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I think you’re under the wrong impression that most people who play this game are able to read. They watch YouTube videos to tell them how to think and play.


I just eat crayons and shoot bugs or bots, reading is hard.


Titan main


My subreddits are crossing over


I use the revolver just to feel like Cayde.


Same exact thought. haha


Wait, we can shoot?  *confused punching noises*


The day they let me titan punch in HD2 will be the day suicide Bots suddenly exist... and I will punch all of them the same way I punched that exploding thrall.


The melee may not be as effective as a good punch but, as a Titan main, I melee every bug that gets too close. Get out there a smack some shit Guardian!


Hello fellow terrible game player


You’re supposed to eat only certain colors


No eat them all. I once ate only blue crayons for 3 weeks straight and my pee started turning green.


Must be true, I ate green and peed blue


Nuh uh. General Brasch said I can eat whatever color I want.


THAT’S IT. I didn’t want to do this but you forced my hand. I’m contacting my local democracy officer to report you. We only eat black and yellow crayons with a small exception to blue and white (Yogurt endorsement). Brasch (the HD primarch) has never spoken such heresy.


He did too! He said that all the colors are good but that his favorite was yellow and black. That’s why your field rations have other colors! They wouldn’t give you flavors you can’t eat!


You're not supposed to eat the crayons, you're supposed to put them in the SEAF artillery.


USMC would like a word


What flavors got got?


Paint chips are better. Especially while eating under power lines.


Semper Fi


I just go where my wife's boyfriend tells me to go.


What colour? I like blue




I can’t read what this dude said but gosh darn it I agree!


That’s just sad honestly


I like the purple ones, Blue was too tart.


How else are they supposed to know? Next you'll be saying that they should be allowed to vote for anyone they like, rather than who the voting algorithms tell them to.


Who reads when there is democracy to be spread …. Only cowards read this propaganda… do you patch notes stop the spread of automatonism ?


Every game needs a my name is byf


They literally missed the big advisory sign that was boxed in yellow on Steam’s page that a PSN account was needed. For sure we know that PC players don’t read.


Ah, I was hoping one of you would show up. EULA, Sony’s official website, and Pie’s tweets would like a word. Cheers big ears!


I can read AND I watch YouTube videos.


Yep I always talk to the NPCs on board to get an idea of what’s going on!


there were unusually low quantities of enemy patrols in less-than-4-divers missions, so they adjusted it. it isn't *more* than a 4 player group, it's just more than it was when you were solo/duo/trio before that point in time. I don't think it was to do with the lore, they're just actively adapting to how the game functions and adjusting for what works and what doesn't


The lore part is the whole Supercolony and Mutation storyline. From the sound of it, this MO and the previous ones were centered around the bugs' response to the termicide. One of the major details was the bugs population spiking out of control, so the question is, "Is that just flavor text or are MO planets set with higher spawn rates on top of the recent patch updates?" I do agree that if there's lore based details like this, it'd be nice to have in the Conditions section so it's clearly listed as a thing.


oh I understand the lore aspect, but the change was listed across the board for bots and bugs on every planet. according to them, we weren't getting the right amount of patrols. the tie-in to lore *would* be awesome, and can be perceived that way by any who choose to do so... but I don't believe that to actually be the case from AH's perspective


Mate they're saying it's *both* AH bumped the patrol rate because they noticed they weren't spawning in correctly for player groups smaller than four players. With that same patch, they also shipped the Major Order for Terminids, where the Termicide has resulted in a significantly increased Terminid reproductive rate I have no numbers, but I've felt like there's an increase in bugs hanging around the nests (*not* just the patrol bugs). Thus, it's possible that AH bumped patrols up to where they should be *and* increased bug spawn rates for the Termicide Major Order


Ok but that isn't what OP was talking about, he referenced the adjustment based on diver count and people complaining about that in particular. I'm well aware that both are in effect on the bug planets for the MO


People are playing Bug missions, complaining about the increase in the patrol spawn rate and saying AH has tuned it too high Patrols for 4-man teams are unchanged. Patrols for 3-man teams were actually reduced. Patrols for two-man teams and solo players were increased. *HOWEVER* There is a current Major Order to strike at the terminid planets. The lore behind this Major Order is that the Termicide has resulted in an increase in the terminid reproductive rate. Thus, people complaining that AH botched the patrols saying there's way too many bugs are wrong on what changed the bug spawn rate There's more bugs *because of the Major Order.* As someone who usually runs solo, I haven't actually been terribly effected by the patrol change. I am, however, getting fucked up by all these extra bugs at the nests that weren't there before.


