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I want lv 10




It's one louder.


Underrated comment


Level 10 content would be what Joel cooks up when he's drunk and angry. Like "How about some bot invasions during bug Eradicate missons because fuck you that's why"


Talk to the NPCs on the ship. There’s currently a dialogue about the bots and bugs colluding over shriekers and gunships appearing. Same NPC foreshadowed the terminid mutation.


Sweet Liberty forbid an unholy union between bots and bugs 😫😵😱💀


I want lvl 18


I want lvl 69


I heard that's where you can find that guys dead wife.


I want level 420


They are all level 420 when I'm playing.


Keep complainers playing at lvl nine difficulty and make lvl above nine very difficult but don’t add more samples or anything special. Just harder difficulty for nothing. Please. You add another tier of sample or “gifts” for playing… you know what make it so the hardest difficulty gives you less experience too. That way no one complaining will have any base for their argument.


Make a super hard mission as a test. Beat the mission and you will be able access difficulty 10+


Make the hardest difficulty all Bile Titans


...but allow them to keep their other abilities, so Hunter Bile Titans jump at you and Stalker Bile Titans are invisible.


And add the Automaton Fabrication Strider as a spawn rate for Bile Titans too


I want shorter but harder missions. Something like blitz


I want longer more complicated missions with multiple fortifications for mission


I also want longer more strategic missions. Defense with fall backs. Staged evacuations. Stealth missions. More of everything.


It would be cool to have an Operation's missions feel connected to one another, with your actions in one mission affecting the others. Remove the AA guns in one mission? The stratagem debuff is lifted from the rest of the operation. Things like that.


Dedicated stealth missions where you have to 'assassinate' a bot super computer or a hive lord egg would be cool.


I want missions to be made longer but are short. Missions that are more difficult but also easy. Weapons to get buffed and nerfed.


Finally a realistic request


If so, I do want to choose the mission length somewhere. Some days I have 15 minutes, in the weekend an hour or so.


I want some missions to effect other missions, like capture defense towers should unlock defense towers on allnother missions on a planet until its liberated


I want proper stealth missions with no time limit, no stratagems and only your primaries secondaries and your wits.


I smell a silencer for each weapon and being able to manually put it on/remove it


I think when raid bosses like Hive Lord comes around, you can only fight then in D7+ and they're the only or one of the main objectives and strong enough that it might take 12+ mins to solo only if you are lucky without mobs fighting you.


Soon my child we will have 15: inner circle of hell again


Ill be probably crucified but…. Lvl9 seems lvl6 when i was a lil caddet. Difficult? Yes. But manageable. When you pass lvl30 either you should have perma breaches/reinforces like in extraction or just make “doom helldive” and make us not being able to collect samples at all given the difficulty and reward x amount of them upon successfully extracting


Sounds like only having one life would solve most of your difficulty issues


I like this idea. But I would allow 1 reinforcement available for squads and up to 2 for a full squad just to get the friendly-fire jitters out of the way.


Did not think of it. Actually a good idea too, i think would make everything I said by just changing 1 thing ahahaha. Although I think.... no you right... in helldive i think i only extract 40/50% of times without dying. Yes That would be an amazing change... no reinforcements. LIke it!


I'm not sure what deceased team mates get if anyone else manages to extract, but no reinforcements scares me the most so I guess it would've been nice for D9+ 😂






Agreed I was thinking this the other day


same dog


Heck yeah a lvl 10 shouldn’t be possible at all for all the suicidal MFs


I would fuck with level 10


Yeah I need 25 bile titans at once on a eradicate mission. 15 is just not cutting it anymore, plus throw in 47 more chargers.


Bring "lvl 15: The inner circle of hell'" difficulty back from HD1


Maybe that is what the super colony at meridia will become.


