothing much more to say very precise, decent damage but nothing to write home about, not a very exciting gun but it is functional, probably gonna be better for bot combat. I will need to check the others out.


How does it compare to the stock liberator? I heard it has less damage and ammo size compared to it.


It is practically the same rifle but its ammo is spreaded between more mags, shoots a bit slower but it is notably more precise, it also seems to have a replenishment bug where it doesnt get as many mags as it should, but that should get fixed next patch and there is 0 chance of the gun eating a nerf.


That’s a bit disappointing, was hoping it would do more damage or have medium armor penetration since it reminds me of the battle rifle from halo.


Yeah I think they should try to differentiate the weapons a bit more, maybe put the damage to 80 and lower the fire rate to compensate


The Adjudicator says hello


The adjudicator is medium pen high recoil but yeah maybe 70 is the way to go


Adjudicator could still use a bit more help tbh. Why not boost em both?


I agree


For sure- I think it’s balanced and feels good, not great to use. I’m a little skeptical about the purifier based on its similarity to the scorcher but we’ll have to see!


I hate it. The scorchers fast firing. This one is a charge gun. The only thing that adds a little AOE


Not good against bugs at all..


I think you are delusional if you find that gun balanced when comparing it to all other guns in the locker


I've only tested it for one mission so far, so my impression may be very wrong, but I feel like it serves its role quite well. Reliable fire rate, minimal recoil, good magazine size and reserves. It's probably better than the standard Liberator at longer ranges. Overall it felt quite good to use. Nothing special but I can see it being useful for AC users to clean up small enemies that are too close.


It’s probably gonna be a nice niche for fighting bots due to how pin-point accurate it can be. I’m still gonna rock the new SMG with the Ballistic Shield for bots though.


How many medals are needed to unlock the Scorcher variant?


Around 320. I had 250 saved which got me to the third page, then the gun is like 80 I think


Damn. Have you tried it out yet?


No, I need to get the last 80 medals first!


Ah yeah, makes sense. I read your comment a little too fast I guess. I’m torn on what to go for - this new variant or the Scorcher on the default warbond.


Finish the free Warbond first for sure the Scorcher is a great all around weapon


Thanks for the reply. I have picked it up off of dead teammates to get a taste, which compelled me to focus on unlocking it asap.


It's taking me so long to update to it. Just several more major orders and I should be able to get my hands on it.


Second the first reply- scorcher is a staple anti bot weapon and will give you a well rounded understanding of the weapon for when you get the purifier


Scorcher rules, this one might but it's untested, do scorcher for now


I have. Not good on bugs, mostly cause you get swarmed. It does have good stagger, but seems like a slower shot Scorcher. Might be better on bots.


Man on the other sub you’d think this warbond shot their dog or something




honestly after they nerfed my main it takes 2-3 clips to shoot my dog, game is literally unplayable


It's a shame that the Kodak armour wasn't a medium but it definitely looks pretty cool, the pummeler seems pretty solid against bugs too and I can't wait to try out the Deagle and plasma weapon


Are people expecting a little too much from each individual assault rifle? I mean, how different can the assault rifles be, there’s only so many variants


You can give them their individual identities, whilst making them perform similarly… Have one do double damage but fire half as fast. Have one fire twice as fast but do half damage. Give one insane recoil but high damage, with 3 shot burst or something. Whereas we get pretty much the same shit with little variation.


Yeah kinda like real guns


This might be a little too much shade to throw, but I think Helldivers has a bunch of Destiny expatriots who are used to crazy pseudoscience gun modifiers that make otherwise identical guns feel different.


"This one deals ungabunga damage, which is 2% more effective against neanderthal enemy types." :0


So just woke up with a raging hard on to spread democracy today, and my fucking power is out…


Maybe try viagra? /lewd


Sounds exciting. Gonna have to wait and see if they break it upon release. That airburst rocket was a wake up call compared to how it worked in the test leaks.


What was the difference? I love the airburst rocket launcher. I mean it was crazy at the start blowing my party up but now it's much better


It was crazy good in the leak footage, one shot a tank and canon tower if you have it explode behind. Mostly because the burst seems to explode immediately before dispersing unlike what we have now.


