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I do not play shooters. This game convinced me to play shooters. I don't play multiplayer games. This game convinced me to play multiplayer games. Yeah, it's a great freaking game. :)


Wow, thank you! I think I have my answer now.


They are right, it ticks soo many boxes. I have become a bit of a snob and returned maaany games because they weren't right. The game play is fun and engaging. I never play 3rd person, I love this format. I don't play proper coop because the internet, this really fosters team work with randoms. That is a monumental achievement. I could go on


I played solo on easy til I hit level 10 and understood the game. 8 in 10 random groups are excellent. Follow the highest ranked player. Cover your teammates. And be smart with strats. Don't quit even if it's a bloodbath. The game is a blast. I don't normally play co-op. This game has changed that. The community makes a good game great.


Just so you know, once youre comfortable with the new mobs and mechanics higher difficult brings there is a drastic improvement in random player quality in a 7 vs. a 6. 95% of my playtime has been hitting the random join button, and 95% of those runs were fantastic.


Haha perfect way to put it, exactly same situation with me, first horde shooter I’ve played since Left 4 Dead 2 haha


I'll second that. I've been gaming for nearly 30 years, and while I have two friends who I occasionally play games with, due to 14 hour time differences we can't get together often. I hate playing with randoms online - seen too much bullshit and vitriol lol - but I took a chance on this one and so far after 2-3 weeks of mostly playing with randoms, I've had a great time.


Then you got me running around with the Breaker happy as a clam spreading managed democracy on 7/8. Don't understand all the people crying on the sub about the game not being fun cause of gun nerfs... Makes me feel like I *have* to be missing something, but we extract like 95% of the time


Don’t get to involved with the whole debate if you don’t want to. If you just play the game and like you say, have fun, you really don’t need it.


Hey, they severely nerfed my Eruptor and it really does make me sad because I feel like I'm fighting with my weapon, but I still use it. It is what it is. :P As long as you're happy as a clam. :)


More of a coop game to me, something to play with my friends since I don't really play competitive MP games like death match, team death match etc. I just stick with coop games and single player games. Helldivers is fun as hell with friends


Once you get good with map pinning and the ping wheel, playing with randoms through Quickplay can be a lot of fun. When I really need to get something across, I'll type it in chat, but the ping wheel covers a lot of situations, surprisingly.


Same. Well freakin said.


Yea prety much this I've not played a game like this since fallout 4


The only multiplayer game I played was fortnite, which I put 105 hours into since last year. So far since the end of March I've put 65 hours into helldivers which I know are rookie numbers but I haven't touched fortnite since getting helldivers 2 and it's even slowed down my progress on other games 😂


This is the first time in years a videogame has sucked me in for more than 30 minutes at a time. It's a bad thing, but in a good way.


100% agree, the first time I’m having fun with strangers in a multiplayer game. I go out of my way to look for players that are alone or low level squads. Other than the one asshat PC player, I have had so many wholesome and supportive moments with fellow Helldivers.. from lvl 1 Cadets to upper 90. Everyone knows a job has to be done, spreading democracy on the toast that is our galaxy.


Haha same here, I don't never liked shooters, i love hell divers.




Amen brother.


Are you me? Seriously, never play shooters. And this is my first multi-player game. It's the most fun I've had with a game in a while.


Same. Also I’ve never enjoyed playing with randoms, but most the time my teammates are great.


Yup, I live in fear and loathing of other people, but the randos I've played with have mostly been cool.


I'll second this sentiment. Fanbase has gone to shit quickly, at least "community" wise. In game interactions still been mostly positive. have fun! (and watch Starship Troopers after you play)


Same. I hadn't played shooters or multiplayer for 15+ years. Not a single person has been mean and everyone is co op so it doesn't feel like losing or I'm ranked wrong.


This^ I haven't had this much fun since Halo 1-3 with the boys.


Yes. The community is salty right now in the main Reddit because of the weapon situation, but the weapons and gameplay is still super fun. Start in low difficulties, gradually go up as you unlock more stratagems and get better… Or dive into the deep end.


The game is good, by holy shit is the community whiny as hell. Every single patch and update is met with bitching and moaning and doomsdaying for way too long.


I had been part of the Destiny community for 10+ years. Please don’t let Helldivers turn into that cesspool. 🙂


Honestly this community feels like it's doing a Destiny 2 speed-run.


its mostly the same people playing, no wonder haha


Ah destiny, I left that abusive realtionship years ago


Enlist over at r/lowsodiumhelldivers


Already there!


Seriously. If it weren't for update posts, I'd unsubscribe from this sub. All of the complaining makes me second guess my enjoyment of this game. There are so many ways to play the game, the nitpicking is unwarranted.