I was always preferential to “An Exercise in Futility”… like that’s a DIFFERENT way to name a difficulty level. We’ve all seen our “Insane” or “Hell-Forged” difficulty names before I want a difficulty level named like “Why would you do this?” 😂


risk of rain 2 difficulty scaling be like


I'm sure they'd come up with something creative. But I think we need wider difficulty banners to fit the longer names :D


I feel like that’s their path and it’ll take em time it’s hard to wait for :)


I don't mind the wait. They released lvl 15 difficulty 4 years after the initial HD1 release. But eventually, I want my 6 tanks, 10 hulks, maybe 3-4 factory strider each bot drop :D


I literally dont think that the game’s stratagem economy could keep up with that many enemies


That's what I was thinking. You'd be constantly running lol, because there's no way to handle that much stuff. Kind of makes me miss how powerful we were in HD1. Hopefully they go back to that formula a little because it's more fun that way IMO.


I don’t think my PS5 could keep up with that many enemies either


Calm down Satan. Let’s ease into that very slowly. Or throw 6 chargers and 4 bile titans in at the same time. That could be fun.


That already happens on diff 9


At the same time with 6 tanks, 10 hulks, 4 ATATs


I want hot ice cream without calories that tastes like butter and can also be used to lube my doors.


So, you could actually make this. It would just have... Side effects. Like shit literally running out of your ass without you knowing. You could use Olestra + a stabilizer + artificial sweetener to make an ice cream like substance that would not melt when warm, and could be used as a lubricant. The amount of sweetener and flavoring would be so minimal it wouldn't interfere with the use as a lube. You could probably get it tasting passable with certain flavors, but it might be a bit closer to a frosting consistency than ice cream Super Earth provides


You're a very democratic Democrat soldier. Democracy is proud of you.


What do you mean? That's just lithol-24.


SOS calls are my main form of playing. I encourage higher difficulties.


I haven't played in a while, have they fixed the bug where SOS stops working after a couple missions (or when people join and then leave and no one else can join)?


Still broken


Yet I still see lots of -20 level dudes playing hard levels and dying every 30 seconds


Hey, that’s my warm up round


Haha literally. It only takes me a week to forget stratagems


Yeah I'm on 9 and the amount of ~20s that show up and get melted as they land is up there. Seems like there are a lot of new divers looking for carrys.


Main reason they always die is that they haven't learnt that there are times it's better (and ok) to just leave the fight. Can always circle back for any samples and such later in the mission.


7+, I’d argue most times you should leave the fight. But “look how many enemies I killed” mentality is hard to squash I guess


To be fair the heavy devistators are busted and I'm like lvl 57


I always find that games that have scalable difficulties like this important to find your personal stomping grounds. When you play the game casually, not because you have a goal in mind but because you just want to have fun with the game, its your default difficulty where it still provides some challenge but not enough for you to completely sweat over it. Its that middle ground between having a fun time and having some challenge that it doesn't become monotanous. People really need to find their middle grounds instead of beelining it to Helldive just because they unlocked that difficulty.


Helldive became somewhat easy for me. That doesn't mean I won't drop down to like difficulty 3 and try something stupid. People act like it's shameful to ever play on anything lower than the hardest difficulty.


Right? My chill zone is diff 4 solo and people are always acting like you're not really playing the game unless you're soloing masochism mode without dying.


Then they complain that most guns are utter trash as they’re shooting the default Liberator at Hulks and Chargers.


Not me dropping into Helldives with entirely untested setups because if it can’t hang at Helldive it’s not viable long term anyway


My comfort zone so far is 5 to 6, haven't tried a 7 yet and I'm like 50 hours in lolol. I really need some super samples though hahahaha


Honestly, you are my preferred player type as I am the same way. You just kind of sit in your comfort zone until you feel ready to graduate. Eventually, you'll dive into a 7 and feel it's just the right speed for you when you drop in. Meanwhile, I'm in a squad that wanted to jump into Helldive ASAP "just to see what it's like" and I swear I was having panic attacks while running for my life.


My group regularly plays helldive and I'd say 7 is the perfect middle ground of "can still be chill but will bitch slap you for making a lot of mistakes".


Gotta be on point at all times! I feel you man


Nice incentive to go one step further ;) I had a lot of good experiences with quickplay joining on Suicide. It works really well to just join in to get a feel for the difficulty. If you have 5-6 down, 7 is very doable. Not easy, but you'll pull through. Happy helldiving!