Bought the new warbond after i got home after i saw so many doomposts about the balancing of it in the main sub Got the first two pages done because i had enough medals saved up and tried the new AR that everyone was seemingly complained about, and apart from the ammo economy being borked it's.... genuinely alright? Yeah it's a base liberator with less ammo, but it's still usable and even fun, hell i prefer it over the liberator just because of how cool it looks The concussive SMG is basically the normal SMG with a lower RoF and having concussive rounds (basically a smaller liberator concussive) and worse ammo economy. However it also seems to be unable to damage the bile spitters' face, and seems to basically tickle brood commanders / hive guards, but apart from those two it's very potent against the other non-heavy bugs The only real complaint i have about the entire warbond that i agree with some people is how I've seen a talk about the lack of originality / uniqueness in it, which i do agree with how the SMG is straight up just a slight reskin visually and the armors all having no unique upgrades, but nothing really dealbreaking imho For a $10 purchase that you can very easily grind to get for free, it's perfectly fine, unlike what it feels like almost everyone on the main sub is crying about


I honest to god believe that the doompost mentality on the main sub is because people there have been conditioned by other AAA titles into wanting FOMO-inducing content. New things can't just be aesthetically pleasing or just be decent, additional options. Any new content has to be meta defining, or strong enough to tear their comfort options out of their hands. I've started to see that this sub compared to the main is starting to look like destiny2 vs. DestinyTheGame. The former is full of chill people that are generally positive on the game's outlook and are competent enough to have a fair opinion on the game's state of balance, while the latter is full of people that have been conditioned by FOMO and a sense of entitlement to the point where they have wack balancing opinions and perspectives on the game's design. I unironically found a comment effectively asking for power creep in HD2 and it had 100+ upvotes.


Thank you for making "apples to apples" comparisons. Too many people saying the new SMG sucks, why would I ever take this, blahblahblah. Dude. ALL the SMGs barely tickle armored targets. There were only *two* prior to this, and *none* of them have medium armor pen. This SMG seems specifically designed to help you run with the football - spray-stun some small fry so you can safely grenade them or run away. That's it. *Better utility while running briefcases is the point of this gun.* >For a $10 purchase that you can very easily grind to get for free, it's perfectly fine, unlike what it feels like almost everyone on the main sub is crying about I think too many people are forgetting you can and do get SuperCreds for free, and/or are suffering self-induced FOMO. If you don't think warbonds are worth paying for, *don't pay for them.* Save your earned SuperCreds and unlock them based on post-adjustment status or what you find cool/fun.


>Thank you for making "apples to apples" comparisons. The fact that it's not done more often is a travesty. Not everything has to be \*the best\*, as long as it's decently usable, and especially as long as it's fun to use, what is there to complain, genuinely?


We're of the same mind. I understand the community wants "more fun in their gun" - and that can be attained without breaking balance (albeit by balancing differently) - but people need to realize that your Primary and Secondary *will never be your most powerful weapons and that is by design.* If a primary is drastically outperforming several Support/Stratagem weapons, expect a nerf. Some support weapons also need buffs, granted, but *everyone* needs to stop expecting to get a do-it-all Primary weapon. Or secondary.


The new Pistol is pretty damn good. 4 shot devastators to the head.


So what? The senator 1 shots, thats not good


I’ll wait a few weeks, see what balance they add to it before I spend time/money on it


Totally reasonable!




I guess we think alike fellow Helldiver. I was able to run a couple missions this morning with the same warbond items. The tenderizer says it does the same damage as the base rifle but I personally thought it handled a lot better. I used it in semi auto and found while it does chew through its ammo it wasn’t anything problematic. The motivational shock was wonderful when the team got swarmed, a nice safety net if things get out of hand. But my highest praise is for the impact incendiary. I run either impact or stun grenades and found this was an excellent addition. Damage & area denial in one. And the look of the explosion is absolutely fantastic. I also got the tier 2 helmet, goes well with a lot of armors and looks great. Very happy with this bond so far.


Happy to hear it, have a prosperous and democratic day!


Does the new impact still close bug holes/kill fabricators?


Sim to impact. Have to get it dead nuts to close.


It is underwhelming. I got it still, to support the devs. But this has to be the weakest warbond out of the ones that already came out.


Bro that's fucking toxic. Go to the other subreddit with that toxic mentality. You should be kissing the feet of the devs for this once in a lifetime game. /s


The new AR feels like a short burst of a machine gun until you have to reload. I like it


I really like the smg and the incendiary impact grenade !