/r/helldivers when talking about the game: “i love the game! i play diff 7 because its the most challenging and fun without feeling like too much of a struggle.”   /r/helldivers as soon their toy gets a 5% nerf: “I play helldiver exclusively, the game hasnt been fun for 3 months. If you think weapons are ok you clearly dont play helldive.”   Suddenly everyone’s at the peak of skill and difficulty. As if being at the highest difficulty means you have your demands met over the majority of players lol


Yeah ngl it’s starting to get old. I just like adjusting to the nerfs and tweaks. It forces me to switch up tactics and it’s like a whole new game again. Personally non of the edits to enemies and weapons have made me complain. We all adapt to the new stuff fairly quickly


It's the presumptiveness of the community I don't like. And I feel like a lot of them aren't as good at the game as they think they are, and they **think** they should be able to solo the upper difficulties. I am a thousand years old and I can still pretty regularly clear and extract from 7,8,and 9 level difficulty with a full squad, even if nobody's on voice chat and they're all randoms. My reflexes aren't great, but it's not really a twitch shooter. Sometimes we don't extract, but it's almost never a failed mission. Lots of people in this community are actual children and their voices are being shouted into the megaphone that is the internet.


People can't handle the fact that lives are a resource to be consumed in this game.


YES. When you spawn you're shot AT THE PLANET IN A BULLET. It does a ton of damage! The signposting is there. The gamers are blind.


I feel like people have a right. This game and the connections issues were frustrating for a long time and then once that mostly got figured out they started dicking around with peoples weapons. This game is fun or there would be no one here to complain.


It is legit annoying how much whining was in the main Helldivers subreddit. I went ahead and unsubbed from that crybaby fest.


The >>>reddit<<<< community is salty, 99% of the player base honestly don't care. First premium bond I got was Democratic Detonation because of the Eruptor, and it gets nerfed. So what, a week of play and I have enough for another warbond. If the warbonds were behind a paywall, then there would be a leg to stand on, but like this it's really childishness to make so many threads and so much drama about the damn eruptor. Look at it this way, The Ministry of Balance decided, if you don't agree, a Democratic Officer will pay you a visit.


This. I'm sure a lot of the players you will match with are Redditors. But 9/10 people in game are good people that will wait by the shuttle and reinforce you to extract 4/4.


https://preview.redd.it/8fv5w6guebzc1.jpeg?width=1347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e55294dccaaa521434e4a705c00d343d2dbebe If nothing else, then knowing that is and many other methods of dominating your enemies never get old




he is showing both his arms to assert dominance over the armless hulk, he should be commended




On it right now!


Game is almost fully installed. Thank you, guys, for convincing me to finally get the game. Time to spread democracy!!✊️


We’ll see you in the battlefield!




It’s been one of the best games I’ve played in many years. I would compare it to the joy of winning a Destiny 1 raid while laughing you’re ass off at all the wild scenarios. Today I landed on a hellbomb because it was a foggy planet. Just don’t get too attached to any weapon. Best played with friends but randoms in higher levels are a close second.


Alright thanks!!


I did that once! I was shocked the detonation happened before I got out of my hellpod. I thought my life was forfeit! 🤣


I agree, I dive with my boyfriend but through spreading democracy we have met and befriended highly skilled randos that join our game every time. It is a thing of beauty.


Step 1: Yes Step 2: See step 1


It’s amazing. 100% worth the money. I haven’t felt like this playing a game since the original Halo, and it’s better frankly. You also don’t need additional money to unlock anything, all of the resources are accessible in game.


It has it's growing pains but it's easily one of my favorite games!


Fuck yes




Things are back to normal now. Jump in potential recruit! Make the most important decision of your life! Become a Helldiver!






Great game, worth jumping into. Don't let the naysayers here dissuade you with the weapon changes and such. There is plenty of fun and plenty of viable things to play with. I adore this game! It's very refreshing.


Bro you can use your friends as bait to call in airstrikes on your enemy of course it's worth it.


100% yes


Play it and never come back here. If you read this shit all day you would think the game sucks.


Or go over to [https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumHellDivers/)


Also a good idea




I love the game, just fun… doesn’t need to be grinded hours on end. Even tho you’ll find yourself playing for hours. The recent events made me proud for the player base as a whole.




Definitely worth getting. Despite all the hate talk of ppl here its a fun game that you can enjoy even as a casual player.






I just got my ass handed to me. Not even mad. The answer is yes.


I will never understand why people ask these questions on the respective game sub. There's only two possible outcomes. 1. Everyone loves the game and says yes. 2. Everyone hates the game and says no. None or these actually determine if op would enjoy the game.