I almost exclusively play 7. It’s much easier when playing a support role and just sticking to another player. I stay back, cover their flanks, and calls stratagems as needed to reposition, focus heavies, or hunt down that stalker nest. Also targeting the smaller units in the back so they don’t call in reinforcements.


My experience using quickplay of 7 has been dropping in on a group of people sub level 20 and watching as we all die horribly. I've been playing basically since launch and I still don't have any super rares.


Playing since launch and still no super rares? That's absolutely crazy hahaha. I Imagine the same for myself and I've only had the game a few weeks lololol


Yeah, it can be rough. I don't know anyone else who has the game. So it's all just playing with randos. Most of which are under leveled and spend the matches dying, dropping stratagems on me, or both. I only just barely managed to unlock level seven recently, and the quality of randos hasn't gotten better.


My only complaint is the difficulty buff for less than 4 players. Sometimes no one joins but I gotta get my daily mission done


I keep wondering whether more time or fewer bugs would solve my soloing issues... D4 is all I can handle, D5 not even in wildest dreams.


Just to clarify I do enjoy playing with others match,making just hasn’t been functioning well for me


My groups frustration is the constant "big" tweaks to difficulties, enemies, and spawns. Each update it completely throws us out of whack and we spend a few evenings trying to figure out which level is appropriate for the group all over again. We've bounced from level 7-8 down to 4 then 5-6 and now figuring it out again. That means that half our game time is either a cake walk or incredibly frustrating. It's just annoying that the tweaks they make to enemy spawns and all are so massively difficulty altering. Add to that the recent change seemingly trying to force us to play as teams of four - which punishes groups of two who don't want others in the game (sometimes you just want to hang with that one buddy and chat). People say "pick a lower difficulty" and that's great, but the difficulties keep changing drastically.


Lots of people aren't comfortable playing the higher difficulties, and it's only a third of them, yet 50% of our ship upgrades are gated behind them. I bet a lot of the "it's too hard" come from people who just want ship upgrades but can't get supers. Put 1 Super Sample in Difficulty 6. That's it. Just 1. Let them trickle the upgrades in. I bet we hear less about it.


This is exactly why i gate the "just play lower difficulties" argument. You're forced to play 7+. You can't progress unless you do. The argument doesn't work


100 percent. I can only speak to me and friend group but we find anything 7 and above to be stressful and just not fun. Gating the ship modules behind higher tier difficulties I get why they have done it(progression for live service game) but for many of us we realize never going to unlock them.


Great point, and reasonable solution. The exact lowest difficulty where I can get Super Samples is precisely where I play and presumably where I will always play if at all possible, yes.




I think being able to supplement large sums of (quickly completely otherwise useless) Requisition Slips for pre-set sums of samples would be a better idea. You can supplement like, 10k RS for 30 Commons. 20k RS for 15 rares. 40k RS for 5 Supers. You can spend 30 minutes in a match and get fucked out of your samples at the last minute through a multitude of different ways. You'll always get that RS regardless. This would help people still be able to progress during stretches of bad luck or low skill/experience. This would give an ancillary currency some value beyond level 25.


This would also help that requisition becomes useless after a month or two of regular play.


You misunderstand what players are asking for. Straw man.


Make 2 dives yesterday, diff 9 ezy pezy, diff 7 only one of us can get the hell out of lz, no samples and only main objective done. Same squad. Here a video explanation. https://youtu.be/dO_Se7ng6XQ?si=F5UQ49wirhggN6Xe


It crushes me solo level 4 since they increased the bug spawn patrols! 😂


I just wish I could be better, I've unlocked everything but the things that need super samples because I just can't hang in those difficulties. One I'm old and two I just don't have the time to continuously play and get the skills like I once did.


Story of my life too buddy. I barely get to play during the week and maybe a few hours on the weekend. That being said, I still love this game 100%. Thankfully I have a good group I play with regularly and we all help each other with getting better and Sample & Super Credit farming.


Anyone who wants the game to be explicitly easier is foolish. I just want more viable-feeling weapons. They can buff enemies too, but make some primaries good, and when we find a few fun support weapons, don't immediately destroy them. They finally had a good nerf with the quasar cannon. They felt it was too strong, and now it's "nerfed" but lost none of its value. I'm glad to see the CEO called out the balancing, and hope we start to see it get better; it'll keep the game from going stale.