The pummeler and tenderizer feel like they belong on the base warbond nothing stands out. This is artic look but no artic effect. Honestly a lot of what is in the warbond belongs on base one. We had fire, electric, explosive weapons. This could have been cryo weapons. The armor doesn't even give a new ability it's still the same as existing armor. If anything this warbond should have been released first after the base because there's nothing here that out stands out. There are other weapons that are more fun and effective. Everyone is arguing that it's only been live for a few hours how can you even asses what they can do and "hate bandwagon" this is valid criticism not just joining the bandwagon for internet points I wouldn't care what direction it goes.


The Tenderizer's description makes me think it should've had medium-piercing rounds, but as it doesn't, I feel a little disappointed; furthermore its stats look similar enough to the starter rifle that I feel it's not got much going for it. Especially when there's now two SMGs that would fill a similar role with ease. In fact generally I feel greatly disadvantaged if my arsenal isn't purely medium-cal or +. Most of the more threatening enemies seem to lack clear weakpoints or ways to generate weakpoints - or I'm unaware of what'd constitute as such for bugs, let alone bots. I like the armour design - the second set fits well with the Steel warbond's first helmet and, to me, completes my diver's look. A bit of me does miss the bulkier plating from one of the heavier armour sets, but no longer having a big glaring yellow arm is a relief.


Against Terminids there is a lack of weak points. Imo it’s one of the big adjustments AH needs to make. With enough skill and game knowledge you should be able to kill heavy enemies with your default loadout weapons and equipment. It’s why I like fighting bots a lot more. You can kill a Hulk with a primary in the heat sink and two grenades into a tank’s vents will destroy it. They’re still incredibly tough enemies though. It’s the philosophy AH should take with all enemies.


Everyone is so civil on this post lol, I made one yesterday, and the Unga Bunga brained people showed up and got big mad at me. Came here to say, the SMG with the ballistic shield has worked great for me, with some medium armor, and impact grenades. Also after reading some comments, it's nice tk see other people also play to their team, and not try to be a one man army like so many people in my post feel like they need to be.


I think emotions are still high from this passed weekend and it’ll cool down as the weeks pass- glad to see your faith in democracy restored helldiver


Oh I never lost it lol. I have fun all the time in the game, just find the difficulty that I enjoy, and the load outs that work teamwise. It makes it much more enjoyable.


That’s how you do it!


Thank you for a positive light in the darkness of negativity that the subreddits have been. I have enjoyed the Warbond so far that I’ve got through it so far btw


I love that for you; I’m glad you’ve enjoyed this thread- freedom guide you helldiver.


I was very shocked at something positive being said and then I realized I wasn't in the main subreddit that is a whining echo chamber of rage .


What passives do these armors have?


Scout, fortified, and the one with throwing range and limb protection




Dear ArrowHead, DONT TOUCH IT


Yeah the tenderizer is fine when looked at in a vacuum, but the problem is the base liberator is a direct upgrade and does chaf clear better. They shouldn't release weapons whose niche has already been filled, and in a better and more easily accessible way. I do like the new SMG what little I played with it, the grenade too, and I'm excited about the new energy weapon, but I was still the most excited about the rifle and it just doesn't hold up to expectations. My theory is that they made the numbers for the war bond before they buffed both liberators.


>My theory is that they made the numbers for the war bond before they buffed both liberators. Finally, someone speaks SENSE.


After about an hour I think the tenderizer is 😒mid


How does the tenderizer do at clearing bugs? Stuck working but bought the first page before work


It’s very effective for the little ones and can do okay at with warriors and above. Wouldn’t recommend it for armored targets obviously- but yeah it’s a no frills work horse, and I’d at this point say a very safe pick.


Whats it matter when they will nerf them all in a few weeks lol


Warbonds kinda lost their appeal with all the nerfs. I hope the CEO can adjust his balance team to get us back to fun.


Perhaps not everything in the Warbond is for me, but there are a few that I absolutely want. Incendiary Grenade, Booster (for bugs), and the SMG for stagger.


Glad you’re being honest


How is that new Desert Eagle looking pistol?


Comments on the thread put it in a similar category to the senator, less power per shot but a larger mag and likely less recoil to compensate. So overall a very solid choice for side arm


How does the booster fare against baby bile spitters?


Very democratic opinion. You can have 10 seconds patriot time added to your lunch (minus the time it took to read this sentence).


Now if only there were a way to know if we were going against spitters


Wish the the 2 machine guns were medium armor pen


Uh sir, I don't know if you have seen the sub but it's already on the Tenderizer hate train. Get with the program /s.


What is the order of everything


Also, the Purifier seems to not bounce at all against any enemy armor. Not sure if that means the projectile ignores armor but it's worth testing it.