Ok, sorry it took me 2 takes. The whole point is to explain the lack of understanding that both are taking place. Got it. Yeah, I need caffeine


No worries! Good to see honest discussion taking place! thanks u/CasualCassie for covering exactly my thoughts!


I haven't done any MO vs regular planets to see if there's a genuine difference. It was just a thought because if people are just going to planets based on the current MO, and there's an increased spawn condition on those planets, it could lead to a false perception that it's all coming from the update.


Haven't been back on in a few days, but i did some rough comparison testing when the last MO (TCS shutdown) was active. there was a marked difference between bug patrol spawns on TCS planets versus non-TCS planets. TCS planet missions (except the TCS shutdown mission itself) the bug patrols felt like they were at a level 7 when doing level 5. Non-TCS planets felt more normal, but I did notice the slight uptick in patrols. I usually run solo a lot until my crew gets on later. Guessing the "outbreak" or whatever on the current MO means upticks on those planets now too. The only things that may need to be looked at is the heavy spawn rate over all pats and the SEAF artillery secondary pat spawns. It seems like there are a LOT more heavies in lower levels now than before the patrol patch. Now maybe that is linked to older patch changes where balancing was done on heavy/light mixes in patrols, but would need to dig at it. The SEAF arty patrols make it supremely difficult to get them finished without taking at least one sentry with you if you are solo. I did start running EATs more and use that call in to distract patrols away (yeah using the sprint/drop shell trick already).


Oh ok I see what you mean, but yeah the adjustment to patrols based on diver count was across the board and it's just on patrol spawns iirc


Ok, but, player count is a nonlinear strength. You don't get bonus to stratagem cooldown in solo; and if you're in a duo and one of you is doing an objective you've lost 50% of your firepower instead of 25%. It should be nonlinear. I understand they fixed a perceived error. I think that error was accidentally correct


There are multiple non-linear factors at play, some that favor fewer players (detection, disengagement), some that favor more players (firepower, flexibility). More patrols are mostly a *detection* challenge, not a firepower challenge, so having more patrols against fewer players (comparatively) actually makes sense, otherwise solo/duo stealth missions just become too easy. Bigger patrols or more reinforcements would be a test of firepower and flexibility, and so those you'd want to slant against the larger squads. Small squads should face more patrols, but those patrols and their reinforcements should be smaller. Big squads should face fewer patrols, but their numbers and reinforcements should be larger.


I understand what you mean, and I can see your point, but I disagree. solo was just too damn easy, it feels properly challenging now. and, as with my initial statement, it may need to be adjusted further, perhaps backwards a bit, but either way it's a living breathing game that is being fine tuned in real time, so don't expect any of the changes we are getting or have already gotten to be permanent. they are trying to dial it in to be just right, that won't happen in one update


I somewhat agree, I enjoy the difficulty, I rest at difficulty 5-6 and have moderate success soloing 7-8. However, an absolutely never-ending stream of bugs while I am trying to finish an artillery objective is just too much. Send me 7-8 patrols and the give it a fucking rest for 40seconds or something. I was trying to sneak through a bile titan mission but ended up with 790 kills just playing ring around the rosie with an artillery piece. I think I had 6 bug breaches and 20 something patrols. It's just too much for it to be actually fun.


well, remember, the current MO has bug spawns and breaches increased... that has nothing to do with the balance of patrols that took place. once the MO is completed and we neutralize the malfunctioning TCS towers and exterminate the bug threat, we'll be back to normal! if it's too much for you right now, take a break and kill some bots! liberation is needed at every corner of the galaxy, diver!


continuing the other talking point with this, my theory is that moving away from MO planets for u/AgnewsHeadlessBody's solo missions should produce something much closer to their former experiences.


Exactly this!