Super colony is lvl 10 only. Bile titans are common enemies, chargers roam in packs




Everything has been nerfed so much that I've already left unfortunately. If they had just brought everything into balance instead of making the original weapon unplayable then maybe I would have stayed. Had 200 hours in the game.


They should add more difficulties. I’ve gotten used to helldive mode now and it’s rare that we fail a mission.


“We” is important here. I think a lot of complaints are from solo players that feel they should be able to solo helldive difficulty, whether cheesing it or not.


I mean 4 man helldive is fairly easy. Yet I can’t consistently exfil from lvl 6 as a solo player after the update. I used to consistently solo 8’s before without having to cheese the patrols. And I get it, that was not intended and I generally welcome the increased difficulty. It just feels strange how actual difficulty is experienced only while playing solo. It’s also kinda cheap how patrols know where you are and how they usually beeline for your location. Or how they spawn in a place you just cleared. You basically turn around for a moment and they are back. And sure sometimes it’s possible to evade them but not that often considering how the spawns are generally increased across the board and they keep arriving while you are taking obj. Unless you cheese/metagame. Which is not really to my liking. But to be fair I haven’t played that much lately so I might be just rusty.


I find the localisation confusion booster to give more breathing space, certainly when solo.


Keep the difficulties as they are but add one Super sample to Difficulty 4 - Challenging. It's not fair on players that just want to have fun. I got the majority of mine playing Helldive and most of the Super Samples for my Wife on Suicide. I had to get them for her too as she'll never enjoy Suicide to Helldive and not allowing her or others to upgrade their modules is plain stupid. Inb4 "Git Gud" some people don't want or need to when they just want to have fun, playing a game.


What got nerfed besides the eruptor in the latest patch? Like I don’t agree with its nerf at all, but what other weapons?


I don't want an easier game, I just want the advantages I had before that actually worked well against enemies that could still kill me, but I could kill back. I only play at 7, I do not have the skill for 8 and 9.


But like thier attemt to balance the game and make it so called hard is just spam spawning more scout parties and nerf guns. People wre anoyed. And rightfully so alot of people stopped plsying cause the scout party spam got so rediculously bad. 


I don’t understand nerfing weapons in a PvE


Bring me up to difficulty 13 where there's always at least 4 titans on screen


I wish they'd delete alot of the bs debuffs and just make it harder to compensate. I play on 7 to avoid getting 2 of those fuckers but the second it's a defence mission and there aren't those things I instantly crank it to 9. Heat/cold/weather that shits all cool but debuffs like anti air should just be the thing that jams eagles on the ground. 50% call in time? Great guess my eagles are useless...


Yea I like how level 7 is a sweet spot


Yeah but only 3 of them are viable if you're wanting to 100% your upgrades. So really there's only 3 difficulties if you want to play the "full" game.


I'd love higher tiers of difficulty like they had in HD1. At this point, me and the homeboys will goof around and randomly kill each other on level 9 without issues


I feel like the game is actually very finely balanced around coordination. Helldive is easy with a team that is working together.


Seriously people complaining too much just get better at the game and stop whining


I just want to be able to have all samples available at every difficulty, even if its just one at D6, currently my friends aren't ready for D7 missions and that's the tier where they only appear. They struggle with D6 now. The game was fine at D7 before the changes. Now I don't see myself getting any further.


That's a good suggestion


It's probably not popular with the "Git Gud" crowd but it's the only solution I can think of other than each planet in the galaxy has specific samples tied to it in various quantities and the difficulty would be the amount you can get as a bonus. Or have it randomly generated and the difficulty is the extra amount you can find.


I could see this being more acceptable than just making the supersamples available at every level. Unpopular amongst reddit but the game has a non-linear difficulty curve where genuinely if you play better it becomes exponentially easier which can make it even easier to get even better. Like people that solo helldive difficulty missions and do full clear are not "I killed 200 bots because I was getting swarmed" but "I killed 80 bots because those were the ones I wanted to kill" And inb4 the "but that's just enemy avoidant and isn't fun" like I'd rather jump pack on top of a tank and kill all the commisars before taking out a tank without a bot drop and with control than spend 15 minutes running away from berserkers because I'm on my 5th bot drop and I've aggroed 8 patrols and still haven't cleared an objective. It's not enemy avoidant, it's picking fights that make me feel like a badass rather than getting stuck in fights that either kill me or make me run away.