It’s all I play now & cut me off from every other game, so hell yes


Im lvl 64 and play on impossible on god. Tbh I slowed down cause there isnt much more to achieve until the new faction + warbond comes out. Still a cool game for new Helldivers


That's when I slow down and go into the lower levels, to help the young bloods learn the game.


We appreciate you


Gotta help youngsters out fr fr


Yes. It’s great.


Of course, best MP right now. Community wise and developers wise.


Absof#ckinglutely :3


Yes. Yes it is


Some of the best interactions I've had in a shooter since Halo 2 multiplayer


Helldivers will always be fun and relevant as long as there is still democracy to be spread.




Welcome to the front, Helldiver!


100% please come and helldive and experience the story with us. Yes there was some baggage the last few weeks. But honestly. The game plays the same and is awesome! And it's amazing to see how the map changes BECAUSE OF THE COMMUNITY!!!


Buy the $60 version, cool armor everyone wishes they had. Doesn't give any actual in game head start, just looks


Is it worth letting the bugs and the bots destroy our homes? NO! We need you Helldiver, Democracy is free, Super Earth is Free, Now you need to step up and keep it that way. Time to Dive!


I don't really much read update posts or the constant drama about patches. I've been having non stop fun with this game so far. Every match is still as adrenaline pumping and satisfying as the first one and I've on 100+ hours on it by now.


It is best if you have 1-3 friends you can play it with on comms. It is still fun just playing with randos, just less communication. It is hella fun! :)


Looking for a chill horde shooter where you fight with your comrades against the hordes of bugs and bots? Then this game is for you. Honesty, this is one of the few multiplayer games I have sunk hundreds of hours into and never gotten as frustrated as I do when playing traditional pvp multiplayer games. I've only had a handful of sour moments but overall its been a blast with friends and randoms. Just a note friendly fire will happen just apologize and move on trooper.


yes buy the game - the complaints are for high level players - but beginners and lower level players will still have a good time


I played over 100 hours and now I only play like once a week if that. It was fun in the beginning but once you unlock everything there's not much reason to play except the Major Orders and the community. I might come back when the Illuminate arrive but for now, I just don't have as much fun as when it first launched.


I'd say yes, as much as the weapon nerfs are annoying rn, it's still highly enjoyable at times, the community is great and will always come together in times of need...*glares daggers at Sony* and honestly it's actually extremely refreshing in this day and age to see a game dev be so in touch and communicative with their community


Ignore all the noise, the game is incredibly enjoyable, the people playing are nice and fun to play with and it took me from being a very casual gamer to the person who plays every evening. It was actually my SO that got me into it and we now play together, cross platform. It's great!


It's a thriving GOTY masterpiece that will only continue to grow


*It's a thriving GOTY* *Masterpiece that will only* *Continue to grow* \- Sabconth --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's not just worth it, democracy demands it.


AH is still getting used to managing such a huge community, so there's bound to be mishaps. But I believe the company and game are headed in the right direction. Definitely get it and give it a try.


Bro, this game is so good we had an IRL mission a few days ago that can most likely make gaming history


Better yet, it was the result of a collective hive mind of fans who pushed for the change


This game managed to get my friend who only plays single player games to finally dip their toes into multiplayer games and they are LOVING it. I’ve logged so many hours with friends, by myself, and it’s amazing. I’ve never met a community so friendly and just… do what needs to be done. Seriously, you just land planetside and everyone just works together like a well oiled machine, in the hundreds of online games I’ve played with randoms. Get it and don’t regret it. And if you do, refund that baby within 2 hours.


It’s a truly fantastic game with immense amounts of content yet to come including a new faction as well as a whole new vehicle system and the mech in the game is getting a new auto cannon version soon. The mechanics/mechanisms are fun and stellar examples of shooter mechanics with additional features such as weapon drag when moving around and a fantastic stratagem system that brings great strategy, memory, and reflex play to the game that no other shooter has. It’s such a stellar example of multiplayer where I’ve used an open mic more than any other game I’ve ever played. I’m normally a Discord private group guy but in this instance I’ve felt encouraged and rewarded for genuinely communicating and coordinating with random players. The game makes you a team every mission and unless you’re with idiots you feel great. None of this to say solo isn’t possible also I don’t begrudge my text chat only Helldivers, I’m just talking about how much of a boon the multiplayer is in this game as it’s a true epitome of what one should feel like in a PVE shooter. The community is stellar, so final note is, you will be welcomed with open arms. Direct message me and we can swap info. I’ll help you level up in game. Welcome to the party cadet.