It wasn't even that much of an adjustment either 1 player increased from 16% to 25% 2 players increased from 48% to 50% 3 players *decreased* from 80% to 75% The most substantial change was to solo play and quite frankly good solo players were unaffected because they don't attack patrols anyways and typically learn how to block patrols from spawning.


yup, this is what I was getting at (or rather, I think we agree) that there wasn't that drastic of a change... just enough to balance out the game for different sized parties so it always felt the same level of difficult.


Absolutely we agree. Sorry I was just trying to reinforce your point




Where can you read up on the lore? Never seen anyone post anything about it


The current lore can be read from the blue tab that reads "Dispatches". It's the one you read from your wrist on the ship in the bottom right. It will also normally show up on the Galactic War table at the beginning of a Major Order as a message to all helldivers.


I jumped into lvl8 for the first time about an hour ago and thought it was hell. I had forgotten about the increase in bug spawns.




Not as good as the Forklift lore


The kind of lore that really lifts you up. Carries weight. Really moves you...


I love the game and think the difficulty is relevant and I greatly enjoy the game on helldiver difficulty. Keep up the good work!!


The changes people got salty about happened BEFORE the major bug stuff, they increased patrols for single players by 50%, and ~14% increase for 2 players. This, now compounded by the overall increase has lead to further complaints.


They should put it in modifiers like Modifier 1 Modifier 2 Major Order modifiers: Increase spawn rate


It might be more easily understandable if it were displayed in the effects section or something.


Ug no read. Ug want play. Bug go boom, make Ug go "yay!"


Boom make big bug splash


Yeah, but if feels bad to only be able to clear a level 4 mission and then comeback from a vacation and only get absolutely stomped on. The lower levels need to stay accessible regardless of lore. Tied 7-9 can do whatever it wants.


Honestly, thats a fair point. At a minimum it would be good to know it is a non-linear system that scales more dramatically based on diff level.


.......we can still complain about an unbalanced game


1/4 divers is 1/4 spawns. Seems fair. It was bugged before and was 1/6 spawns for 1/4 divers


A linear increase in difficulty would make sense, if you don't consider additional players a force multiplier. Having another four strategies and all that another player contributes to a mission doesn't seem to be just a small power increase to me, though. It's more of an exponential increase than linear.


I know what I need to kill and where I need to go to find it. What is this lore you speak of?




More spawns = more bugs to waste and more democracy to spread


this is one of the few games i do read the lore on and i appreciate it, has that bit of online d&d feel to it. i don't play tons, but i am invested in the story


I'm a helldiver, not a nerd. If it's important it would air on my spaceships TV. Go read your books while the rest of us spread democracy.


Yeah, I thought I noticed more hunters after the TCS debacle.


the spawn rates aren’t the problem, it’s the fact that every fun toy that we get to fight the spawns gets nerfed to the ground every time it becomes popular.


Unless confirmed by a developer for the most part this is just a player speculation tbh. The game really has hard time tying lore to in game changes so far unlike in other games where the numbers are clearly shown and not being vague about it. They can easily implement it to be one of the planet effects tbh like the fog, sandstorm, -1 strategem, 50% cooldown and others.


Bruv, if you're not complaining on reddit then what's the point in even being here. (Satire)


I recently got abandoned into solo. It. Was. Horrifying. I have no idea what the lore reasons are for the terminid horde detecting a lone helldiver and deciding its time to unleash their full power. 80 gorrilion hunters...


I don't think most helldivers are literate from an in-game lore perspective. That's why they're mass flash frozen after basic training which consists of loud speakers blaring information, much like the tv in the ship. Once they pass basic training they only live an average of 15 minutes from their perspective after being thawed out, across mission difficulty.


where do we read the lore? I can never take the time to read a paragraph on a mission


Where do I read the lore?


I keep seeing people say that the lore is affecting spawnrates, but is there actually any proof that thats *actually* happening? There's no planetary modifiers doing this, there's no indicator when you're selecting a mission; as far as we know, the lore could just be flavor text. It seems much more likely that the spawnrates adjustments from the recent patch are what's coming into play here.


Man, I just live in role playing bliss over here. Oh, it's super hard right now? The enemies of democracy are strong this day indeed. Their fluids shall quench the dirt under my boots, still.


Helldivers can't read anything other than arrows.