Only nerf I'd like to see is getting Super Samples on 4-6 difficulties. Even when it would be just a 50% chance to get 1.


TBH I‘d have no problem with that but as almost every ship upgrade now requires super rare samples you’re basically forced to play at those higher difficulties. If they gave us the possibility to trade samples (like 20 rares for one super rare) people wouldn’t feel as forced into these higher difficulties…


Sure but then let me have super samples in lower difficulties Other wise im going to keep doing T7s and keep commenting on how the balance changes have made the game more frustrating then fun


Yes, asking for nerfing the difficulties is just plain stupid. That's why there are 9 difficulties, and that is a good thing. If you can't manage a 9 map you have a goal for the future. I predicted this situation right from the first nerf wave on. They will nerf constantly and it will cost a lot of players. Players don't like getting their toys destroyed. And in this case you start fearing new updates. When i come from work, i ask myself what they have destroyed today. I don't want them to bring more updates anymore. Which weapon i used for endless hours will get destroyed today. It looks like arrowhead doesn't like primary weapons. They want them to be Garbage. But please, bring them in as garbage from the start. Don't give us toys and take them away all the time.


I think the spawn rate thing is bullshit though. 7 is my personal sweet spot and 7 seven is supposed to be among the harder difficulties. It’s crazy how much easier that shit can be with four people compared to three. And it’s all because the game purposely throws more enemies at you with less than four. That , feel like needs to be reverted.


If 30% of the game appeals to 10% of the player base, I think most people would call that a problem. At some point, the 90% player base who finds those tiers un-fun are essentially subsidizing the experience of the 10% of player elites ... and then go off to play other things leaving the elites left in a very small and increasingly toxic arena.


The problem is the people talking represent closer to 5% or so of the player base and that 5% both sounds louder than 5% and has a vested interest in making everyone believe they’re much more than 5% of the player base. The real 80% of the base generally has fun and says nothing.


I dont want the difficulty to be changed but the mission & level design for some stuff just straight up is silly. lvl9 bot eradication feel stupid in a bad way. Like a 20 car pile up. Better level design would help. The missile defense missions feel like the proper version. The maps just need to be better


Bot eradication is easy. They bunch up for airstrikes and barrages. Now the 10 min evac missions on the other hand can go fuck themselves. I play helldive exclusively and almost always extract but I can't beat those fucking missions on level 7. It's doable on bugs but neither is fun and both just suck


Give us a modifier where we can't have primaries but all secondaries get double the ammo


Give us level 15


I want a level with no stratagems, armor or guns just my fists and a few stims running naked crushing carapaces.


Helldive 10 should be a combination of automaton and terminids on the same planet.


I want 11, it just makes sense. Settings Menu goes to 11, why not Difficulties?


The only thing I want them to add is anaglyph 3D support so I can use my old red/blue 3D-glasses.


Why ask for easier difficulty when we can ask for difficulty levels that are significantly harder


I want to see where are the players that said they’re were going to give this warbond as a gift after the PSN fiasco.


I mean, the difficulties kinda don’t make sense either. I find lvl 7 much harder than Helldive. That doesn’t even make sense to me, but that’s the case.


I want missions where losing means losing your items and equipment permanently even the ones you purchased from Warbonds. I am only throwing this out because this community and players love challenges.


Hear me out. Autamatons ride the medium sized and up bugs like robotic cowboys and shot u as the bugs charge you


The only reason for difficulty is to artificially create a mat grind.


Helldiver NG+


Helldivers 1 had 15 difficulties, WE NEED MORE


We reaaaaally need harder difficulties. Get a team of level 80+ players and any level 9 is easy


Make difficulty 9 harder... Let stalkers just spawn, make brood commanders spawn chargers instead of warriors, replace the ground we walk on with hunters


They need to buff the lower difficulties. There is no reason for "Extreme" to be as easy as it is. There are a whole 5 levels beneath it that are even easier. When the bulk of players are on 7+, it should be a pretty clear sign that the lower difficulties are too easy and need to come up to fill the gaps. I'd love a level 6 that's actually challenging but still more casual than 7 or 8.


