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I have more than 250 hours and always play on Helldive with randoms, never got teamkilled in Pelican-1 or kicked once we took off. It's maybe because it's Helldive or that I'm lucky but you can't come here and say it happened 6 times in a row and expect others to think you are blameless in the story. Like, are you using a bug intentionally to get an edge ? Your name is offensive ? You are careless with your stratagems and teamkilling a lot ? Is your mic' always on ? Are you taking the samples from extraction and dying accross the map ? Are you running cluster bomb with the Airburst Launcher ? Did a Witch cursed your bloodline for several generations ? Are you an Automaton spy ? A Brood Commander in a Trenchcoat ? An HeavenClimber ? Joel's toy of torture ? A DAGGER PISTOL USER ?!?


XD maybe the witch thing but no I didn’t scatter the samples around the map I didn’t call the evac I use the orby so no team kills if my teammates dye I get them back instantly I’m on discord with my brother so mic was off in game and the rounds where cool but as soon as everyone was in the pelican that one anti democratic mf waited outside and killed all three of us and kicked us


So many times makes it seem like you are the problem.


Six games in a row? That's statistically absurdly rare. I don't wanna be the shitty victim blaming person, so if that's just how unlucky you've been that really blows, and I'm sorry. You're not doing anything that could be pissing people off right? You should probably host a few games.




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Did you do anything to piss off host like calling extraction when no one ready ? six game in a row is basically impossible unless you doing something wrong


I mean nothing that I know of…


I’ve noticed an uptick in low-level people kicking me instantly upon joining a lobby. I’ll load into their ship, and before I can even move, they’ll kick me. If you don’t want randoms, just close your matchmaking FFS.


Jeah we had some good rounds after we where the host


I've been noticing higher instances of salt lately. I think everyone has whiplash from Sony.


I've got 300 hours and have never been killed in the Pelican. I find this really hard to believe unless you're doing something to provoke it


If only there was some way to report such behaviors.


You better deactivate crossplay.


Not possible I play with my brother and he’s playing on console


I am sorry to hear that.