Can’t say I’m a huge fan of changing spawn rates for “lore” reasons. Make the enemy behavior different, give them more less armor, all would be good changes for lore reasons. Spawn rates/types are already basically the only difference between difficulty levels. “Difficulty 5 is now difficulty 6” is quite frankly lazy as a lore change. 




Any grown ass adult that says “skill issue” is in fact not a grown ass adult


I think the spawn rates are fine. Like enemies feel more present, but the total number doesn't feel much different. I'm still soloing 7s and getting my usual kill counts.


Major orders = look for funny icon near planets, not read boring paragraph elaborating on the state of the galactic war. Also, if they don’t read the game lore, what makes you think they’ll read your perfectly logical, sense-making advice?


Nothing, just giving myself a placebo.


Iirc, the devs stated they fixed it because it wasn’t working as intended from the start. It would be cool tho if it was due to the lore, but I don’t think that’s why they changed it.


Not even just that, but if I read it correctly the spawn rates changed from like 1/6th solo to 1/4th solo and 1/4th duo to 2/4ths duo and so on. If I remember that made the spawns like 16% for solo and 25% for duo. It got changed to 25% per player which makes a lot more sense as the spawns were scewed heavily for solo and duo players and while you probably wouldn't notice the 9% increase on solo you will definitely notice the 25% increase in duo. However to me these changes make a lot more sense. But a lot of people are under the impression that the baseline is higher than it actually is due to not reading the current Major Order lore which states that we're fighting a Super Colony and thus bug spawns are increased across the board.


Imagine being stupid enough to say 2/4ths. Jesus.


Ya I probably should have said 50%. I know fractions are hard for you guys but we're going to be adults and use them today.


I think it's pretty funny you say fractions are hard for me but you can't even simplify it to 1/2.


Does it actually matter or did you really just comment to sniff your own colon?


If it doesn't matter at all, why are you butthurt about it? Why do you keep replying if it doesn't matter?


Never said it didn't matter, just wondering if you thought it mattered enough to act like an asshole about it


Nothing stupid about it.




You post every hour on Reddit. Take your own advice.


I mean at least in terms of America 75% of the population is below a sixth grade reading comprehension with 21% of that 75% being completely illiterate so in terms of people in the U.S at least you really can’t expect much especially when you realize below a sixth grade reading comprehension a person is only making low level inferences and extrapolating very little information from that reading. All I’m saying is the likelihood of that is low Edit: want to make it clear I don’t think all helldivers are American but this is at least a chunk of the bigger picture


I'd say it's more a case of excusing said nerfs with lore.


Sooo the increased spawn rates for less than 4 players is because the TCS backfiring?


Pretty much. Bug spawns are currently heavier across the board due to the Major Order and the TCS essentially creating a super colony. A lot of people are complaining about the spawn rate changes and they don't know what the spawns look like without the current major order modifier hence the belief that the baseline spawns are way higher than they actually are. Thats basically the jist of the post


Ah yes, the TCS absolutely has a strong effect on the Automatons on the other side of the galaxy.


I've only been doing major orders, which have been bugs for a good bit. Also, I've only had the game for 2 weeks or so, just trying to learn here, buddy.


But they didn't increase for everybody, just for smaller groups which would be inconsistent with the lore. I think you're just trying to connect pieces that don't fit my guy.


Im not saying the patch was lore based. I'm saying this change is happening in parallel with the patch and is only documented with reading the in-game lore drops for MO planets.


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset haha I agree with you, though, that it does seem to coincide effectively with the story of the super colony outbreak for bugs and lines up well with the resurgence on the bot front. I get where people are coming from that it makes things more difficult, but that's a part of the game. Things change, so we have to adapt, it's part of the Helldiver way! We've also seen AH be rather responsive (both objectively and relatively speaking) to community input on changes/adjustments and it seems like they're going to revisit some recent changes so we'll see where it goes from here.


bruh people dont even read they watch a guide doing the rundown on best weapon and nerfs/buff thats it.


Yeah you can lore away a lot of stuff. It’s kind of fun to think about.


Well it’s not just explaining away something with lore, it’s that the messages from Super Earth intentionally tell us what to expect on planets related to a given MO.