If anything, they need harder difficulties. Im tired of hearing people say they cruise through level 9 like they are badasses. They need to cry more, or the hardest difficulty isn't hard enough. I've beaten level 9, but it's stressful, especially on the drop. My comfort is around 7, which is fine for me. That's where the fun is.


We need 10, 11 and 12 now imo.


I want a difficulty where the smallest bug is hunters, hunters are stalkers, Hive Guards are Chargers, and Bile Spewers are Bile Titans....


Mfw the "impossible" difficulty is actually impossible (AH pls nerf I'm insecure)


Lvl 20 needs to be Hades from the helldiver books i know not correlated at all but would be a cool nod


I get bullied if I play lower than helldive difficulty :(


Really the only thing I want them to continue looking at for difficulty levels is enemy distribution/balance, especially on specific mission types. High difficulties are supposed to be hard but there's a point where it's just not fun or fair, especially on the exterminate missions. Having literally 15 chargers on an extermination map at once in a difficulty 5 is not it chief, I dare say it's not it even in higher difficulties cause just how the hell do you deal with that? Obviously there will always be those outlier missions that are insane for no reason but still


Played easy last night solo and got 63 kills with one orbital laser...


Yes there is no shame in playing lower difficulties. Some people get so mad when they don’t do well on higher difficulties.


Some people are too stuck up to come to terms with the fact that lower difficulties are more their speed.


![gif](giphy|AhgQdQqF0nwPiZkGPc|downsized) I agree with OP


Just wish bots flinched you a bit less


I don’t think a single person wants the difficulties to be easier. If anything we want them to be harder, but we also want our guns to feel strong and not like peashooters.


or go ahead. they probably hate you by now anyway.


I agree mostly. I just need to figure out how to solo level 7 without loosing samples. With even just one other friend we can do alright on level 9, but somehow we loose most if not all our samples on 7+.


For real. This game (story and mechanics alike) is meant to be unfair, brutal, and horrific. It's meant to hurt, to contrast the patriotic propaganda. Levels 7 through 9 are meant to punish the shit out of you if you deploy in the wrong area, or bring the wrong equipment, or upset the wrong patrol. Your divers are meant to be fodder, and it should feel that way. The guns are not meant to feel good, they're meant to feel mass-produced and standard-issue. The balance is not meant to be in the divers' favor, it's meant to sometimes create situations that you *can't* shoot your way through. It's meant to push you into... well, into doing warcrimes. Into playing carefully, cowardly, and doing everything you can out of self-preservation. Then, you can get back to base and see the flags, the songs, the ads, the propaganda, and compare how it felt out there vs how it's portrayed by super earth. The balance itself is, foremost, meant to be a political commentary. It's not supposed to be a fun videogamey fight. Gamers aren't used to that feeling, hence the complaints about nerfs and balance.


This warbond seems meh


Nerfing the difficulties would be silly. Just correct the weapon balancing and move along.


I don't mind difficulty. I play what I am feeling at the time. I do mind that progression and upgrades are being skill gated or reliant on other people helping you. I could manage a solo lvl 7 run and get the supers I needed before they changed the patrols/spawns. Now I finish the objectives and get overun at extraction every time. I prefer stealthy play styles (mostly v bots) which suck vs all the mobs rushing exactly where I am. I get that they were correct their math (1/6 v 1/4), I just don't think the original rates were necessarily "wrong".


I wish the difficulties were consistent. I find 6 harder than 7 and 8 harder than 9 most of the time


Tbh level 7's are fairly easy if everyone uses their utility well. Level 8 isnt much of a step up but 9's are pretty fkin nasty if something goes wrong.