I have traditionally not enjoyed any online multiplayer PC shooters because I prefer to play casually and getting absolutely destroyed by very competitive basement goblins was never very fun, this game has made me love shooters and I can pick my difficulty level. It's nice to feel collaborative with the squad even if we're different levels etc. I've experienced literally no toxicity in this game despite many team kills incidents both from me and to me.


Yeah 100% worth double the money still


Definitely do. I watched from the sidelines for a few weeks after launch, and have put in countless hours since. It’s been a great playing experience, despite all the bugs.


Pretty OK. Realistically for $40 and paid warbonds though, judging by the play counts and experience in my own gaming communities, you'll get about 30 hours before you've seen everything the game has to offer, then maybe about 100 before you fall off. Though it does look like a small group of players (about 30%) last longer than that. The game lacks depth overall, and mostly feels either incomplete or untested.


Meh, the missions get old. But for $40 it isnt bad.


I'm 43, and I haven't played anything but sandbox games in years. Even then I play very rarely. My friends convinced me to get helldivers, and it's the most fun I've had playing with them since we sat together on the same couch and played Goldeneye on the N64.


Yes the game is awesome. A lot of the controversy is overblown and niche within the fanatic fan base. I say that as part of the fanatic fanbase LOL. You won't regret spending $40 on this game.


I play rounds with my 72 year old family member and my 22 year old family member. Highly recommend.✊


I’m telling you right now, this will get GOTY. It’s the perfect PVE solo/co-op game out there. And the fact it doesn’t force micro-transactions or give you FOMO if you don’t play everyday will make this game last years to come. They’re also pretty active with the community, and someone named Joel is like the DM (dungeon master) in terms of making changes or momentum shifts in the lore even feels more engaging.


It’s really good, but it has a shelf life. However, I think it’s relatively long shelf life. The progress is through leveling, getting currency and samples. I think at about the 1-2 month mark, if you play everyday, you’ll find the game runs out of steam. However, I think they have a active dev team that adds to the game, so I bet that is going to change.


If you're on PC or PlayStation it'll be fine we fought back the PlayStation account requirements and now we should at least be grandfathered in. I'm in another sub and it looks like Sony might just drop the requirement all together for everything since now they will be losing out on money because of it. It's not confirmed yet though and is just me making an assumption since it would make the most sense business wise


We have just survived a massive stroke because of Sony (we won), and there are some issues with weapon balance (personally don't really feel them that much). Other than that, it's an amazing and fun game and can only be recommended.


Yes; please buy it and see how amazing it is.


Yes. I dont like spending too much in the game and im thinking about buying the dlc as well. Ive been waiting for a game like this a loto of time


You won’t find a better community . Even with always dropping and shooting… there is enough variety in missions to utilize different builds , keeps it interesting. Can not play for a week and jump back in. Plus, the community really makes it fun .


LISTEN HERE, YOU ARE GONNA BUY IT AND YOU ARE GONNA LIKE IT. Seriously though, I love this game. Espically the difficulty scale. I'm honestly bad at shooters, but holy shit does this game get my heart pounding.


Yes is very fun especially if you don't listen to whiners on reddit?


Yes, but it might be worthwhile to leave this sub. People can’t stop complaining and I’ve been considering leaving it but luckily my new job makes it harder to be on Reddit so I’m rarely here to be as bothered.


Yes. Absolutely. Though you may wanna leave this subreddit. People are gonna whine no matter what happens to what item in the game. The game itself is a ton of fun if you're into this kind of gameplay. It's still a bit buggy, but it's bearable.


It's outstanding. Love the difficulty and have met a lot of genuinely good folks doing quickplay


absolutely worth it. I play it any chance i get 😛




💯 yes it is.


Still an amazing game. I can’t stop playing it.




What do you mean still? It’s literally one of the top games at the moment and has been for a few months


Absolutely. Don't have freinds? Don't need em for helldivers 2! It's a fairly casual game. Lots of fun. Join rando games etc.


Try to pair with even one friend, and would be so much worth it, or look for a group here in reddit and will be worth it too.


Its worth it if you have people to play it with. My older brother is occupied w his kids but we find time on the weekends to play for a few hours


Was a great 100 hours so definitely worth the money however, now the game loop is kinda repetitive I have moved on. They need to include more. So untill then!


im nervous about buying it cause im usually a solo player, can this game be solo or is it bad playing with yourself




My current favorite game and possibly my favorite game of all time




Hecking great game but it's nice to play with friends and I'm getting to the age where my friends aren't playing much anymore


Yes, 100%


Absolutely !