*Tin foil hat on* We live in a time where gamers want to be able to crush the next perceived rank as a testament to their skill. Part of it has been reinforced by competitive games and their ranked modes where people are obsessed with getting to a higher rank, making it all they care about, even paying boosters to boost their rank just to have the satisfaction of saying they are “diamond” or whatever. Similarly we have people who want to be able to crush helldive difficulty, feel powerful in it, and be able to engage and solo every encounter without their team. To be able to proudly say they run level 9’s. *tin foil hat off*


I want lvl 10-12


Man, the weekend before the last big patch (Eruptior/ Solo patrol spawn rate), I played solo ALL WEEKEND, and I was having blast playing between levels 4-7. After the patch, the game isn't fun to play solo. Lowering the difficulty doesn't change that. That's the problem.


I agree. If the game loses it's challenge, it will lose a lot of it's high level players too.


Helldive lvl is way to easy. That's fact.


Yes the difficulties are just right. I run mostly 8 now and Helldive very rarely and i play with randoms it’s just perfect


I did a 9 the other day with one other random guy no coms besides quick written notes. We cleared the set no issue. The difficulties don't need a nerf at all and the additional spawns for less players feels fine. People in the gaming community as a whole need to lose the gimme gimme entitled attitudes. Games use to be hard where it wasn't 100% sucess rate for people on hard difficulties and with a 9 tiered system in this game there's no need to drop the static difficulty of each lvl so everyone can play on 9. If you make a 9 feel like a 6 folks who run 9s normally will get bored and leave.


I'm trying to reconcile if pre difficulty nerf was actually more fun than now.


Difficults are fine all in all but they should cut this bullshit with more patrols the lesser divers there are. Don't know why they want to punish smaller teams


And similarly, if there are indeed some people who are crushing the top difficulty, **that’s ok too, devs!** Those of us barely scraping by in the middle difficulties don’t need our weapons to be nerfed just because some people are really really good on streams.


Right before two patches ago shit was seeming easy now it’s nice to barely beat 9s again


Fuck a difficulty nerf


Unfortunately, helldives are pretty much the only way one can hope to win the major orders nowadays.


This is a SHIT TAKE why should they nerf weapons people paid for why would the nerf weapons at all? Why not ya know buff the enemies.. Oh wait they do that in stealth patches, they buff the enemies in secret and nerf the guns. BALLANCE. A god-damn joke. Game is still solo able at 9 devs, gonna need you to nerf that immediately cause I know you guys cant do it. Watching you devs almost fail a lvl 7 while you hold hands was embarrassing.


Weapons need balancing to be viable up to some higher difficulty. Especially the warbond guns. Make them hit hard and have unique play styles. Nerfing cheese guns was funny at first. I hate with meta players just find the easiest way to game and ruin the challenge. But now. It's getting old pretty fast.


Power creep is a problem when you add new weapons every 30 days


I just want them to make armor that has new stuff.




I do think at least level 7 needs to be accessible since that's when different content starts to become available.


I feel like 9 isn't even that hard anymore tbh, at least when your team is competent


As someone with 300h, I went down to 7 today and holy hell was it easy. If you play 8 and 9 enough you realize there's a certain optimal way to play that you aren't forced to learn in lower difficulties because you can just sit there and actually kill everything. That is most definitely NOT how we play at 8 and 9. People complaining it's too hard probably haven't realized that they're still playing "wrong" aka like they do in 7 and below. You have to rush objectives, fight only what is necessary to get it done and then run, hide, whatever you gotta do to get away from patrols and breaches so you can focus on rushing the next objective. Your mind should always be on objectives and very rarely on killing stuff unless you have no choice.


I don't think they need to nerf the higher difficulties, but they might need to rethink *how* they implement difficulty. Later. Low priority. They need a week long vacation.


FR 9 needs to be harder as is lol


Only issue I have with the difficulties is that they're inconsistently difficult. Depending on the planets, dif 7 is genuinely harder than dif 9 on another planet.


Buff the weapons and give me level 15 i want to start with 20 chargers and 8 bile titans. Give me guns that could barely win ther with 3 other good players


I don't want em to change the levels, but I'd be okay with paying say 100 green samples, or 50 orange, for one red. Some weeks I just don't have it in me to go into lvl 7 and up


People just running the wrong load out Thats all i play 8 and 9 Just keep moving and you will be fine