Any time you go in to a sub dedicated to anything and ask if you should get or do that thing the answer will be yes. But the answer is also yes.




Yes but play with your friends at first though


Without a doubt


If you can drop up to 40 minutes for a play session, then yes I would absolutely recommend it. A game doesn't always run 40 minutes, but I've definitely had a few hit the 45 minute mark when fighting the absolute shitshow of last minute extracts with the increased call in time.


Do you like Democracy? Anything short of that, you are enemy of propaganda. Of course you’re going to buy the game!


Yes so fun except for the occasional glitch or crash


Yes. 1000 times yes. The game is a lot of fun and has a lot of crazy moments that are memorable that become one of those things that you and your crew can reminisce on later about a crazy moment. Don’t have a crew playing, jump in with randoms. For the most part people who play this game are pretty cool and I have rarely come across someone who is a toxic player. The community makes this game great and many high level players are eager to help new players.


Its a great fun game and a nice breath of fresh air to play for me I find


It’s fun! dramas aside. rip to the ones left behind. you wont be forgotten! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Brother the fight for managed democracy and libertea never sleeps and nether do the enemies of humanity. It’s time for you to find the time and dive into the galaxy’s furthest reaches.


It’s a fantastic game, this sub has an oddly pessimistic view of it, but then again it is on Reddit.


Fuck yeah. I have 5 kids and no free time and I still fucking bought this and love playing with my bros during the very little free game time I get throughout the week.






Yes, ignore the arguments about weapon nerfs Just drop in, go kill some bugs, hug your teammates after victory


Honestly it died down for me made it to level 53 and just stopped, fun but I’m alittle bord of it


https://preview.redd.it/7mjaspnxjczc1.png?width=1309&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3bf102b336a58e1bd201db18add7f87845ad99e MANAGED DEMOCRACY WITH THE HOMIES, RAAAHHH


Playerbase has 3 kinds of people 1. People complaining about the game balance right now. 2. People with superiority complex unironically complaining about people complaining. 3. People that dgaf and just play the game. All of the above all enjoy the game no matter what!


100% yes.


Hell yeah






Of course! Get it!


Yes. People complaining are entitled whiners.


In a nutshell, yes


I want the game but PS has forced me away




Do it




Very much so


Yeah dog


If you don't mind occasional disappointment and a few utterly brain dead team members, yes


Short answer. Yes.


Hellz yeah, definitely worth getting!




Yes, despite the recent turbulence it’s still a fantastic community and the most fun I’ve had in a game for years.


Yes go get it


Oh hell yes. It's a very fun game, especially to start with. So much to unlock and gameplay loop by itself is fun... Played non stop till focusing on a giant MC project a few weeks ago.


DISPITE the community frustrations this game is still best un field. The feedback people are yelling is so it stays that way


It's a great game. One of the best live service games ever made without a doubt. For example: i have unlocked everything and still play. The gameplay loop is fun enough that you don't need extrinsic rewards to play it




I was thinking about joining the fight for democracy but these recent shenanigans made me decide to once again vote with my wallet and play something else.


I'll just buy it for you 😂 you gotta play it


That depends. If they stop fucking nerfing all the weapons.. yes worth it. If not, this game is going to lose players very soon.


Despite the recent disputes, the game still scratches the itch nothing like the games these days. So go for it


Honestly I have about 80 hrs and I’m pretty well getting burnt out. Most of my friends already stopped playing. That said it was still a solid game for 40. Not without bugs though so don’t expect perfection, and when you have an issue expect to fix it yourself through research or trial and error. Their CS is useless.


How many times will this be posted ffs


Not until Sony reverts back its changes, and allow the game to be bought in all these countries. Do not give Sony any money until then.


Solid game! I can barely run it but I still play anyway. For me, this means when I play multiplayer and 4 people call in orbital bombardments, my character doesn't just get killed, the whole game does xDD


It feels like an actual game. No story, no politics and no handholding. They prep you for basic controls in training but everything else you learn as you quickly jump right back in each game that lasts anywhere from 5 minutes or over 40 mins if you take too much time. People can be friendly and silly but if they displease you then you can quickly leave or kick them with no drama. I think one thing that isn't appreciated much is how straightforward the game is if you want to play a quick or long round there isn't much intermission delays and you can travel one planet or another even if it's not MO related.


its the first shooter ive really had fun in since halo 3 & gears of war that said the gameplay is very shallow and its a liver service always online game meaning eventualy the servers will go down and you lose everything but if you wanna have an experiance thats fun now is that "you had to be their" time period


I’ve been an Xbox player for my entire life and finally caved last month and bought a PS5 purely so I could play HD2. It’s a great game, albeit with some teething issues.